Interview with Leslie Scott Author of Two Hearts, One Stone

Give a warm welcome to Leslie Scott, author of Two Hearts, One Stone, just released September 26, 2018!

Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Leslie and her Tow Hearts, One Stone.

Why should we read this book and what sets you apart from the rest and makes your book unique?

With Two Hearts, One Stone I remember sitting in on a chat about Western romances and how publishers were looking for something different than Montana or Texas for contemporary novels. I live at the tail end of the Smokey Mountains and we have cowboys too! Down here we say farm not ranch (though most of us know farms grow food and ranches raise animals—but still it’s what we say) and don’t have thousands of acres of cow grazing pasture. We do have a strong horse culture though and raise some amazing animals. I wanted to show that and I think I did well.

Did you tell friends and family that you were writing a book? Or did it take a while to come out and tell friends and family you were a writer?

Well, most everyone who has known me my entire life, knows I write. It’s part of who I am. A few were surprised when my debut novel (The Finish Line) was published, but not many. My son is super proud—he’s eleven—and tells everyone we meet that I’m a writer. It’s cute.

One funny story though: I’ve known our church secretary for a few years (I met her at her previous job). I really like her, she’s one of my favorite people. I got a message from her not long ago about how she’d bought my book and read it, but didn’t want to tell me she had bought it until she finished (just in case she didn’t like it, or I ended up being a terrible writer, etc). Turns out she absolutely loved it and is now one of my ARC readers.

Do you see yourself in your characters?

Not really, no. Is that bad? Each character I write is like living in someone else’s brain for a few months. They are all so different from me and I love that. I want them to be someone else, otherwise I think writing them would be pretty boring.

Raelynn in The Finish Line is subdued, which I am not. She internalizes a lot and I’m a complete extrovert. She has multiple handsome men vying for her affections—I do not (ha!).

Hadley (in the upcoming Hot Lap) is upbeat and positive in the face of difficulties and hardship. I am not. I cave, I get angry, I lash out. She smiles and dusts herself off.

Emmy in Two Hearts, One Stone is by far way more intelligent than I’d ever be. Thanks to be son’s pediatrician for her help with that one. 

BUT… they all have a piece of my heart and I think that’s what matters the most.

What do you want your readers to take away from your books?

Joy and entertainment. I want readers to feel like each character is a friend, a part of their family or better—like they were a part of the character’s family. A novel is about escape, transporting yourself to somewhere else. I want that for everyone that reads my book.

Speed Round: (one word only answer): Yep, I know torture for a writer!<evil laugh>

Favorite movie:  I have two: Legends of the Fall or Robinhood Prince of Thieves.
Favorite book:  Far too many to count. But, John Scalzi’s Old Man’s War comes close to the top.
Last book read:  I just finished Lisa Cron’s Wired for Story.

Favorite color:  Pink.

Stilettos or flipflops:  Flipflops, I’d break my face in stilettos.

Coffee or tea:  Neither? Or a fancy sweet, iced coffee.

Ebook or audiobook or paperback:  No audiobook.

Pencil or pen: Pens, of varying colors.

Favorite song: All of them (I’m not picky with music).

Streak or not: I joke that God made me fat so I wouldn’t run around naked. So, no. lol

Favorite dessert:  All of them (I’m not picky with food). See what I did there?

Favorite junk food: See above.

Favorite thing to do to relax: Write.

Champagne or gin:  Champagne. I got drunk on gin in highschool and it wasn’t pretty. Nope.

Paranormal or Historical:  Steampunk! (Ha! Take that!)

Wonder Woman or Top Model:  Dude… WW for sure.

Favorite TV show:  Sons of Anarchy (I love hot biker dudes, I cannot help myself)

Hot or cold:  Cold

POV:  Gah! First is the reel that plays in my head. However, I’m learning to love third limited.

I’d die if I don’t have:  My kid, my cats, my dogs, my laptop… the list goes on and on and on.

Review or Not:  Review!

See I told you, writers just cant do it! LOL

Click on the cover to read more or purchase.

So tell us a little about Two Hearts, One Stone. Interesting title.

Horse trainer Stone Dempsey’s life is all about the ride—with horses and women. He uses his equine talents to impress the country club set and earn money for Smoky Mountain Reining Horses. When his drug-addicted sister deposits her sick baby on his doorstep, he’s suddenly saddled with real responsibility.
Dr. Emmersyn Cole’s goal of starting a practice in her favorite place on earth is finally coming to fruition and she is not going to be sidetracked. Everything is going great until Stone swaggers into her life, half-dressed with a smile that could melt her insides. She’s determined to keep her distance…until he rushes into her grandfather’s home, clutching a feverish baby, terrified and vulnerable, and her heart’s hard shell begins to crack.
In only a few short weeks, Stone’s wayward heart suddenly relies on two women—one who needs him—and one that he might not be able to live without.

Can we have a sneak peak between the pages of Two Hearts, One Stone.


He was spinning and dizzy because of Emmy. He hadn’t expected her to throw him for a loop like she had, have him waiting on her after work, cleaning up his cabin, and all the other silly things he’d done in the past few weeks.

Yet there he was, with a shoulder against the stall door, watching the sparkles of faded sunlight dance in her reddish, curling hair.

He was a goner.

“I feel naked when you look at me like that.” Her fingers trembled as she tucked a lock behind her ear.

“That’s not the way I look at you when you’re naked.” 

Buy links:

Kindle:   Nook:  

 About the author:

Leslie spends most days attempting to wrangle the voices in her head and often wishes she could clone herself so that their stories get told faster. She loves words, romance, and characters that feel like family and spends almost all of her free time with her own family; including a boisterous eleven year old that she homeschools and an assorted cast of rescue pets. She lives her own happily ever after with her soul mate and best friend in the northern part of Alabama and hopes you enjoy reading her stories as much as she enjoys writing them.

Leslie Scott on the internet:





Youtube Playlists:


It was wonderful having you with us today.  Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with Two Hearts, One Stone!

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