Halloween Spirit Hunt – Seventy-Eight Days Left

Seventy-eight days until Halloween!  Toil and Trouble are looking for the Halloween Spirit. Did you notice my Halloween count down calendar to the right??  I’ve something a bit different for you this year.


No, it’s never to early for All Hallows Eve!  Halloween is my favorite time of year. Cooler weather, sight and sound of colorful leaves falling or crunching under foot. The smell of fall in the air, pumpkins and pumpkin flavored everything!! Love it! Also Halloween is the only day you can be anyone or anything  you want and no one will say a word.  Don’t forget it’s the day the veil between the living and the dead is the thinnest!

Yes, I know it’s Friday the 13 of August, which means,  I can continue my annual countdown until Halloween.  To help me this year are Toil (Unicorn) and Trouble (dragon) they are in search of the Halloween Spirit. This week they returned to the pumpkin patch and low and behold they found not one but two pumpkins and a possible third.  It’s still to little to tell.  But nooo spirit in the patch even with pumpkins on the vine. Darn it! So the search continues.

Their friend, Dave (Skeleton), from Texas (thank you Jessica) has decided to take the day off and do a little sunbathing.  Come on Dave skeletons don’t tan.  He still has trouble with what day it is as well. seventy-eight days Dave!

He finally gathered up his towel and joined the search, still came up empty handed. No Halloween Spirrt.

Each week, on Friday, there will be new pictures of where Toil and Trouble are searching and how Dave is helping.  In the month of October I’ll list the most haunted cities in America. A visit to haunted places in Colorado, my own stomping ground, Spooktacular tips to keep your pet safe this Halloween season. Do you suffer from Samhainopobia? I’ll tell you. These are  just to name a few.  Please check back!

Only seventy-eight days until Halloween, AND a TODAY is Friday the 13th to boot! Bwwwaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Oh, hey over at Paranormal Romantics  FaceBook Page, we are having a Friday the 13th Celebration.  Games, prizes, giveaways, don’t miss out! See you there. 

Plus a Halloween themed book from my collection will be featured each week:  You do know I write paranormal romance/mystery. Right? This week, let me tell you a little about An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement! First of all its on sale for 99 cents for a limited time.  So hurry grab your copy and join the #fantasy #adventure!

Friday the 13 + Halloween SpiritIt is the fourth book of the award winning A Demon’s Witch Series. All books can be read as stand alone.


Halloween Spirit

Click on the cover to read more or purchase!


Fallen warrior angel, Caden Silverwind, lives alone in Colorado’s rugged Rockies, healing from physical wounds as well as the mental anguish suffered during battles with dark demons. Then he finds a woman barely clinging to life after a horrendous beating. He is not prepared for the entanglement she brings to his life, nor the feelings she awakens in him.


Bureau of Indian Affairs Agent, Mystic Rayne’s personal dilemma and assignment nearly gets her killed. Divine intervention is a complication she never expected and her growing attraction to Caden is undeniable. Can she trust him with her secret?


Their quest to uncover her attacker takes them from the pristine mountains in Colorado to the wilds of Wyoming. Along the way, they find answers which may place them in more danger. Determined to solve the mystery, they must also navigate their feelings and fears to find love and unite heaven and earth.

A sneak peek between the pages of An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement!

Dislodged rocks and sticks bounced down the path ahead of him as he stopped to admire the view and noticed something in the brush.

She lay naked, battered, and beaten several yards off the trail. Her long, straight black hair fanned around her head, tangled with twigs and bits of grass.  Caden moved silently toward her, stopped, and picked up a Bureau of Indian Affairs ID a few feet from where she lay. He stuffed it in his pocket while watching the surrounding area for signs of her attackers. Kneeling down at her side, he saw scratches and bruises on her high-sculpted cheekbones and her full lips had a shading of blue around them. He placed his hand lightly on her chest, felt a weak heartbeat and sensed a brave soul unwilling to give up. God, this is the last thing I need.

Summoning medical help here was futile. The altitude at 12,092 feet, combined with rocky terrain, made it difficult for most rescue vehicles. They’d be too late to save her. He slid his hands under her body. At his touch, a scene unfolded in his mind of snarling wolves, the valiant fight she waged against a male until she was too weak to defend herself any longer, then blackness. Anger surged through him as he carried her along the rocky path to the fifth wheel trailer he called home.

See you back here next Friday! You won’t believe where Toil and Trouble wound up. Until then enjoy the warm weather, fall is coming bringing with it Halloween Spirit! Yippee!! Now all we have to do is find it!



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