So Your Baby Eclectus is Growing Up- Now What
One of the challenges of living with companion parrots is understanding the motivation behind their actions and reactions, which can change from day to day, week to week and even hour to hour. Why?First off let me say that not all Eclectus go through the stages at the same age, some do it earlier, some much later and some not at all. Just like people, Eclectus are all individuals. This article is meant only to provide a guideline of what to expect and approximately when to expect it with your pet Eclectus. That way you will have some idea of what is going on, and perhaps a bit of insight on how to handle it. Much like a human baby, your Eclectus will go through various behavioral stages on their way to becoming an adult. The way you handle these stages can shape the development and personality of your feathered one, as well as, how it relates to his/her human flock.
One other question always asked is when do they start talking. Some Eclectus talk crystal clear as early as three or four months old, others have nothing to say until after their first birthday, and some (though rare) don’t talk at all. I have been asked to compare the talking ability of an Eclectus to an African Grey. From my point of view the Eclectus is every bit as good a talker, and I might add, as intelligent as any African Grey.
Insecure Stage
The first stage you may encounter shortly after bringing your baby home is what I call the insecure stage. He/she caws loudly and continually while you are in or out of its sight. She/he is trying to make sure you know its there and needs to be cared for, cuddled, loved and fed. The only caregiver your baby has known is gone, everything in their world is new and they are scared! Patience and kind loving care will reassure your baby and the continually cawing will eventually stop, just in time for the terrible twos to hit with a vengeance (maybe).
Testing Stage – Terrible Twos
The terrible twos start somewhere around four to six months and as late as nine months. This is a testing stage, lunging, biting, growling, screaming, general defiance (in some cases, not all). Your young feathered one has determined that he/she will be fed, loved, cuddled and now feeling safe and secure wants to see if he/she can also be boss, alpha bird, head of her/his flock (you get the picture). Nope, your feathered one cannot be the boss and you need to lovingly let them know in no uncertain terms that you are the alpha bird and head of his/her flock. The best approach to ensure that your bird understand this is through positive reinforcement, not punishment. Sometimes timeouts do work with certain birds, however, in some birds this can cause separation anxiety.
Feathered ones don’t understand punishment, what they do understand is that they have been hurt (causing loss of trust) or should you scream at your feathered one he/she will see it as a screaming competition, what fun! Believe me in a screaming contest with an Eclectus, you will lose every time, so don’t even start! Your ear drums will thank you.
Eclectus are very intelligent and empathetic, they can tell from just your tone of voice or facial expressions that you are displeased with them. Most times that coupled with positive reinforcement is enough to encourage compliance. All though it make take a time or two or even several times for a strong willed bird to accept the fact that he/she is not going to get their way.
Adolescent Stage
Ahhh…….. the adolescence or the teenage stage starts somewhere between 12 and 18 months. This is an interesting time. Your bird looks like an adult, may even
display some sexual behaviors and once in a while you may see a glimmer of the adult bird they will become. However, right now your Ekkie is still a youngster and is trying to be independent of its parents as he/she would in the wild.
This is a confusing time for the young bird! The hormones may be stirring, but they’re not old enough to breed and raise babies, yet. Being a pet, your bundle of feathers will always be dependant upon you for the necessities of life… much for being independent! This situation sometimes leads to screaming behavior because they really don’t know what they want, nor how to get it. When they scream for you, don’t go running, answer them as a contact call, tell them they are fine and you are right there. It’s up to you to assist her/him in discovering the independence available to them. During this time he/she learns to play and entertain themselves independent of you and still feel safe and secure.
This does not mean that you can’t play with them, cuddle or spend quality time with your young bird. It does mean that now you need to consider their feelings, moods and wishes, as well as, what you want. To impose your will on your Eclectus against their will during this time, can break their spirit and create an overly dependent, needy bird who wants only to be with you. Or the bird will go to the other extreme, becoming a resentful, distrusting, biting bird who wants nothing to do with humans. Either situation is a recipe for disaster and the two biggest reasons companion parrots lose their homes.
During this Adolescent phase, being territorial especially around their cage, playstand and food bowls, along with some aggression can be expected, not always but sometimes. This can include biting the hand the feeds them. This too will pass. There are several schools of thought as to how handle this territorial situation. Some feel that using a perch to remove the bird from the cage when it is not willing to come out is the way to control the situation. My feeling is that the cage and playstand do belong to our Eclectus, Taco. So when she gets territorial, we let her remain in her cage or on her playstand until she is ready to come out and be social. I see no reason to impose our will on her when she just wants some time to herself. This arrangement has worked quite well in our family’s 16 year relationship with Taco.
There is one exception, in an emergency requesting your ekkie to step up and out of the cage without hesitation is imparrative. Taco knows that tone of voice and has never hesitated to step up and leave her cage or play stand.
It also seems that during the Adolescent stage, problems emerge which appear to be the result of improper socialization or weaning by the breeder or hand feeder. If you encounter excessive screaming, biting or disturbing behavior, a visit to your vet should be your first course of action, to rule out illness. Then after your bird receives a clean bill of health, contact a reputable behaviorist (ask for references) to assist you in working through the problems.
Hormonal Stage – Sexual Maturity
It would appear that somewhere between two and three years old, Eclectus hormones start raging and sexual maturity is reached. Sometimes the Solomon Island Eclectus become sexually mature earlier than two years and it seems that the larger Eclectus species, such as the Vos Eclectus may reach sexual maturity later than three years old. During this time, your bird can be sweet and cuddly one minute, territorial and aggressive the next. You more than likely will be perceived has your pet’s mate. He/she may try to feed you (regurgitation), rub against you or display other sexual behaviors. This does not mean you need to put your pet into a breeding situation. It means that for the time-being you will need to be careful how you handle your beloved Ekkie. So you don’t accidentally stimulate your bird. It’s best not to stroke your bird on the back, under the wings or tail and limit contact with your Ekkie’s beak. Once the hormones subside, that type of physical affection should be fine. The first few years of sexual maturity can be very intense, after that, it seems that things even out and your mellow bird returns, even during hormonal periods.
