Spring Snow Brings May Flowers!

Those April showers that bring May flowers came in the form of eight inches of wet snow and big white fluffy flakes are still falling. It’s hard to believe that it was sunny and 60 degrees yesterday. I took a couple hours off from writing, leashed up my dog and scampered outside for a much-needed walk to the park and around the neighborhood. We admired all the daffodils and tulips plants that were several inches above ground. OK, I admired, Mystic was too busy sniffing the air and ground to see who came before her. We also found quite a few green blades of grass in the yards among the brown winter landscape. The buds on the lilac bushes look ready to burst wide open. Bet they are rethinking their decisions about now.
The neat thing about this storm is that we got to try out our new snow blower. Yes, that’s the one we purchased last year, after several snowstorms and my husband was out-of-town. So, the fun of shoveling all that snow, fell to me. The purchase worked, no measurable snow fell the rest of the winter, last year.snowblower
My husband has an innate ability to be in sunny California or Arizona on business when the snow flies here and there is any measurable accumulation. It was great fun to watch the snow blower cut a 24 inch swatch through the white stuff in a matter of minutes, especially since my husband was at the controls. Definitely beats shoveling. What was more amazing is that he was actually here to do that job! Will wonders never cease. Of course, there wasn’t supposed to be any measurable precipitation with this storm, an inch if we were lucky. The weatherman missed again, gee now that’s unusual. NOT! I know that compared to the storms in the eastern United States eight inches isn’t much, but here it’s needed moisture and finally enough to use our new snow blower!
Mystic snow april 2 2014Mystic, our chow, truly enjoyed tunneling under the snow with her nose and frolicking in the back yard, snow piled almost to her belly. The snow will probably be gone when the sun comes out, this afternoon or tomorrow, but now the snowball fight is on!  Nothing packs together better than the wet spring snow.

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