Dog Walking – Loose Dogs
Okay all you dog lovers, I need some advice. Over the past several years, I take my dog for a walk early morning. We really enjoy the crisp morning air and the quiet, peaceful surroundings of the neighbor before everyone is up and active, and the empty neighborhood park. Increasingly, there are more people walking their dog during our time out, which is fine. I like talking to them as we pass by. But there seem to be an increase of loose dogs, in the neighborhood and at the park, even though there are signs stating all dogs are to be leashed. There are also leash laws in effect in the city. I think that’s best for the enjoyment of all person’s and dogs at the park that people keep their dogs leashed. After all it’s for everyone’s enjoyment. It’s not a very big park, but is a wonderful place to walk several circuits around it on a nice even sidewalk.My dog happens to like to play on the playground equipment, run up the stairs and barrel through the tunnel. Of course, we always make sure there are no small children playing on the equipment or in the tunnel. Safety first. Though my dog loves children, I realize not all children like dogs.
We’ve met several elderly individuals, carrying sticks to protect themselves from loose dogs. Doesn’t take much for a large or medium dog to knock down an older person. When did we become so inconsiderate of others?
My question is this, am I wrong to ask people who have their dogs off leash to put them on lead while others with dogs on leash are enjoying the park? I know dogs love to run, but there are plenty of off leash dog parks in our city for the purpose. In fact there is a dog park not more than three miles from our park.
My dog doesn’t like dogs running up on her and she will let them know it. So far my run ins have been without harm to anyone involved. However, to my great surprise, some of the dog owners are less than cooperative when asked to put their dog on lead. Going so far as to state,“if their dog got hurt, or killed, it was their own fault, and not to worry about it.” Yes, those were their exact words. To say I was shocked, is an understatement. Don’t worry about it!!?! What do they think such an incident would do to my dog’s psyche and mine? What kind of dog owner says such a thing?
Unfortunately, I’ve seen several incidents recently of loose dog vs. leashed dog turning ugly. From what I’ve read, it’s not unusual for a dog to be defensive when a strange dog runs up to them, ignoring canine good manners, regardless of the intentions of the dog.
It’s getting to the point that I spend our early morning walks nervously watching continuously for loose dogs, rather than enjoying the walk with my dog. So do I forfeit my walks for safety sake, or do I risk asking the people to put their dogs on leash? Leaving my dog at home seems very unfair.
I’d appreciate your thoughts! Okay, I’m putting my soap box away, at least until next week. Have a wonderful week!
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Posted in Food for Thought, For Fun, My Say What Blog and tagged Dog, off leash, on leash, park, walk by Tena Stetler with 2 comments.
I don’t think you’re at all out-of-line, Tena, especially since there is a dog park for off-leash animals so close by.
My own dog was attacked last week when a loose dog came into our yard. She had to have exploratory surgery. She’s recuperating, thankfully, but those loose dogs in our neighborhood are why I avoid walks as well.
I wish you luck with your doggie problems.
Mystic and I are now only walking the neighborhood when my husband is able to accompany us. Too many loose dogs, not worth the risk. Thanks for your comments!