Mystic Maples by Tena Stetler #MFRWHooks

Yippee!! #MFRWHooks presents Mystic Maples an award winning #mystery #fantasy and #timetravel #romantic #adventure. Part of the Deerbourne Inn multi-author  Series.  When Mercy discovers the truth, Silvanus’ well-ordered life unravels and they’re catapulted into the past to right a wrong.

Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Mystic Maples. Go ahead you, know you want to, grab a copy and join the #magical #fantasy, #adventure today! You’ll be so glad you did.

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What is Mystic Maples all about?

Earth/Fire witch Mercy Rose’s insatiable curiosity always gets her in trouble. After a break-in at her Colorado flower shop, and a court battle that comes to a screeching halt in her favor, she arrives at Deerbourne Inn for a much-needed getaway. Looking for peace and quiet, she finds just the opposite in a startling handsome but mysterious man and his dog.

Silvanus Forrest’s gypsy/fae heritage is a double-edged sword. The land he inherited from his parents is rumored to be enchanted. But when Mercy discovers the truth, his well-ordered life unravels, and they’re catapulted into the past to right a wrong. Along the way their lives intertwine, and they discover the true meaning of family and love. Will they change the past in time to save their future?

Sneak peek between the pages of Mystic Maples

It was a beautiful summer evening lit by a full moon. What harm could come from simply popping over to Mystic Maples, digging my toes into the earth and see if there is any truth to the rumors? She shrugged. Sis wouldn’t have told me about it, if she hadn’t thought it worth investigating. Right?

She toed off her shoes, pulled off her socks and straightened. With a snap of her fingers she left the room without a sound and landed smack dab at the edge of the maple trees. Glancing around, she could see the house in the distance and the outline of the sign. “Good, I’m in the right place.”  She wandered farther in among the trees, the dirt beneath her feet was cool. Wiggling her toes deeper into the earth, she felt the warmth of the day and something else—a connection.

Several trees had a slight glow to them, then it was gone. Am I imagining…She raised her arms out from her sides and turned her face to the starlit sky letting the magic surge through her.  It had been almost a year since magic of any kind called to her. It felt so good, she was lost in the moment.

Suddenly a male voice broke through her revelry. “What are you doing here?”

Her heart thundered in her chest. She hadn’t heard a sound. Yet, there he was standing not three feet from her, hands on hips, and glaring at her.

Her heart thundered in her chest. She hadn’t heard a sound. Yet there he was standing not three feet from her, hands on hips, and glaring at her. The aura around him flashed red. Not good. Saving grace at the moment was the calm Caribbean ocean blue simmering below the rage red—what’s this—a spark of magic? Where’d that come from? He’s no witch or… Once again her insatiable curiosity overwhelmed her good sense.

Available at Amazon, AmazonUK, AmazonAU, AmazonCA  Barnes&Nobel and itunes

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.

This is a blog hop! Visit all the Book Hooks from #MFRWHooks – Your next GREAT read is waiting!

Thanks for stopping in for #MFRWHooks.

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Chocolate Raspberry Magic #MFRWHooks

Yippee!! #MFRWHooks presents Chocolate Raspberry Magic, an award winning #mystery #fantasy #animalrescue. Part of A Witch’s Journey Series. All books can be read as stand alone and are in audiobooks.  Fund-raising, Ice cream social, furry and feathered babies, romance, mystery, and magic what more could you ask for in a paranormal romance/mystery?

 Join the #fantasy#adventure, download a copy or two today! Psst… available in audiobook too! 

#MFRWHooks, wildlife,

Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Chocolate Raspberry Magic. fourth book in A Witch Journey Series. All books can be read as stand alone.  Go ahead you, know you want to, grab a copy and join the #magical #fantasy, #adventure today! You’ll be so glad you did.

What is Chocolate Raspberry Magic all about?

Prim and proper Trinity Shilo is the assistant manager for Salem’s Wildlife Sanctuary. She hasn’t had much luck in the boyfriend department, but the new employee Paul is different. Deep and brooding she sees something special hidden below the surface. Besides she has secrets of her own.

