#L&SR’s #Wednesday’s Blog Challenge – My Life in Photos or Gifs

Welcome to #L&SR’s #Wednesday’s Blog Challenge 6-17-20 –  My life in photos or gifs.  Wow, so many to choose from. Please have a seat, grab an iced tea or lemonade out of the cooler. Be sure and try a chocolate chip or peanut butter cookie. Lets get started with My life in photos or gifs.

This week’s topic is easy in a way and hard in that I have so many photos to choose from.  So here we go. 

The only way to camp! We travel and camp from early spring to late fall when weather permits and vacation days allow. Yep our dog, parrot and box turtle come with us.

White Water Rafting down the Arkansas River through the Royal Gorge, Colorado, Class V rapids. You can almost see my helmet on the front left side of the raft. The river was closed right after we went through because it was running too fast.


Kayaking another outdoor adventure we enjoy along with pup. Parrot and turtle have to stay in the fifth wheel trailer.

Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado. Yeah, shoes don’t cut it in the sand. LOL

Book signings











Where I spend a lot of my time, in my writing cave!

Camping adventures with friends. This one is at Colorado’s Rocky Mountain National Park, Bear Lake. That would be me and hubby on the right.

View from a great hike in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

Hanging out with Taco in the sunroom after my writing day is finished.

After a day of kayaking, a nice relaxing evening around the campfire.

My Iris garden. In a good year.












Perfect Moment Rose – new this year in my rose garden

I take a break and water my outdoor plants everyday.

We were hiking near Trail Ridge Road RMNP Grand lake side with Mystic











Mystic and I playing in the snow on a fun winter day! We love the snow.













































Okay you should be sufficiently bored by now. So there you have it,  My life in photos or gifs.  How about you? What’s you life look like in photos? 

Alas, I must return to my writing cave  where deadlines loom with edits on my upcoming release HIDDEN GYPSY MAGIC, Chocolate Raspberry Magic, and on a new WIP sixth book in A Demon’s Witch Series(very exciting and coming along very well) so let’s see what other authors list as their favorite poems, short stories, or novellasL&SR

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.

School’s out. Looking an exciting read to whisk you away from your ordinary world into a magical, fantasy adventure ? Got just the thing. A Witch’s Journey.  – Former Navy Seal, Lathen Quartz helps Pepper, a powerful witch, achieve her life-long dream of a wild life rescue. But can they save the McKay magic amid a 4th of July festival they’ll never forget?

Click on the cover to read more or purchase!

A bit about A Witch’s Journey on sale for 99 cents!  At dusk, the mist rolled in, but it didn’t dampen the revelers’ enthusiasm. Pepper and Lathen followed the crowd over to the harbor where several boats were lined up and decorated with different kinds of patriotic colored lights. A variety of bulbs burned steady, while others flashed, chased, and twinkled. One pleasure craft had a flag draped over the bow made up of red, white, and blue lights that blinked in time to “The Star Spangled Banner” playing in the background.

After casting votes for the best display, they returned to Lathen’s pickup and drove the short distance to the Sea Crest Inn, where everyone gathered for an ice cream social to benefit local charities. Local bands presented the entertainment for the evening. Music ranged from country to rock and roll, and even a group that did a respectable job on the 1812 Overture as the spectacular fireworks display exploded in the night sky.

A cold shiver ran up her spine as goose bumps crept up her arms. Pepper reached down to untie her sweater from her waist, and someone grabbed her around the middle and covered her mouth with a hand. Excruciating pain exploded through her temples. Instinctively, she sank her front teeth into the palm of the hand covering her mouth.

Thanks for popping in. I really appreciate it. Next week, June 24, can you believe it already? Anyway the topic is My “go to” book or movie for a pick up! Oh that should be fun.  

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