Where Are the Heart-Felt Words?
I’m a writer. That’s what I do, I write. I’ve spun tales since I was old enough to read and put Crayola to paper. With my vivid over active imagination, I’m never at a loss for a magical story. The tricky part is keeping it interesting and flowing from beginning to end. Over the past couple of months, there’s been family crisis in my world requiring trips to California. See https://www.tenastetler.com/death-clean-warning/
While I’d never had real life disrupt my writing, it did this time – big time. The words didn’t come as easily. Now this wasn’t “writer’s block”, the ideas were still there, but the continuity was not — making my current work in progress difficult to finish.
I barely made my weekly word count, but my heart just wasn’t in the words. Self-doubt danced around the edges of my mind. Was it the recent chaos in my life or was the well running dry?
The family drama has settled down, the loose ends are still running amuck, but we’ll get them tamed. The coughing crud I brought back with me from California is getting better. I’m getting rested up and feeling more me. Scary thought, huh? Wow what a difference that makes.
Yesterday the words were back in abundance. Yippee! My story is back on track and racing toward the finish line. I’ll make that dead line. I hope.
I put these words to paper—Or I guess actually it’s to screen so others will know there is always a light at the end of that dark tunnel. Sometimes you just have to wait for the ray of light, but it’s there lurking. That’s tough for me as I’m the impatient sort. Well, it’s time to delve back into my next book in the awarding winning Demon’s Witch Series before the characters take off in the wrong direction…again. Have a delightful and productive week.
Next week we’ll discuss — not sure yet but it will be fascinating, I guarantee it! Until then, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do… that leaves a plethora of things open for discovery. <outrageous grin>
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Posted in My Say What Blog and tagged author, Demon's Witch Series, magic, Romance, writing by Tena Stetler with 2 comments.
Glad you are back on track. I know the feeling.
Thank you Charlotte! It’s been a tough road, but each day is better. Glad you stopped by!