A Magic Redemption – A Sunday Snippet

Sunday Snippet presents award-winning A Magic Redemption, part of A Demon’s Witch Series  All books can be read as a stand-alone.  My favorite time of year, autumn! 

A Magic Redemption Synn is a demon of extraordinary magic and power, but there’s more to her than even she is aware. Gavin knows her faults but she’s captured his heart. Could she really be descended from the elite Guardians Guild made up of magical creatures formed over a millennium ago?

Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Shall we find out a little about what inspired A Magic Redemption ?

Synn appeared first in A Vampire’s Unlikely Alliance, where she was befriended by the Demon Overlord himself, giving her a second chance. Though I left her in that book, she continued to dance around the fringes of my mind as I wrote other books in The Demon’s Witch Series. Sharing other characters stories and a chance at their happily ever after.  Finally, Synn became demanding claiming she had a story that would tug at the readers heart strings and needed a happily ever after.  As it turns out, she actually did.   I hope you’ll take a chance and pick up a copy of A Magic Redemption.

What’s A Magic Redemption about you ask: 

Synn, a demon, carries extraordinary magic and power, but there is more within her than she dreams. Kidnapped as a child, her captors murdered her family and forced her into training as a warrior assassin. When an assignment goes horribly wrong, she finds herself at the mercy of the friends and family of her intended target.  Offering valuable information in exchange for protection, she gains her freedom, but it is not without its challenges.

Gavin Shaughnessy is the publican at his family’s Irish pub.  He is certain Synn is meant to be his and isn’t bothered by her past.  He must find a way to convince her, their future together is stronger than the dark memories that haunt her dreams.

When her past comes calling for revenge, will their love survive the raging inferno she brings down upon them? Or will the searing path of destruction destroy all they hold dear?

A peek between the pages of A Magic Redemption.

He showered, pulled on sweats, and stretched out on his empty king-sized bed. After his long flight, a peaceful sleep came quickly until Synn’s nightmare invaded his dream world. Gut wrenching terror tore through him until he was able to disengage himself from the nightmare. There’d be no phone call this time. For a moment he considered shifting, but he might need a vehicle after arriving at her home. He yanked off his sweats and pulled on jeans, a sweater, donned a coat, and grabbed his keys.

He found her sitting cross-legged on the bedroom floor. Storm curled in her lap. The usually active pup was lying still just peering up at her. When Gavin approached, Storm moved one ear forward and turned her head to look at him. “It’ll be okay, girl.” He knelt in front of Synn, brushed the hair away from her face. A vacant stare met his gaze into her eyes like she was in a trance. This couldn’t be good.

He’d seen her nightmare. Something was trying to control her. He wouldn’t let it happen. Releasing a breath, he took hold of her shoulders. She’d been like this once before. When she came out of it anyone within arm’s reach could be in danger. Though her magic was tempered these days, it wouldn’t be for long… Changing strategy, he repositioned himself behind her, caught her up in a bear hug, and pushed the pup out of her lap. Storm yelped and went grudgingly but refused to leave her side.

“Synn, it’s me Gavin; you’re safe.” He gave her a little shake. Arms and legs began flailing. She let out a blood curdling scream and kept screaming until he thought the neighbors a few miles away would hear and call the police. He held her tightly, sat down on the floor, and pulled her into his lap. “Synn. Synn. You’re all right. We’re at the cottage.” The screams turned to sobs. She leaned her head back and blinked.

Panic seized her. “Gavin, you’ve got to get out of here. He’s coming for me and will kill everyone associated with me, including Storm.” She reached for the pup cuddling her close to her chest. “I’m so sorry. I knew this would never work. I don’t deserve a normal life.”

“That’s enough. It was a nightmare. That’s all.”

She turned her large aqua eyes on him and raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

A little about the author:

Tena Stetler is a best-selling author of award winning paranormal romance with an over-active imagination.  She wrote her first vampire romance as a tween, to the chagrin of her mother and the delight of her friends. Colorado is home; shared with her husband, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a forty-five-year-old box turtle. When she’s not writing, her time is spent kayaking, camping, hiking, biking or just relaxing in the great Colorado outdoors.

Her books tell tales of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Travel, adventure, and a bit of mystery flourish in her books along with a few companion animals to round out the tales.

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mystery series click  here.

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Skeleton Squad Meet Aliens

Squad Meets Aliens. Welcome back to another installment of the Skeleton’s Squad Search for the Halloween Spirit.

As we overheard, the Skeleton Squad planned to hitch a ride with us to Roswell, New Mexico.  How they knew our destination, we’ll never know. We certainly didn’t tell the little buggers. But here we are and so are they:

We rolled into Roswell with reservations at the Red Barn RV Park. What a welcoming place.  Octavia found the RV Park with out a problem. The Skeleton Squad made friends with the first Alien they met.


