Favorite Blogs #L&SR #Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge 3.27.19

Today’s prompt is Favorite Websites/Podcasts/Blogs!

Okay, I’ll be the first to admit podcasts drive me crazy, finding them, playing them or creating them. So I’ve listed my favorite websites and blogs. First up, I love to travel so naturally The Discoverer Blog one of my favorite blogs.

Scenic landscape view from Independence Pass on the way to Aspen in Colorado

The Discoverer Blog – Travel planning – you either love it or you hate it. No matter which group you fall into, be prepared, avoid silly mistake and stay up-to-day on the latest news.



One of my passions is wildlife rescue and rehabilitation. Let’s take a look at a couple of projects and websites near and dear to my heart.


W.O.L.F. Sanctuary


Rescue – Save captive-born wolves and wolf dogs who need sanctuary placement in order to survive;

Sanctuary – Provide a life-long home at W.O.L.F. in a natural habitat that takes into account each individual’s physical, medical, and emotional needs;

Education – Provide the general public with education about the plight of wolves and wolf dogs (both captive-born and wild) to help foster a greater understanding of them and their value.




Colorado Wolf and Wild Life Center 

  • It is the mission of the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center to
  • Educate the public through tours and programs about the importance of Wolves, Coyotes, and Foxes to our eco-system.
  • Educate the public about the importance of Preservation and Conservation of the forests, land, and water that supports wildlife, flora, and fauna for future generations to enjoy.
  • Provide natural habitats and exceptional lives for the animals entrusted to our care since they cannot live in the wild.



These are a few of my favorite blogs and websites.  If you have a moment, tell me in the comments about your favorite blogs, podcasts and websites. Let’s see what other blogs, websites, and podcasts the other authors in this challenge love, shall we? Click here: Long and Short Wednesday Blog Challenge. Have a great rest of your week. 

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here.

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