Paul Thorp is a wounded Special Forces veteran now working in security and computer support. He’s fought hard to keep his demons in check and for the first time feels he is ready for a real relationship.

When a fire breaks out at Puffin Cove Rescue they are called in to help with the recovery and ice cream social fundraiser. Sometimes things are not what they seem, and neither are people. When magic is unleashed will what they learn bring them closer together or push them apart?

Sneak peek between the pages of Chocolate Raspberry Magic: 

As Trinity walked through the aftermath of the fire, she lifted the yellow and black caution tape and carefully stepped inside the building. Her gut clenched and that feeling of foreboding washed over her again. The farther she ventured into the burnt building the stronger the gut-wrenching feeling became. Something needs my help. This was a new sensation. She took a small flashlight out of her backpack, directed the beam over the scorched debris, and moved the rubble with her toe. Nothing.

One more sweep of the light and she’d return to the others. Probably not supposed to be here anyway. A weak squawk emanated from the far corner of the building. Picking up a scorched stick, she poked at the debris. A puff of smoke rose as she made her way to where the sound came from. Shining the light into the corner, she saw movement. She knelt down and carefully shifted the charred rubble. Laying on its side, head slightly raised, and using a wing in an attempt to right itself was a small parrot. Its little eyes locked on her for a moment before its head lowered to the ground.

Frantically, she glanced around, but there was no one in sight. How far had she ventured without telling anyone? The structure overhead groaned in warning. No time. “Okay little one, it’s you and me. I don’t have much experience at this, but I’ll do my best.” Shrugging out of her backpack, she unzipped it completely. “I’m going to scoop you up in my backpack and get help.” She didn’t raise her voice to call for help for fear of scaring the poor thing.

Clearing as much debris away from the bird as possible, she scooped up the parrot in her bag. Slowly she stood, so as not to jostle the little creature. Holding the bag gently against her chest, she picked her way across the downed wooden braces, charred remnants of cabinetry, and broken glass.

“Trinity, Trinity, where are you?” Paul’s worried voice pierced the air.

“Over here,” she called with relief directing the flashlight beam toward his voice. The wind shifted the burnt skeleton of the building emitting a squeeing sound of swaying twisted, wet wood. This section of the structure was in danger of collapsing.

“What the hell are you doing here? I’ve been searching all over for you. Didn’t you see the “Do Not Enter” caution tape?”

“I guess.”

“You guess?!” He grabbed her by the shoulders and gave her a little shake, then pulled her against him. “You scared me half to death.”

Available from  AmazonIbooksBarnes and NobleAudibleKobo, and Google Play  

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Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.

This is a blog hop! Visit all the Book Hooks from #MFRWHooks – Your next GREAT read is waiting!

Thanks for stopping in for #MFRWHooks.

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Interview with Kris Bock Author of The Accidental Detective Series

Give a warm welcome to Kris Bock, author of The Accidental Detective Series, Something Shady at Sunshine Haven, 1st book ! just released on April 7, 2022!

Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choic from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookies from the plate and let’s meet Kris Bock and
learn about The Accidental Detective, her humorous mystery
series! Kris, tell us about yourself.

I started my writing career with children’s literature, writing
for kids as Chris Eboch and MM Eboch. My first published book is The Well of
– historical drama set in ninth-century Mayan Guatemala. It’s been
in print for over twenty years and is used in schools when they teach the Maya.
I’ve written over 100 educational work for hire books, and I’ve been a
ghostwriter for some popular children’s mystery series starring your favorite
young detectives.

I write for adults under the name Kris Bock. I’ve written
romantic suspense and a sweet romance series based around a cat café. I have a
humorous mystery series coming out this year, with four books scheduled. The
first is:

Something Shady at Sunshine Haven: The Accidental Detective Book 1

War correspondent Kate Tessler has followed
the most dangerous news stories around the world. But can she survive going

Injured in a bombing, Kate returns to her
hometown in Arizona to recover. For the first time in her life, she’s starting
to feel her age (49), even though she’s living like a teenager again: staying
with her father, trying to understand why her sister resents her so much, and
running into people who still think of her as Kitty.

