Autumn is here & September is Read a Book a Month

I am so excited to be participating in September is Read a Book a Month and N. N. Light’s Book Heaven is your guru to unleashing your inner reader. Autumn is here and readers are gearing up for some serious tackling of their to-be-read list.  They have teamed up with over thirty authors to offer loads of books plus gift cards. Readers can win free books including hardcover, e-copy and audiobooks plus Amazon gift cards. The list is long and personally, I’d love to win myself but alas, I can’t. So, I’ll just live vicariously through the lucky winners. If there’s a particular book or prize you’d like to win, be sure to say which prize you want when you enter via Rafflecopter. Enter below and good luck!

Read a Book a Month Book Giveaway:

Literary Giveaway Portal:

My contribution to the give away is best selling, award winning A DEMON’S WITCH. 

Keeping a lid on all the paranormal beings inhabiting Washington D.C., is a daunting job. Bruce, a six hundred year old demon and the Territory Overlord of the Western Hemisphere, keeps his finger on the pulse of DC’s power players through the activities at his highly successful Wycked Hair Salon. His movie star good looks and body builder physique keeps his dance card full and the rumor mills running.  Within these walls, his anonymity is safe, mostly.

Bruce’s world spins out of control when Angelique, a pint size, gorgeous witch, with an attitude breezes through the doors of his salon. She is the younger sister of Tristian, Bruce’s long time trusted enforcer, whose professional skills are second to none. Tristian is furious at the relationship between Bruce and Angelique, a dangerous situation, but something darker awaits them all. Yet undeniable attraction between demon and witch promises to tear apart both their professional and personal worlds.

A Demon’s Witch, was born in a hair salon from a song. What if the hairdresser is really a ruggedly handsome demon overlord. What if a powerful witch breezed into his salon and the attraction was undeniable? What if the salon is multi-species catering to mortals and paranormal creatures alike is located in Washington DC? Adds a new dimension to our concept of DC, doesn’t it?

Don’t niss out, enter to win!!   Can’t wait. Grab a copy to day and join the #fantasy, #mystery #adveture.  Universal Link.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Chocolate Raspberry Magic #MFRWHooks

Yippee!! #MFRWHooks presents Chocolate Raspberry Magic, an award winning #mystery #fantasy #animalrescue. Part of A Witch’s Journey Series. All books can be read as stand alone and are in audiobooks.  Fund-raising, Ice cream social, furry and feathered babies, romance, mystery, and magic what more could you ask for in a paranormal romance/mystery?

 Join the #fantasy#adventure, download a copy or two today! Psst… available in audiobook too! 

#MFRWHooks, wildlife,

Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Chocolate Raspberry Magic. fourth book in A Witch Journey Series. All books can be read as stand alone.  Go ahead you, know you want to, grab a copy and join the #magical #fantasy, #adventure today! You’ll be so glad you did.

What is Chocolate Raspberry Magic all about?

Prim and proper Trinity Shilo is the assistant manager for Salem’s Wildlife Sanctuary. She hasn’t had much luck in the boyfriend department, but the new employee Paul is different. Deep and brooding she sees something special hidden below the surface. Besides she has secrets of her own.

Paul Thorp is a wounded Special Forces veteran now working in security and computer support. He’s fought hard to keep his demons in check and for the first time feels he is ready for a real relationship.

When a fire breaks out at Puffin Cove Rescue they are called in to help with the recovery and ice cream social fundraiser. Sometimes things are not what they seem, and neither are people. When magic is unleashed will what they learn bring them closer together or push them apart?

Sneak peek between the pages of Chocolate Raspberry Magic: 

As Paul exited the vehicle a trickle of sweat rolled down the side of his face. Scenes from a far-off place blurred his vision. Explosions, gunfire, and the smell of death drowned out the present. Resting a shaky hand on the vehicle, he leaned against it, his pulse ratcheting up several notches.

Get a grip. I can’t let this go sideways. Drawing in deep breaths, he tried to gain control. Finally, his pulse slowed, and he swallowed hard. I can do this. Wiping away the sweat now streaming down his face, he closed his eyes willing the flashback away.

