Saint Patrick’s Day plus a Little Luck of the Irish!
Sunday Snippet celebrates Saint Patrick’s Day! Every year on March 17, the Irish & the Irish-at-heart worldwide celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day. The holiday started out as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland but has become an international festival celebrating Irish culture. From parades and yummy Irish foods
My hometown usually welcomes Spring with its annual St Patrick’s Day Parade. The celebration started 33 years ago, and this year the Irish downtown celebration is bigger and better than ever! I’ll be wearing my green! How about you?
I’ve got ten Saint Patrick’s Day fun facts to make you smile!
#1 Did you know that we celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day on the day of the saint’s death, March 17th. He spent most his life converting pagans of Ireland to Christianity. His entrance to heaven was March 17, 461AD.
#2. How about this, Saint. Patrick wasn’t even Irish, nor was he born in Ireland. His parents were Roman citizens living in either England, Scotland or Wales, the scholars can’t agree which country, there’s something unusual, NOT.
#3. Here’s a shocker, Saint Patrick was a slave. He had the misfortune of being kidnapped at sixteen years old by Irish raiders. They sold him as a slave. For several years he herded sheep and learned about the Irish people. By age twenty-two, he’d escaped and made his way to a monastery in England.
#4. Ever wonder why the shamrock became part of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations? Because, Saint Patrick used the shamrock to preach about trinity. Now whether it was supposed to represent faith, hope and love or the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, remains a mystery. However, St Patrick must have been quite the inspirational speaker because Ireland’s pagan rulers at the time quickly converted to Christianity.
#5. Supposedly, St. Patrick drove all the snakes from Ireland. But I have to ask, if it was the reptiles “snakes” referred to or… a more figurative reference meaning pagan practices and their religious beliefs. I find it interesting to note that there isn’t any evidence that snakes, the reptile, ever existed in Ireland. Seems the weather is too cool for snakes to survive. This is all conjecture on my part, having never been to Ireland, but it’s on my bucket list!
#6. Everyone knows the color associated with St. Patrick’s Day is Green. Right? Not so fast. Originally the color blue represented St. Patrick. He was depicted in artwork wearing blue vestments. Also King Henry VII used the Irish harp in gold on a blue flag to represent the country. However, now days green is associated with Ireland, maybe due to the plentiful rainfall, creating the green countryside. Today, many refer to Ireland as the “Emerald Isle”.
#7. Nope, the Shamrock is not the symbol of Ireland. Surprised you didn’t I? Actually, since the medieval period, the harp has represented the nation. King Henry VII as early as 1534 used the harp on coins. Later the harp appeared on Irish flags, and Irish coats of arms. During
Ireland’s struggle for freedom, the Irish people used harps on flags during rebellions against England. In 1921, Ireland became an independent country and adopted the harp as the national symbol.
#8. Did you know there are more Irish in the United States than in Ireland? ‘Tis true. No blarney. They may not all be pure-blood Irish, but of Irish ancestry just the same. Mixed ancestry could be due to the troubled history of Ireland and millions of Irish left the country for the US during the potato famine in Ireland. This exodus continued through most of the 19th century until the economic boom of the 1990’s, when more Irish stayed in their native country rather than searching for better opportunities abroad.
#9. What is your drink of choice on St. Patrick’s Day? A Shamrock milkshake? Green Beer? Bet you didn’t know that from 1903 to 1970, Irish law declared St. Patrick’s Day a religious holiday. That meant that all the pubs were shuttered for the day. In 1970 the law was overturned and St. Patrick’s became a national holiday, allowing the beer to flow once again.
#10. Bet you don’t know what the odds of finding a four-leaf clover are. I do, approximately 1 in 10,000. That’s way better than the lottery, may the luck of the four-leaf clover flow your way on this Saint Patrick’s Day!
How about a little luck of the Irish adventure? A Witch’s Quandary
Gale’s engagement is off because she refuses to leave her thriving business in Ireland to follow Dillon to Scotland. Her family and friends are on the emerald isle. Yet, when Dillon returns with the whole story and asks for her help, she must follow her heart.
Becoming a Solicitor, then partner in the family law firm was never Dillon’s dream. Now it’s his nightmare. Called to Scotland, his father demands he take his rightful place in the firm or be disowned and disinherited. Something is terribly amiss in the firm and family.
