Halloween Spirit Search – Success!

It’s  Halloween!  Can you believe it? Toil and Trouble and the Skeleton Squad set up their 24/7 surveillance and caught the Halloween Spirit on video. Success!

Well, October’s cooler days and chilly nights have arrived with a skiff of snow.  Yippee!

This week, Toil, Trouble, Bubble bat, Moby Fish, Aragon Spider, Octavia and the newest member of the Skeleton Squad, Chloe Cobra  set up twenty-four-hour surveillance with each skeleton taking a shift. Toil and Trouble were sure they’d  catch the spirit of Halloween before the strike of midnight on Halloween.  Octavia spied the Spirit first, then the Skeleton Squad  led by Toil and Trouble surrounded it and demanded surrender. The Halloween Spirit was happy to sing and dance for the Squad! They called Broomhilda to report their success.

Broomhilda’s (skeleton), from Texas (thank you Jessica) search relayed she was glad the Halloween Spirit had been located and that she and her cohorts would be preparing for their own Halloween Celebration!!

The final post of October beside the search for the Halloween Spirit, the Skeleton Squad accompanied me to The Stanley Hotel to help me with the haunted tales of Cripple Creek, Colorado on my Say What Blog. Have you ever seen a ghost? A visit to haunted places in Colorado, my own stomping ground,

Halloween has arrived!! Bwwwaaaaaaaaaa!!!! I hope you enjoyed the Skeleton’s Squad search for the Halloween Spirit. Not to mention the haunted places – last haunted post today, The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, CO and newest haunted mountain hotel, The Black Monarch Hotel in Victor, CO  on  My Say What Blog. Next year we’ll do it all again! 

My last featured Halloween themed book from my collection is Hidden Gypsy Magic.  You do know I write paranormal romance/mystery. Right? This week, we are talking about demons and witches!  What’s Halloween without witches, spells, demons, curses and things that go bump in the night? You won’t believe what happened at their Halloween Celebration.  So hurry grab your copy and join the #fantasy #adventure! You won’t believe the battle between good and evil.

A little about  Hidden Gypsy Magic 

The Salem Wildlife Sanctuary is Gwen Taylor’s life work. Her Irish Gypsy heritage provides a hidden talent she uses to help the creatures under her care. But even her magical skills can’t help new rescues in dire need of veterinary care.

The opportunity of signing on as the vet for Gwen’s sanctuary dropped into Brock Scutter’s lap after he expanded his practice to include wildlife. The personal attraction he and Gwen experience is undeniable the more their professional and personal lives collide.

Touring the only “non-haunted” house in Salem they both feel a spark of magic. A trip to his family’s cabin uncovers a heritage he didn’t know existed. If they want a future together, it means facing the consequences of awakening hidden Gypsy magic and a race against the clock to correct past wrongs.

A sneak peek between the pages of Hidden Gypsy Magic!

He glanced at his watch. Eleven thirty. A half-hour before midnight and Halloween would be over. Someone clapped him on the shoulder and he whirled around, fist clenched, and arm drawn back.

“Whoa, there Brock.” His friend Butch grinned. “A little jumpy on this Halloween night?”

“No, no not at all.” He lied. “Just deep in thought.”

Members of the Historical Society and The Witch’s Museum gathered around the front door. He hurried over. “Ready to leave so soon?”

“Yes, we’ve had a wonderful time, but it’s late…”A member of The Witch’s Museum said on a yawn.

“Past our bedtime” Another person added jokingly. “Great house you have here.”

“Thank you and thanks for coming.” He escorted his guests to their cars while Gwen took a defiant Misfit upstairs to their room. A thin cloud floated across the full moon in the star-strewn night sky. A twinge of anxiety niggled at his gut as he breathed in the crisp autumn air. Maybe Gwen’s right. He hurried inside. The door slammed behind him and locked.

Gwen raced down the stairs.

