Skeleton Squad tracked down the Halloween Spirit
It has been a long, exhaustive, search, winding through New Mexico, and several towns in Colorado, but the Skeleton Squad tracked down the Halloween Spirit right here in their own front yard. Can you believe it four days before Halloween? It’s a record! Yep, if you remember Octiva, the octopus was searching in this area earlier this month. The Squad is sure that the Spirit wasn’t always in their front yard, but hiding behind the tombstone on October 27th, the Halloween Spirit was found dancing and singing with another couple of spirits. The Spirit saw no reason to stay hidden so the Squad caught the Spirit on camera in its disguise.So Happy Early Halloween to all of you who have followed the third annual adventures of the Squad’s search for the Halloween Spirit. We appreciate your interest and comments. The Skeleton Squad promises to be back next year for another fun filled Halloween Spirit Search and adventure! We hope you’ll join us!
Speaking of Halloween Party. Check out Hidden Gypsy Magic, one of the A Witch’s Journey Series. You aren’t going to believe what happens at the Halloween party.
So lets take a peek into Hidden Gypsy Magic!
Gwen a wildlife rehabilitor, and Brock a veterinarian, discover the consequences of awakening hidden gypsy magic.
The Salem Wildlife Sanctuary is Gwen Taylor’s life work. Her Irish Gypsy heritage provides a hidden talent she uses to help the creatures under her care. But even her magical skills can’t help new rescues in dire need of veterinary care.
The opportunity of signing on as the vet for Gwen’s sanctuary dropped into Brock Scutter’s lap after he expanded his practice to include wildlife. The personal attraction he and Gwen experience is undeniable the more their professional and personal lives collide.
Touring the only “non-haunted” house in Salem they both feel a spark of magic. A trip to his family’s cabin uncovers a heritage he didn’t know existed. If they want a future together, it means facing the consequences of awakening hidden Gypsy magic and a race against the clock to correct past wrongs.
A peek between the pages of Hidden Gypsy Magic:
Seven minutes until midnight. Brock opened his mouth to speak, but Pepper beat him to it.
“Isn’t there some way to banish him forever while he walks among the mortals? I don’t have my spell book with me. Guess I should travel with it after all the recent experiences with you gypsies.” A slight giggle slipped out between her lips.
The somber tone in the room eased for a minute. “I mean, in your painting don’t you…”
“You’re on the right path. That’s why I’m here.” Beth smiled wide. “You can’t battle him outside this house. But with the protections afforded us inside the abode, with our combined magic and grandmother’s grimoire we would be able to do exactly as you suggest. Do we have your full support?”
“Of course.” The group chorused with the exception of Jeremiah, still shell shocked leaning against the wall. But Morgan was all in pumping her fist in the air.
Lance stuck his head out of the upstairs room. “Need us to help?”
“No,” Dylan called up to him. “Protect the children. We got this.”
“Good enough.” Lance slammed the door shut.
A trail of mist floated out of the picture, around the room, and settled beside Beth taking the shape of an older woman holding a thick book spread open. “Granddaughter. Are we ready then? We’ve located the…um….” The elderly ghost switched her gaze from the pages of the book to outside the window. “…proper page.” Then the ghost jerked her chin toward the painting where previously all the Colson family had been but now they gathered in the center of the room inside the painting.
“Let’s do it.” Gwen shared a glance at the clock with him. “Only—”
Beth again put her finger to her ghostly lips and shook her head.
The elderly ghost began to read from the book.
“We are witches, this is our creed. We will help where there is need. Days of old, wrongs to right. Let the truth be known this night. Forever banish from all realms Judge John Hathorne’s spirit and soul are bound. So mote it be.”
I hope you enjoyed the sneak peek into Hidden Gypsy Magic. A great Halloween read!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged fantasy, ghosts, Halloween, Halloween Spirit Search, Hidden Gypsy Magic, Paranormal Romance/Mystery, Salan Witch Trials, Skeleton Squad, Tena Stetler, Witches by Tena Stetler with 1 comment.
Wow! That’s definitely a record, Tena! Love it! Happy Halloween!