A Witch’s Holiday Wedding – Sunday Snippet

Yippee!! #SundaySnippet presents A Witch’s Holiday Wedding #paranormalromance #fantasy #adventure. Set in the small town of Lobster Cove and 2nd in the Witch’s Journey Series with some of the same characters, plus new ones you’re going to love. Torn in too many directions, with a covert military mission thrown in, will Pepper and Lathen make it to the alter?
I had so much fun writing this book. With ghosts running amuck spilling family secrets and making roses bloom in the dead of winter. The werewolf pack creating havoc ever where they went. Then there is the matter of the military mission. It’s a wonder Pepper and Lathen didn’t elope. But they didn’t, so pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and come along for the hilarious ride of A Witch’s Holiday Wedding. Go ahead you, know you want to, grab a copy and join the #magical #fantasy, #adventure today! You’ll be so glad you did.
Elemental witch, Pepper McKay and former Navy SEAL, Lathen Quartz have built Lobster Cove Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center on enchanted McKay land. During a romantic interlude on Halloween night, Pepper happily agrees to become Lathen’s wife. What better day than Winter Solstice for their wedding in a town that loves celebrations and Christmas. However, planning a wedding and operating their wildlife center takes a toll on both Pepper and Lathen.
When the couple takes a much-needed break for Thanksgiving with family in Colorado, a Maine snowstorm fills the center with injured wildlife. Lathen finds himself drawn into a covert military mission, while trying to deal with issues concerning friends and family. Pepper wants to cancel the wedding. Is she having second thoughts? Will the nosy McKay ghosts, Lathen’s werewolf pack, Pepper’s parents, and her best friend help or hinder the wedding and holiday plans?
Sneak peek between the pages of A Witch’s Holiday Wedding:
After she set her glass down, Lathen brushed a couple strands of hair out of her eyes and searched her face. “Are you all right?”
“I’m tired, my wedding is in a couple weeks, I have ghosts fighting over who is going to do what. Guests that have no idea the place is haunted and… Your family and pack, my parents, Gwen… To top it all off, the head of my clan, who is a ghost, is sitting in front of me wanting to know who is coming to the wedding and whether the ghosts will be outed. How could I possibly be all right?”
“When you put it that way.” Lathen chuckled. “It sounds just a bit… I don’t know…crazy?” His right eyebrow winged up. She saw mischief sparkle in his eyes. “We could still elope,” he offered.
“No sir. Not after all the trouble—Not on me watch.” Aidan shook his head so vehemently his upper torso blurred.
Pepper smiled, glanced at Lathen. “What do you think—about twenty-five to fifty close friends and family at the ceremony?”
“I doubt the pack will be there, they’ll be more interested in the food and tall-tale telling at the reception. Not to mention questioning why the dinner wasn’t before the ceremony. So you are close on that count.” He snatched the wine glass from the table and took a gulp.
“The seating area should be at the end of the pond by the benches. Ashling mentioned purple rose bushes around the pond. Lathen and I are going to get the arbor first thing in the morning, weather permitting.”
Lathen’s stomach gurgled. “You know the timer for the meat pies went off a while ago.” He glanced toward the kitchen. “Want me to go get them?”
“Oh crap, I forgot. They’ll be ruined, all dried out.” She thought for a moment then waved her hand toward the kitchen. “They’ll be fine.”
“I’ve got what’s needed.” Aidan rose from the chair, lifted his hand in a wave and faded away, the mist crawling along the floor disappeared entirely.
“Never a dull moment around here.” Lathen took the tray of pies from Pepper and set it on the coffee table. The silverware clattered as he slipped the napkins out from under them, inhaling deeply. “I’m starved.”
“Marrying a McKay witch may be more than you bargained for,” she teased. “Too late to change your mind.”
“Don’t intend to.” He forked up a bite of meat pie, blew on it for a minute as the steam rose, and popped it in his mouth. “Mmmmm. Delicious! Life with a witch can be quite satisfying. If you know what I mean.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
Universal link to all on-line retailers:
Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here.
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Witch's Holiday Wedding, A Witch's Journey Series, ghosts, Paranormal Romance/Mystery, Shapeshifters, Sunday Snippet, Tena Stetler, Witches by Tena Stetler with comments disabled.
