A Halloween Spirit Search

Only nineteen days until Halloween!  Can you believe it? Toil and Trouble continue their search for the Halloween Spirit. This week, The Skeleton Crew lead by Toil and Trouble found another carved pumpkin, skeleton head, ghosts, yet no one admitted to seeing the the Halloween Spirit. But Toil and Trouble’s quest for the Halloween Spirit continues.

Well, October is finally here with cooler days and chilly nights.  Yippee! As we continue the annual Halloween countdown, the aspens are beginning to turn gold and the Colorado high county received its first dusting of snow.  Cooling down in the lower elevations.   Toil, Trouble, Bubble bat, Moby Fish, Aragon Spider, and Octavia descended on the living room only to find uncooperative spooks.  Toil and Trouble were totally disgusted  at their lack of progress and called Broomhilda told her about finding a ghost and carved pumpkin but no spirit. So the search continues.

Their friend, Broomhilda (skeleton), from Texas (thank you Jessica)  was otherwise preoccupated enjoying the finally cooler weather with Dave looking over and promised to be more productive next week! Yeah, right, we’ve heard that before!

Join us next Thursday, October  20, 2022 for another update on The Skeleton Crew’s progress, I think I heard them say they were escaping to the outdoors in their search.  Each week there will be new pictures of where the Skeleton Crew are searching and how Broomhilda is helping.  In the month of October beside their search for the Halloween Spirit, the Skeleton Crew will help me list the most haunted cities in America. Have you ever seen a ghost? A visit to haunted places in Colorado, my own stomping ground, Spooktacular tips to keep your pet safe this Halloween season. Do you suffer from Samhainopobia? I’ll tell you later. These are  just to name a few. Check back in the coming weeks to see what other discoveries the Skeleton Crew scare up!

Only nineteen days days until Halloween! Bwwwaaaaaaaaaa!!!! 

Plus a Halloween themed book from my collection will be featured each week:  You do know I write paranormal romance/mystery. Right? This week, we are talking about Demons and witches!  What’s Halloween without witches, spells, demons, curses and things that go bump in the night? A Magic Redemption is up.  So hurry grab your copy and join the #fantasy #adventure! You won’t believe the battle between good and evil.

A little about  A Magic Redemption  – Synn has extraordinary magic and power. Could she really be descended from the elite Guardians Guild made up of magical creatures formed over a millennium ago?

Synn, a demon, carries extraordinary magic and power, but there is more within her than she dreams. Kidnapped as a child, her captors murdered her family and forced her into training as a warrior assassin. When an assignment goes horribly wrong, she finds herself at the mercy of the friends and family of her intended target.  Offering valuable information in exchange for protection, she gains her freedom, but it is not without its challenges.

Gavin Shaughnessy is the publican at his family’s Irish pub.  He is certain Synn is meant to be his and isn’t bothered by her past.  He must find a way to convince her, their future together is stronger than the dark memories that haunt her dreams.

When her past comes calling for revenge, will their love survive the raging inferno she brings down upon them? Or will the searing path of destruction destroy all they hold dear?

A sneak peek between the pages of A Magic Redemption!

Time seemed to go on forever as she slowed and walked backward for a while, her foot steps in the sand filling with water as she traveled along the shoreline, as if nature erased her intrusion. She turned around and continued her trek. Unaware of how long or how far she’d walked, the sudden outline of a figure, cloaked in the fog, jogging toward her caused panic to set in. Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest, she swallowed hard, adrenalin pumping through her veins as flight or fight response kicked in. Digging her good foot into the sand she prepared to attempt a sprint…to where. Where the hell am I? A quick glance around, she spied a light from a familiar building far off on the bluffs as the figure burst from the fog. A tall, wide-shouldered male with long muscular legs came closer. She froze.

See you back here next Thursday! You won’t believe where Toil and Trouble and the Skeleton Crew wound up. Broomhilda with her friends are always searching, will they come up with leads? Until then enjoy the warm weather, fall is coming bringing with it Halloween Spirit! I hope!! Now all we have to do is get Toil and Trouble and the Skeleton Crew to find it! While you’re here, check out my other paranormal romance mysteries



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A Magic Redemption #MFRWHooks

#MFRWHooks presents award winning A Magic Redemption part of A Demon’s Witch Series  All books can be read as a stand alone. A Magic Redemption Synn is a demon of extraordinary magic and power, but there’s more to her than even she is aware. Gavin knows her faults but she’s captured his heart. Could she really be descended from the elite Guardians Guild made up of magical creatures formed over a millennium ago?

Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Shall we find out a little about A Magic Redemption ?



What’s A Magic Redmemption about you ask: 

Synn, a demon, carries extraordinary magic and power, but there is more within her than she dreams. Kidnapped as a child, her captors murdered her family and forced her into training as a warrior assassin. When an assignment goes horribly wrong, she finds herself at the mercy of the friends and family of her intended target.  Offering valuable information in exchange for protection, she gains her freedom, but it is not without its challenges.

Gavin Shaughnessy is the publican at his family’s Irish pub.  He is certain Synn is meant to be his and isn’t bothered by her past.  He must find a way to convince her, their future together is stronger than the dark memories that haunt her dreams.

When her past comes calling for revenge, will their love survive the raging inferno she brings down upon them? Or will the searing path of destruction destroy all they hold dear?

A peek between the pages of A Magic Redemption.

Snuggled deep under the covers, she drifted off to sleep. She tossed and turned through several nightmarish scenarios, waking often, until… surrounded by evil she couldn’t identify, she screamed herself awake to find a gleaming silver sword floating over her. Storm howled in her crate, and Gavin burst through the door to the room.

“What in the hell?” He skidded to a halt at the foot of her bed.