Don’t let hormonal aggression come between you and your Ekkie, remember adopting a parrot is a life long commitment. Working through this stage in your Ekkie’s life will be well worth the effort and you will be rewarded with many more years of companionship.
Middle Age Stage
As your Ekkie reaches middle age, and his/her environment remains constant they become quite predicable, the mood swings are far and few between. Perhaps it’s that you both have learned what to expect of each other and understand what makes the other tick. I also have been told that middle age and older Ekkies continue to learn new words and behaviors. So I guess I am safe in saying you can teach an old bird new tricks! (I know that was bad.) At sixteen, Taco still picks up new words regularly adding to her large vocabulary.
Elderly Parrot
I don’t think this discussion on Ages and Stages would be complete without addressing the expectations of your Eclectus or other type of parrot as they become elderly.
Over the years, I have talked with people that have the pleasure of sharing their life with an elderly parrot. In my discussions, I learned that parrots age much like their human companions. They exhibit decreased mobility, arthritic and swollen joints, loss of hearing, cataracts and failing vision.
People who share their home with elderly parrots give these suggestions to ease the ravages of age. It is a given that you have already been advised by your vet of your bird’s medical needs and ways to easy any discomfort. Next, you can move the bird’s perches, food bowls and toys lower and in closer proximity to give them easier and better access around their cage. Provide a basket with a heating pad wrapped in a towel to ease the pain of arthritic joints, and share your time and attention with them as you always have. However, just like their human companions, these birds still have much to offer and continue to learn well into their 50’s, 60’s and beyond.
A well-adjusted, independent companion Eclectus is a joy to behold. My Companion Eclectus, Taco is now over 16 years old and truly a beloved member of our family.
Views: 122
by Tena Stetler with 71 comments.
Hi, I will be a proud new owner of a 5 month old male today. I am so excited. (Its Mothers Day.) I enjoyed reading about expectations my bird will have. Not sure of the name yet. If you have any great idea that would be helpful let me know.
Enjoy your green man. Remember the phases they go through. These birds are extremely smart and loving. Lots of exercise is a must. Good Luck and make sure and socialize him. So he isn’t scared of people and is willing to go to any one. That way if you have to leave him with someone for a short period of time, he would get scared.
Our female eclectus is about 2 and a half she started screaming about 4 months ago for what appears to be no reason or at least one we can determine. It is very random and sometimes constant for an hour or two. Her cage is in a room with our other two birds a gcc and a red fronted macaw. When she is downstairs with us she is fine and will only scream occasionally if one of us steps out of the room. It is the screaming when she is in her cage that has us confused. She has been hormonal since winter with trying to build a nest and cage territorial. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Has there been a change to her diet? this can cause a rise in anxiety, and in turn screaming. At two years old, she is still testing the waters so see if she can be boss. Of course she cannot, so lovingly you have to teach her how to request your attention, rather than screaming. Establish a contact call, which assures her that you are around and she is not alone and unprotected. I realize you have other birds in the same room, but if she is looking to you for protection, it’s your attention she wants and so some extent needs. Our contact call is “your fine” When Taco gets noisy because she is wondering where we are, we call out from where ever we are “your fine.” she quiets down. this is not an overnight solution and takes consistency on your part to teach her this.
If she is screaming and you walk into the room, does she quit? If so, you need to establish a contact call, and don’t run into the room when she starts screaming. That may be a way she has discovered to get your attention. Don’t want to let this continue.
Going back to 4 months ago, did any thing change in her world?
I also would suggest that you going the Eclectus Facebook group. This is their address. It is a closed group, so you have to ask to join, but they are a wealth of knowledge and welcome new members.
I hope this helps. Screaming isn’t fun to control, but it can be done. Don’t raise your voice at her when she is screaming or she will consider it a game and she will always win as to who can be the loudest.
Joey is a year and 2 months. He recently started threatening to bite my husband when he attempts to have him step up. He doesn’t act this way towards me. Any suggestions? Also any suggestions on training ekki s? He’s very stubborn. I read not to push birds to learn but to let the process occur naturally with positive reinforcement. Any suggestions on how to challenge him?
Hi Lindsey. Thanks for stopping by. As far as Joey threatening to bite your husband. By this age, he was decided that he is safe and will be fed. Now he is going to see if he can be boss or claim you as his mate. Make sure you are not petting or stroking him on his back, or rubbing his beak this may stimulate him in ways you shouldn’t. Positive reinforcement is the only way to train or modify behavior of a parrot, especially at ekkie. They are a determined breed, but loyal and smart. Joey’s is just coming into his terrible twos, this is the age a lot of parrots lose their homes because people think this is the way it will always be. It’s a phase that need to be handled correctly and will pass. If Joey has a favorite treat, only your husband gives it to him. Patience is the key. Eventually only gets that treat when Joey steps up for your husband without lunging. But to start with give him a treat while talking quietly to him. Does your husband move faster than you do? Sometimes people need to slow down, quiet their energy before interacting with your bird. These are prey creatures and by nature always on the look out. Flight or fight reflex is close to the surface. As Joey gets older and knows the routine and members of the household, he’ll be more laid back. If he is behaving badly, turn your back and walk away…every time… tell him no in a firm voice. He’ll get the idea. Never give in, it only takes once for him to be allowed bad behavior and he’ll figure you gave in once, you’ll do it again. They are so smart.
As far as training. Again healthy food rewards is the secret. Some have found success with clicker or target training. Repetition is the key. Keep your training sessions short. Always end on a positive note. Break the behavior you want down in sections. Like when I taught Taco to roller skate. We started with stepping on the skate and sitting there receiving treats. Then I rolled the skate a bit forward, stopped. Proceded each day until she got the idea she could move the skates herself one at a time, took about a couple month or so. Same with basketball, got her to pick up the ball. Reward. When she had that down taught her to bring it to me. Reward I showed her how to put it in the basket and made a big fuss, soon she figured out if she put the ball in the basket rather than bringing it to me she got more praise and treats. This behavior took me several months for it to be reliable.
