Wow, in RMNP Mother Nature Continues to Thwart our Plans

You’ll remember back in June we traveled to Lake Tahoe to find three inches of snow at our camp ground and snow flurries during our stay. Heck we left Colorado the end of May amid 10 inches of snow. Well, Mother Nature continues to frown on us.

Mueller State Park as the fog lifts

Don’t get me wrong, our camping trips this year were still wonderful. A time to unplug and relax, but sometimes it was harder than others. Trips to Mueller State Park and Cheyenne Mountain State Parks were fantastic. However…

RMNP camping site view from behind our fifth wheel

For Labor Day Weekend, we packed up the new fifth wheel and hit the road for Rocky Mountain National Park. Usually one of our favorite camping trips. It’s a dry camping destination, in other words no power, sewer, and water is only available at several locations within the park but not at each campsite. Which is normally just fine with us. We have solar panels on the fifth wheel which meets our needs. The only thing not available by solar is air conditioning.  Now who would have thought you’d need air conditioning in RMNP in September at over 9,000 feet?  We sure didn’t. However, we would be wrong. The weather forecasters predicted 70 for the highs. Wrong. It was 88 to 90 degrees at our camp site during the day. We arrived Friday evening at dusk. The day time temp was cooling down, so we opened the windows in the fifth wheel, started a campfire, and relaxed toasting marshmallows and making s’mores.

Mystic, Wow would you look at this view!

We spent the following days of the holiday weekend driving the roads in RMNP in the comfort of our air conditioned truck. Why you ask? Because the sweltering heat inside the fifth wheel (no AC) was just to dang hot until evening. Hiking early, early morning was okay, but once the sun was up for a few hours, too hot for humans, dog, parrot and turtle. Yep, we became nocturnal campers. LOL

The drive up Trail Ridge Road was interesting, not nearly as many sightings of elk and other wild life as previous years. Too dang hot. They were bedded down somewhere in the shade below timberline. Even at the top of Trail Ridge Road, around 12,200 feet in altitude it was still warm enough to be comfortable in shorts, flip flops and tank tops. Weird. Usually coats, jeans, and shoes are required up there in September. Not this year.

The evenings were cool and the elk, deer, and other wild life wandered the meadows and crossed the creek in the moonlight.

Mystic checking out our picnic site

Even though we were inconvenienced by the heat, RMNP is still spectacular. But next year, we’ll try scheduling our RMNP camping trip for later in September. A bit of snow and cold, we can handle—heat, not so much.

Just one more camping trip left this season, then heartbreak of winterizing the fifth wheel and putting it in storage until next year’s camping adventures.

Taco napping in her carrier/backpack as we stop for lunch off Trail Ridge Road


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Books I Had to Read In School & Liked -#L&SR #WednesdayBlogChallenge 8-28-19

Books I Had to Read In School & Liked -#L&SR #WednesdayBlogChallenge 8-28-19


Welcome to #L&SR’s #Wednesday’s Blog Challenge, Books I Had to Read In School & Liked listed in no particular order.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee – The unforgettable novel of a childhood in a sleepy Southern town and the crisis of conscience that rocked it, To Kill A Mockingbird became both an instant bestseller and a critical success when it was first published in 1960. It went on to win the Pulitzer Prize in 1961 and was later made into an Academy Award-winning film, also a classic.

The Crucible by Authur Miller –  Based on historical people and real events, Miller’s drama is a searing portrait of a community engulfed by hysteria. In the rigid theocracy of Salem, rumors that women are practicing witchcraft galvanize the town’s most basic fears and suspicions; and when a young girl accuses Elizabeth Proctor of being a witch, self-righteous church leaders and townspeople insist that Elizabeth be brought to trial. The ruthlessness of the prosecutors and the eagerness of neighbor to testify against neighbor brilliantly illuminates the destructive power of socially sanctioned violence.

Frankenstein by Mary Wollistonecraft Shelley – At once a Gothic thriller, a passionate romance, and a cautionary tale about the dangers of science, Frankenstein tells the story of committed science student Victor Frankenstein. Obsessed with discovering the cause of generation and life and bestowing animation upon lifeless matter, Frankenstein assembles a human being from stolen body parts. Frankenstein not only tells a terrifying story, but also raises profound, disturbing questions about the very nature of life and the place of humankind within the cosmos: What does it mean to be human? What responsibilities do we have to each other? How far can we go in tampering with Nature? In our age, filled with news of organ donation, genetic engineering, and bio-terrorism, these questions are more relevant than ever.

