A Hero’s Heart by Amber Daulton

“Oh how about ladies first? Jarrett offered.
“No way” Amber and Marissa chorused.
“Well, looks like it’s two again one Jarrett. You’re first?” I snickered. “Lets get started.”
Tells us about the real you—
Since I’m an undercover DEA agent, I’m used to playing different types of people while on assignment. Beneath all the bluster and the horrible things I sometimes have to do, I never forget who I am inside the person I’m pretending to be. I’m a gruff, strong-willed, flawed man who wants to make up for his mistakes. And boy, do I have a ton! I’m all about righting my wrongs, but it’s damn hard to take that first step, especially when it comes to my family. I finally take it in my story, oddly titled A Hero’s Heart. I’m no hero, but my ladylove Marissa and my author Amber disagree. After all the crap I’ve been through, I know better than to argue with a woman—let alone two.
Tell us three things we’d find if we looked under your bed?
Dust bunnies, dirty laundry, and some magazines—use your imagination. *wink wink*
What makes you laugh out loud?
My seven-year-old nephew, Jason. He’s the sweetest kid and says the damnedest things.
What makes you angry?
Anyone who wants to hurt Marissa and Jason.
What event in your past has left the most indelible impression on you?
I was arrested seven years ago for burglary and the intent to possess. That wake-up call changed everything for me. After I did a job for the feds to avoid prison time, I figured out what I wanted to do with my life, so I stayed on with the agency.
What do you sleep in at night?
Boxers, or I go commando.
What is the type of woman you want to spend the rest of your life with?
I want a take-no-bull kind of woman. She needs to be strong, self-assured, and stubborn enough to handle me. Marissa fits that to a T.
What do you consider most important in life?
Second chances. Everyone makes mistakes, but it shouldn’t define a person for the rest of his or her life. Redemption should always be an option.
What is your biggest secret?
Well, damn, Tena. I’m not gonna tell you that. It’s a secret.
Aww come on you’re no fun.
“That’s not what I hear.” He smirked.
Moving on before I get in trouble.
Marissa who are you really?
I’m an assistant chef at an Italian restaurant, and I’m doing my best to make it as a single mom. My husband died five years ago, and who knows where my son and I would be if not for my in-laws. The last thing I needed was for Jarrett to come back home. You see, Jarrett and I were high school sweethearts, but after he left town, I married his brother. Talk about awkward.
Tell us three things we’d find if we looked under your bed?
*Marissa blushes profusely* I shouldn’t say this, but I have an old suitcase under the bed with a combo lock on it. I keep some toys in there. You know what I mean—for-her-pleasure toys.
*Jarrett grins at that*
What makes you angry?
Lies and secrets. *She levels a glare at Jarrett* But I’ve gotten all of his out of him.
What do you sleep in at night?
It depends. If Jarrett and I are in the mood for sexy time, I’ll wear lingerie and perfume. If not, T-shirts and pajama bottoms work.
Who was the biggest role model in your life?
My aunt Carol. I didn’t have a good relationship with my mom, but my aunt and I were tight. She loved me more than anything and always tried to protect and take care of me. She died when I was eighteen after battling leukemia for a couple years. I lost her a few months after Jarrett left town, and losing both of them so close together nearly broke me.
What kind of man do you want to spend the rest of your life with?
I want someone who will appreciate me, never leave, and will put me and my son first. Though my relationship with Jarrett crashed and burned years ago, we’re trying again. He’s no longer an irresponsible teen—I’ve grown up too—and I believe with all my heart that our second chance is going to work out.
What is most important to you in life?
My son, and mutual respect and kindness with the man I love.
What is your biggest fear?
I’ve lost one husband already, and Jarrett has a dangerous job. I’m worried sick about him, but I trust him to do the right thing and not take any unnecessary risks.
Okay Amber, you’re up, Tell us a little about writing this story. Was it fun or difficult? Do your characters always act as you expect? Are you a plotter, or fly (write) by the seat of your pants?