His gaze was drawn to the wall where the painting hung. Earlier in the evening, he’d noticed that no one was in the painting…now the chairs contained members of Beth’s family and she stood next to the fireplace inside the painting. Didn’t they all cross over? Could spirits come back after crossing over? Shit! Gwen was right, something is brewing.

Pepper and Lathen stood grim-faced next to Gwen. His mother and father crossed the room to join the little group. Butch helped Martha on with her coat then paused as the back door slammed and locked. The shutters banged against the house. Butch reached for the door handle, an eyebrow raised as the deadbolt slid into place.

“Son, I think your house is trying to tell you something.” His mother peered at the stairway where Dylan, Riva, and Molly stood.

Jeremiah and Morgan stepped out from behind the staircase. “What’s going on?” Jeremiah wanted to know, wrapping a protective arm around Morgan pulling her close.


“It feels like all the air is being sucked out of this room.” His brother’s face turned ashen white as Beth’s ghostly form took shape in the center of the room.

Brock moved to the little group gathered and glanced at the grandfather clock standing in the hallway. Fifteen minutes until midnight. The witching hour on All Hallows Eve. A nervous chuckle rose up in his throat. How cliche. His brother would be a believer after this night.

He cleared his throat and wrapped an arm around Gwen’s waist. “Can we help you, Beth?” Misfit’s howling could be heard clearly from the upstairs bedroom.

“No, but I hope we can help you.” Ghost Beth glanced back at the painting and sadly shook her head. “The ghost of Judge John Hathorne stands outside ready to curse or worse all those involved in sullying his reputation. The house stands between all of you…protecting—” The ghost’s hand and arm made a sweeping motion toward their group, “— against his magic ability.”

A soft almost hysterical giggle burst from Gwen. “Doesn’t he know that by his actions this night, he has not only outed himself but proved the rumors and article are true?”

“I don’t believe he’s considered that point.” Beth’s ghostly grim face twitched into a half-smile. “He’s bent on revenge, but apparently had trouble passing through the veil this evening.” She pointed to the clock and then laid a finger on her lips.

Happy Halloween! The Skeleton Crew captured Halloween Spirit and called Broomhilda with their find and agreed they’d reconvene next year.  While you’re here, check out my other paranormal romance mysteries

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An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement – Sunday Snippet

Yippee!! Sunday Snippets presents a award winning  An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement, my paranormal romance/mystery. WooHoo! Let me tell you a little about how this story came to be. One summer hubby and I were driving over Independence Pass. It’s one of our favorite drives in Colorado. A beautiful drive if you don’t mind the shear drop-offs. Abandoned cabins (dating back to 1880-1890) dot the landscape near the top of Independence Pass at over 12,000 feet in elevation. As I rounded the back of one of those cabins a complete scene unfolded among the spectacular views. I rushed to the truck and jotted down an outline and An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement was born. 

Where Warrior Angel, Caden goes, trouble follows until he discovers a badly beaten woman barely clinging to life. Unprepared for the entanglement she brings to his doorstep, will he move heaven and earth to save her?   Join the #adventure, download a copy today!

Pull up a chair and get comfy, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement, part of the award winning A Demon’s Witch’ Series.  All books can be read as stand alone.

What is An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement is all about.

Fallen warrior angel, Caden Silverwind, lives alone in Colorado’s rugged Rockies, healing from physical wounds as well as the mental anguish suffered during battles with dark demons. Then he finds a woman barely clinging to life after a horrendous beating. He is not prepared for the entanglement she brings to his life, nor the feelings she awakens in him.


Bureau of Indian Affairs Agent, Mystic Rayne’s personal dilemma and assignment nearly gets her killed. Divine intervention is a complication she never expected and her growing attraction to Caden is undeniable. Can she trust him with her secret?


Their quest to uncover her attacker takes them from the pristine mountains in Colorado to the wilds of Wyoming. Along the way, they find answers which may place them in more danger. Determined to solve the mystery, they must also navigate their feelings and fears to find love and unite heaven and earth.