Also for additional reference and other ekkies owners input, there is a facebook page you may find very helpful. It is a closed group, but welcome new members. The people are great and knowledgeable. I hope I have been helpful.
I have been hand raising an eclectus boy since he was 4 weeks old. He is now 9 weeks. My concern is he is not very active. He eats, drinks, then just sits close to me, cleaning his feathers and looks at me. He only climbs when he wants to get out of the cage, and is not interested in playing with his toys etc. He has always been this way – ie there has been no recent change in his behaviour. Is this normal at this age? Will he become more active, or have I bought a pet rock?
He’s still very young. Is he weaned? At this stage he is still looking to you for food and comfort, of course he is going to stay by you. You are his world. Soon he’ll learn to explore his world, with your help as his parents would. So to answer you question, yes that is normal behavior. As he gets older, you will need to teach him to play with his toys. Raising a young chick without the help of his parents is tough, you have to be them, teaching him everything necessary to survive. There is a facebook group that is of great help in raising and working with Eclectus owners. I suggest you join it. There are lots of stages ahead of you, some very challenging, others not so much.
Hi Tena,
He is starting to have fresh fruit, veges, pellets and seeds. I still feed him his formula with a spoon 1-3 times per day, but at times he will literally attack the spoon, and I know he doesn’t want it.
Thank you for the facebook link, and I like all your eclectus articles – especially this one, and Don’t Underestimate your Eclectus.
Our male eclectus is starting to bite hands an arms – all evolving around shower time. Rudy has been taking a daily shower with us for many years. My right forearm and fingers are covered in bloody bite marks. This breaks my heart because we love him so much. How do we get him to stop biting. We’ve tried all the tricks. Getting him out of his cage, onto the shower perch is becoming an ordeal; when for the past 18 years it’s been a delight (he loves to get wet). We love him.
He is 18 years old, right? It’s spring which raised the hormone levels in our birds. No sure why all of a sudden he’s doing it
during the daily shower. Is that the only place he’s behaving that way? Is it possible he considers that his territory? I believe that I would
for now stop showering with him, could be just a hormone surge. As I have a female ekkie, I’m not sure exactly the course to tell you to take. However, I can recommend a facebook group that deals only with Eclectus. There are several there that have male eclectus about the age of yours.Their address is That would be the place to start. They are a very helpful and friendly group! It is a closed group, but welcome new members. They are a wealth of information.
I’ve named my female eclectus Scarlett. She’s gorgeous. A year old now, (i’ve had her since she was 6 months old. She terrorises my african grey whose 5 now. Eats his food and chases him around the office and at home. and she wants to bite him. The screaming at times becomes unbearable and she wants to bite even when we feed her. If we walk past her, she growls and runs after us. She’s bitten my kitchen cupboards, electrical cords, etc.
I was informed that the breeding season is from now until December and she should quieten down thereafter.
Hi Molly,
The first couple of years of an Eclectus life is full of changes. Hormonal, growing up, trying to discover how to fit into the world around them. Screaming and territoriality is typical. By a year old she knows she will be fed and cared for, now she has to learn to behave, but the testing of you and if she can be boss will continue for a while. Patience is very important during these adolescent years. If you have a chance read my other articles on how to handle biting etc. All there is a great facebook group for Eclectus owners. I suggest you join the group they are caring and very helpful when raising an Eclectus. You can post any questions you have there also. I am a member of that group.
Hi I just adopted a 5 year old male. He’s super seeet and has seem to adjust quite well to our home. He even falls asleep on us. I noticed though that when he plays with his feathers he pulls out these whiteisn gray down feathers always that’s what they look like. Is this ok or should I take him to be seen at the vet?
Feather destruction is a problem in some birds. If he has just started this, you might want him vet checked to rule out any medical problems. Then check his diet, is he allergic to a recent new food? Is he bored, does he have enough toys to keep him busy? For even more help, I suggest you join this facebook group dedicated to Eclectus owners. I’ve found them to be very friendly and helpful, not to mention a great resource.
I want to get a male ekkie, but I really cant tell the difference before their feathers start growing out… How do you identify their gender at young?
thanks for your website our 6 months old female solomon does not want to mount on our finger but seems to be happy. and healthy when we first brought her home she would mount our fingers (step-up) now she does not want to be bothered. she lets us pet her stomach and ahnd feed treats but not mount fingers. she crawls on the outside of her cage and plays with her toys. is it a phase. thanks
Yes, it is probably a phase. She’s seeing if you’ll let her do has she pleases (Be top bird) You don’t want to let her get away with this. Calmly and firmly request that she step up, have a favorite treat available when she does. Red heads are stuborn and you don’t want her to get the upper hand in the comeing years. The first two years are the roughest, she will test you at every turn, always trying to be top bird. Always treat her kindly, use a calm voice, never raise your voice to her or screaming will become a game, but inist that she do as you request, especially in the step up command. One day her life may depend on getting her out of the cage and to safety and the step up command is so imporant. There is a wondeful group of Eclectus owner on facebook at .
Ask to join. THey are a great group with lots of experience.
I have a 8 yr old male electus. Very much a talker. If I get a female for him will he still pay attention to us or will he be just interested in her?
THat is hard to say. Usually if you get a female, he will still be attentive to you, but he may want to spend more time with her and less with you. Has he been an only bird all ofhis 8 years? Since I don’t have a male, and have only interacted with friends males, I would suggest you join the Eclectus FB list. They are a group of very knowledgeable Eclectus owners dedicated to the care of Eclectus and helping owners.