“Paul…Paul are you all right?” Trinity’s urgent voice brought focus to his mind. A soft but firm hand on his shoulder gave him a little shake. “Lathen and Pepper are heading toward us. Maybe they can tell us where Gwen and Brock are.”

“Yes. I’m fine. Give me a minute.” Straightening, he opened the back door to the vehicle, and began removing boxes of medical supplies and lockboxes of medicine. He mopped his face again with the sleeve of his shirt. Going through the motions until…

“Oh, wonderful, you’ve brought the supplies.” Pepper’s cheerful voice cut through the chaos. “We’ll need these…” She paused lifting an eyebrow. “You all right Paul?”

“Yes, yes, just give me a minute.”  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Pepper’s concerned expression then her waving Lathen over.  Shit, that’s all I need. Trinity stood beside helping him take the boxes out of the SUV.

He saw concern reflected on his friend’s face. “Paul, you’re okay. Let’s get going.” Lathen gave him a shake, then turned and got in his face. “Don’t give in to it. Push it away. Get moving. People are counting on you.”

Was it sheer will? Or—what he wasn’t sure. But as suddenly as the visions began, they faded leaving him shaky but in control. “I’m good,” he assured Lathen, picking up a box of medical supplies and following Pepper to a tent they’d set up to evaluate the animals.

Available from  AmazonIbooksBarnes and NobleAudibleKobo, and Google Play  

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Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.

This is a blog hop! Visit all the Book Hooks from #MFRWHooks – Your next GREAT read is waiting!

Thanks for stopping in for #MFRWHooks.

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White Sands Gold by Mike Torreano

Give a warm welcome to Mike Torreano, author of White Sands Gold., set to release September 5, 2022. Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Mike and his White Sands Gold. 

Mike, what inspired this story?

A friend approached me a while back and said, ‘I’ve got the idea for your next book!’ He spun a tale of legendary gold bars supposedly stashed under a mountain north of Las Cruces, New Mexico. He’s been exploring that area for years and told me that how the bars got there is lost in the mists of time. Something akin to the Lost Dutchman mine in Arizona.
Skeptical, I looked up ‘white sands gold’ online and was amazed at all the information that turned up. Intrigued, I fashioned a tale of a religious relic hidden near the gold and a shadowy group of guardians who had protected the relic-and hence, the gold, too-for centuries.
White Sands Gold is a twisting tale of mystery and  betrayal, with a thread of romance and a troupe of fascinating characters who bring the legend to life in 1890 New Mexico Territory.
I see you brought someone else with you. Mike.
I did. Meat Ma Richards.  Though she could add a little information to the legend.
By all means let’s here what she has to say.

Interview with Ma Richards, White Sands Gold

New Mexico Territory, 1890

With the Las Cruces Courier

LCC: “Thank you for sitting with me for a few minutes, Ma. May I call you Ma?”

Ma sat in the rocking chair on her weathered front porch next to her visitor and looked up from her knitting. “Of course, dearie, everyone does, but for the life of me I can’t think why anyone would be interested in me? An old lady who doesn’t do much more than sit here and rock these days.”

LCC: “You’re selling yourself short, Ma. Everyone knows you have a way of keeping things under control around town. Have for years.”

Ma: “Me? Not sure what you mean. I just run this little boarding house here at the end of the street. Not much to look at, is it? Could use a coat of paint.”

LCC: “Yes, about that. We don’t see many people come and go here, how ever do you keep the place open?”

Ma: “Oh, I get by. The Good Lord provides.” She returned to her clacking needles.

LCC: The reporter scooched his chair closer and leaned forward. “There’s rumors that you lead a group of men called guardians. That they—”

Ma: “Oh, Pshaw. Do I look like I would be up to doing something like that?” A slight pause. “And what are these ‘guardians’ supposed to do?”