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Demon's Witch Series, A Witch's Quandary, Ireland, Paranormal Romance/Mystery, Scotland, Tena Stetler, Witches by Tena Stetler with no comments yet.
A Magic Redemption – A Sunday Snippet
Sunday Snippet presents award-winning A Magic Redemption, part of A Demon’s Witch Series All books can be read as a stand-alone. My favorite time of year, autumn!
A Magic Redemption Synn is a demon of extraordinary magic and power, but there’s more to her than even she is aware. Gavin knows her faults but she’s captured his heart. Could she really be descended from the elite Guardians Guild made up of magical creatures formed over a millennium ago?
Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Shall we find out a little about what inspired A Magic Redemption ?
Synn appeared first in A Vampire’s Unlikely Alliance, where she was befriended by the Demon Overlord himself, giving her a second chance. Though I left her in that book, she continued to dance around the fringes of my mind as I wrote other books in The Demon’s Witch Series. Sharing other characters stories and a chance at their happily ever after. Finally, Synn became demanding claiming she had a story that would tug at the readers heart strings and needed a happily ever after. As it turns out, she actually did. I hope you’ll take a chance and pick up a copy of A Magic Redemption.
What’s A Magic Redemption about you ask:
Synn, a demon, carries extraordinary magic and power, but there is more within her than she dreams. Kidnapped as a child, her captors murdered her family and forced her into training as a warrior assassin. When an assignment goes horribly wrong, she finds herself at the mercy of the friends and family of her intended target. Offering valuable information in exchange for protection, she gains her freedom, but it is not without its challenges.
Gavin Shaughnessy is the publican at his family’s Irish pub. He is certain Synn is meant to be his and isn’t bothered by her past. He must find a way to convince her, their future together is stronger than the dark memories that haunt her dreams.
When her past comes calling for revenge, will their love survive the raging inferno she brings down upon them? Or will the searing path of destruction destroy all they hold dear?
A peek between the pages of A Magic Redemption.
He showered, pulled on sweats, and stretched out on his empty king-sized bed. After his long flight, a peaceful sleep came quickly until Synn’s nightmare invaded his dream world. Gut wrenching terror tore through him until he was able to disengage himself from the nightmare. There’d be no phone call this time. For a moment he considered shifting, but he might need a vehicle after arriving at her home. He yanked off his sweats and pulled on jeans, a sweater, donned a coat, and grabbed his keys.
He found her sitting cross-legged on the bedroom floor. Storm curled in her lap. The usually active pup was lying still just peering up at her. When Gavin approached, Storm moved one ear forward and turned her head to look at him. “It’ll be okay, girl.” He knelt in front of Synn, brushed the hair away from her face. A vacant stare met his gaze into her eyes like she was in a trance. This couldn’t be good.
He’d seen her nightmare. Something was trying to control her. He wouldn’t let it happen. Releasing a breath, he took hold of her shoulders. She’d been like this once before. When she came out of it anyone within arm’s reach could be in danger. Though her magic was tempered these days, it wouldn’t be for long… Changing strategy, he repositioned himself behind her, caught her up in a bear hug, and pushed the pup out of her lap. Storm yelped and went grudgingly but refused to leave her side.
“Synn, it’s me Gavin; you’re safe.” He gave her a little shake. Arms and legs began flailing. She let out a blood curdling scream and kept screaming until he thought the neighbors a few miles away would hear and call the police. He held her tightly, sat down on the floor, and pulled her into his lap. “Synn. Synn. You’re all right. We’re at the cottage.” The screams turned to sobs. She leaned her head back and blinked.
Panic seized her. “Gavin, you’ve got to get out of here. He’s coming for me and will kill everyone associated with me, including Storm.” She reached for the pup cuddling her close to her chest. “I’m so sorry. I knew this would never work. I don’t deserve a normal life.”
“That’s enough. It was a nightmare. That’s all.”
She turned her large aqua eyes on him and raised an eyebrow. “Really?”
Tena Stetler is a best-selling author of award winning paranormal romance with an over-active imagination. She wrote her first vampire romance as a tween, to the chagrin of her mother and the delight of her friends. Colorado is home; shared with her husband, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a forty-five-year-old box turtle. When she’s not writing, her time is spent kayaking, camping, hiking, biking or just relaxing in the great Colorado outdoors.