I have a male Electus parrot who will be 4 in November. When he was younger he would sometimes bite my husband and always favour me. He would always run to me to sit on me on the sofa and always wanted to be held by me and would follow me around the house. I’ve noticed lately he is getting a bit nippy towards me and showing signs of cage agreesive but to me only and not my husband. He also starts regurgitating the moment my husband holds him on the sofa. I know he favours my husband now otherwise he wouldn’t be doing that but is this just a phase? What are your thoughts? Usually I need to wait for him to come out of the cage and then I can pick him up to hold him but my husband just goes straight in and dosnt need to worry about getting bitten. I’ve been doing a lot of reading and I know he is going through a hormonal phase but I just don’t get why he is favouring my husband more when I spend the most time with him and my husband dosnt really talk to him much at all or play with him either. Today I managed to get him out of his cage without him trying to bite me but normally he shows aggression towards me. The other night I was laying down watching TV and he charged up to me trying to bite my hands when usually we would run up and down playfully and follow my hands when I call him. Please help I just want to keep him happy and playful and want the best for him.
FIrst of all I want to apologize for being so late responding to you. I never got the notice of a comment. Sounds like a hormonal phase all right and he’s about the right age. I don’t have a lot of experience with males, but there is a facebook group, Eclectus Parrots as Companions that is very helpful with ekkies. Please stop by and join the group, it’ll be a lot of help for you! Here’s there link. I”ve read about this phase, but I know there are members of the facebook group that have dealt with it and have hands on experience. So please join the group, I’ll see you there.
Meanwhile, make sure you are the only one that feeds him his favorite treats. Like you know, your husband is his favorite, but no reason you can’t be important to him.
Our female ekkie is equally bonded to myself and my hubby. We never let her have a preference growing up. This works with some birds, not with other. Like humans they are all individuals.
I have two scribbling ekkies, one male and the other one is female both six months old. The female has developed bald patches on the top of her head over the last couple of days. Could the male be plucking her feathers as she wouldn’t be able to reach them. The male demands her to feed him although he is always feeding himself.
Have you any clues?
Hi Lesley!
Have you seen him pluck the feathers on top of her head. There is molt that starts on top of the head that all ekkies go through on an almost annual basis. This might be what is happening. I’d keep an eye out to see if you catch him over preening her head. But I’d lean toward the molting especially at her age. No missing feathers anywhere else?
Also I wanted to let you know of a Facebook page dedicated to Ekkies and there owners. There are a lot of caring and experienced ekkie owners there. It’s a great group. Hope to see you there!
Eclectus Parrots as Companions –
My mom rescued an eclectus male about 10-12 years ago. He is no 18. She has been in and out of the house lately for skilled nursing. Ever since I can remember he screams as soon as we start a conversation. He screams when I or my husband pull into the driveway. He screams when I try to talk to one of my mom’s in-home caretakers-HHA, PT, RN. I have tried talking to him, I am now the one feeding and caring for him. I understand he needs more, and I have talked to him all day, just to have him start screaming. It is loud and I am in fear of losing my hearing. Sometimes the house is completely quiet and he starts screaming. I can’t take it anymore, and my husband always has to wear ear plugs.
Hi Diane! He’s had 10-12 years of screaming behavior that you are going to have to retrain him. He is getting something he wants when he screams. Do you run to his cage when he screams? He screams when you or husband drive in the drive way because he is greeting you. Glad you are home. You are his flock. It takes time and patience. It can be done. Please visit Eclectus Parrots as Companions Facebook Page. They are a group of dedicated ekkie owners who have dealt with a variety of behaviors and modifications. Especially, in the males, I don’t have a lot of experience, as my only ekkie is Taco a female. There are male owners at the facebook page that can help you. Join the group and they will be happy to start you on your way of learning to modify your ekkies behavior. Please don’t give up on him.
Hi. We have become the proud owner of a 12 month old. Advertised as very friendly which he can be and nextminute he bites to the point of blood. Is this normal. Atm we tell him gentle or too hard.. could this be because he doesn’t like his new family?
Hi Tena, thank you do so much for writing this, ive had my baby boy for just over 2 months now (hes now 5 months old )and we’re always looking for information, which is why i asked to join the fb group you’ve been linking.
He’s started to learn that he needs to fly to his perch or cage to poop and we’re so proud and started to babble all the time, i think hes copying my laughter haha.
Oh, raising an ekkie is so much fun, but challenging too. FB group I link too is fantastic for information. Laughter is mimicked quite often. I think they love our energy when we laugh and they want to join in the fun! Thanks for stopping by glad my article was of help. I love to hear from ekkie owners or I guess I should say people owned by ekkies! LOL
Wonderfully informative. I have joined the Fb site you suggested. My question: I have a 15 year old male… love bug Soloman Island and have put money down on another bird. As there is both a male baby and a female which in your opinion is the good choice? I take my Toby everywhere and consider that enriching and plan on doing the same with the new bird. My site listed below is what I do in my retirement.
I’m interested in a companion/chum for Toby
It would depend on the breed of the other bird. That also would be a great question for the FB page, since many of them have several birds and lots of experience with their birds getting along. When you add a bird, you always run the risk that they won’t get along. I have only one bird now, a female Ekkie so I would defer to the FB group.
Hi there,
Great site,and great info,Thankyou.
I was wondering if there is a simple way of knowing a Solomon to a Vos,etc,.
I imagine it’s too early for my boy as he’s only 14weeks but just wondered in general?
Many thanks and please keep up your great work
A Vos is a bigger bird and the beak is shaped just a bit differently. A Solomon is a compact smaller bird and the male’s feathers are darker green, where as the Vos is brighter green. Yes, 14 weeks is probably a bit young to know for sure. Join the FB group listed on my website they are a great group of people with a lot of knowledge collectively. Enjoy your boy! Glad you enjoyed the site and thanks for the kind words!