LCC: “Some think there’s a treasure trove of gold bars hidden under Victorio Peak north of here. Maybe thousands of them. Legend says the guardians were formed to protect some sort of religious relic hidden next to the gold. That they kill anyone who searches for it.”

Ma: “My, my. Sounds very scary. People do have some imaginations, don’t they?”

LCC: “The story goes that guardians have been doing this for centuries.”

Ma: “Centuries? Why, that’d make them quite old by now.” She smiled, then rested her hand on the reporter’s. “Excuse my manners, can I get you some tea?”

LCC: “Thank you, but do you have coffee?”

Ma: “Oh, coffee’s too strong for me. I find that it upsets my delicate constitution.” She flashed her big smile at the reporter.

LCC: “You must have boarders right now. I can hear kitchen sounds coming through the open front door.”

Ma: “Why, yes I just happen to. I give them free rein of the kitchen. Maybe I shouldn’t, though. Never can tell what they’ll get in to.” Just then, a young man pushed the front screen door open and stood near the reporter, staring down. He reached out a hand to Ma.  “It’s all right, Twill, no need to worry. I think that’s all this young person wanted to ask, anyway. Isn’t it?” She looked at the reporter with another big smile.

LCC: “Yes, I guess it is.”

Ma rose with help from Twill as the reporter started to  hurry away.

Not so fast, tell us a little more about White Sands Gold. 

New Mexico Territory, 1890

In a hidden cavern, a fortune in gold bars sits alongside an ancient relic.

To find her treasure-hunting brother, Lottie Durham enlists the help of an easygoing lawman. When a mysterious  woman known only as Ma asks her to join the relic’s guardians, Lottie’s world spins. Why her, and should she take on this solemn obligation?

Twill, leader of the secretive guardians, has sworn a vow to protect the centuries-old religious relic. Regrets bedevil him and his dedication to his oath is repeatedly tested. If he breaks his promise, he’ll fail Ma, the one person he’s never wanted to let down.

Will a looming raid by a band of determined killers be the end of the guardians, the gold, and the relic?

How about a sneak peek between the pages?

Lottie lowered to the damp ground, which brought the deputy down as well. She fought the urge to look his way. She was alone in the desert wrapped in a semi-bear hug with a man she met yesterday. She eased a hand to her holster and picked the leather loop off her hammer. Probably didn’t need a gun to protect against someone who’d already saved her life, but…in case he tried something.

The deputy snugged his hat lower and shut his eyes.

“Hold on, cowboy. We can’t be sittin’ here just sleepin’. I mean…you oughta be talkin’ to me, reassurin’ me. How about it?”

He two-fingered his hat up a touch. “You seem to be able to take care of yourself fair, you should probably be reassurin’ me.” He glanced sideways at her, his face not more than a few inches away.

That same half-smile that had been so irritating somehow didn’t look so annoying anymore.

Buy Links:

Amazon,  Barnes and Noble,  Goodreads,


About the Author:

Mike Torreano has a military background and is a student of American history and the Old West.

His debut western mystery, The Reckoning, set in South Park, Colorado in 1868, was released in 2016 by The Wild Rose Press. The sequel, The Renewal, also in South Park, 1872, was released in 2018. His third western, A Score To Settle, was released October 2020, also from The Wild Rose Press. White Sands Gold is his latest western mystery, and was just released by Wild Rose. He has a coming-of-age novel, Fireflies At Dusk, set during the Civil War, and his short story, The Trade, a tale of the Yukon Gold Rush, was his first published work in 2014.

Mike’s written for magazines and newspapers for many years. An experienced editor, he’s taught University-level English and Journalism. He’s a member of the Historical Novel Society, Pikes Peak Writers, Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, Western Writers of America and several other writing groups. He brings his readers back in time with him as he recreates life in mid-to-late nineteenth century America. He and his wife, Anne, live in Colorado Springs.

Social Media Links:

Facebook author page

Facebook personal






It’s been great having you with us today.  Good luck with White Sands Gold. 






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Jazz House by D.V. Stone

Give a warm welcome to D.V. Stone, author of Jazz House, second book in the impact series. Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about D.V. Stone and Jazz House.  D.V. Stone take it away!