Seeing her mother in an Alzheimer’s unit is
the hardest part – until an old friend asks her to investigate suspicious
deaths at that nursing home. Is a self-appointed “Angel of Mercy” killing
patients to end their suffering? Are family members hastening their
inheritance? Is an employee extorting money and removing the witnesses? Kate
uses her journalism skills to track clues, but the puzzle pieces simply won’t

If Kate can’t uncover the truth, her mother
could be next on the killer’s list. 

What inspired this mystery series?

Kate spent thirty years traveling the world as a war correspondent.
Now back in Arizona, she finds turning fifty as difficult than the mysteries
she solves. This character was inspired by my own experiences. Okay, the part
about turning fifty, not traveling the world as a war correspondent. I traveled
a lot when younger, but not to war zones. But as I faced fifty, I wanted to
create a mystery lead dealing with some of the same issues: aging parents,
concerns about financing retirement someday, and a body that doesn’t recover
like it once did. I also wanted to give Kate a reason to be adventurous and
fearless, thus the background as a war correspondent.

I didn’t necessarily intend to write humor, but both my
agent and my editor said they laughed a lot. That comes from how Kate sees the
world, which is how I see the world. Laughter helps with the pain.

Why did you set the series in the Southwest?

I’ve lived in New Mexico for over twenty years, three times
longer than I’ve lived anywhere else, so this is home. We live in a small town,
but I wanted to set the mystery series in a big city. In Arizona, I could
create a fictional city within the greater Phoenix metropolitan area. That
allows me to use this fictional city government for political issues, and make
the mayor an old friend of Kate’s, without stepping on any real toes.

Arizona also provides tons of mystery opportunities. The
large senior population attracts scams and abuse. You have the potential for
arguments over inheritance (or even murders to get that inheritance sooner).
The border with Mexico creates anxiety over immigration and various kinds of
trafficking. Plus you have all the usual potential crimes in any large
population. I’ll be able to keep Kate busy for years.

Where can people learn more about the series?

Book 1, Something Shady at Sunshine Haven, releases
April 7. It’s available for preorder now at
various retailers

You can get a free short story and bonus material when you sign
up for my newsletter
. This collection starts with a humorous ten-page
mystery short story set in the world of “The Accidental Detective” series. It
includes information about the books in the series, with the first chapter of
book 1. After that are three fun, short stories originally written for
children. Newsletter subscribers will also get a thirty-five page novella set
in the world of my cat café sweet romance series, and “22 Recipes from the Cat
Café,” if they choose. 

Why did you write the cat café sweet romance series?

I’ve noticed lots of sweet, small-town romance series
involving dogs, but few with cats. I think it’s because dogs clearly bring
people together – think dog parks, walking your dog, obedience training – while
cats don’t.

Until you consider cat cafés. These are a relatively
recent trend, but you can now find a few hundred cat cafés all around the
world. Typically they partner with a shelter, so all the cats you can visit are
available for adoption. This gives visitors a chance to spend more quality time
with the cats before they choose one. Those of us who can’t keep a cat in the
home for whatever reason can at least visit some.

The cat café series is lighthearted sweet romance. Readers
call it heartwarming, fun, and delightful. Visit the Furrever Friends Sweet Romance series page on Amazon US or Amazon UK.

What else do you have in the works?

I’m writing a series with my brother, scriptwriter Douglas J
Eboch, who wrote the original screenplay for the movie Sweet Home Alabama.
These are prequel novels set when the movie characters are teenagers. Follow
the crazy antics of Melanie, Jake, and their friends a decade before the events
of the movie.