Hello! One week ago me and my boyfriend picked up our Eckie. He is 3.5 years old and talks a lot. We visited him 2 Times upfront and he was very Sweet. But since we have him home something changed. He bit me multiple times in different circumstances. The fist time was when I tried to get him of my fathers shoulder. The second time when I asked him to step up from the couch (he bit without warning) and one time he walked to my hand to attack me because he could not get to my sandwich which was on the table. He also bit me and my boyfriends hand sometimes when he was on it. Besides the biting he screams a lot. A few hours a day. Every morning and an hour in the evening. He grew up in a Family with two boys which used to fight and scream a lot and it seems like he immitates the screaming. We started doing training with hij a few days ago. We do step up and target training. And when he screams we totally ignore him or leave the room. We come back to give him lots of attention when he is nice and quite. The first days he got very angry when we were having diner and he did not get anything and started screaming and hitting his beak against his pearches. This has stopped in a few days since we ignored the behavior and only gave him treats when he behaves and not during our diner. Where do you think this behavior Comes from? Do you think it could be puberty? I look forward hearing what you think
I think you are exactly right on two counts. He is probably hitting puberty (which statistically is a time when most birds lose their homes) Owners don’t understand it’s a phase, one of many they will go through and don’t know how to handle it. Second, I think the high action household he lived in caused the screaming and perhaps they didn’t do anything to teach him unacceptable behavior verses acceptable behavior. I commend you on diving right in training, that is the best thing you can do. Sounds like you are gaining ground. Good for you!!!!!! The biting could be caused from change in homes coupled with hormones. You haven’t had him long enough to read his body language to avoid the bite. It could be his diet is making him hyper, which could cause biting. You didn’t mention what you are feeding him. This too could be a phase in which he is testing to see if he can be the boss in his home. You can’t let that happen, you are the boss, but always use kindness for corrections. Physical punishment is never acceptable. Since handling him is a must, I’d suggest temporarily using bird handling perches with bite guards. You can find them here. A parrot is like having a perpetual two-five year old for a lifetime. They are a fantastic companion, but take a lot of time and training. I belong to a facebook group that has lots of experience with Eclectus. They are a fun and informative group, sharing recipes, experiences and are always ready and willing to help a fellow ekkie owner. I strongly suggest you join this group for help in training and coping with the ages and phases your companion will go through. Not to mention the healthy recipes and food suggestions.Here is the link :
Maybe I’ll see you on the facebook page. Keep me informed as to your progress, I know you’ll do well!
Thank you very much for your reply! We feed him pallets: nutribird p15 tropical. And a chop mix with a lot of vegetables and he also gets Nuts. He really loves grapes so he gets these as a treat a lot during the training but could it be that there is to much suger in that for him that makes him more agressive? If we ignore the screaming, how long do you think it will take for him to stop or decrease the screaming? A week, a month, a year? And how long could puberty take? A week, a month, a year? I know this will not be the same in every bird but I would really like to know what we are facing because at the moment it is just really hard for us so I would love to have an idea about how long we need to keep in mind that it can take. We are determined to get through this phase and keep training every day. How many times do you think is best to train him everyday? At the moment we do around 3 sessions a day of 10 minutes each to teach him stepping up. Besides that we talk to him a lot but he does not get out of his cage for long because then it is hard to put him back in his cage. Also his playing area is above his cage, so higher then us and I dont know if in the current situation it is good for him to be higher then us because of possible dominance..
You might want to watch how much pellets you feed. Eclectus don’t really do well on pellets. Nutribird has a lot of sugars it them, and a lot of additives. I don’t know what you are feeding for seed but Volkmans Eclectus seed is what I’ve fed Taco for 20 years. There are no additives. I order the seed here. phone 1-800.635.9359. You can get it other places too, and some people make their own seed mix, I always found that very time consuming and Volkmans Eclectus seed is great. Eclectus have one of the longest digestive tracks of parrots and thusly get a lot of nutrients out of their fresh food. No additional vitamins are needed for healthy Eclectus. Yes, sugar could be a problem. Does he like pine nuts or almonds? Might be a better alternative than so many grapes. As far as the screaming, if you are constant with your training you should see some improvement in weeks. I understand your situation, the ekkie scream is tough on the ears and nerves. I think your training schedule of 3 times a day for 10 minutes is a good one. Make training fun, so he enjoys it and looks forward to it. You always want him lower than you, him being higher could be a dominance problem, as you suggested. Do you have any trouble getting him off his play area?
As far as returning him to the cage. When Taco was young, we always had a small sprig of millet inside her cage when we returned her to her cage, it was one of her favorite treats. So it didn’t take long for her to look forward to returning to her cage after training sessions.
Did you check out the facebook link I gave you. Lots of great people there to help you with your bird, What is his name? I hope this helps. Let me know how you are doing.
Hi, thank you for this article. It was very informative! I have a 7 month old Ekkie who’s very attached to me. At the moment he spends most of the day with me (as I am currently working from home). In about 2 months, I will be moving to a different place and be staying on my own. My main concern is that I will be at work for about 7 hours of the day. I’m so concerned if he will be able to adjust well to being in a bigger cage and being alone for that long. At the moment I have my siblings around so they usually also play with him. I’m just worried about leaving him with them because he has such a strong attachment to me. Even if he is with them, he looks for me. If you have any advice over what is a healthy amount of time for him to spend on his cage (with obviously a lot of toys, ropes etc to keep him active) I will really appreciate it.
He will adjust. Just be patient, it may take a bit. To make it easier, get him used to being by himself a couple hours at a time, if you can before the big move. Lots of people work away from home and own ekkies with great success. Make sure he has lots of toys and rotate them weekly, so he always has something different to play with. My ekkie’s cage is located beside a window, she loves to watch outside at the people, animals and birds during the day. Try to make the changes, new bigger cage, new environment, new toys and new schedule as slow as possible. I am a member of a Face Book group dedicated to ekkies and their owners. Lots of experienced, friendly and helpful people there. I suggest you join that group.Here is the FB address.
Hi! I have a five month old male eclectus and he won’t stop screaming. He is driving me crazy. Each word I say, he screams. I enter the room, screams. Screams and screams and screams. Will this behavior go away when he grows up?
He is well fed, never alone. What should I do? Even when I whisper he screams!