In all the chaos, she was calm. Her sheets damp from sweat that beaded on her forehead. The sword glinted in the ray of sunlight streaming through the curtains. The jewels encrusted on the handle sparkled as the weapon slowly lowered toward her, handle first. When she reached out, Gavin made a strange sound in his throat. She touched it and wrapped her fingers around it. It was warm. A sudden sense of well-being flooded through her, then the sword disappeared.

“Well, that’s quite a rush first thing in the morning. What the hell was that?”

“I’ve no idea.” She sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. “Came with some of the ancient magic I inherited? Didn’t feel like demon magic. Maybe we should contact Tristian.” “No. No way. Today we’re going to have fun and forget all about magic, power, and dire consequences. Besides, Ma’s waiting for Storm.”

A little about the author:

Tena Stetler is a best-selling author of award winning paranormal romance with an over-active imagination.  She wrote her first vampire romance as a tween, to the chagrin of her mother and the delight of her friends. Colorado is home; shared with her husband, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a forty-five-year-old box turtle. When she’s not writing, her time is spent kayaking, camping, hiking, biking or just relaxing in the great Colorado outdoors.

Her books tell tales of magical kick-ass women and mystical alpha males that dare to love them. Travel, adventure, and a bit of mystery flourish in her books along with a few companion animals to round out the tales.

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.

This is a blog hop! Visit all the Book Hooks from #MFRWHooks – Your next GREAT read is waiting!

Thanks for stopping in for #MFRWHooks.

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Giveaway – Are Ye Feeling A Wee Bit Lucky ?

Believe in the Luck of the Irish? Looking for that rainbow with a pot of gold at the end? Good Luck! What I can help you with is your reading library in 2022.  

Want to find a new writer, learn what novels some of your favorite authors are reading, or find new book recommendations? Visit Literary Giveaway Portal below to enter this acclaimed multi-author giveaway. All genres are included whether it’s novels from debuting authors to award-winning/bestselling authors with multiple books and/or series. The best part — it’s all free for readers to enter, as authors are generously donating copies of their books as well as other prizes each month in the hopes of finding new fans and to build up their reading communities. I’m excited to participate in this month’s giveaway with A Magic Redemption, and can’t wait to share with you all that will be offered this month and the rest of the year. You never know what surprising authors might just show up on the list this year! It might be your favorite.

Are Ye Feeling a Wee Bit Lucky Giveaway:

Literary Giveaway Portal:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A wee bit about A Magic Redemption:

Synn, a demon, carries extraordinary magic and power, but there is more within her than she dreams. Kidnapped as a child, her captors murdered her family and forced her into training as a warrior assassin. When an assignment goes horribly wrong, she finds herself at the mercy of the friends and family of her intended target.  Offering valuable information in exchange for protection, she gains her freedom, but it is not without its challenges.

Gavin Shaughnessy is the publican at his family’s Irish pub.  He is certain Synn is meant to be his and isn’t bothered by her past.  He must find a way to convince her, their future together is stronger than the dark memories that haunt her dreams.

When her past comes calling for revenge, will their love survive the raging inferno she brings down upon them? Or will the searing path of destruction destroy all they hold dear?

Available from Amazon,   Amazon UK, Amazon AU, Amazon CA,   itunes, The Wild Rose Press, Barnes and Noble  KOBO,

Hey check back often, next week information on my upcoming release An Angel’s Wylder Assignment, a Wylder West ride into the past you don’t want to miss.


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My Favorite Photos from 2021

My Favorite Photos for 2021. Hope everyone survived and arrived for their Christmas celebrations. We stayed home and had a quiet celebration and dinner with our little family. Then talked with friends over the miles by phone or email.

Starting today, Wednesday and Friday, I will be posting my favorite photos of 2021.  While it was a very rough year for us, we did get out, go camping and participated in staycations.  I hope you enjoy the photos.

Favorite Photos from 2021

Second year of blooms for my Orchids Yippee!! Not an easy feat for me. Orchids are a challenge for me to keep alive. Of the four I have these are the only two that have bloomed twice.

Favorite Photos from 2021

Our search for a real blacksmith shop. Research for my book An Angel’s Wylder Assignment which is due to be released March 9, 2022. Watch for it!

Favorite Photos from 2021

New Year’s Fireworks display from Pikes Peak as seen from our living room window at midnight welcoming in the New Year. Possibly chasing out the old year 2020.

Chubb Park Ranch State Park, near Buena Vista, Chaffee County, Colorado . With a dusting of snow it appears so peaceful.


Favorite Photos from 2021

Bowl full of red, white and blue Petunias

A Real Turkey Strutting his Stuff.



With the Christmas Festivals winding down, you can plop down on the cooch and take time for you. Let A MAGIC REDEMPTTON whisk you off into a Fantasy, mystery adventure for a few hours. Lift your spirits and renew your soul. What’s it about? Let me tell you. Synn, a demon, carries extraordinary magic and power, but there is more within her than she dreams. Kidnapped as a child, her captors murdered her family and forced her into training as a warrior assassin. When an assignment goes horribly wrong, she finds herself at the mercy of the friends and family of her intended target. Offering valuable information in exchange for protection, she gains her freedom, but it is not without its challenges.

Gavin Shaughnessy is the publican at his family’s Irish pub. He is certain Synn is meant to be his and isn’t bothered by her past. He must find a way to convince her, their future together is stronger than the dark memories that haunt her dreams.

When her past comes calling for revenge, will their love survive the raging inferno she brings down upon them? Or will the searing path of destruction destroy all they hold dear?

Please check back on December 28, 2021, for more of my favorite photos of 2021.  You won’t be disappointed!

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