The squad enlisted the rest of the family to search downtown Roswell, New Mexico.. We didn’t have any luck finding the Halloween Spirit, though we looked high and low. but we did find friendly aliens.









They gave us a ride in their spaceship. Meanwhile Toil and Trouble of the Skeleton Squad called Dave, their friends who now moved to Ohio to come help. Unfortunately, Dave and his friend were under the weather unable to help at this time.








The next day we all packed up and headed to Santa Fe, New Mexico where we found some excellent places to eat but the Skellon Squad weren’t allowed inside. The Rancheros De Santa Fe RV park (under new ownership) were welcoming!

Speaking of a little dose of the paranormal, let’s take a peek at my A Magic Redemption

Click on the cover to read more or purchase

What’s A Magic Redemption about? Well…..  Even with magic, finding your place in the world proves more difficult than imagined especially when someone is out for revenge.

Synn, a demon, carries extraordinary magic and power, but there is more within her than she dreams. Kidnapped as a child, her captors murdered her family and forced her into training as a warrior assassin. When an assignment goes horribly wrong, she finds herself at the mercy of the friends and family of her intended target.  Offering valuable information in exchange for protection, she gains her freedom, but it is not without its challenges.

Gavin Shaughnessy is the publican at his family’s Irish pub.  He is certain Synn is meant to be his and isn’t bothered by her past.  He must find a way to convince her, their future together is stronger than the dark memories that haunt her dreams.

When her past comes calling for revenge, will their love survive the raging inferno she brings down upon them? Or will the searing path of destruction destroy all they hold dear?

A sneak peek between the pages of A Magic Redemption:  Snuggled deep under the covers, she drifted off to sleep. She tossed and turned through several nightmarish scenarios, waking often, until… surrounded by evil she couldn’t identify, she screamed herself awake to find a gleaming silver sword floating over her. Storm howled in her crate, and Gavin burst through the door to the room.

“What in the hell?” He skidded to a halt at the foot of her bed.

In all the chaos, she was calm. Her sheets damp from sweat that beaded on her forehead. The sword glinted in the ray of sunlight streaming through the curtains. The jewels encrusted on the handle sparkled as the weapon slowly lowered toward her, handle first. When she reached out, Gavin made a strange sound in his throat. She touched it and wrapped her fingers around it. It was warm. A sudden sense of well-being flooded through her, then the sword disappeared.

“Well, that’s quite a rush first thing in the morning. What the hell was that?”

“I’ve no idea.” She sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. “Came with some of the ancient magic I inherited? Didn’t feel like demon magic. Maybe we should contact Tristian.” “No. No way. Today we’re going to have fun and forget all about magic, power, and dire consequences. Besides, Ma’s waiting for Storm.”

Happy Halloween Season.  See you next week for more adventures of the Skeleton Squad’s Halloween Spirit Search!


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A Magic Redemption – Sunday Snippet

Sunday Snippet presents award-winning A Magic Redemption, part of A Demon’s Witch Series  All books can be read as a stand-alone.  Happy September! My favorite time of year, autumn! 

A Magic Redemption Synn is a demon of extraordinary magic and power, but there’s more to her than even she is aware. Gavin knows her faults but she’s captured his heart. Could she really be descended from the elite Guardians Guild made up of magical creatures formed over a millennium ago?

Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Shall we find out a little about A Magic Redemption ?

What’s A Magic Redmemption about you ask: 

Synn, a demon, carries extraordinary magic and power, but there is more within her than she dreams. Kidnapped as a child, her captors murdered her family and forced her into training as a warrior assassin. When an assignment goes horribly wrong, she finds herself at the mercy of the friends and family of her intended target.  Offering valuable information in exchange for protection, she gains her freedom, but it is not without its challenges.

Gavin Shaughnessy is the publican at his family’s Irish pub.  He is certain Synn is meant to be his and isn’t bothered by her past.  He must find a way to convince her, their future together is stronger than the dark memories that haunt her dreams.

When her past comes calling for revenge, will their love survive the raging inferno she brings down upon them? Or will the searing path of destruction destroy all they hold dear?

A peek between the pages of A Magic Redemption.

He showered, pulled on sweats, and stretched out on his empty king-sized bed. After his long flight, a peaceful sleep came quickly until Synn’s nightmare invaded his dream world. Gut wrenching terror tore through him until he was able to disengage himself from the nightmare. There’d be no phone call this time. For a moment he considered shifting, but he might need a vehicle after arriving at her home. He yanked off his sweats and pulled on jeans, a sweater, donned a coat, and grabbed his keys.