Sneak peek between the pages of An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement: 

Sunrise brought an orange glow spreading over the top of Independence Pass, bathing the valley in warm golden shards of sunlight. Caden stood on the ridge with wings spread, brushing the breeze and absorbing the sun’s warmth. Feels better than yesterday. Finally, I’m gaining some strength back. It was time to move on to Maroon Bells and the lake to enjoy summer in the Rocky Mountains. Carefully, he tucked his wings in and picked his way down the trail. Dislodged rocks and sticks bounced down the path ahead of him as he stopped to admire the view and noticed something in the brush.

She lay naked, battered, and beaten several yards off the trail. Her long, straight black hair fanned around her head, tangled with twigs and bits of grass.  Caden moved silently toward her, stopped, and picked up a Bureau of Indian Affairs ID a few feet from where she lay. He stuffed it in his pocket while watching the surrounding area for signs of her attackers. Kneeling down at her side, he saw scratches and bruises on her high-sculpted cheekbones and her full lips had a shading of blue around them. He placed his hand lightly on her chest, felt a weak heartbeat and sensed a brave soul unwilling to give up. God, this is the last thing I need.


Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.

Check back next week for another paranormal adventure/romance/mystery!

Happy Halloween!

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Breakthrough on Halloween Spirit Search

Only four days until Halloween!  Can you believe it? Toil and Trouble continue their search for the Halloween Spirit getting closer and closer.

Well, October’s cooler days and chilly nights have arrived with a possible skiff of snow.  Yippee!

This week, Toil, Trouble, Bubble bat, Moby Fish, Aragon Spider, Octavia and the newest member of the Skeleton Squad, Chloe Cobra escaped outdoors searching every nook and cranny of the rock wall in the backyard. Trouble found a few spiders who claimed no Halloween Spirit had gotten caught in their webs. Aragon nearly lost a leg to a marauding magpie. A mouse got tangled up in Octavia’s tentacles, but the rodent didn’t know anything. Chloe met a friendly garter snake, but he claimed to have seen nothing resembling a Spirit of any kind.  Returning inside they discovered ghostly imprints entering the front door and with a green iridescent poof the culprits disappeared.  Consequently, Toil and Trouble have set up twenty-four hour surveillance with each skeleton taking a shift. Toil and Trouble are sure they will catch the spirit of Halloween before the strike of midnight on Halloween.  They called Broomhilda to report their latest discovery and to see if she’d had any luck?

Broomhilda’s (skeleton), from Texas (thank you Jessica) search relayed she finally escaped from the spider web with a little help from Jessica and is searching full time for the Halloween Spirit.

Join us next Monday, Halloween, October  31, 2022, to see if Toil, Trouble and the Skeleton Squad, along with Boomhilda have captured their quarry.   In the month of October beside their search for the Halloween Spirit, the Skeleton Squad will continue to help me with the haunted tales of Cripple Creek, Colorado on my Say What Blog. Have you ever seen a ghost? A visit to haunted places in Colorado, my own stomping ground,

Only four days days until Halloween! Bwwwaaaaaaaaaa!!!! 

Plus a Halloween themed book from my collection will be featured each week.  You do know I write paranormal romance/mystery. Right? This week, we are talking about demons and witches!  What’s Halloween without witches, spells, demons, curses and things that go bump in the night? A Witch’s Journey is this weeks feature. What happens at the Halloween festival doesn’t stay there. So hurry grab your copy and join the #fantasy #adventure! You won’t believe the battle between good and evil.

A little about  A Witch’s Journey 

Pepper McKay comes from a long line of powerful witches. Unfortunately, magic brings her nothing but trouble. She learned the love of wildlife rescue and rehab from her Aunt Ashling. After graduating from college, Pepper works for Salem Wildlife Sanctuary and lives from paycheck to paycheck until she inherits the McKay property in Lobster Cove. With the family land and resources, she dares to dream of starting her own wildlife rescue and rehabilitation center.