Her books tell tales of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Travel, adventure, and a bit of mystery flourish in her books along with a few companion animals to round out the tales.
Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mystery series click here.
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Demon's Witch Series, A Magic Redemption, Paranormal Romance/Mystery, Tena Stetler, Witches by Tena Stetler with comments disabled.
An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement – Sunday Snippet
#SundaySnippet presents the award winning An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement part of A Demon’s Witch Series and where Killian and Chinoah from An Angel’s Wylder Assignment first appeared.Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Shall we find out a little about An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement?
My husband and I go glamping from May thru October. This one year the weather was beautiful and we decided to go over Independence Pass. Half way up to the top there are ruins of miners cabins from the gold rush days. The area was way to harsh an environment for settlers. As we explored the cabins, I came around the corner of one and a scene played out in front of me, probably from my over active imagination. An Angel was stretching his wings on the edge of a trail. Behind him a large 5th-wheel trailer and truck was nestled at the face of a rock wall. A canyon spread out to the side of it providing a breath-taking view and protection from the harsh elements even in summer. The expression on the angel’s face changed and I followed his stare. Something was hidden in the scaggy brush. The scene began to fade. People’s voices broke though my concentration. I rushed back to our truck and wrote everything I remembered on my note pad I keep in the truck. An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement was born.
What’s An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement about you ask: Where Warrior Angel, Caden goes, trouble follows until he discovers a badly beaten woman barely clinging to life. Unprepared for the entanglement she brings to his doorstep, will he move heaven and earth to save her?
Fallen warrior angel, Caden Silverwind, lives alone in Colorado’s rugged Rockies, healing from physical wounds as well as the mental anguish suffered during battles with dark demons. Then he finds a woman barely clinging to life after a horrendous beating. He is not prepared for the entanglement she brings to his life, nor the feelings she awakens in him.
Bureau of Indian Affairs Agent, Mystic Rayne’s personal dilemma and assignment nearly gets her killed. Divine intervention is a complication she never expected and her growing attraction to Caden is undeniable. Can she trust him with her secret?
Their quest to uncover her attacker takes them from the pristine mountains in Colorado to the wilds of Wyoming. Along the way, they find answers which may place them in more danger. Determined to solve the mystery, they must also navigate their feelings and fears to find love and unite heaven and earth.
A peek between the pages of An Angel’s Unintentional Entanglement.
“During my walk, I discovered a couple of men searching the area where I found you. It sounded like they were involved with what happened to you. Feel up to looking at a couple of sketches to see if you recognize them?”
Her eyes rounded, and she drew her bottom lip though her teeth. “I don’t know,” she said wincing again, her voice trembling.
He considered her response for a moment. “Well, I’m afraid, you really don’t have a choice. Someone wants you dead and enlisted the help of the two men I saw to make sure the deed is done.”
Any color that had returned to Mystic’s face drained away. Her eyes filled with tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks. She blinked rapidly but was past the breaking point. The battle was lost as tears trickled down. She wiped them away with the back of her hand. “Sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry about. Most people don’t come back from the brink of death without some kind of emotional release.” He touched her arm gently.
She looked up at him and relaxed a little, some of the fear left her eyes, replaced by caution. “Thanks.”
“You bet ya. Now about those sketches.”
Tena Stetler is a best-selling author of award winning paranormal romance with an over-active imagination. She wrote her first vampire romance as a tween, to the chagrin of her mother and the delight of her friends. Colorado is home; shared with her husband, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a forty-five-year-old box turtle. When she’s not writing, her time is spent kayaking, camping, hiking, biking or just relaxing in the great Colorado outdoors.
Her books tell tales of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Travel, adventure, and a bit of mystery flourish in her books along with a few companion animals to round out the tales.
Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here. Your next GREAT read is waiting!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Demon's Witch Series, An Angel's Unintentional Entanglement, Paranormal Romance/Mystery, Sunday Snippet, Tena Stetler by Tena Stetler with comments disabled.