He found her sitting cross-legged on the bedroom floor. Storm curled in her lap. The usually active pup was lying still just peering up at her. When Gavin approached, Storm moved one ear forward and turned her head to look at him. “It’ll be okay, girl.” He knelt in front of Synn, brushed the hair away from her face. A vacant stare met his gaze into her eyes like she was in a trance. This couldn’t be good.

He’d seen her nightmare. Something was trying to control her. He wouldn’t let it happen. Releasing a breath, he took hold of her shoulders. She’d been like this once before. When she came out of it anyone within arm’s reach could be in danger. Though her magic was tempered these days, it wouldn’t be for long… Changing strategy, he repositioned himself behind her, caught her up in a bear hug, and pushed the pup out of her lap. Storm yelped and went grudgingly but refused to leave her side.

“Synn, it’s me Gavin; you’re safe.” He gave her a little shake. Arms and legs began flailing. She let out a blood curdling scream and kept screaming until he thought the neighbors a few miles away would hear and call the police. He held her tightly, sat down on the floor, and pulled her into his lap. “Synn. Synn. You’re all right. We’re at the cottage.” The screams turned to sobs. She leaned her head back and blinked.

Panic seized her. “Gavin, you’ve got to get out of here. He’s coming for me and will kill everyone associated with me, including Storm.” She reached for the pup cuddling her close to her chest. “I’m so sorry. I knew this would never work. I don’t deserve a normal life.”

“That’s enough. It was a nightmare. That’s all.”

She turned her large aqua eyes on him and raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

A little about the author:

Tena Stetler is a best-selling author of award winning paranormal romance with an over-active imagination.  She wrote her first vampire romance as a tween, to the chagrin of her mother and the delight of her friends. Colorado is home; shared with her husband, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a forty-five-year-old box turtle. When she’s not writing, her time is spent kayaking, camping, hiking, biking or just relaxing in the great Colorado outdoors.

Her books tell tales of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Travel, adventure, and a bit of mystery flourish in her books along with a few companion animals to round out the tales.

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mystery series click  here.

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A Magic Redemption – Sunday Snippet Sale

#Sunday Snippet presents award-winning A Magic Redemption, on sale for $2.99, part of A Demon’s Witch Series  All books can be read as a stand-alone.

A Magic Redemption Synn is a demon of extraordinary magic and power, but there’s more to her than even she is aware. Gavin knows her faults but she’s captured his heart. Could she really be descended from the elite Guardians Guild made up of magical creatures formed over a millennium ago?

Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Shall we find out a little about A Magic Redemption ?


What’s A Magic Redmemption about you ask: 

Synn, a demon, carries extraordinary magic and power, but there is more within her than she dreams. Kidnapped as a child, her captors murdered her family and forced her into training as a warrior assassin. When an assignment goes horribly wrong, she finds herself at the mercy of the friends and family of her intended target.  Offering valuable information in exchange for protection, she gains her freedom, but it is not without its challenges.

Gavin Shaughnessy is the publican at his family’s Irish pub.  He is certain Synn is meant to be his and isn’t bothered by her past.  He must find a way to convince her, their future together is stronger than the dark memories that haunt her dreams.

When her past comes calling for revenge, will their love survive the raging inferno she brings down upon them? Or will the searing path of destruction destroy all they hold dear?

A peek between the pages of A Magic Redemption.

Snuggled deep under the covers, she drifted off to sleep. She tossed and turned through several nightmarish scenarios, waking often, until… surrounded by evil she couldn’t identify, she screamed herself awake to find a gleaming silver sword floating over her. Storm howled in her crate, and Gavin burst through the door to the room.

“What in the hell?” He skidded to a halt at the foot of her bed.

In all the chaos, she was calm. Her sheets damp from sweat that beaded on her forehead. The sword glinted in the ray of sunlight streaming through the curtains. The jewels encrusted on the handle sparkled as the weapon slowly lowered toward her, handle first. When she reached out, Gavin made a strange sound in his throat. She touched it and wrapped her fingers around it. It was warm. A sudden sense of well-being flooded through her, then the sword disappeared.

“Well, that’s quite a rush first thing in the morning. What the hell was that?”

“I’ve no idea.” She sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. “Came with some of the ancient magic I inherited? Didn’t feel like demon magic. Maybe we should contact Tristian.”

“No. No way. Today we’re going to have fun and forget all about magic, power, and dire consequences. Besides, Ma’s waiting for Storm.”

A little about the author:

Tena Stetler is a best-selling author of award winning paranormal romance with an over-active imagination.  She wrote her first vampire romance as a tween, to the chagrin of her mother and the delight of her friends. Colorado is home; shared with her husband, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a forty-five-year-old box turtle. When she’s not writing, her time is spent kayaking, camping, hiking, biking or just relaxing in the great Colorado outdoors.

Her books tell tales of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Travel, adventure, and a bit of mystery flourish in her books along with a few companion animals to round out the tales.

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.

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