Adventures of a Dog, a Bird & a Turtle

Our first indication an adventure was afoot was our fifth wheel trailer is parked in the driveway, rather than wherever it hides. Excitement mounts as our humans drag clothes from the upstairs closets to the trailer. Next the delicious aroma of food is carried out. I sure hope we get some of whatever it is.   Oops gotta make a pit stop out back and grab a couple of favorite toys to take. Be right back.

There she goes, that silly dog.  What if our humans sneak out the front door while no one is on guard.  Guess it’s up to me.  I’ll just move over to my other perch and keep an eye out. Thump, thump, thump a human with a basket of goodies comes bounding up the basement steps.  “Hey guys don’t forget my freshly made breakfast s and frozen dinners.”  Pop! The fridge opens, containers of my food are tossed in the basket, yep we’ve trained the humans well. Whew… we’re all set. “Hey wake up Sammy. It’s time to go.”

“What… who… where?” Sammy turtle peeks grumpily out of her shell.  “I better get out and play this camping trip.  Last time I was stuck in my  travel home the whole time, just because it rained.  Our humans need to carry a shell with them. Besides a little water ain’t going to make them rust or melt.”

“Oh hush,” says Taco the parrot. “They got our travel homes and Mystic’s leash. It’s time. Oh, yum, I’m getting dinner in my travel home, must be a longer trip. Yippee!”

Thwack. The dog door closes after and exuberant Chow dog rushes in. “Are we ready?”  With a bang,  our human drops the dog door panel in place and locks it. Then he bends down and hooks the leash to my harness, grabs Taco’s travel home.  “Hey, where’s Sammy?”

“Already gone. She’s in the trailer.” Taco says around a beak full of food. “You know she gets car sick if she rides in the car.”

Loaded in the truck, my head out the window,  Taco’s carrier hung in the other window, we’re off.  Other vehicles wiz by, birds fly overhead and wow something smells good. “Hey why are you rolling the window up. We’re not going that fast.”  I plop down in the seat with a grumble and watch out the closed window.  Miles and miles go by till we reach a mountainous area, with lots of trees. Pass through the ranger’s tiny house in the middle of the road. My window is back down, I hear a bugling sound, wait… WOW what is that beside the road looking at me?”  Sniff, sniff, whine, whine, woof.

Human says “Leave it Mystic.”

Aww that’s no fun. “Taco, did you see that.”

“It’s an Elk, saw it on the Discovery Channel. Told you to stop chasing squirrels and watch my television.”

“Taco that’s boring. No smells and doesn’t run.  How am I supposed to chase it? Whoa, chipmunk.”

“We’re here guys. Rocky Mountain National Park,” the humans chorus. “Out you go.” Humans carry the Taco’s Travel home into the fifth wheel and hook up my leash. “Hike in ten minutes.”

*** Yep, we just broke all the writing rules ever written. We can do that because we are a dog, a bird, and a turtle on an adventure. ‘Yes, I got out, see pictures above and right,” said Sammy.


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Exciting Total Solar Eclipse-August 21, 2017

Four days and counting! What happens at approximately 11:35 a.m., MDT on August 21, 2017? The first total solar eclipse visible from the United States mainland since 1979. The total eclipse is visible in 10 states Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina. Wow!  Weather permitting, people in those states will get to watch the moon pass in front of the sun, eventually blocking out its light.

If you are planning to try to capture this historic event on your phone or camera. The experts suggest practicing a couple days before at twilight.  Use a tripod, set it for multiple exposures and set it a few minutes before the time  you want the photo, so you don’t accidentally move the camera.  Oh, on phones, don’t use zoom, it will only make the photo grainy. Always make sure you have special glasses if you are going to watch the eclipse.

This event came to my attention in March, when my hubby and I stopped in Riverton, WY to visit a friend. At that time all the motels, and campgrounds were already reserved for this solar event. Yep, this little town in Wyoming was humming with excitement.

I live in Colorado where it will be only 90%, but that’s enough to send me on the hunt for glasses to watch the eclipse through and a filter for my hubby’s camera. Both of which quantities are dwindling. The American Astronomical Society lists retail chains where certified glasses can be found as Walmart, Lowe’s, Toys “R” Us and 7-Eleven. Look for manufactures American paper Optics, Baader Planetarium, Rainbow Symphony, Thousand Oaks, and TSE 17.  Don’t go thinking your regular sunglasses, that block only 50% of the Sun’s visible light, will do the trick.  Proper eclipse glasses are designed to filter out 99.99 percent, including harmful ultraviolet and infrared rays.