I wrote A Hero’s Heart back in 2013 and revised it a few months ago after the rights reverted to me. I’ve always enjoyed this story and the characters. They’re strong, stubborn, and determined to have their way more often than not. I prefer to plot each scene, but sometimes it’s easier to let the hero and heroine do as they want.
Rekindling the flames of love has never burned so hot.
After an undercover mission goes awry, DEA agent Jarrett Brandt hides out in the last place he wants to be—his hometown. Now he’s stuck with his judgmental parents and the memory of his perfect brother hanging over his head. His one bright light? Marissa Reinn Brandt—his high school sweetheart and former sister-in-law.
Marissa lost Jarrett once before. No way will she let him back in; then her son offers him their guestroom. His wicked charm and smoldering stares are hard to resist, but she’ll make him work to reclaim his spot in her bed.
When his enemies close in, how will Jarrett keep Marissa and her son safe, or will he lose his shot at redemption?
– Triggers: drug use (discussed) and a brief assault of the heroine
– A Hero’s Heart is a smoking hot second chance, romantic suspense novella. No cheating. HEA guaranteed.
How about a peek between the pages of A Hero’s Heart:
“You can trust me, Jarrett. I won’t tell your parents anything you don’t want me to.” She sighed and stood as well. “You used to tell me everything. We never kept secrets.”
Jarrett paced between the coffee table and fireplace. “My parents’ opinion doesn’t matter. Dad would still throw up my juvie record or the fact that I’m not a cop, even if I was a model citizen. I’m not that lost, angry kid anymore. I know who I am now, and it’s not someone you’d want to know.”
“I disagree.”
“God, you don’t understand. Marissa, I’ve missed you so damn much. I’ve laid awake so many nights wondering what my life would’ve been like if I’d stayed here.” When he made love to other women, he imagined Marissa beneath him or above him, panting his name. When the nightmares of blood and gore faded, he dreamed of her. Those bittersweet memories and what if scenarios were almost worse than the nightmares. “I’ve done things I’m not proud of.”
“I hated you after you left, but I’ve gotten over it. Everyone feels regret and guilt over something. It’s all about being human.” She dashed away her tears. “I told you mine last night. Will you please show me the same courtesy?”
“I can’t.”
“At least tell me what you did last Christmas. Jason made it crystal clear that he didn’t want you alone. He wants you to have a tree.” She pointed at the Douglas fir. “Well, there you go. What did you do last year?”
Jarrett licked his dry lips, heat swelling in his cheeks.
He’d joined the Consuelo gang last December and spent the holiday in a slummy apartment with five thugs who sold cocaine on the streets of Albuquerque. Living around his drug of choice had nearly destroyed him.
“What about your last birthday?” Marissa blocked his path and braced her hands on her hips. “Did you have cake or go out with a bunch of buddies and get drunk? Did something horrible happen? Why won’t you tell me anything?”
He shoved a hand through his hair. “Damn it, Marissa. Yeah, I got drunk. A few of us went to a strip club where I fucked two dancers in a backroom. Is that what you wanted to hear?”
Her eyes widened as she stepped back.
Way to go, you fucking idiot. He brushed his shaky hands on his button-down shirt to steady them. “Marissa—”
She strode past him with a high head and left the room.
Her cold shoulder skewered him, but he didn’t deserve better.
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Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through Daulton Publishing, The Wild Rose Press, and Books to Go Now, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats.
She lives in North Carolina with her husband and demanding cats.
You can catchup with Amber at https://linktr.ee/AmberDaulton
It’s been great having you with us today. Good luck with A Hero’s Heart!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Hearo's Heart, Amber Daulton, Chef, DEA Agent, romantic suspense, Second chances by Tena Stetler with 4 comments.
Thank you for the awesome interview and post!!
Great interview. Loved getting to know your characters.
Barbara Thanks for stopping by. So glad you like the interview!
Always my pleasure Amber! Good luck!