A Witch’s Quandary – Sunday Snippet
Welcome to my Sunday Snippet. This week we take a look at A WITCH’S QUANDARY, the sixth book in A Demon’s Witch Series. – A Broken Engagement leads to the discovery of stolen magic and malice with a little blackmail mixed in. Can they weather the storm and find a future together?A little about the inspiration for the book: I spent 18 years as paralegal for law firms. A paralegal is basically a playwright for the attorney. Most depend on the paralegal to do research, write up the pleadings and motions synopsize the case. Subsequently, when something goes wrong, guess who’s to blame? Not the person who has been working on his golf game, or schmoozing with higher ups to better his position in the law firm or political aspiration’s rather than over seeing the trial prep. You got it. This is not always the case, but…. So from that perspective I wrote a solicitor from Scotland that didn’t want to play the game, forced to make a choice that would negatively effect is personal life, but had magic on his side to boot.
Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about
Let’s check out what A WITCH’S QUANDARY is all about:
Gale’s engagement is off because she refuses to leave her thriving business in Ireland to follow Dillon to Scotland. Her family and friends are on the emerald isle. Yet, when Dillon returns with the whole story and asks for her help, she must follow her heart.
Becoming a Solicitor, then partner in the family law firm was never Dillon’s dream. Now it’s his nightmare. Called to Scotland, his father demands he take his rightful place in the firm or be disowned and disinherited. Something is terribly amiss in the firm and family.
During Gale and Dillon’s investigation, they discover the enforcer for the Demon Overlord is also delving into rumors the firm is acting illegally. Magic has been stolen, someone is being blackmailed, and a member of the Witch’s council is corrupt. If Gale and Dillon want a life together in Ireland, they have to unearth secrets threatening to destroy the firm and family in Scotland.
How about a peek between the pages of A WITCH’S QUANDARY:
“This is an outrage. It’s my firm.” Bram bellowed slamming his fist down on the table. Sparks flew in all directions creating a red-hot spider web of power crackling across the tabletop. Everyone at the table scrambled back or stood. Dillon caught the malevolent spark in his father’s eye a split-second after Gale. She had already brought her hands together, the room sizzled as she conjured a ball of fire and with a few words sent the witch fire and spell at him.
“What have you done?” Bram screeched as the fire and spell hit him center mass. “Witchfire too? Bitch.” He slid to the floor.
Iris ran to his side, tears spilling her cheeks, she wiped his sweat-soaked brow with a napkin. “You just couldn’t stop, could you? What did you do? Make a deal with the devil? We should have put a stop to it. To you. But…” She helped him into a chair. “I’m afraid you’ve messed with the wrong witch, this time. Brought this on yourself. You did. But I won’t let you take this family—the firm—down with you.” Giving his shoulders a little shake, she gazed into his shocked eyes. “What have you done?”
Bram slowly shook his head and murmured, “It’s my firm.” He raised his gaze and glared at Gale pointing a bony finger at her. “You’ll pay for this.” Then turned his attention to Dillon. “I told you nothing good would come from aligning yourself with this witch. Her blood is not pure. Diluted by the Fae power of her…” He broke off.
Dillon stood at Gale’s back his hands steady and supportive on her shoulders as she said nothing for several beats. Eventually, she turned her emerald green eyes to him and held his gaze. “I couldn’t let him divide the family with that dark magic. I tempered my deadly witch fire with the spell.” She tore her gaze from Dillon’s, touching her fingertips to the scorched marks radiating across the table stopping an inch from the edge all around. “If he’d succeeded, there’d been no turning back. If the tendrils of that spell had left the table and reached one of you…” She shook her head.
Appearing to gather his wits about him faster than the rest of his family, Sturgen surveyed the scene, wiped his brow with a monogrammed handkerchief, and sucked in a breath. “The firm is no longer yours.” He squeezed Olivia to him, starting for the door. “We’ve had enough for one night. Let’s adjourn until a full audit of the cases and firm can be conducted.”
Gale leaned against Dillon, his strength and calm flowed into her. “I felt your father’s intentions. The intentions he was able to disguise from his family. He planned to destroy all of you.”
“I know. I felt him…hmm…something evil. Only my reaction was a second too late. I’m glad yours wasn’t. How long will he be spellbound? That is what you did. Right?”
“Aye. Among other things. Indefinitely… I hope. He’s got a lot of power that isn’t his. I’ve no way to bind what I don’t know.”
Thank you for stopping by to check out my Sunday Snippet A Witch’s Quandary. Please join us next week when I’ll have another Sunday snippet for you.
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Demon's Witch Series, A Witch's Quandary, fantasy, Law Firm, magic, Sunday Snippet, Tena Stetler, Witches by Tena Stetler with comments disabled.