The partial eclipse in Colorado Springs, Colorado will start at 10:23 a.m. MDT, reach maximum at 11:47a.m., and end at 1:15 p.m.

Here is the path of the total eclipse. Thank you! NEWSWEEK MEDIA GROUP GRAPHIC DANIELE PALUMBO/@DANICT89


For more maps of eclipses from 1651 to 2150, visit the gallery at There you have it in a solar nut shell. It’ll be at least 2024 until the next North American total solar eclipse. Happy solar eclipse watching, and don’t forget your certified eclipse glasses. You don’t want to burn the back of your eyes where there are no pain sensors to alert you to the rays that can cause temporary or permanent blind spots.

Want to know more about the total Solar Eclipse 2017? Check out for all kinds of science and astronomy fun facts!

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You Didn’t Like the book – Why Broadcast It?

Okay, this space is usually used for my personal blog. I write full-time and have another blog entitled Authors’ Secrets for books and writing endeavors.  But today, I’ve a tiny rant, okay maybe not so tiny, that I would love thoughts from readers, authors, and actually everyone.

I’ll start off by acknowledging that everyone tries a new book or author at times, that’s how we expand our literary horizons. Right? We all have our favorite genres and authors.  What incites you to try a new genre or author? Are you looking for something different, bored with what you’ve been reading or did someone recommend a book that sounded good to you? Oh, one more thing. Do you like stand alone books or series?

Now, there are people that try something new, in this case a book, and didn’t like it.  So — don’t buy or read that type of genre again. Right?  Why leave a nasty comment/review to the author knowing that she/he has put her heart and soul into this book and been brave enough to share it with the world?  I just can’t figure it out.  Sure, I’ve bought and read books I didn’t particularly care for, a few I didn’t even finish. But I would never dream of leaving a review that would cut the author to the core of their being.

Writing is subjective. I know that. Not everyone will like what you write. I get that too.  What I don’t get is the mean spirited actions of those few people that have to leave a troll review.  Yes, this has happened to me on occasion, when it does, I yank up my big girl panties, read it once then ignore it forever. But recently there’s been a rash of this insensitive behavior to authors of all different genres and it bothered me. So I did what any author does, I wrote about it. LOL  Yes, I feel much better now. Thank you for asking.

Okay, I’m putting my soap box back under the bed and promise never to use this as a forum for a… okay, almost never do this again.  Next post, bright and cheery – oh, did you know there is only 21 weeks until Christmas? That’s 151 days, and finally only 3,616 hours until Christmas. Just thought you’d like to know. <grin> I heard that collective groan. Oh wait, maybe that was me. LOL

I’d love to hear from you!  Please leave a comment.  Thank you so much. Enjoy your summer!

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Monsoon Rain Quiets the Fire Danger.

Good news! In part due to monsoon season, my garden is doing phenomenal! We are harvesting lettuce, snap peas, kale, loads of tomatoes on the vines, and carrots about ready.

It’s monsoon season in Colorado, massive amounts of rain, thunder, lightning, hail, and more rain. Don’t get me wrong, the rain keeps us from having catastrophic wild fires like we had in 2012 and 2013.  But the worry for flash floods is real on the burn scars.  After the unbelievable softball hail storm July 27th 2016, when storm clouds gather now I worry rather than revel in them. Along with most of our community we still haven’t completely recovered, roofs and fences are still being replaced.  The upside, lots of work for contractors.

Any way I digress.  With the monsoons come the overnight appearance of two to five foot tall weeds in all shapes and sizes.  I pull ‘em up one day and the next morning two take their place.  How does that happen? On the flip side it gets me out of the house away from my computer as I fight the never ending weed battle. You know what I mean?

My utility bill, grass and flowers are loving the moisture, except for when the hail comes and we haven’t had much of that so far. Fingers and toes crossed.  For only the second time since we’ve lived here (going on 23 years) we know the sump pump works cascading water out of our rock retaining wall. Good to know. LOL

However, this year my outside plants are portable, on a little red cart and I haul them into the garage. An all-purpose fabric screen is rolled on the side of my garden waiting to be hauled over the garden for hail protection. All this works IF we are home at the time the storm is predicted or occurring.  But it’s all we can do in Colorado, land of the frequent hail and lightning storms. I wouldn’t trade it for the world, Colorado is still a great place to live.  How is you summer going? Did you plant a garden? I’d love to hear from you!

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