A Doozy of a Vacation & Road Trip

While the vacation itself it was great, but getting there and back was the road trip from hell. AGAIN. Seems like everytime we take a vacation it turns into this kind of adventure.  Never a dull moment. Well, maybe while sitting on I40.

Okay everyone runs across road construction during a road trip, but let me tell you, on Interstate 40, they take that construction to a new level. We spent one and one half hours sitting on the highway between more semi-trucks than I’ve seen in years.  Yep, I-40 across New Mexico and Arizona is the trucker’s highway.

On the vacation and road trip out to Arizona the heat was a stifling 95 degrees or more, who would have expected that in September? Not us. But the night was cool when we stopped in a great campground in Gallup, New Mexico on our way to Williams, Arizona.  Our friends had purchased a cabin in the area and we wanted to check it out. A good place to rest and recharge, or so we thought. The plan had been in place before COVID19 hit. We deemed the vacation trip safe, since we travel with our truck and thirty-seven foot fifth wheel, practice social distancing, and wear our masks.

KOA campground in Williams was our vacation home for six days. We traveled from there to the cabin where we played Disk (Frisbee) golf and visited. There is more to the game than throwing a Frisbee. In our younger years, hubby and I tossed a mean Frisbee. Yet the modern disks and the course was challenging to say the least. No campfire  s’mores due to fire ban restrictions. But lots of fun, hot dogs, burgers, great food and good times.

Now the return trip to Colorado. We hopped back on I40 (should have known better) but it’s the fastest way through Arizona and New Mexico. Historic Route 66 is fine and we did follow that a bit while we were in Arizona. But with a Dodge diesel 3500, crew cab, long bed, towing a 38 foot trailer, it’s a bit challenging. Anyway, back to I-40 we almost made it to Albuquerque, New Mexico when all of a sudden the interstate comes to a complete halt. Again big, long semi’s surrounded us, couldn’t see a thing. After three hours, sitting still, I googled traffic on I40 and discovered a sheriff had been shot during a routine traffic stop on Interstate 40 and the interstate was subsequently shut down. After a police chase, the perpetrator was arrested. Now you don’t run into that very often, at least we never had. Finally, I40 reopened and we continued on to the KOA in Albuquerque where we spent the night. It was a nice campground.

Next morning, we continued our travels toward home hoping the last leg of the trip would be uneventful. No such luck. I had a niggling feeling that fate had other ideas. As it turned out, I was right!  Somewhere between Santa Fe and Raton New Mexico, the check engine warning light blinked on informing us that the **DEF system in our 2015 diesel truck had a problem needing dealer attention and the engine would shut down in one-hundred and fifty miles. It was over two hundred miles to Colorado Springs.  Yep, not going to make it. Now what????

Thank goodness for AAA. But I only had regular membership not for towing a large fifth wheel trailer and one ton truck. But the customer service could upgrade our membership over the phone, but same day expedited service was another matter. Yep, saw money rushing out of our bank account.  We got all that done, with the help of my credit card. The next obstacle came in the form of finding a tow company with a heavy haul capability.  AAA dispatch got right on it, but it was a few hours before they found a tow company willing and able to come out on a Sunday night with the proper equipment. Thank you Hook Towing. The tow truck driver was wonderful. When he finally arrived, we explained exactly what had happened. He was quite familiar with the DEF problem in the diesel trucks. He had an engine computer reset fix he hoped would enable us to limp truck and trailer home. Lo and behold it worked and by nearly midnight we were finally on our way again. We made it home with truck and trailer, dog, parrot and turtle. Life took off again at 5:30 A.M., Monday morning at break-neck speed. No rest for the wicked, I guess. Not that I consider us wicked, just say’n I’m damn tired of this rat race, especially when the rats are winning.