Standing The Gap

Several years ago, I took the NaNoWriMo challenge. November is National Novel Writing Month. Thirty days-fifty Thousand words. Long story short, I accomplished the task only because of writing what I knew. What did I know?

I’ve been surrounded by blue uniforms, okay, sometimes black, for forty years. Some with stripes, some without. Some have helmets, and some don’t. But all have one thing in common. They willingly give of themselves twenty-four hours a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year. Leave the family gatherings on holidays. Snow, ice, temperatures either too hot or too cold. They protect, rescue, and often pick up the pieces of someone’s life.

Early in the 1980s, I began my First Responder life as a professional and volunteer Emergency Medical Technician. One of my strongest memories is responding to a call in my coverage area. My partner and I were the only all-female crew at the time. The tones went off, and so did we. A short while later, a simple unconscious male became a potentially violent situation. The man woke, and people from all the housing around us came out and egged him on to strike out at us. My partner got rolled by him, but I was able to radio for help. Let me tell you, I was never so happy to see red lights and blue uniforms.

First Responders, from EMTs to Firefighters and Law Enforcement, have a special bond. When things go south as they often do, we count on each other to protect, minister, and save each other from tricky situations.

One of my long-term positions was as an EMT in an NJ State Prison. In 1994 I married a Correction Officer and volunteer Firefighter. Now we’re both retired.

My first book Rock House Grill was the fifty-thousand-word novel I alluded to above. It’s considered romantic suspense and has, you guessed it, EMTs, paramedics, and police. The second book now under contract, with a release date of August 21, 2022, is titled Jazz House. Police Officer Michael Machau is the main character.

Michael is a composite of so many officers in my life. He’s honorable, compassionate, and kind. He loves friends and family. He goes above and beyond to help his community. In today’s climate, so many believe the opposite. One evening, in a chat with other authors, another writer stated she was researching in a county jail. She said she was more afraid of the cops than the inmates. I called her out on it because if we don’t as a society hold people accountable for their reckless vernacular, they can influence others.

You know, not every cop is great. Neither is any EMT, Firefighter, or citizen. The fraction of a percent who are, unfortunately, are the ones we hear about. That’s what makes the news, news. Because the other ninety-nine percent are a Michael Machau. Honorable, compassionate, and kind.

Shh, I’m going to tell a secret. I know you. Most of you anyway. You love, care, and run to danger every day despite the world’s ugliness. You make a difference even when others don’t or refuse to see it. Through my writing, sorry but I’m going to out you, tell the world you all are big teddy bears. Many are grizzlies on the outside, but inside, where it counts? Koala bears.

Though I no longer respond to calls (I gave it up quite a few years ago), the blue uniform continues to be a constant in my life. My son is now a correction officer as well. Many of our friends still suit up every day. Hubby is a Life Member of the fire department and, until last year, still taught fire prevention in the local schools. Me? I tell stories about superheroes. Ones who don’t wear capes but uniforms. Who don’t leap tall buildings but rush into those buildings. Who when others are running from danger, run to it.

Thank you to all those who stand the gap. Protecting, serving, consoling, and keeping the rest of us from harm.

Wonderful D.V., I’m right there with you! Now tell us a little about Jazz House.

Jordan Vasilakis is on the run, living under an assumed name. After a disastrous marriage to a notorious Greek business tycoon, she flees to the States and starts rebuilding her life. But her ruthless husband is determined to destroy her…once he finds her.

Michael Machau is drawn to the new singer at Jazz House restaurant, but the guarded woman is harboring dangerous secrets. The dedicated police officer may have to risk more than just his heart to forge a connection with the woman he knows as Madeline Cielo, especially when he discovers she’s living a lie.

Worlds collide. Lies entangle. Survival, much less love, is in question. They must quickly distinguish friends from enemies or risk losing everything—including a future together.

Make good choices. Jordan Vasilakis’s mother’s voice rang through her mind. Though she tried, sometimes things went terribly wrong.

