99¢ Sale A Demon’s Witch #MFRWHooks
Happy Holidays! Happy Holidays! For #MFRWhooks this week A DEMON’S WITCH. But first Boy do I have a couple of sweet treats for you! A DEMON’S WITCH is on sale for 99 cents! AND Your complimentary recipe book, 2020 Holiday Garden Gourmet (Yummy cookie recipes) is here! Continue reading to find out more.Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Continue reading to find out more.
2020 Holiday Garden Gourmet – A holiday gift of yummy recipes from the Authors of The Wild Rose Press, Inc.
This is a complimentary recipe book compiled by The Wild Rose Press and is available online for a free download here. The recipes are provided by myself and other TWRP authors. Please enjoy!
My contribution to the recipe book is Old Fashion Peanut Butter Cookies with a Kiss, page 170. Feel free to try all the recipes in the book. They’re YUMMY!!
Now the MFRWHooks!
A little about A DEMON’S WITCH –
Keeping a lid on all the paranormal beings inhabiting Washington D.C., is a daunting job. Bruce, a six hundred year old demon and the Territory Overlord of the Western Hemisphere, keeps his finger on the pulse of DC’s power players through the activities at his highly successful Wycked Hair Salon. His movie star good looks and body builder physique keeps his dance card full and the rumor mills running. Within these walls, his anonymity is safe, mostly.
Bruce’s world spins out of control when Angelique, a pint size, gorgeous witch, with an attitude breezes through the doors of his salon. She is the younger sister of Tristian, Bruce’s long time trusted enforcer, whose professional skills are second to none. Tristian is furious at the relationship between Bruce and Angelique, a dangerous situation, but something darker awaits them all. Yet undeniable attraction between demon and witch promises to tear apart both their professional and personal worlds.
A peek between the pages of A DEMON’S WTICH– (the hook)
Darkness enveloped the entire block as he pulled into the parking lot behind her store. He flipped the high beams on once then shut the headlights off, hoping she could see in the dark as well as he could. A little twinge of discomfort curled in his chest, a reminder of the cost of using magic for personal benefit.
Precisely at the moment Angie stepped out of the door way, turned and locked the door, he pulled the car beside her and reached across the seats to push open her car door, making sure the interior lights were off. She slid deftly into the seat and quickly closed the door.
“Another transformer must have blown,” she remarked absently fastening her seat belt.
He made a noncommittal sound and they disappeared into the moonlit night.
Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here.
Thank you for stopping by! Stay safe and have a happy holiday season! Don’t forget to wash your hands!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged #MFRWHooks, A Demon's Witch, magic, Mystery, Paranormal Romance, Tena Stetler, Witches by Tena Stetler with comments disabled.