Keep your Pets Inside & Celebrate the Fourth of July Safely

Pay special attention to your pets on the Forth of July!
Did you know? More dogs go missing on the 4th of July than any other day of the year. With all the noisy fireworks, loud parties, and distractions, it’s no wonder so many pooches bolt and get lost on Independence Day.
July Fourth is a significant date for Americans across the United States. Celebrated with parties and FIREWORKS. it is imperative pet owners pay special attention to their four-legged friends during the holiday festivities and afterward.

Always keep you dogs and cats inside when fireworks are going off to avoid their nature to find a safe haven. Make certain your pets are walked prior to fireworks going off, close all windows and doors.  Draw the curtains. Ensure your pets are wearing ID tags, even if in the house, as many animals are expert escape artists. Never leave your dog alone in a vehicle during the celebrations.

You can also prepare a den for your pets inside the house with blankets and pillows in a location they will feel safe.

After the celebrations are over, make sure to check your yard any pick up any debris from the spent fireworks or maybe those that didn’t go off.  These are harmful to your pet should they chew or ingest these items!


The American Veterinary Medical Association has more safety tips. Check them out.  Have a happy and safe Fourth of July!


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