Jazz House is the second book in the Impact Series, due out August 31, 2022. The first book in the series is Rock House Grill. While Jazz House stands on its own, I believe you’d enjoy reading both books.

Jordan now living under an assumed name, is on the run after a disastrous marriage to a notorious Greek Business Tycoon. She flees to the United State and procures a job as a Jazz Singer that will change her life. (no spoilers here)

Michael falls for the beautiful singer, at first sight. Unfortunately, he has no idea her past could get them both killed.

I love to be drawn into a story, so you feel like you lived and experienced the tale. The characters in Jazz House do exactly that from page one to the end taking you with them every step of the story. The scene description is superb, so you feel, see, and smell everything. Hard book to put down, even in the wee hours of the morning.

If you enjoy Romantic Suspense, Jazz house is for you. You’ll also enjoy Rock House Grill. So what are you waiting for? Pick up both books! You’ll be glad you did.

Jazz House gets 5+stars from me.

A sneak peek between the pages of Jazz House.

Jordan scrambled to the other side of the limo.

“You sing good tonight.” He scrolled through his phone.

“Yes, Kyrios.”

Outside the window, massive cruise ships docked in the port. Happy older people made their way up the gangplanks toting bags filled with souvenirs, while the younger ones debarked dressed for the nightlife. Sparkly sequins flashed like diamonds as one young woman twirled on the pier.

God, how had she come to this life? She willed her hovering tears not to fall. Kyrios wouldn’t approve.

When she was offered a place in the touring group ten years ago, she thought it was the beginning of great things. Standing in the cabaret with the lights shining down was her dream come true. When she was the woman in the sparkly dress.

Until he showed up.

Each night, Kyrios Vasilakis, Greek business tycoon, sat at the front table watching her. Yes, he was older but so very handsome. Dark hair with silver at the temples, he cut a dashing figure in his black suits.

Jordan began to sing to him. It was the beginning of the end. After a whirlwind romance, she found herself a prisoner in marriage to a brute.

Buy Links:

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About the Author:

  1. V. Stone is an award-winning, multi-genre, traditionally and independently published author. She writes books people want to read. Whether romance or fantasy, her stories are about the importance of friends and family. About overcoming obstacles while doing it with humor.

Around the Fire is a popular weekly blog where she introduces both established and new authors giving an insider’s look into their lives and books as well as tidbits about her own life.

After retiring, she is now a full-time author and incorporates her life experiences into her books.

A former Emergency Medical Technician, she volunteered in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania. At the same time, she worked as a professional EMT in a women’s state prison. She was the proprietor of a coffee shop and a small restaurant/ice cream stand in the years that followed. The years following were as a manager in an animal emergency hospital, while her last position was in a human medical office.

When not behind the wheel of 2Hoots—a 41 foot long 13.2 feet high 5th Wheel camper, she rambles around town in Northern New Jersey in a white Camaro. She also loves travel and history.

D.V. is wife to an amazing husband, mother to one son, and not your average grandma to three beautiful grands. A woman of faith, she believes and trusts in God.

“My greatest pleasures are spending time outside with friends and family, cooking over the open fire, sipping a glass of wine, and reading.”

Hali, her rescue dog, always reminds her to let readers know, “Woof, woof.” Which is loosely translated as support your local animal rescue.

You can find out more about D. V. by following her on Social Media.

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Amazon Author Page







Around the Fire Blog with D.V. Stone


Other Books by D.V. Stone

Rainbow Sprinkles by The Wild Rose Press

After the storm come the rainbows.

Amazon  Barnes & Noble   iBooks

Rock House Grill by The Wild Rose Press

One man’s choices. One woman’s Impact

Amazon Barnes & Noble iBook’s  Google Books Kobo

Contributing Author

Australia Burns by The Wild Rose Press


Independently Published

Mid Grade

Agent Sam Carter

The Mystery at Branch Lake

The Mystery at High Pointe Tower

It’s been great having you with us today D.V.  Good luck with Jazz House and the Impact Series!



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