Finally, Mother Nature Found Her Calendar – Spring Has Sprung!

725A0913Here in Colorado, the Month of March came in and went out like a lion. Several inchesFlower 2 of snow several times, blizzard conditions, and cold. My poor crocus looked like they’d died in the last blizzard of the month.

But low and behold, they revived and look great. Yeah!

Spring flowers 1



Over the weekend, after Mother Nature finally found her calendar, we were able to prep the garden soil, plant kale, carrots, spinach, and sweet basil.  I also tried an experiment and planted a few tomato seeds outside in the garden. What’s different this year?  I have hoops and covers for my garden, the covers are of three different Gardenweights.  Heavy weight for now, since it’s still Garden2freezing at night.  Medium weight and light weight for protection from the Colorado hail that devastated my garden last year.  I’ll see which one stands the test of hail, pounding and wind driven rain.  LOL

Inside the sunroom, I started tomato plants and pumpkins. If I can keep them from getting spindly, they’ll go into the garden in May after Memorial Day.  Never safe to plant flowers or veggies outside before Memorial Day, frost or snow will get them every time.  Not to mention we have had snow in July.  Gardening in the Rocky Mountains is always a challenge! But one I gladly take on for the reward of fresh veggies and tomatoes that don’t taste like cardboard.  Know what I mean?

Spring flowers 3Working in the sun and fresh air was wonderful, and because there was very little wind, made it even better.  Parrot, dog and turtle joined us in a supervisory capacity.  Talk about too many bosses and not enough workers.  LOL

Got a little color on my face and arms, even with sunscreen, curse of being blonde and fair skinned. Wore shorts for the first time this year and I didn’t even get cold.  Yep, spring has sprung and summer is headed our way.

Book MagicNow back to the keyboard.  I have a new book to finish, the second in the Demon’s Witch Series. Waiting on a release date for A Witch’s Journey, hopefully early summer, and turned in A Witch’s Holiday Wedding, sequel to A Witch’s Journey to my editor at the Wild Rose Press a week ago, we’ll see how it goes.

Well, that’s how my world spins and how I spent my weekend.  How did you spend yours?  Leave me a message you know you want to. I love hearing from readers and authors alike!


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  • I started planting last month, LONG before I’ve done it int he past. But I’ve been judging ground temperatures as my marker this year. If I can walk outside barefoot and not get cold feet, then it is time. I planted kale, lettuce, radishes, and peas. All but the radishes are showing seedlings now. I planted beets and nasturtiums this past weekend, but don’t have seed for carrots or turnips, or I’d have done those, too. This coming weekend, I’ll start the inside seeds (squash, mostly) and make a list of what I want to buy at the garden center as plants in May (tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers). I’m ready!

    • Yep, did nasturtiums last weekend too. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! I appreciate it. Ops forgot to plant my squash.
      Thanks for reminding me.

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