Pride and Prejudice  by Jane Austen – The author called this brilliant work “her own darling child” and its vivacious heroine, Elizabeth Bennet, “as delightful a creature as ever appeared in print.” The romantic clash between the opinionated Elizabeth and her proud beau, Mr. Darcy, is a splendid performance of civilized sparring. And Jane Austen’s radiant wit sparkles as her characters dance a delicate quadrille of flirtation and intrigue,

There you have it Books I Had to Read in School and Liked. Any books you had to read when you were in school and liked? I’d love to hear them. Please list them in the comments. Alas, I need to get back to my writing cave and the WIP, so let’s see what the other authors in this blog challenge claim as their Books I Had to Read in School and Liked: L&SR

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.  Don’t miss my Summer Sale! One of my award winning, best-selling books is on sale for 99¢ A DEMON’S WITCH the book that started it all in the award winning series A DEMON’S WITCH. Be swept away in a magical, romantic, fantasy adventure that you’ll never want to leave! Download your copy today!

And don’t forget:

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What Books I Read When I’m Not Feeling Well. #L&SR #WednesdayBlogChallenge 8-21-19

Welcome to L&SR’s #Wednesday’s Blog Challenge, What Books I Read When I’m Not Feeling Well.

What I Read When I’m Not Feeling Well. #L&SR #WednesdayBlogChallenge 8-21-19


I must say the question, Books I Read When I’m Not Feeling Well has never entered my mind.  First of all I take not feeling well to be either physically or mentally. We all have down days so I’m counting that situation that too.

Having racked my brain to figure out just what was meant by the topic and finally coming to the decision above, here is what I read when I’m feeling blue or have a cold or the flu.

First book- it would have to be Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. It’s my go to book or movie because good triumphs over evil in a really entertaining way.  Love to hate the Dursleys. Don’t you?

Next it would be Nancy Atherton’s Aunt Dimity Series. I love those books and re-read them or listen to the audio books every chance I get.  They transport you into a wonderful cozy mystery that leaves you with that warm fuzzy good feeling. In fact I had a chance to talk with Nancy at a recent signing in Covered Treasures Book Store in Monument, CO, about all her books. What a great time we had!

Then my old stand by the werewolf series by Molly Harper. I know I’ve mentioned her here before, but for me she is the queen of snark and laugh out loud situations. You can tell by her titles, The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf,  How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf, and How to Run with a Hake Werewolf.  Her vampire series and Half Moon Hollow series touts the same snark, and snark makes me feel better regardless the reason I’m under the weather.

I could go on and on, but there you have it What I Read When I’m Not Feeling Well. Do you have a book you read when you are under the weather? I’d love to hear them. Please list them in the comments. Alas, I need to get back to my writing cave and the WIP, so let’s see what the other authors in this blog challenge claim as their Favorite food and what recipes they have shared: L&SR

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.  Don’t miss my Summer Sale! One of my award winning, best-selling books is on sale for 99¢ A DEMON’S WITCH the book that started it all in the award winning series A DEMON’S WITCH. Be swept away in a magical, romantic, fantasy adventure that you’ll never want to leave! Download your copy today!

And don’t forget:


 See you next week when I talk about the Books I Had to Read in School and Liked.  Do you have any? Tell me about them. See you then!


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Books I Loved but Never Wrote a Review For #L&SR #WednesdayBlogChallenge 8-7-19

Welcome to L&SR’s #Wednesday’s Blog Challenge, Books I Loved but Never Wrote a Review For. Shame on me!


This may be cheating but I read every single one of the Nancy Drew and Trixie Beldon books (several times) without a thought of review.  We were required to do book reports on at least ten books that we read over the summer. Thought I read probably hundreds of books over the summer. I was a voracious  reader as a child.  Naw that hasn’t changed.

Back then I hated doing book reports with a passion. A review falls in the same category. Wait a minute,  that hasn’t changed either. Only now I’m happy to review the books that I enjoyed, because I know how important it is. It’s all part of being a grown-up. Not that I claim to be one, just that‘s it part of being one.  LOL

Anyway, as an adult, I read Nora Roberts, The Witness, and thoroughly enjoyed it, but nope, didn’t review it.  Shame on me. In my defense, I doubt she missed it.

As much as I enjoy all of Molly Harper’s books, I didn’t review those either. Again, figured she wouldn’t miss my reviews. My story and I’m sticking to it.

I could go on and on, but there you have it Books I Loved but Never Wrote a Review For Do you have a book you loved you didn’t write a review for? List them in the comments. Alas, I need to get back to my writing cave and the WIP, so let’s see what the other authors in this blog challenge claim as their Favorite food and what recipes they have shared: L&SR

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.  Don’t miss my Summer Sale! One of my best selling books on sale for 99¢ A WARLOCK’S SECRETS, from the award winning series A DEMON’S WITCH. Be swept away in a romantic fantasy adventure that you’ll never want to leave!

 See you next week when I admit to the Books I Had to Read in School and Didn’t Like.  Do you have any? Tell me about them. See you then!

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