Books I Discovered on Social Media #L&SR #Wednesday Blog Challenge 4.24.19
Here we go Books I discovered on Social Media!
What a fun and interesting topic, since I spend quite a bit of time on social media, not necessarily looking for books. But once in a while one will catch my eye and I’ll follow the link to find out more.
Such was the case with Troublemaker by Linda Howard. A friend told me about her, but as I was on deadline, I didn’t pay much attention until I saw a blurb about the book and the dog that stole the story. I’m a sucker for companion animals, so off I went to check it out despite my time constraints. Linda Howard as several series, but I enjoy the go teams series the most.
Another author that caught my eye was Molly Harper and her werewolf series. The book cover and title had me clicking on How to Flirt with A Naked Werewolf. Have you ever wanted to get in touch with your inner animal?I wasn’t sure, but was totally entered by Molly Harper’s wit and snark throughout the book and subsequent books. Since that time, one-click pre-order her new releases is a no brainer.
Well there you have it. Books I Discovered on Social Media. Now this isn’t to say these are the only ones. Everyday I see interesting titles, blurbs and covers from authors new to me and author friends. I could spend the next several hours listing them, but that wouldn’t get my WIP polished and submitted to my editor. Not a good thing. LOL Let’s see what the other authors in this blog challenge have discovered: L&SR
Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here.
See you next week when you learn what Things I wish More Books Talked about. See you then!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Books I Discovered on Social Media #L&SR #Wednesday Blog Challenge, Tena Stetler by Tena Stetler with 10 comments.
How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf is such an eye-catching title. I can’t stop thinking about it. Ha!
My post.
Yep, that’s what caught my attention. Thanks for stopping by!
I agree, what a great title for a book.
I’ve found so many great books on Instagram. I think it’s much more visual than Twitter.
Wow, never considered Instagram for books, though I post all my books on there.
Yeah, all you have to do is enter a genre hashtag (like #romance) and a bunch of books will come up. Also following the #bookstagram hashtag works too.
Good to know! Thanks!
I love Linda Howard books. Great list. 🙂
Hey Megan! Thanks for popping in!
I apologize for the delay in coming by to visit. My daughter’s 20th birthday was today, and I was away helping her celebrate.
LOVE both those authors!! Great choices… I’m behind on reading Linda Howard, though and need to get caught up.
I do like that Werewolf Cover. It’s really cute.
I could do with humor in my books.