Lathen Quartz, a former Navy SEAL turned handyman maintains the enchanted McKay property for the McKay estate. But someone is trying to steal the McKay magic. Lathen offers to help Pepper achieve her life-long dream of building a wildlife center. During the long hours spent together on the project, their mutual attraction can’t be denied. But each harbors a deep, dark secret. Will they overcome their demons and give love a chance?

A sneak peek between the pages of A Witch’s Journey!

Klaren threw her coffee in his face, cup and all, then bolted out of his arms and down the stairs as a huge reddish wolf advanced snarling and leaped over the railing knocking Ben down the stairs. He hit the ground and tumbled down the path, he scrambled to get to his feet. But the wolf was too fast, one leap and animal landed on the Ben’s back, knocking him forward before he finally landed face down on the ground out cold. In a blink of an eye, the wolf was gone and witches closed in on all sides.

Pepper ran to her mother and helped her to her feet. “You ok?”

“I’m fine, just sorry I didn’t have time to get more information out of the son of a bitch. Did you see what he did? I wasn’t about to let him transport me to who knows where.” Klaren brushed at the knees of her jeans viciously.

The witches formed a circle around Ben. Wisps of fog trailed along the ground and took shape as spirits floating in the meadow. Duncan stepped forward and cast a spell ensnaring the man in vines of shimmering light.

“Don’t make the vines too tight around his neck, we need him to be able to speak,” Ravyn said in a calm lilting voice.

“Done,” Duncan replied.

Ravyn flicked her fingers, a bucket of water appeared over Ben’s head, it tipped and the liquid splashed over him.

Ben sputtered and cursed, his eyes wild.

“Mr. Bochard. It’s come to our attention that you are misusing magic for personal gain. You’ve called on dark magic to curse an innocent to do harm to your own kind. How do you plead?” Ravyn asked in a commanding tone.

“Bitch.” Ben bit out. “I only acted to get back what was mine.” He narrowed his eyes at Pepper.

She cast a blindfold on him. “Don’t want to take any chances. Not sure what he’s capable of.” Pepper said when Ravyn glared at her.

Ravyn nodded. “I’ll take that as a guilty plea, Mr. Bochard . Therefore, you are to be spellbound immediately.” She paused. “But first, Pepper do you have the candle?”

“Yes.” Pepper produced a tall, thick twisted black candle with beautifully carved moon phases on all sides.

“Step into the circle, face the full moon depiction north.” Raven closed her eyes and murmured several words. The candle ignited in a black flame flickered then faded to pure white.

Available at Amason, Barnes&Noble, Ibooks, Audible and GooglePlay

See you back here Monday, Halloween! The Skeleton Crew and Boomhilda are sure they are on the trail of the Halloween Spirit and will have something to show for all their hard work.  While you’re here, check out my other paranormal romance mysteries

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Spooktacular Halloween Safety Tips for Pets

Since I’m a big animal person, I’ve complied a few Spooktacular Halloween Safety Tips for Pets on Halloween.

It’s almost time for another spooktacular sequel in the annual Halloween tradition. A holiday beloved in countries around the world, appealing to people looking for fun and thrills– But for their pets…not so much! Halloween festivities can be stressful to say the least and downright hazardous at times. A few tips to keep everyone safe and enjoying the holiday!

