#L&SR’s #Wednesday’s Blog Challenge- How I’d fare in a Zombie Apocalypse.
Welcome to #L&SR’s #Wednesday’s Blog Challenge 5-20-20, How I’d fare in a Zombie Apocalypse. Please have a seat, grab an iced tea or lemonade out of the cooler. Be sure and grab a chocolate chip or peanut butter cookie. Lets get started with How I’d fare in a Zombie Apocalypse.
Wow, I’ve got nothing. Racked my brain for a day and one-half, then….
Well, there’d have to be several things fall into place for me to survive but if they did, my survival rate could be pretty good. FIrst of all I have guns and know how to shoot them. So on our way to safety, I’d blast the zombies’ heads off, killing them.
I live in a densely populated area, very little safety there. But I would boobie trap the heck out of the house as an early warning system. I’m smart and cunning, so may be able to outsmart the the not so smart zombies. But…my best resource is…
Assuming that there are no cases of zombie infection in the Cheyenne Mountain Complex home to the North American Aerospace Defense Command. Only a short road trip away from my home. And that myself and family got access to it. We could wait out the Zombie Apocalypse. No way could Zombies penetrate the complex built under 2,000 feet of granite on five acres, and
Fifteen three-story buildings are protected inside the mountain from movement from an earthquake or the bunker is built to deflect a 30 megaton nuclear explosion as close at 1.2 miles. A system of giant springs that the buildings sit on and flexible pipe connectors to limit the operational effect of movement. A total of more than 1,000 springs are designed to prevent any of the 15 buildings from shifting more than 1 inch. Within the mountain tunnels are sets of 25-ton blast doors. No chance of zombies making it though those suckers.
Inside this bunker are living quarters, medical facility, store, cafeteria and fitness centers. The complex has its own power plant, heating and cooling system and water supply., It’s ensured that there is a 99.999% degree of reliability of its electricity, water, air conditioning, power and other support systems. A miniture city inside the mountain.
The threats, in descending order of likelihood, that the complex are prepared for are “medical emergencies, natural disasters, civil disorder, a conventional attack, an electromagnetic pulse attack, a cyber or information attack, chemical or biological or radiological attack, an improvised nuclear attack, a limited nuclear attack, [and] a general nuclear attack. I’m adding Zombie Apocalypse. Depending of course how long it takes the Zombies to die off due to lack of food.
FYI, yes, I’ve been inside the Cheyenne Mountain Complex and found it awe inspiring.
So there you have it, How I’d fare in a Zombie Apocalypse. I’d love to hear from you. Please share your thoughts on how’d you fare in a Zombie Apocalypse in the comments below.
Alas, I must return to my writing cave where deadlines loom with edits on my upcoming release HIDDEN GYPSY MAGIC and on a new WIP (very exciting and coming along very well) so let’s see what other authors list as their reasons. L&SR
Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here.
Now lets take a moment to talk about Summer and camping. Set in the Colorado Rockies, AN ANGEL’S UNINTENTIONAL ENTANGLEMENT, Fourth book in A Demon’s Witch Series, is on SALE for 99 cents, for a limited time. Download your copy today and join the magical, fantasy adventure!
The story came about one summer when hubby and I were driving over Independence Pass. It’s one of our favorite drives in Colorado. A beautiful drive if you don’t mind the shear drop-offs. Abandoned cabins (dating back to 1880-1890) dot the landscape near the top of Independence Pass at over 12,000 feet in elevation. As I rounded the back of one of those cabins a complete scene unfolded among the spectacular views. I rushed to the truck and jotted down an outline and An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement was born.
Caden had a story to tell, and insisted it be told before I finished up the series. The heroine in this story is Mystic Rayne. At the time I was writing this our beloved canine companion passed over the rainbow bridge. We were devastated. As the circle of life continued, a new puppy arrived and we named her Mystic Reign, after my character. Do you believe in fate? Well coincidently the release date for An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement is August 6, 2018, which happens to be our dog, Mystic’s birthday.
Fallen warrior angel, Caden Silverwind, lives alone in Colorado’s rugged Rockies, healing from physical wounds as well as the mental anguish suffered during battles with dark demons. Then he finds a woman barely clinging to life after a horrendous beating. He is not prepared for the entanglement she brings to his life, nor the feelings she awakens in him.
Bureau of Indian Affairs Agent, Mystic Rayne’s personal dilemma and assignment nearly gets her killed. Divine intervention is a complication she never expected and her growing attraction to Caden is undeniable. Can she trust him with her secret?
Their quest to uncover her attacker takes them from the pristine mountains in Colorado to the wilds of Wyoming. Along the way, they find answers which may place them in more danger. Determined to solve the mystery, they must also navigate their feelings and fears to find love and unite heaven and earth.
Thanks for popping in. I really appreciate it. Next week, May 13, A Villain that I wish could be redeemed and why. A tough one. Do you have a villain that you wish could be redeemed and why?
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Posted in My Say What Blog and tagged #L&SR's #Wednesday's Blog Challenge 5-20-20, An Angel's Unintentional Entanglement, How I'd fare in a Zombie Apocalypse, Tena Stetler by Tena Stetler with 21 comments.
Wow, that seems like a very safe (and comfortable) place to wait out a zombiepocalypse. Good answer.
My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/wednesday-weekly-blogging-challenge-how-id-fare-in-a-zombie-apocalypse/
Thank you Lydia! Glad you stopped by. Stay safe!
Good spot, wonder if it could house all those in Colorado Springs, Denver and the surrounding area? https://pmprescott.blogspot.com/2020/05/wc-052020.html
Probably not, but you can bet I’d be the first one there. LOL Thanks for stopping by!
Okay, Tena, I need to visit Cheyenne Mountain Complex! Awesome! Great post!
Thank you Mary. You do need to visit Colorado. We could have a great time. LOL Thanks for stopping by!
Wow! You’ve really put some thought into this. I think I want to stick with you through the next zombie apocolypse lol!
Thank you Sydney! You’re welcome on my team. LOL Thanks for stopping by!
That would be an excellent place to go! And if the zombies over run the planet, maybe there’s the possibility of relocating to another planet with the Stargate! 🙂 My kids and I binge-watching Stargate SG-1 on Amazon Prime. My son wants to visit Cheyenne Mountain just to see if there’s a Stargate. LOL
When I was at Cheyenne Mountain, I didn’t see a Stargate, but it could have been in the security clearance section. NO visitors allowed. LOL I enjoy Stargate WF-1 too. Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe!
This is a brilliant plan! Do you think a lot of people in your area would have the same idea? I can see a harrowing story of survival and probably murder of the people that made it into the bunker, lol.
Thanks for stopping by the blog as part of the link-up the other day. I have my own blog link-up Thrilling Thursday! Come by and link up your latest book review:)
Now that is a solid plan! And I just bet there are secrets there to keep you entertained until whatever adventure you go on next.
Here’s how I think I’d do in a zombie apocalypse: https://thereikicafe.com/2020/05/20/how-id-fare-in-a-zombie-apocalypse/
Thanks for stopping by Gina! There are always secrets everywhere!
Cheyenne Mountain beats the heck out of “shelter in place”, I have to say. Good plan.
My answer is here.
Thank you for stopping by. Glad you like my plan
I like how you think. I’d want to hide in a mountain. Love the post.
Why thank you Megan! Glad you enjoyed the post. Stay safe!
Wow! That bunker is da goods! Thanks for sharing. Really interesting.
Glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe.
Wow, that looks perfect! How do I book a room for the apocalypse? XD Thanks for sharing!
I’ll let you know if it ever becomes necessary. Let’s hope not.