New Year’s Resolutions…Yes or No!
Happy Almost New Year!! New Year’s Resolutions? This week we’ll forgo the Sunday Snippets. Next week, as with all things new in the new year, I’ll have a snippet from my new WIP. I’ve never done this before, so hold on to your hats. LOLNow there’s a dilemma. At the end of 2023, I made what I thought were attainable New Year’s resolutions for 2024 as I normally do, even though my husband was retiring. I knew things would change. I had no idea how much. However, our RV Adventure of a life time started in August 2024, and completely discombobulated my goals, plans, and life in general. NO COMPLAINTS. We had a blast. Heck, I didn’t even try 50,000 words in November when we returned for Novel Writing Month. NaNoWriMo. for the first time in 14 years. I tried to muddle through making my word counts, deadlines, promo and projects as planned, but was thwarted at every crossroad. Our RV Adventure was a cross-country trip in our 38-foot RV to the East coast from Colorado. Never been to the East coast. Branson, MO was way too hot at 104 degrees. Turned south to Mississippi where some friends have a wonderful spread, including a pond stocked with mosquito larva eating fish. Sat on the back porch and sipped iced tea. Visited friends in Georgia. then on to a ChowChow reunion in North Carolina. Great fun with great people. Visits with more friends and family, in Delaware. Had the best Pizza ever at Mystic Pizza, in Mystic, CN. Spend a few days in Salem, Bar Harbor, Cape Cod, New York, and Niagara Falls, NY. Wow what a rush. Lots more to tell. Pictures to share. Check check out my Say What Blog, after the first of the year. You’ll be glad you did!
Back to New Year’s resolutions. I guess I’ve been lucky in that I am a planner and the plans I set in stone happen as expected. 2024 for the first time, I learned that setting long term plans and goals can be fraught with problems. Life throws curve balls that you cannot imagine until it happens.
Ever the optimist, I did make reservations for 2025 camping trips, with the knowledge that changing them is a possibility. The alternative of no camping reservations is unthinkable.
I have discovered that I don’t work well with the unknown. I like to have it nailed down and know where I’m going and how I’m going to get there. Which is probably why I’ve usually created my new year’s resolutions with an eye to my plans for the entire new year. Yeah, going to back that off a bit.
So here it goes. My 2025 resolutions:
Write 5,000 to 7,000 words each week.
Finish the draft of my first contemporary romance set on the beach that I’ve been working on for a while.
Finish a rough draft of my romantic suspense – book three of the Mountain Town Mysteries Series.
Finish the sequel to Mystic Maples, I’ve had in the pipeline for a while.
Clean up my writing cave. It’s a disaster! In fact, it my qualify for national disaster relief. LOL
Take more time for myself and my companion animals. I did pretty good on that goal last year since we all traveled together for the better part of three months.
Read and enjoy more books than last year.
Think before I blurt out statements that are better left unsaid, making me a kinder, gentler person.
Clean out the closets and give away the clothes we don’t wear anymore. It’s time. LOL
Spend more time actually talking to people rather than letting my fingers do the talking. (More verbal communication and less electronic) LOL
Exercise more! This is a tough one for me that’s why I’m not setting a specific goal trying for 3 times a week.
As always, I plan to open the front door at midnight on New Year’s Eve as is the Irish tradition to chase out the old year and welcome the new year.
How about you? What resolutions will you make for 2025? Did you make your 2024 goals? Or if you don’t make resolutions, why not. Leave your answers in the comments, please. Welcome to 2025, what I wild ride it may be!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog, My Say What Blog and tagged New Year, New Year Resolutions, RV travel, Tena Stetler, Traditions by Tena Stetler with comments disabled.