  1. Treats – Chocolate is poisonous to cats, dogs and parrots. The darker it is the more toxic it is. One ounce of dark chocolate can poison a 50-pound dog. Keep these treats out of your pets’ reach. Make sure everyone in your household understands, especially children, how crucial it is that no human treats are given to pets.
  2.  Alarming sounds and sights – The constant doorbell, ringing, unfamiliar guest and little monsters running around is a recipe for disaster for your pets. They could try to escape or display unexpected aggression.  Keep your pet sequestered in a section of the home where they can avoid this anxiety-causing activities. Provide food, favorite toys and check on them often.
  3. Don’t leave pets outside! Pets have been known to be abused or killed on Halloween night by cruel people. I owned a black cat for twenty-two years, he was the best cat ever. But we made sure to keep him inside several days before Halloween and several days after. Yep he was no pleased!
  4. Never take your dog trick or treating for all of the above reasons. Dogs can easily be spooked by all the Halloween hubbub. If they run away or bite someone it will end your evening of fun.
  5. Dangerous Decorations – Electrical cords and batteries used to operate the exciting Halloween decorations can be hazardous to your pets. Chewing on cords can cause electrocution, chewing on batteries  can cause chemical burns, if swallowed can cause intestinal blockage. Artificial cobwebs look cool as heck, but they can also present a choking or entanglement hazard to curious pets
    1. Nightmarish Pet Costumes – Most pets are happiest in the skin they were born in. LOL Yet pet owners will dress their fur, scaled, or feathered babies up for Halloween. Don’t put your pet in a costume unless they are completely comfortable with it.  I admit I dress up my dog and parrot for Halloween. I choose costumes they’re comfortable in, do not hinder movement, sight, hearing or ability to breathe, bark, scream, or meow.  Yep, my bird meows.
  6. One last thought – Opening the door repeatedly for trick-or-treaters creates the possibility of pets to slip outside. Collars and tags work if someone locates and collects your wayward pet. Make sure the information on the tags is up-to-date. Microchips offer permanent identification. Just make sure your information is correct with the company who supports your pet microchips.

Now it’s time for a Halloween themed book from my collection.  You do know I write paranormal romance/mystery. Right? This week, we are talking about Demons and witches!  What’s Halloween without witches, spells, demons, curses and things that go bump in the night? A Vampire’s Unlikely Alliance is this weeks feature on sale for only #99cents.  So hurry grab your copy and join the #fantasy #adventure! You won’t believe the battle between good and evil.

A little about  A Vampire’s Unlikely Alliance  – Not what you’ve come to expect from a Vampire Tale! Join Stefan and Brandy on an exciting Romantic Fantasy that begins in Glacier National Park, winds through Australia. Will they make it to Ireland in time?

Stefan is a Native American vampire, former assassin for the Vampire Council. In a twist of fate, he now DJ’s the midnight shift for a small radio station in Whitefish, Montana, on the edge of Glacier National Park where his secret is safe until…

Born in Ireland, Brandy now works as a park ranger and trail guide in the park. During a full moon, Stefan and Brandy’s paths cross in a near physical collision on a trail. Their attraction is immediate and undeniable, almost as if fate demanded it.

Their union was foretold long ago in Irish folk tales where vampires and gryphons, warlocks and demons, witches and faeries must work together for the good of man and magic kind. Is a trip to Ireland the key to unraveling secrets and returning the magic?

A sneak peek between the pages of A Vampire’s Unlikely Alliance!

Jumping down from the boulder, he landed silently on the balls of his feet and took off at a dead run, too fast for the human eye to detect. Tonight, his run covered several trails as the full moon rose over the mountain tops. Croaking frogs settled at the edge of a pristine mountain lake while an owl screeched overhead, winging its way through the night sky. This tranquil existence was very different from his previous life. Nevertheless, the premonitions that kept him alive as an assassin made him feel that things were about to change.

It was nearly midnight when he cut across the Sun Road to another trailhead, so intent on his goal that he nearly collided with an attractive young woman. He skidded to a stop, spraying gravel, rocks, and small twigs down the road in front of him. A pinecone dislodged and bounced along the road past her. Tall and slender, she had miles of fiery-red hair that hung down her back in a cascade of curls. Intense emerald eyes stared back at him as he attempted to regain his composure, not to mention balance. What the hell was she doing here at this time of night?

“Whoa.” She stepped lightly to the side to avoid the flying debris. “You really should watch where you’re going, especially at that speed.” Her voice scolded, but the smile on her lips teased. “Someone could get hurt.”

Available at Amazon   Amazon UK , Amazon AU, itunes, The Wild Rose Press,  Walmart.com and Barnes & Noble.

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