10th Anniversary – Mountain of Authors

Tena Mountain of authorsSaturday, April 23, 2016, I had the pleasure of being part of the Pikes Peak Library12376634_954175368023532_4984978655902082006_nDistrict Mountain of Authors.  It was a blast.  Thirty-four local Colorado authors were on hand to showcase their work. A panel of three mystery authors and a panel of two authors and an agent each presented stories and their experiences in the publishing industry.

The keynote speaker was Anne Hillerman, daughter of award winning author, Tony Hillermantena-Anne Hillerman who penned eighteen Navajo mysteries.  I loved his books and was deeply saddened at his passing in October of 2008.  I own every one of his books and have enjoyed the adventures of characters, Joe Leaphorn, Jim Chee  and Bernadette Manuelito.

I was excited to learn that Anne has followed in her father’s footsteps breathing life into his beloved characters once again.  Giving Bernadette a fresh, strong woman view point in Spider Woman’s Daughter and Rock With Wings.  She also researched and wrote Tony Hillerman’s Landscape: On the Road with Chee and Leaphorn. A stunning collection of original documentary photographs of the New Mexico and Arizona landscapes that were integral to Tony’s detective novels. Pictures by photographer, Don Strel, Anne’s husband.  This is a timely showcase of a hauntingly beautiful region that captured one man’s imagination for a lifetime, and is a daughter’s loving tribute to her father.  Yep, you guessed it, the book enjoys a place in the center of my coffee table.

Nancy Atherson & Tena StetlerOkay one more fangirl observation.  Nancy Atherton, author of over twenty Aunt Dimity mysteries, including many bestsellers. These cozy mysteries whisk you away to a small village in England filled with quirky characters.   Again, I have all of her books. Nancy’s participation in the Mountain of Authors –  It’s A Mystery Panel was very FIrst Panel smentertaining along side her cohorts in crime, Robert Greer and Manuel Ramos.

It was thrilling to visit with the above authors as well as many other talented local authors. I look forward to next year’s Mountain of Authors.  I’d love to see you there.

Thanks for putting up with my fangirl musing.  Oh did I mention I sold a few of my books too.  Exciting adventure for a new author.  Warning shameless promotion!  June 15th my third book, A Witch’s Journey will be released.  You’ll love it!

I enjoy hearing from readers and other authors.  So please feel free to leave a comment.  Until next time, take time out of your hectic schedule to read a good book. Its a great stress reducer, if only for a few hours.

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