Sign up for our romantic
comedy newsletter
and get Felony Melanie Destroys the Moonshiner’s
. These first two chapters from the novel Felony
Melanie in Pageant Pandemonium
 stand alone as a short story. In
the future, you’ll get fun content about upcoming Felony Melanie novels
and other romantic comedy news and links. Or find book 1 at Amazon US or All E-book retailers.

Kris Bock:

Kris Bock writes novels of mystery, suspense, and romance
with outdoor adventures and Southwestern landscapes. She has lived in ten
states and one foreign country but is now firmly planted in the Southwest,
where many of her books are set. Kris writes for children under the names Chris
Eboch and M. M. Eboch. She has published over 100 books for young people,
including ghostwriting for two children’s mystery series.


GoodReads Author Page
Amazon US page or Amazon UK page

It’s been great having you with us today.  Good luck with The Accidental Detective Series and the first book Something Shady at Sunshine Haven.


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Charm Me Again by Tena Stetler #MFRWBookHooks

Yippee!! #MFRWHooks presents CHARM ME AGAIN, an award-winning  #mystery #fantasy. Sequel to fun and flirty CHARM ME. Both books can be read as stand alone.  Two families long divided brought together through an adventure of a lifetime. Breaking the curse is only the first step to forever.

 Join the #fantasy#adventure, download a copy today! Psst… available in audiobook too! 

#MFRWHooks, wildlife,

Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Charm Me Again.  Go ahead you, know you want to, grab a copy and join the #magical #fantasy, #adventure today! You’ll be so glad you did.

What is  Charm Me Again all about?

For several months a Scottish Highland Ghost has haunted Daylan, in his personal life, his professional life and at his forge. Yet, being a talented warlock, he is no closer to discovering what the ghost wants or why he chose Daylan. A trip to his estranged sister’s home in Colorado may have unforeseen consequences especially when family history leads him to a shocking discovery.

As his attraction blooms for Josie, a yoga instructor in his sister’s studio, he realizes there may be more to Josie than he can imagine. When an ancient rogue Fae Warrior set on revenge kidnaps her in an attempt to claim her as his own, a devastating curse comes to light.

Daylan’s world spirals out of control as he searches for Josie. Can he break the age old curse to save her and their future, or will she be lost to him forever?

Sneak peek between the pages of Charm Me Again: 

She swallowed hard and blinked.

Out of the mist, in full Scottish regalia, a ghost stood, his transparent red and green belted plaid blowing in the breeze.

She shook her head, closed her eyes, scrubbed her hands over her eyes, and blinked them open. “What the hell?” burst from her lips before she could control herself. “It’s some kind of bad dream. Right?” She rubbed her eyes again opening only one this time. “Shit, you’re all still here.” She dropped her arms to her sides and glared at Daylan then Summer. “Someone better tell me what’s going on—right now.” Her hands fisted and unfisted at her sides.

Daylan returned her scathing look. “Later.”

“We meet again Shay.” The ghost said. “What kind of attire are ye wearing?”

“Never mind. Ye are the cause of the problem, Daylan.” The leader glared at the ghost.

“Oh, no—not this time,” the ghost said.

Daylan stood straight. “No way. I’m not taking the blame for this.”

Shay grinned. “Oh, now things are falling in place.” He pointed a finger at Daylan. “You are his namesake and that is why Khellan has returned.” He flicked a finger at the ghost. “And you have attached to your namesake hoping he or his twin can break the curse. What a tangle.” Shifting his gaze to her, he continued. “This young lass is caught in the middle with naught power to protect herself.”

“For god sakes. She’s mortal. How can she be caught in the middle?” Daylan shouted. “She shouldn’t even be able to see what’s happening.”

“Yet she does. Something to think about.” Shay shrugged one shoulder. “She is besotted with you, as you are with her. The lass’s blood may be diluted, but it’s there. The cycle begins again.”

Available from:  AmazonBarnes & Noble, Kobo and Itunes 

Universal link to all on-line retailers:


Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.

This is a blog hop! Visit all the Book Hooks from #MFRWHooks – Your next GREAT read is waiting!

Thanks for stopping in for #MFRWHooks.

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