Has he always done this? As a young bird they do this when they go from their hatch home to your home to make sure you know they are around, to make sure they are fed and their needs met. It should be a stage that he will outgrow, if not reinforced. In some cases it best to ignore him after making sure his is fed and need met and pay attention to him when he is quiet. There is a facebook group that I am a member and is dedicated to Eclectus companions. They are a wonderful resource. I suggest you join the group. There are experience people that have experienced what you are going through and will help you. Here is the facebook group address
Hey tena my 8 month old female has stopped being cage defensive but has started to run away so I can’t get her to step up after her flying around she eventually jumps to the bottom of her cage then let’s me get her.but sometimes when I get her out she will fly off so she can be alone.but I don’t let her I go get her and calm her then let her up on my shoulder she then will stay for hours happily but sometimes it’s a fight like she just wants to be left alone but once if got her she wont leave my side.what do I do?
it sounds like she is trying to be boss. It’s a phase they go through. In our case with Taco, we had to trim her wings for a couple of months so she couldn’t fly away. After she turned a year old, she didn’t display the behavior. Not sure whether it was the wind trimming or just maturity. Young birds are like small children, they are going to see what they can get away with.
Hello. I have 1 year old male eclectus, I’m his first owner, got him when he was just 4 months old. He likes to cuddle, very loving and friendly with everyone, but now he started to scream with no reason behind it, his diet mainly fruits and veggies, occasionally seeds and nuts. Is that terrible two stage.? Will it pass? Thank you
Hello. I have 1 year old male eclectus, I’m his first owner, got him when he was just 4 months old. He likes to cuddle, very loving and friendly with everyone, but now he started to scream with no reason behind it, his diet mainly fruits and veggies, occasionally seeds and nuts. Is that terrible two stage.? Will it pass? Thank you
Hi! I have a 3 months old baby eclectus . At what age should I teach her how to play with toys and how to teach her?
It’s never to early to present toys that are small enough not to scare her but big enough to be safe. (Can’t swallow, etc) I’d start by putting bright colored toys close to her. Carefully and slowly, play with them with her. If she shows signs of being scared, put the toy next to her cage so she can see it and try again in a day or two. Keep trying different toys until you discover what she likes. Not all ekkies like the same things. Some like big, noisy toys, others like small less intimidating toys.
Hi! Thank you very much for your articles! I had no clue about these stages. I’m not having an Ekki yet, just preparing for having one. Will they accept me in FB group in this case? I have asked to enter, but it seems like my answer “not yet” is a reason to reject. But I really wanted to know more about them before having one =(
Being owned by an Eclectus parrot is like having a perpetual two-3 year old for 20-30 years. A responsibility not to be take lightly. As you can see from my articles there are ups and downs in the relationship, the roughest being their first 4 years of life, which are when most parrots, not just Eclectus lose there homes. They are a lot of work, but the benefits of being owned by an Eclectus far out weigh the negatives IF you are willing to put in the work. I applaud you for learning all you can BEFORE you commit to adopting an Eclectus! I sit here typing this response, with Taco on my shoulder, because she doesn’t want to be in her cage or on her perch. So I write with her on my shoulder, taking short breaks to give her the attention she needs today. Most days she’s content to play in her cage or watch out the window, today is not one of of those days. I’m lucky I’m now home with her full time as I work from home. It wasn’t always this way, I worked an 40+ hour work work week for the first 16 years of Taco’s life. We made it work and she was happy. She didn’t know any better. My husband and myself spend time with her early morning before work and after work and on weekends. I tell you this because owning a parrot isn’t like having any other type of pet. They require a healthy, special diet, and mental stimulation on a daily basis in the form of new toys to keep them busy and entertained. Good luck on your journey, ready everything you can. If I can be of any other help, let me know.
HI! I loved your blog. We just bought home a male Ekie and he is wonderful! Have had him now a little over a week. He is 4 months and very sweet. We do have two green cheek conurs and they are NOT happy. I seperated the cage from the room for a bit and then put them in the same room and cages across from each other. I know it has only been a week so I am sure I need to give it lots of time. I have heard to let them meet outside of their room, in a neutral spot. I did that when I introduced the conurs together but an Ekie is so much bigger. He could bite their faces off. Kinda scared. Do you have suggestions?
You will need to answer their questions on FB. I have told them about you.
Oh, thank you very much! It is very helpful to talk to really dedicated parrot owner! My english isn~t soooo good, but only in english I ve found wonderful sources (like your blog is! *-*) about different types of parrots.
I already have a little experience with parrots – this year I adopted 3 lovebirds and they are pretty demanding too for a small bird, but I totally fell in love with parrots (francly speaking always was, but only now with 28 years old managed adequate conditions for having them and the right to make such decisions)and understood that I want a bigger one vary badly =).
With my lovebirds only from the third attent I managed the behavior that I expected from the first e second ones, now they 3 are totally different with me but I love all of them <3 Lovebirds are famous for their complex caracter though..I didnt know this fact before having them. And I felt how difficult for me to deal with agressive behaviour, I m very sensitive about it. So the point is that now I m searching for the most cuddle and sweet medium bird, I m considering a Golden Conure too, as here in Brail where I live its a very accesible and popular cuddle bird. BUT now I ve decided to search really really A LOT of info before having a big one because it~s obvious that it wont be so easy how it was with lovebirds (and even with them it wasnt easy!))
After searching a lot I descovered that the most cuddle and sweet parrot is Golden Conure (really doesnt bite, no agression issues (almost, of course always there is an exeption), and the most important for me – really likes cuddles and a lot of close contact + multiperson bird what is important too), but there is one problem – this parrot is said to be really sensitive to absence of their humans (they have the most issues with plugging and autodestructive behaviour) so I m really afraid of that it could be too hard to deal with such a dependent bird during my rares travels to my home country (Russia).
