10 Unusual Things About Me #L&SR #Wednesday Blog Challenge 4.17.19
Okay here we go with 10 unusual things about me.
10. I was a radio DJ for several years – It was fun. Saw lots of great concerts, met lots of my favorite Rock and Roll stars and bands. But I have to tell you there are a lot of weirdos in that profession. So yes, I fit right in! LOL
9. Do you remember your dreams? I always do and they are in vivid color. Yep, some of my wildest dreams were the basis of my books.
8. I like ice cubes in my chocolate milk. In fact sometimes I freeze it to make fudge bars. Yum!
7. Learned early on to respect the paranormal and never mess with a Ojou board. <shiver>
6. I can remember sequences of numbers that I’ve seen or heard but my neighbors’ name not so much.
5. I rock out to rock and roll music from the 60’s thru 80’s. But when I write I like quiet.
4. I hate shopping.
3. I know all the dialog and songs word for word of Dirty Dancing.
2. I love raw carrots fresh out of the garden (after their washed of course) But hate cooked carrots. On that note, I love to garden and do pretty well at it. But have never been able to grow broccoli. (Tried 3 years in a row). The plant always grows to nothing but huge leaves. Anyone out there have any idea what I’m doing wrong?
1. I love coloring Easter eggs. But mine have to be multi-colored. Here’s a couple of ways I do it.
a. Place one cup of rice into each baggie. Add 7-8 drops of food coloring into each one.
b. Close the baggies and squish the rice around so all the color mixes in well.
c. Open up and place 1 hard-boiled egg inside. Close the baggie and shake it around until you have your desired color.
d. Repeat step 3 until all the eggs are colored. Have fun mixing two or three colors or make a fun rainbow egg with all the colors.
e. Place the eggs back in the carton or on a paper towel to dry and store in the refrigerator.
Ever dyed Easter eggs with shaving cream? I have.
- Spray the shaving cream into each cup in the muffin tin.
- Place several drops of food coloring into each cup. Feel free to add multiple colors to one cup! Swirl the color into the foam using a cotton swab.
- Gently set eggs in the cups, swirling several times, until completely coated.
- Allow the eggs to sit for 10-15 minutes
- Remove the eggs and rinse with cold water; store in the refrigerator.
After all this fun, hide the eggs Easter morning. After hide and seek is over, peel the eggs and make devil eggs. YUM! At least that what I do! LOL
There you have it, 10 unusual things about me. Learn anything new? In the comments tell me 10 unusual things about you.
Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here. Breaking news!! Mystic Maples is available for preorder! Reserve your copy today! Amazon, Barnes&Nobel and itunes.
Then, let’s take a peek at the 10 unusual things about other authors in this challenge , shall we? Click here: Long and Short Wednesday Blog Challenge. Have a great rest of your week and Happy Easter!
Next week we’ll chat about the books I’ve discovered on Social Media. See ya then!
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Posted in My Say What Blog and tagged #L&SR #Wednesday Blog Challenge 4.17.19, 10 Unusual Things About Me by Tena Stetler with 28 comments.
Characters I Never Want to Meet #L&SR #Wednesday Blog Challenge 4.10.19
Let me preface this topic with that fact that I have an over active imagination. Any television show I watch or book I read gets replayed over in my mind as I sleep. I tend to add my own circumstances I may have wondered about at the time of watching or reading. Consequently, I try to stay away from stimulus that will give me nightmares and cause me to leave every light on in the house all night. Hubby complains about the light bill when this happens. LOL So….That being said, my first choice for a character I never want to meet is:
***The Serial Killer in Stephen B. King’s Glimpse, Memoir of a Serial Killer –
In 1999 Australia, Sergeant Rick McCoy investigates the murder of a woman found packed inside a suitcase.
The Killer abducts another victim and threatens to dismember her slowly. His life is further complicated by a marriage in tatters. Frustrated at every turn, he is paired with glamorous Criminal Psychologist and profiler, Patricia Holmes.
While trying to rebuild his marriage, he finds himself in a desperate race against time to free the victim and fight his desire for his new partner.
***The second book in the series Glimpse, The Beautiful Deaths is ranked right up there with the first I would not want to meet the man responsible for the beautiful deaths.
Meanwhile, in the high-security wing of the mental health hospital, PPP plans his revenge on Rick. book. Don’t want to meet the man responsible for The Beautiful Deaths.
Read these well-written tales at your own risk! There you’ve been warned.
**I’d definitely not meet the Russian Mob Character, Alexi (I believe his name was) who catches Liz, a 16 year old girl’s attention in Nora Roberts book The Witness. He was a cold blooded killer and relentless. After twelve years, he still hunts her and finally… Well, you need to read the book to find out what happens. I did manage to finish this book without sky-rocketing the electric bill. LOL
There you have it, a few characters I would not want to meet. I’m interested to know some of the characters you wouldn’t want to meet. If you have a moment list them in the comments!