A Witch’s Holiday Wedding on Sale $1.99 for Sunday Snippet
Yippee!! #SundaySnippet joins Christmas in July Celebration to present A Witch’s Holiday Wedding on sale for $1.99 #paranormalromance #fantasy #adventure. Set in the small town of Lobster Cove and 2nd in the Witch’s Journey Series with some of the same characters, plus new ones you’re going to love. Torn in too many directions, with a covert military mission thrown in, will Pepper and Lathen make it to the alter?I had so much fun writing this book. With ghosts running amuck spilling family secrets and making roses bloom in the dead of winter. The werewolf pack creating havoc ever where they went. It’s a wonder Pepper and Lathen didn’t elope. But they didn’t, so pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and come along for the hilarious ride of A Witch’s Holiday Wedding. Go ahead you, know you want to, grab a copy and join the #magical #fantasy, #adventure today! You’ll be so glad you did.
Elemental witch, Pepper McKay and former Navy SEAL, Lathen Quartz have built Lobster Cove Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center on enchanted McKay land. During a romantic interlude on Halloween night, Pepper happily agrees to become Lathen’s wife. What better day than Winter Solstice for their wedding in a town that loves celebrations and Christmas. However, planning a wedding and operating their wildlife center takes a toll on both Pepper and Lathen.
When the couple takes a much-needed break for Thanksgiving with family in Colorado, a Maine snowstorm fills the center with injured wildlife. Lathen finds himself drawn into a covert military mission, while trying to deal with issues concerning friends and family. Pepper wants to cancel the wedding. Is she having second thoughts? Will the nosy McKay ghosts, Lathen’s werewolf pack, Pepper’s parents, and her best friend help or hinder the wedding and holiday plans?
Sneak peek between the pages of A Witch’s Holiday Wedding:
After she set her glass down, Lathen brushed a couple strands of hair out of her eyes and searched her face. “Are you all right?”
“I’m tired, my wedding is in a couple weeks, I have ghosts fighting over who is going to do what. Guests that have no idea the place is haunted and… Your family and pack, my parents, Gwen… To top it all off, the head of my clan, who is a ghost, is sitting in front of me wanting to know who is coming to the wedding and whether the ghosts will be outed. How could I possibly be all right?”
“When you put it that way.” Lathen chuckled. “It sounds just a bit… I don’t know…crazy?” His right eyebrow winged up. She saw mischief sparkle in his eyes. “We could still elope,” he offered.
“No sir. Not after all the trouble—Not on me watch.” Aidan shook his head so vehemently his upper torso blurred.
Pepper smiled, glanced at Lathen. “What do you think—about twenty-five to fifty close friends and family at the ceremony?”
“I doubt the pack will be there, they’ll be more interested in the food and tall-tale telling at the reception. Not to mention questioning why the dinner wasn’t before the ceremony. So you are close on that count.” He snatched the wine glass from the table and took a gulp.
“The seating area should be at the end of the pond by the benches. Ashling mentioned purple rose bushes around the pond. Lathen and I are going to get the arbor first thing in the morning, weather permitting.”
Lathen’s stomach gurgled. “You know the timer for the meat pies went off a while ago.” He glanced toward the kitchen. “Want me to go get them?”
“Oh crap, I forgot. They’ll be ruined, all dried out.” She thought for a moment then waved her hand toward the kitchen. “They’ll be fine.”
“I’ve got what’s needed.” Aidan rose from the chair, lifted his hand in a wave and faded away, the mist crawling along the floor disappeared entirely.
“Never a dull moment around here.” Lathen took the tray of pies from Pepper and set it on the coffee table. The silverware clattered as he slipped the napkins out from under them, inhaling deeply. “I’m starved.”
“Marrying a McKay witch may be more than you bargained for,” she teased. “Too late to change your mind.”
“Don’t intend to.” He forked up a bite of meat pie, blew on it for a minute as the steam rose, and popped it in his mouth. “Mmmmm. Delicious! Life with a witch can be quite satisfying. If you know what I mean.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
Universal link to all on-line retailers:
Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here.
Views: 0
Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Witch's Holiday Wedding, Christmas In July, Mystery, Paranormal Romance/Mystery, Tena Stetler, Witches by Tena Stetler with comments disabled.