Soooo I ve read in some sites that Electus male is sweet too and a bit more independent at the same time), but I really in love with the colours of Ekki girls, and they are said to be more agressive and have more complex behavior comparing with male, so I m trying to discover if its possible to have a cuddle red Ekki..
And one more thing..probably in the future we will move away from Brazil to Europe and I wonder too if it will be possible to take our big parrot with us. Of course, I am also searching for info about it and i will never have a bird without possibility to change a contry in future togather, but I belive that its possible having all the oficial documents, BUT i really need help from someone who had the same experience to leave a country and to enter to another one with their pet bird. Not really sure if I will find these people but i ll try =)
About FB group – thank you one more time! I answered their questions 3 times, but every time I have no reaction (probably beeing rejected) and ask to enter again. I will try it one more time then!
My page is
If you could invite me to the group or something I would apreciate!
Hello, I recently purchased a Vosmaeri male Eclectus. I use to have a female Vosmaeri but sadly I lost her a year ago:( I am no expert but I do know a good amount about the Eclectus. The male that I purchased was suposably a breeder that is 8 or 9 years old. Now I have had him for 3 weeks and this beautiful guy acts nothing like an 8 or 9 year old bird. He acts like a very young bird. One of the big signs that maybe he might be e younger bird is he still has some lack on his beak. Do you know any other reason he would possibly have black on the upper beak just like a younger bird. He is very healthy and seems to be very happy in his new home here 🙂 please let me know your feeling on his age.
Thankyou Kindly
No, I don’t know of any other reason a male ekkie would still have a black steak on his candy corn beak at 8 or 9 years old. Like you I am not an expert, especially with males. But my friends who have male ekkies indicate their birds lost the black on their beaks by 1 to two years old. I’d take him to an avian vet for a complete heath check. Discuss your concerns with the vet and make sure there are no underlying reasons for the black streak.
Hi my husband and I are considering a 3 year old female electus, we know nothing of her other than her family tragically had to give her up . We stumbled upon her at a bird store. Owners honestly spoke with ya saying how tame and loving she was when her human parents bought her in, even with the bird store owners. Then as soon as they left anarchy! Aggression, biting and tore the store owners hands. Now the bird is very sad. Talks softly. We have never owned or had a large parrot 🦜 only smaller bird types and want to have honest opinions given to ya before we take the life long plunge
Its possible the bird is sad and angry at losing its home. Strangers are the only one to care for it making the situation worse. It taking on this little girl, you need to be aware it could take months of patient sitting by her cage, reassuring her and letting her love again. I would also suggest you read my article on biting so you are prepared with perch stands to handle her with. I believe your patience would be greatly rewarded but being a first time big bird owner it could be a challenge. But I have to ask the question, if not you…Who will give this bird a wonderful and loving environment she so deserves? Mending a broken heart that she had no control over. So sad. Like you said adopting a bird is a life long commitment including the bad times and the good times! Good luck, I hope this helped.
One one thing, at her age, she will probably test you to see if she can be boss. You can’t let her, but correcting her behavior must be done with patience and love not heavy handedness. Punishment of a parrot can result in mistrust and worse behavior.
Hello 🙂 I’m 16 and I’ve always wanted a bird since I was young, I’ve had multiple hamsters and cats, and one dog. I’ve always been fascinated by Ekkies and know everything I can about them by reading for countless hours. Now that my mom has agreed to getting a bird, she says I should Have a smaller bird, like a budgie, and of course I love all birds and would be okay with everything. But I’ve always dreamt of having an ekkie. Do you think beginners can handle or have ekkies? I just want to make sure so I can talk to my mom about it. I heard that they aren’t beginner pets, I’d say I’m very responsible and patient with pets, and I babysit small children a lot, but I just wanted to ask someone’s who has experience with them
Ekkies are not really a beginner bird. They have a specialized diet and they can be head strong, especially the females. They are wonderful birds, but you need a bit of experience with birds. Are you considering getting a bird from a breeder? That is really the best way to go, that way you have the help of the breeder and you know the background of your birds parents. Choose a breeder carefully also. Good Luck!
I have to commend the great work you do on this page. I feel blessed to have come across your work. I am looking at getting a female ekkie and this just made my decision much easier. I have owned a male who unfortunately died of beak and feather disease. It has been almost 5 years and I miss my little guy. I have always loved the females but was too hesitant about what I read online.
This time around it looks like the general attitude towards females seems more positive. Thanks again for the great work.
Thank you.
WARNING!!! Eclectus can be so loud there is the very real potential for hearing damage. Ours make my ears ring, especially when they are Happy-Excited. I believe this is how they Sing. Other birds make what we consider beautiful songs. Eclectus just get loud, extremely loud. Your neighbors may even complain (Depending on proximity). Be a good soul and change for your Eclectus, Please for the love of Earth DO NOT MAKE YOUR ECLECTUS CHANGE FOR YOU! After all, you are meant to be the most intelligent creature on earth, shouldn’t it be you who does the changing? Don’t be the usually human Bully. Be the Exception, not the rule. Love all animals with your every fiber.
My wife and I have a bonded pair living in our lounge room. It makes life difficult sometimes, but we have gotten used to it and wouldn’t have it any other way now. We are also now quite deaf. While our Eclectus are wonderfull friends of our they have thus far really sucked at being a parent themselves. So we incubated and Hatched one of their babies (after multiple times of them failing to produce young). Our Baby, Hand Reared Eclectus is now 44 Days old. We are on Cloud 9.
All parrots can be loud. It’s up to you to teach them what is acceptable. I imagine having more than one can be a challenge in the noise department. My single female ekkie is quiet for a parrot. She’ll scream when out in the sunroom talking to all the other birds. Inside she has an inside voice and talks to us in english.