Hope you enjoyed my account of our recent road trip. Tell me about your adventures in 2020. Do you cringe at the beginning of each month wondering what new catastrophe will befall us. Or keep a smile on your face and hope for the best? Me, I’m trying to stay positive. I positively want 2020 gone.  I recently saw a cartoon with the stay-puff marshmallow man (from Ghostbusters) stomping through cities. I had to laugh. Is that what’s next for us? LOL

** DEF is sprayed into the exhaust stream of diesel vehicles to break down dangerous NOx emissions into harmless nitrogen and water. This system is called Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) and can be found on 2010 and later model year trucks and many diesel pickups and SUVs. This system can be problematic. Always us high quality DEF products, since all are not the same.

If you are looking for an exciting read full of adventure, time travel, magic and witches. Check out my new release HIDDEN GYPSY MAGIC, available for pre-order.  Reserve your e-book from Amazon at a special price only $3.99, limited time! #fantasy https://www.amazon.com/Hidden-Gypsy-Magic-Witchs-Journey-ebook/dp/B08FXBNLW5

The Salem Wildlife Sanctuary is Gwen Taylor’s life work.  Her Irish Gypsy heritage provides a hidden talent she uses to help the creatures under her care.  But even her magical skills can’t help new rescues in dire need of veterinary care.

The opportunity of signing on as the vet for Gwen’s sanctuary dropped into Brock Scutter’s lap after he expanded his practice to include wildlife. The personal attraction he and Gwen experience is undeniable the more their professional and personal lives collide.

Touring the only “non-haunted” house in Salem they both feel a spark of magic.  A trip to his family’s cabin uncovers a heritage he didn’t know existed.  If they want a future together, it means facing the consequences of awakening hidden Gypsy magic and a race against the clock to correct past wrongs.


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Posted in My Say What Blog and tagged , , , , , , , , , by with 16 comments.


  • D. V. says:

    Oh my. That is an adventure. We haul a 42 ft 5th wheel and after a long long long delay coming home from Florida last year decided if we get caught up like that again were pulling off the road and sitting it out. Wre heading ti Niagra Falls this Friday. Happy trails. D. V.

  • Oh my gosh, what frustrating travels. Sorry you had that happen, but hope you enjoyed the actual trip itself.

    • We did enjoy visiting with our friends and their cabin was wonderful. Embarking on a road trip always has it’s up and downs with traffic and road construction. All you can do, is try to be prepared! Thanks for stopping by Jennifer!

  • Betty J. May says:

    Wow, I knew you two couldn’t just take a normal vanilla trip. Glad you made it home.

  • Mary Morgan says:

    Goodness! Glad to hear part of your vacation was at least fun. It’s definitely one of those years, Tena. There are no adventures planned here in California. Only prayers for the fires to lessen and to see clear skies again. We’ve been under a heavy smoke-filled skies with ash for a month. I’m ready to leave for the Highlands of Scotland, but there’s a ban on U.S. travelers due to the virus. 🙁

    • Wow don’t blame you for wanting to leave. The wildfires in Colorado are mostly under control now. We are getting haze from the fires in California and elsewhere, but not nearly what you are experiencing. I hope your skies clear soon. What a year 2020 has been. I said to our friends I’d be glad when 2020 is over, but scared to say 2021 gotta be better. I said that when 2020 came in an look what happened. Take care Mary and thanks for stopping in.

  • Shirley Goldberg says:

    Pretty scary! A real adventure.

  • Charlotte says:

    Wow. 2020 takes no prisoners. Stay safe Tena and takes notes. 🤗

  • Amber Dautlon says:

    What a crazy trip. Sitting stuck in traffic for a few hours seems to be a normal thing during most trips, but having to do it more than once and then all the car trouble was just icing on the cake. Well, cake that tastes like garbage. lol. At least you made it home safe. *hugs*

  • CJ Zahner says:

    Wow. We are contemplating a drive over 40 from Raleigh to meet family from Los Angeles half way. After reading this? maybe not. Glad you are safely home.

    • Please don’t let my blog stop you, just consider building in additional time to make your trip over I-40. We usually build in an extra day and this time we didn’t. Won’t make that mistake again. I believe a lot of people are traveling the roads as opposed to flying etc there for more traffic more possibilities for problems. LOL Good luck!

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