Lost on the Road to Love with Kay Harris!

Give a warm welcome to the talented and prolific Kay Harris, author of Lost on the Road to Love, released yesterday, March 14, 2018!

Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about how you were Lost on the Road to Love.  Thanks for being here Kay, I see you brought guests.

Yes,  Henry Rushton and Chelsea Morrison from Lost on the Road to Love.

Wonderful, the more the merrier, I always say.  Why don’t you tell us about writing Lost on the Road to Love? Was it fun or difficult?  Do your characters always act as you expect? Are you a plotter, or fly (write) by the seat of your pants?  

Writing Chelsea and Henry’s story was like getting to give all your favorite clothes and toys to your little sister and brother. Chelsea became important to me when I was writing “Don’t Let Him Go.” Like Jack, I came to see her as this adorable little sister with a fierce will. I wanted all the best for her.

 Henry first came into my life in the Love on Tour series when he was just a baby. Henry is the son of the couple in the very first book I ever wrote. He and his parents hold a very special place in my heart. So getting to write about them again was a special treat for me.

I am a pantser, not a plotter. When I wrote this story Chelsea and Henry grabbed me by the nose and dragged me along for the ride. This may be the most character-driven story I’ve ever written. I wasn’t sure where it was headed until we got there. It was a very enjoyable journey!

Oh, I know exactly what you mean, I too am a pantser and my characters control the story.  Okay, who wants to go first?

 The gorgeous hunk setting next to me cleared his throat.

I guess I will, since I need to leave in a few minutes for an appointment.

Gee don’t sound so enthused.  I don’t bite you know, well maybe just a little in fun. LOL

Tells us about the real you— What event in your past has left the most indelible impression on you?

            My father is a rock star – like an actual rock star. I grew up loved and privileged. I’m not complaining about any of that. My dad was stable, didn’t have a drug problem, didn’t sleep around. He’s as normal as they get – except for the whole rock star thing. Anyway, when I was growing up girls flocked to me, not because they like me for me, but because I was the son of a rock star. It made me a little…leery of women.

  What do you most value?

I value honesty above all things. I try to live a life true to myself and I try to always tell the truth to others. I want the same thing in return.

     What is the type of woman you want to spend the rest of your life with?

This is going to sound so awful…so awful…but…someone like my mom. I don’t mean that in the ‘I want her to take care of me’ way. I mean that my mother is honest, genuine and never fails to be truly always herself. I want a woman like that.

  What do you consider most important in life?

Family comes first for me. Then my career – not this stupid show I am doing just for some cash, my career as a writer. I want to make it. And I want to make it on my own, which is why I use a pen name. We’ll see how that goes…

 What is your biggest secret?

            Right now my biggest secret is that I have it bad for my best friend.  

Thank you Henry. I see you looking at your watch, gotta go, huh? Thanks so much for being here.  Chelsea you’re up next. Who are you really?

Geez…don’t start off easy or anything! I am a filmmaker, a sister, daughter, friend. I am a geek, and proud of it. I am a person who stands up what I believe in. And I am a hopeless romantic, though I hide that down deep.

Who were the biggest role models in your life?

My brother, Jack, who will go to great lengths to do what is right and my sister-in-law, Candace, who is one fierce woman.

      What kind of man do you want to spend the rest of your life with?  

I don’t know. I feel like that’s not really in the cards for me. I like men. I like to be with them. I am especially good at being friends with them. But I have a hard time picturing a forever situation. If I did find that guy he would be a lot like my best friend Henry. Oops. I probably shouldn’t have admitted to that.

   What kind of man would you never choose?

            An arrogant chauvinist, like my boss. Yuck.

What is most important to you in life?

My family for sure. I have great parents, two awesome brothers and one incredible sister-in-law. I am super lucky. After that, it’s my career. I live to make movies!

What is your biggest fear?

            That my best friend is going to figure out I’m madly in love with him and take off.

 I glanced toward the door Henry left through, and back to Chelsea and wink. Your secrets safe with me.

Kay, tell us a little about Lost on the Road to Love.

Take two best friends, add some benefits, and it may take a map to find their way to love.

 On the road for eight months as part of the crew for a travel show, Chelsea Morrison expects to work hard, endure long nights, and enjoy some wicked adventures. But she doesn’t expect to fall head over heels for the show’s star.

Henry Rush, son of a legendary rock star, is leery of women. He learned early they only want him for the fame that rightly belongs to his father. But when an intense friendship with Chelsea leads to so much more, he has to confront the one thing he’s avoided all his life.

Can these two friends navigate their way to a happy ending?

How about a peek between the pages of Lost on the Road to Love?

“Let’s get out of here,” I suggested, scooting out of my side of the booth.

“Good idea.” Henry threw a few bills on the table, got up quickly and, to my great surprise, grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door.

We were moving fast as we approached the reporter and photographer. It wasn’t until we were squeezing past them in the doorway that the reporter spoke. “Hey, aren’t you—”

Henry ignored him and moved his large body so the photographer didn’t stand a chance of getting a good shot. Then, still holding onto my hand, he ushered me through the door and out onto the sidewalk. We moved swiftly away from the café, not looking back until we were almost a block away.

“Well done,” I said, slowly easing my hand out of Henry’s grasp.

Henry held on, giving my fingers a gentle squeeze. “I learned young how to evade the press.”

“I bet.”

“Where do you want to go?”

I looked at the buildings of Manhattan in the gray hours of early evening. The temperature was starting to drop, but it was still over seventy degrees, and for once, I was quite comfortable in my tank top and light cardigan. I had no qualms about making a long journey. “There,” I said, pointing at the Empire State Building.


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About the Author:

Kay Harris has had a diverse career with jobs ranging from college professor to park ranger. Now she adds author to her repertoire. Kay writes romance novels that contain a little bit of sweet, a dash of sexy, a touch of heartbreak, and a whole lot of fun!

Kay grew up in the Midwest and has since lived all over the western United States including Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and California. She loves to hike, is obsessed with museums, and enjoys taking her extremely tall and very handsome husband on adventures.

You can find her at:

WEBSITE:  http://www.kayharrisauthor.com

BLOG:  https://www.kayharrisauthor.com/blog/

TWITTER:  https://twitter.com/KayHarrisAuthor

FACEBOOK:  https://www.facebook.com/AuthorKayHarris/

GOODREADS:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15060640.Kay_Harris

BOOKBUB: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/kay-harris

It was wonderful having you with us today.  Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with Lost on the Road to Love!


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