Hi Tena
First thanks for your time and complete answers about all related to ekkies
Me and my wife brought home a 3 month male ekkie and now he is 6 month . I am looking for updated information and always do my best to provide his needs . The issue is when i get him i didnt know about feather desease such as pbfd and …
And after 2 weeks he lost all tail and main wing feathers at age 3.5 month i desided to do my best ignoring what bad things way come and after 6 month he gained weight by formulla he was 375 grams and after 3 month he is 450 now new feathers are growing buth they are not so strong his vet isso kind and we get him for checkups every 2 month and he doesnt have any behaviour or health issue except main feathers
My recent big question is he is still on formula and he just plays with all other foods by cheewing them not eating and his mental behaviour looks like 2 month bird not 6 i mean he seems so baby and i wonder how normal is this and if you have any advice except my question i would be very happy to hear
I wrote so long i know . Thanks for you kindness and time
Your questions are best answered by a vet who has seen him. Losing ALL wing and tail feathers could be many things. The fact that they are growing back is a good thing as is his weight gain.
As far as his baby behavior, birds mature at a different rate. An Eclectus can be a baby for a long time. Again discuss with your vet his behavior, his feeding schedule and what he is being fed, is he getting enough to eat? Young parrots play with their adult food before they start eating it.
Is he provided and playing with toys appropriate for his age? What about attention and enrichment play and Foraging? Raising a baby parrot is a lot of work.
i recently purchased a male eclectus supposedly 4months old from a breeder he was aviary bred.seeing as he is only young i thought it would be ok to train him,since i have brought him home he hasnt made one sound only one tiny squawk.i have got him out of the cage sitting on a perch in a huge enclosed games room during the day where he can fly around.but the problem that i have noticed is that he is non stop pacing up and down all day and is looking to escape by trying to climb the window frames and doors. and when he does take off he could fly into the kitchen and attach himself to the lights or fly into the scared that he will hurt occasionally he will sit on my shoulders and my oldest daughter too but then he will panic and just fly off.
my question is can you fully tame an aviary bred bird which is still young?
i originally purchased him having the vision of being a family pet who would be able to sit on your shoulder while going for a walk or even taking him on bike rides
An Eclectus is a very smart parrot. You have to understand everything in his world has changed. As far as he is concerned there is no security in his new world yet, thus the pacing. You have to be
patient, let him settle in. Offer favorite treats for sitting with you and wanted behaviors. Eventually he will come to realize that this is he new home and you are trusted people. This doesn’t happen overnight.
Certainly you can tame an aviary bred bird which is still young. You can tame a parrot at any age, they learn their entire life. The secret is time, patience, trust, and love. Parrot’s don’t give their trust easily, it has to be earned. Yes, he can and will become a wonderful family member accompanying you anywhere you want, that’s permitted and safe.
What kind of diet do you have him on? Eclectus do best on a fresh food (veggies & fruits, etc. diet, seeds on occasion. Pellets are not recommended. Good Luck! Remember patience and winning his trust are the keys!
Hi Tena, I just bought a female electus, who is 16 months old. We are her third family. We are finding it really hard to bond with her. She doesn’t show any interest in food or toys. We try to do target training every day but it really depends on her mood – if she is in good mood she will do it but otherwise shows no interest. Please can you give us advice on how to bond with her and settle her down calmly. She was on a seed based diet and we would also like some advice on how to add vegetables in to her diet as she doesn’t like eating them.
Time and patience for the bonding. She’s had two families before who broke her heart. Trust is going to come hard for her. But it will come with your time and patience, believe me you will be rewarded. Please don’t give up on her. She’s been hurt enough. Ekkies are very empathic birds.
As far as the veggies are concerned. Just keep trying different kinds of fruit and veggies. Pomegranates are one of the ekkies favorite fruits, give it a try. Nothing is going to be immediate. She’s been bounced around
so much, stability is what she needs. 16 months old is kinda like a toddlers terrible twos. Patience is the secret and you’ll get through it.
To start with everyday, sit next to her cage and talk with her. Tell her about your day, what you did, ask her about hers. She won’t understand your words at first, only that you paying attention to her and want to be her friend.
2 quick questions about my Eckie Syrah who just turned 3 in September. She is a really good bird by the way, sweet, tame, no behavioral problems in my opinion. However, she just stopped talking maybe 6 months ago? She used to go on and on talking and I miss it! I have had a lot of major life changes over the past year, so maybe that is why, but any tips to get her talking again? My other question is regarding a sudden behavior that just started about 2-3 months ago. In the morning she has become literally psycho when my boyfriend is making breakfast. It is very early, 6am and she is on her tree in the living room. When he’s getting out food she flies over. At first it was cute he would put a little banana in her bowl or something, now she has become crazy, if I try to intervene in any way she literally growls and attacks, even flying toward me just to attack. Assuming this is hormonal and I need to put her in her room before he gets out food but looking for confirmation. I love your site by the way, thank you so much!
Life changes affect Ekkies. As far as stop talking usually is followed by hormonal behavior. Sounds like she is coming in to her hormonal period. This is a tough time for everyone in the household. She’ll try to assert her dominance in many ways. FYI, punishment will not work. Turning your back on her when she acts up with you. Avoidance of the things that trigger her behavior is the other idea. It will pass. But will come and go for the next few years. Please be patient with her and you’ll come out of this fine. Stats indicate that pet parrots lose their homes 75 percent of the time during the first 5 years of their lives due to hormonal behavior. People don’t expect that parrots go through the terrible twos and teenage years as do human children. Patience and understanding will get you through these times. Then you’ll have your good bird back. For a time the behavior will come and go, but eventually the hormonal behavior will even out as time goes by. You are on the right track that you need to put her in her room before he get out food. As she is looking to him to feed her as a mate during this time.
I hope this helps! I’m glad you enjoyed my site.
sounds like hormonal to me. It should pass. Yes, putting her in her room might be a good idea. See how it goes. If she shares breakfast, it may be a problem. Or feed her first. As far as the talking female Ekkies will cut back on the talking upon reaching puberty. Or if there is major changes to her world. Could be she is not as confident as she was. Try giving her one on one time using some of her favorite words. Give her a treat, maybe a pinenut every time she says a word or talks. The talking ability remains with them and she will eventually start talking again.