2021 Paranormal Romance Guild Reviewer’s Choice Awards Nominee

I am over the moon, thrilled and honored to have two books, A Witch’s Quandary, Chocolate Raspberry Magic and a series, A Demon’s Witch (A Witch’s Quandary), nominated by the Paranormal Romance Guild for the 2021 Paranormal Romance Guild Reviewer’s Choice Award. My wonderful readers, I need your help. Please vote!

Voting dates are 2-2-22 thru 2-12-22

I’m nominated in three categories and would appreciate your votes for my books.

Link to vote: https://www.paranormalromanceguild.com/2021-paranormal-romance-guild-reviewers-choice-awards-voting-now-open/

You’ll need to log in to access voting

Category for A Witch’s Quandry



Category for  Demon’s Witch Series  (A Witch’s Quandary)




For Chocolate Raspberry Magic 

From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much!

Paranormal Romance Guild

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