These are a few of the characters I would never want to meet. Let’s see what other characters the other authors in this challenge would never want to meet, shall we? Click here: Long and Short Wednesday Blog Challenge. Have a great rest of your week.
Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here.
See you next week when I confess the 10 Unusual Things about ME. You won’t believe it! LOL
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Posted in My Say What Blog and tagged Characters I never Want to Neet, Glimpse, Long & Short Reviews, Memoir of a Serial killer, Nora Roberts, Stephen B. King, the Beautiful Deaths, The Witness, Wednesday Blog Challenge by Tena Stetler with 13 comments.
Favorite Blogs #L&SR #Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge 3.27.19
Today’s prompt is Favorite Websites/Podcasts/Blogs!
Okay, I’ll be the first to admit podcasts drive me crazy, finding them, playing them or creating them. So I’ve listed my favorite websites and blogs. First up, I love to travel so naturally The Discoverer Blog one of my favorite blogs.
The Discoverer Blog – Travel planning – you either love it or you hate it. No matter which group you fall into, be prepared, avoid silly mistake and stay up-to-day on the latest news.
One of my passions is wildlife rescue and rehabilitation. Let’s take a look at a couple of projects and websites near and dear to my heart.
W.O.L.F. Sanctuary
Rescue – Save captive-born wolves and wolf dogs who need sanctuary placement in order to survive;
Sanctuary – Provide a life-long home at W.O.L.F. in a natural habitat that takes into account each individual’s physical, medical, and emotional needs;
Education – Provide the general public with education about the plight of wolves and wolf dogs (both captive-born and wild) to help foster a greater understanding of them and their value.
Colorado Wolf and Wild Life Center
- It is the mission of the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center to
- Educate the public through tours and programs about the importance of Wolves, Coyotes, and Foxes to our eco-system.
- Educate the public about the importance of Preservation and Conservation of the forests, land, and water that supports wildlife, flora, and fauna for future generations to enjoy.
- Provide natural habitats and exceptional lives for the animals entrusted to our care since they cannot live in the wild.
These are a few of my favorite blogs and websites. If you have a moment, tell me in the comments about your favorite blogs, podcasts and websites. Let’s see what other blogs, websites, and podcasts the other authors in this challenge love, shall we? Click here: Long and Short Wednesday Blog Challenge. Have a great rest of your week.
Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here.
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Posted in My Say What Blog and tagged Colorado Wolf and Wild Life Center, Favorite Blogs #L&SR #Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge 3.27.19, W.O.L.F. Sanctuary by Tena Stetler with 13 comments.
Characters #L&SR #WednesdayBlogChallenge 3.20.19
Today’s prompt is Characters I want to meet.
Hands down the first character would be Matthew Clairmont in the Discovery of Witches – All Souls Trilogy. If you’ve not read these books I highly recommend them. They have also been made into a TV series that I love!
Matthew is the vampire that watches Diana Bishop, a witch in the Bodleian Library in Oxford University after hearing rumors she had called out a particular bewitched manuscript at Mabon.
He studies genetics, a subject I’ve always been interested in. My question to him would be what has he discovered about the genetic basis of creatures as part of the human evolution? Also I’m dying to know if Chris Roberts has the hots for Miriam both characters from Discovery of Witches. LOL
Don’t discount Dianna Bishop the heroine, She is a strong, determined and loyal character with a great intellect. I’d love to ask her about science vs magic and her alchemy experiment with the tree of life.
I’m also a huge fan of Molly Harper and her werewolf series, How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf, How to Run with a Naked Werewolf, and The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf.
Character Mo Wenstein, heroine, is a southern transplant to Alaska where she meets Alpha Cooper Graham in How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf. She is funny, a great cook despite her hippy parents which is one of the reasons she’s in Alaska and she has a over abundance of snark. What I want to know is how does she make those chocolate chess squares? Yummy! Speaking of yummy how about that hunky werewolf, Cooper?
I could go on for hours!
Okay. twist my arm, one more would be Lori Shepard from Nancy Atherton’s Aunt Dimity Series. I’ve followed her from when she first inherited a cottage and trust from Aunt Dimity to her wedding, the birth of her children, settling in a quaint little village of Finch in England and all her adventures thereafter. I want to know how she juggles motherhood, wife to a lawyer, keeps up with the gossip in finch and still has time for wonderful adventures. LOL
These are a few of my favorite characters that I would love to meet. If you have a moment, tell me in the comments about a character you’d love to meet. Let’s see who the other authors in this challenge want to meet, shall we? Click here: Long and Short WednesdayBlog Challenge. Have a great rest of your week.
Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here.
Views: 10
Posted in My Say What Blog and tagged Aunt Dimity Series, Characters I Want to Meet, Deborah Harkness, Discovery of Witches, How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf, L&SR, Molly Harper, Nancy Atherton, Wednesdayblogchallenge by Tena Stetler with 16 comments.