C.B. Clark Chats About Her New Release Bitter Legacy

Give a warm welcome to C.B. Clark, author of Bitter Legacy!

Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about C.B. CLark and Bitter Legacy just released yesterday!

What inspired ‘Bitter Legacy’? 

Fires in sawmills are a big concern. With clouds of highly combustible dry sawdust clogging the air, explosions and fires are not uncommon. Mill owners take precautions, but devastating fires still occur. The largest employer in the town where I live is the lumber industry. These are state of the art, multi-million dollar industrial mills that employ hundreds of skilled workers. What would happen if a mill were destroyed by a fire? What if someone deliberately set that fire? Add in a reluctant heroine and a no-holds-barred hero, and you have another kind of heat, just as explosive.

Where do your story ideas come from? Do you get up in the middle of the night and write them down? 

Possibilities for story plots are everywhere. Coffee shops, shopping malls, airport waiting lounges, and people I pass on the street all provide potential for intriguing story lines. Articles in newspapers, and the want ads are also great.

 The person who invented sticky notes should be knighted. As soon as an idea comes to me (usually in the middle of the night), I have to write it down on a sticky note, or I’ll forget my inspiration. I love those small, square pieces of multi-colored paper. I plaster them on the wall, the kitchen cupboard doors, and all over my writing desk.

Wow, your desk looks my writing area! If writing is your first passion, what is your second? 

I love to write. It makes me who I am, but like most authors, I have other passions. I used to work as an archaeologist, and nothing catches my attention quicker than reading about a new archaeological discovery. After seven months living in a tent in northern British Columbia conducting an archaeological survey, I’d had enough, and transferred out of the freezing rain, swarms of mosquitoes, and baking sun, and into a climate-controlled writing room.

You’ve got a time machine, a cloak of invisibility, and one hour. Where would you go, and what eavesdropping would you do? 

A time machine would be a fantasy come true. I’d visit the distant past, and my first stop would be 100 million years ago in the Cretaceous era when large dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Imagine the smells, the sounds, and the incredible sights. Just to breathe the air would be amazing. Of course, even with a cloak of invisibility, I probably wouldn’t last long. A hungry Tyrannosaurus would sniff me out and make me his lunch, so it would have to be a quick visit.

I love your idea! What Bitter Legacy about?

 Sharla-Jean Bromley returns to her hometown after a seventeen-year absence with vengeance in her heart. From the very beginning, her plans go awry when she meets devastatingly handsome Josh Morgan, the man to whom her father left half of his multi-million dollar lumber mill.

Josh, suspicious of Sharla-Jean’s reasons for returning to town after such a long absence, vows to keep control of the company he feels is rightfully his. She is equally determined to prove she can run her father’s mill, even though it means working side-by-side with Josh, a man whose very presence evokes an attraction that is increasingly difficult for her to ignore. In the process, they must overcome a villain who’s determined to destroy both the lumber mill and their lives.

Will Sharla-Jean succeed and heal the anguish that has long filled her soul? Wills he and Josh find the passion of a lifetime?

Can we have a sneak peek between the pages of Bitter Legacy?


Even as the dreaded word reared like a monster inside her head, a thin trickle of smoke crept out of the dark storage room. Terrifying images of flame, smoke and searing heat threatened to overwhelm her. For a nightmare second, she was back in the midst of scorching heat and roaring flames.

Using all her strength of will, she tore free of the chilling memories. Instead of fleeing, she placed one wobbly step in front of the other and shuffled toward the storage room. Her nostrils flared at the acrid tang of gasoline and smoke. With a shaking hand, she gripped the door handle and opened the door.

A figure burst out of the darkness, crashing into her, knocking her back.

She yelped at the pain of the blow and the shock of falling. A jolt of agony and blinding light as her head hit something hard.

Heavy boots pounded across the tile floor. Cold air washed over her. And then darkness.

Two Tweets about Book: ***I hope these are what you mean. I’m not great at tweets***

“She only had ever wished for two things: a red dress and her father’s death.”

“Anyone who’d wear that red dress to her father’s funeral isn’t frightened of anything.”

Buy links:

Amazon,   The Wild Rose Press,   Nook,   Kobo,  and  iTunes

C.B. Clark has always loved reading, especially romances, but it wasn’t until she lost her voice for a year that she considered writing her own romantic suspense stories. She grew up in Canada’s Northwest Territories and Yukon. Graduating with a degree in Anthropology and Archaeology, she has worked as an archaeologist and an educator. She enjoys hiking, canoeing, and snowshoeing with her husband and dog near her home in the wilderness of central British Columbia.

To learn more about CB, you can find her at:

Blog https://cbclarkauthor.wordpress.com

Twitter https://twitter.com/cbclarkauthor

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/cbclarkauthor/

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15029617.C_B_Clark

Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/C.-B.-Clark/e/B01BK61TQG/

It was wonderful having you with us today.  Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with Bitter Legacy!

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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged , , , , by with 16 comments.


  • Sandy Tilley says:

    I’m a sticky notes addict, too! Couldn’t write without them.
    Your blurb was gripping–made me want more. Loved your tweets, too. Wanting a red dress and her father dead… Powerful imagery.
    Great post.

  • cb cark says:

    Thank you for hosting me on your site today, Tena. I really enjoyed answering your questions. Your support of fellow authors is awesome.

  • Ha! Love your comment about sticky notes. I agree (although now I dictate into my phone). Good luck with your book!

    • cb clark says:

      Thanks for stopping by, Jennifer. I’ve tried using my phone, but it seems more work than a quick jot on a sticky note.

    • Hey Jennifer! Glad you made it by. We appreciate your comments. Sticky notes were the best invention! What would we do without them?

  • Lin Weich says:

    Great interview. I enjoyed the way it shows the true person behind the writing. Excellent. However, you can go on your dinosaur visit alone…this gal ain’ t coming as back up.

    • Hi Lin! Thanks for stopping in. Aw you’re not fun, visiting dinosaurs would be a kick, as long as you don’t get eaten. LOL The weekend is headed this way. Enjoy it!

    • cb clark says:

      Glad you stopped by, Lin. So you’re not a fan of dinosaurs. Too bad. I’ll probably need back up. You’ve seen Jurassic park, right? Nothing bad can happen. I appreciate your support.

  • Anna Lores says:

    Great interview. I too believe whoever invented the sticky note should be knighted 😉
    Your sneak peek was incredible. Looks like a fabulous read!

    • cb clark says:

      Thank you, Anna. Great of you to stop by. I appreciate the positive thoughts on Bitter Legacy.

  • Congratulations on your new release, CB! Sounds thrilling!

  • Charlotte says:

    I like the touch with the red dress. Sounds like a great read. Good luck with your latest release Christine!

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