A Glimmer of Ghosts by Hunter J. Skye
Give a warm welcome to Hunter J. Skye, author of Glimmer of Ghosts!
The Lady with the Fruit Hat
Someone asked me recently if I’ve had any experiences with ghosts. My immediate response was, “How much time do you have.” But it got me thinking, maybe I should write them down. I looked back at my experiences from toddler age on and was shocked at how many encounters with the otherworldly I’ve actually had. Some of them were brushes with pretty unwholesome stuff. It makes me wonder if I might have a bit of divine protection.
Not all entities out there are bad- thank goodness. I discovered that fact when was three years old. I recall that my parents had packed up the car because we were going somewhere. My brother, who is five years older than me, was already sitting in the back seat. For some reason, I had to make one last trip into the house before we set off.
I remember very clearly walking back into the house and seeing a beautiful older African-American woman with fruit on her hat. She was leaning over with her arms stretched wide waiting for a hug. She was smiling from her very soul. I can still feel the sense of love emanating from her.
I’m not sure what happened next, but I went back to the car, climbed inside, and told me parents about the “nice lady with the fruit on her hat”. They looked shocked. I learned later that my brother had mentioned a nice lady in the house when he was that age. They remembered the description he’d given of the hat she wore with fruit on it.
I don’t know if that was a ghost attached to my parents first house. We did move that year to their permanent home. Maybe I remember the event so well because it was moving day and the ghost was just trying to say goodbye. Part of me hopes that the Lady with the Fruit Hat is a wandering entity that visits all children at that age. Or, maybe she’s my spirit guide. Whatever the explanation of her existence may be, I feel blessed and glad to have that memory.
I’d love it if your visitors would leave their ghostly encounters in the comments. I like a good chill down the spine.
It was wonderful having you with us today. Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with A Glimmer of Ghosts!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Glimmer of Ghosts, Hunter J. Skye, Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy by Tena Stetler with 11 comments.
Hunter J. Skye is a new author to me. Thank you for the introduction and I will certainly give her book a read.
Thank you so much, Audrey! I hope you enjoy it!
Wonderful news Audrey! Glad you stopped by. Enjoy the upcoming weekend!
Tena, your blog is beautiful! I’m so honored to be here. Thank you so much for having me!! And for the cookies!!
Awww, thank you Hunter for the kind words. Everyone loves fresh baked cookies! LOL Thanks for popping in and best wishes for lots of sales on A Glimmer of Ghosts. I know it’s on my TBR list.
My pleasure!
A Glimmer of Ghosts sounds fascinating – best of luck with it!
Hey Karen, thanks for stopping by! I agree it sounds fascinating!
Thank you so much, Karen!
Good luck with your release, Hunter!
Thank you for the visit, CB!!