A Witch’s Holiday Wedding – Sunday Snippet
Happy Holidays! The Sunday Snippet this week is A Witch’s Holiday Wedding on sale for #99cents. As you know, each week I’ll spotlight one of my books, tell you what’s unique about it, and highlight an excerpt. Join me for this #fun #adventure into the paranormal realm. A Witch’s Holiday Wedding is the best-seller, and is part of the award-winning A WITCH’S JOURNEY SERIES. A small town paranormal romance/mystery.You can have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider, and coffee. Choose your pot; they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip, or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Let’s see what A WITCH’S HOLIDAY WEDDING has in store for us. An exciting, fun, holiday tale about a couple torn in too many directions, with a covert military mission thrown in, will Pepper and Lathen make it to the alter?
A little about me before I tell you the unique twist of this holiday tale. I grew up in a military town that is home to five military installations. My husband, three uncles, and one cousin served in the military. So the military runs deep in my world. In this story you get a glimpse of the often forgotten vet. While the book is paranormal, the military vet’s problems are very real.
Part of this tale is one of second chances. Mike, a military vet with problems and Lathen is part of his support system. Giving Mike a job at the Wildlife Rescue Center brings his life out of a tailspin and puts him on a path to success. Check out this book for a different kind of second chances, a feel good book you won’t want to miss.
Lets see what A WITCH’S HOLIDAY WEDDING is all about?
Elemental witch, Pepper McKay and former Navy SEAL, Lathen Quartz have built Lobster Cove Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center on enchanted McKay land. During a romantic interlude on Halloween night, Pepper happily agrees to become Lathen’s wife. What better day than Winter Solstice for their wedding in a town that loves celebrations and Christmas. However, planning a wedding and operating their wildlife center takes a toll on both Pepper and Lathen.
When the couple takes a much-needed break for Thanksgiving with family in Colorado, a Maine snowstorm fills the center with injured wildlife. Lathen finds himself drawn into a covert military mission, while trying to deal with issues concerning friends and family. Pepper wants to cancel the wedding. Is she having second thoughts? Will the nosy McKay ghosts, Lathen’s werewolf pack, Pepper’s parents, and her best friend help or hinder the wedding and holiday plans?
Universal Buy Link books2read.com/u/4DE0jr
A sneak peek between the pages of A WITCH’S HOLIDAY WEDDING:
“Couldn’t be helped. Besides that’s what the emergency fund is for.” Pepper rubbed Timber’s ears. “Dad and mom will understand. Your family is leaving tomorrow anyway. Right?” She paused for a couple beats. “You ready to tell me what’s going on and who is Mike?”
Lathen sighed heavily. “Yeah. He’s one of the veterans on my radar, kinda like a support tree. Mostly, Jay handles it, since you and I got together, but…well…things happen. Mike’s been out of work for a while, trouble holding down a job because of his combat PTSD. Didn’t stay on his med’s, no money, couldn’t get into the VA…just a series of things sent him into a downward spiral.”
“I see… You never mentioned this part of your life before. Don’t you think…”
“Yea, probably should have, but knew it wouldn’t make a difference to you. You don’t mind that I offered him a job, only for a little while?”
“If we take time to train him and he works out, he can stay as long as he wants. Look how well our other vet, Alec’s done.”
Lathen nodded, raised a brow. “But Alec had less baggage than Mike, like me he was single. Injured physically and psychologically, but no one depended on him… but Mike. It makes a difference.”
“Isn’t his wife…I mean he’s got support…”
“No what he has is a young wife trying to cope with a colicky baby, who cries for hours, day and night. On top of the baby, she’s got a husband who is more of a weight than a help and they’re struggling financially. He couldn’t get his meds and was ready to end it all. I think we brought him back from the brink. That’s why Alec will probably stay the night. A job will help in a lot of ways.” Lathen scrolled through the numbers on his phone.
“Financially, but shouldn’t the VA help with his medical care, prescription costs?”
“In an ideal world, but the VA system is broken, it’s getting better — but not fast enough for people like Mike. So guys like Jay and I step in to fill the gaps as best we can. Speaking of Jay, I need to make that call.” Lathen winced. “At least Jay got a few days with family.” He tapped the screen and put the phone to his ear. The phone rang only once. “Jay, Lathen, we got a situation with Mike.”
Thank you for stopping by next week we will return to Sunday Snippets. Please check back next week for another exciting adventure!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Witch's Holiday Wedding, fantasy, ghosts, Mystery, Paranormal Romance/Mystery, Shapeshifters, Sunday Snippet, Tena Stetler, Witches by Tena Stetler with 2 comments.
