An Angel’s Wylder Assignment – Sunday Snippet

Since I’ve just returned from visiting friends in Wyoming. Sunday Snippets presents a award winning  An Angel’s Wylder Assignment my paranormal romance/mystery. WooHoo! It takes a Warrior Angel and Native American Shifter to save the past and create their future.  Join the #adventure. Time travel from present day Scotland to 1878 Wyoming Territory. Grab your copy today!

Pull up a chair and get comfy, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about An Angel’s Wylder Assignment, part of the award winning A Demon’s Witch’ Series.  All books can be read as stand alone.

What inspired An Angle’s Wylder Assignment.  I guess you’d say I decided to try something different. What a Wyld Ride.

Have you ever started a project only to discover it’s not going to be anything like you envisioned? Such is the constant situation of a writer who writes by the seat of her pants. The characters involved in the story take over and run with the plot, character arc, and anything else within their grasp.

Because I can’t plot my way out of a paper bag, and I’ve tried, I endure the escapades of my characters. Nine times out of ten, I end up with an imaginative and well-written book. Such is the case of, An Angel’s Wylder Assignment, part of The Wild Rose Press multi-author Wyld West series. My first attempt at a paranormal western, time travel, historical. There was a lot of research involved. How do they heat the house back in 1878?  What do they cook on? You should grab a copy and see if I pulled it off. LOL

Creating a fictional community with other authors is fun if a little daunting. So many individuals’ points of view and writing technics melded into one world. Sharing characters in the many storylines and making it all cohesive can be challenging but fun for all. Readers get to engage with characters they already know and love, then discover new characters added to the mix in a town or community familiar to them.

What is An Angel’s Wylder Assignment is all about.

Warrior Angel Killian Dugan’s annual trip to the family castle in Scotland is shattered by the arrival of Legion Commander North. Killian’s skills are needed for an urgent time travel assignment. A rogue demon has escaped back in time. He must discover the why and where and stop the demon before it can damage the past and change the future.

Killian’s girlfriend Chinoah Grace, a Native American shapeshifter is included in the mission which takes them to the wild west town of Wylder, Wyoming in the year 1878. She will have her hands full fitting in and making friends.

Nothing is as it seems.  They encounter visions, spirit quests, and a mysterious shaman.  On top of it all, blending in as a blacksmith is more physically difficult than he imagined. But not as challenging as keeping his hands off his undercover wife. Will they complete their assignment or run out of time?

Sneak peek between the pages of An Angel’s Wylder Assignment: 

Clambering out of the wagon, the knot in Chinoah’s belly tightened. She followed Ray and Lily up the narrow footpath. Killian brought up the rear. The rock walls were multi-colored layers of red, orange, and yellow rock in a deeply eroded river canyon. A filmy form of a Native American dressed in what she considered chieftain ceremonial clothes wavered over the water then at the canyon’s edge against the rock walls. She waved her hand toward the form. “You seeing this?”

“What?” Ray looked in her direction. “Not seeing anything.” He paused at a stone section where bird images and bird/human hybrids were carved into the rock. He nodded to her. She reached out hesitantly and held her hand a few inches off the face of the rock. Nothing. She blew out a breath and relaxed a little. Ray moved on.

It wasn’t until the path ended and they had to pick their way down a steep slope that the Native American spirit made another appearance. Halfway down the path, her feet slipping and sliding over loose rocks and gravel, the toe of her boot caught on an arched root sticking out of the ground. She pitched forward. Her hands came up in front of her in an attempt to avoid face-planting on the rock’s surface. Something cool grabbed her arms and set her on her feet. Looking into the misty, high cheek-boned face of the chieftain, she gawked. When she peered into his eyes, she felt sorrow, disillusion, and pain. She gulped in air.

They must be stopped. You’re destined to make it happen. A male voice echoed through her mind. A picture of a log room formed in her mind then was gone. Before she could respond, the apparition disappeared, and so did the cold that had engulfed her.

“Wow. What just happened.” Killian was by her side, an arm around her waist. “How did you do that? One moment you’re headed for a face plant, then next, you’re upright standing on your feet.” He slowly shook his head.

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.

Check back next week for another Sunday Snippet paranormal adventure/romance/mystery!

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