A Witch’s Holiday Wedding Sunday Snippet
Happy Holidays! The Sunday Snippet this week is A Witch’s Holiday Wedding . As you know, each week I’ll spotlight one of my books, tell you what’s unique about it, and highlight an excerpt. Join me for this #fun #adventure into the paranormal realm. A Witch’s Holiday Wedding is the best-seller, and is part of the award-winning A WITCH’S JOURNEY SERIES. A small town paranormal romance/mystery.You can have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider, and coffee. Choose your pot; they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip, or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Let’s see what A WITCH’S HOLIDAY WEDDING has in store for us. An exciting, fun, holiday tale about a couple torn in too many directions, with a covert military mission thrown in, will Pepper and Lathen make it to the alter?
Lets see what A WITCH’S HOLIDAY WEDDING is all about?
Elemental witch, Pepper McKay and former Navy SEAL, Lathen Quartz have built Lobster Cove Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center on enchanted McKay land. During a romantic interlude on Halloween night, Pepper happily agrees to become Lathen’s wife. What better day than Winter Solstice for their wedding in a town that loves celebrations and Christmas. However, planning a wedding and operating their wildlife center takes a toll on both Pepper and Lathen.
When the couple takes a much-needed break for Thanksgiving with family in Colorado, a Maine snowstorm fills the center with injured wildlife. Lathen finds himself drawn into a covert military mission, while trying to deal with issues concerning friends and family. Pepper wants to cancel the wedding. Is she having second thoughts? Will the nosy McKay ghosts, Lathen’s werewolf pack, Pepper’s parents, and her best friend help or hinder the wedding and holiday plans?
Universal Buy Link books2read.com/u/4DE0jr
A sneak peek between the pages of A WITCH’S HOLIDAY WEDDING:
After she set her glass down, Lathen brushed a couple strands of hair out of her eyes and searched her face. “Are you all right?”
“I’m tired, my wedding is in a couple weeks, I have ghosts fighting over who is going to do what. Guests that have no idea the place is haunted and… Your family and pack, my parents, Gwen… To top it all off, the head of my clan, who is a ghost, is sitting in front of me wanting to know who is coming to the wedding and whether the ghosts will be outed. How could I possibly be all right?”
“When you put it that way.” Lathen chuckled. “It sounds just a bit… I don’t know…crazy?” His right eyebrow winged up. She saw mischief sparkle in his eyes. “We could still elope,” he offered.
“No sir. Not after all the trouble—Not on me watch.” Aidan shook his head so vehemently his upper torso blurred.
Pepper smiled, glanced at Lathen. “What do you think—about twenty-five to fifty close friends and family at the ceremony?”
“I doubt the pack will be there, they’ll be more interested in the food and tall-tale telling at the reception. Not to mention questioning why the dinner wasn’t before the ceremony. So you are close on that count.” He snatched the wine glass from the table and took a gulp.
“The seating area should be at the end of the pond by the benches. Ashling mentioned purple rose bushes around the pond. Lathen and I are going to get the arbor first thing in the morning, weather permitting.”
Lathen’s stomach gurgled. “You know the timer for the meat pies went off a while ago.” He glanced toward the kitchen. “Want me to go get them?”
“Oh crap, I forgot. They’ll be ruined, all dried out.” She thought for a moment then waved her hand toward the kitchen. “They’ll be fine.”
“I’ve got what’s needed.” Aidan rose from the chair, lifted his hand in a wave and faded away, the mist crawling along the floor disappeared entirely.
“Never a dull moment around here.” Lathen took the tray of pies from Pepper and set it on the coffee table. The silverware clattered as he slipped the napkins out from under them, inhaling deeply. “I’m starved.”
“Marrying a McKay witch may be more than you bargained for,” she teased. “Too late to change your mind.”
“Don’t intend to.” He forked up a bite of meat pie, blew on it for a minute as the steam rose, and popped it in his mouth. “Mmmmm. Delicious! Life with a witch can be quite satisfying. If you know what I mean.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
Thank you for stopping by next week we will return to Sunday Snippets. Please check back next week for another exciting adventure!
Views: 0
Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Witch's Holiday Wedding, A Witch's Journey, animal rescue, Paranormal Romance/Mystery, Sunday Snippet, Tena Stetler, Witches by Tena Stetler with comments disabled.