A Witch’s Journey-Sale $1.99 – Sunday Snippet

Yippee! Sunday Snippet is showcasing A Witch’s Journey. It’s on sale of $1.99. Former Navy Seal, Lathen Quartz helps Pepper McKay, a powerful witch, achieve her life-long dream of a wild life rescue, but can they save the McKay magic? This is the first book of the series by the same name.

Animal and wildlife rescue is close to my heart.  I volunteer at a wolf rescue, donate to another and also support a parrot rescue. I feel that whatever we have tamed, we are responsible for taking care of forever.


A Little about A Witch’s Journey:

Pepper McKay comes from a long line of powerful witches. Unfortunately, magic brings her nothing but trouble. She learned the love of wildlife rescue and rehab from her Aunt Ashling. After graduating from college, Pepper works for Salem Wildlife Sanctuary and lives from paycheck to paycheck until she inherits the McKay property in Lobster Cove. With the family land and resources, she dares to dream of starting her own wildlife rescue and rehabilitation center.

Lathen Quartz, a former Navy SEAL turned handyman maintains the enchanted McKay property for the McKay estate. But someone is trying to steal the McKay magic. Lathen offers to help Pepper achieve her life-long dream of building a wildlife center. During the long hours spent together on the project, their mutual attraction can’t be denied. But each harbors a deep, dark secret. Will they overcome their demons and give love a chance?

Snippet of A Witch’s Journey!

At dusk, the mist rolled in, but it didn’t dampen the revelers’ enthusiasm. Pepper and Lathen followed the crowd over to the harbor where several boats were lined up and decorated with different kinds of patriotic colored lights. A variety of bulbs burned steady, while others flashed, chased, and twinkled. One pleasure craft had a flag draped over the bow made up of red, white, and blue lights that blinked in time to “The Star Spangled Banner” playing in the background.

After casting votes for the best display, they returned to Lathen’s pickup and drove the short distance to the Sea Crest Inn, where everyone gathered for an ice cream social to benefit local charities. Local bands presented the entertainment for the evening. Music ranged from country to rock and roll, and even a group that did a respectable job on the 1812 Overture as the spectacular fireworks display exploded in the night sky. Then the unthinkable happened.

A cold shiver ran up her spine as goose bumps crept up her arms. Pepper reached down to untie her sweater from her waist, and someone grabbed her around the middle and covered her mouth with a hand. Excruciating pain exploded through her temples. Instinctively, she sank her front teeth into the palm of the hand covering her mouth. He cursed and shook his hand free. She screamed, stomped backward grinding her heel onto his foot, then whirled around, elbows out and connected with the bridge of his nose. A split second later, she shoved her knee up hard into his groin. Blood spurting from his nostrils, hands cupping the family jewels, he yelled a stream of curses as he hit the ground and curled into a fetal possession. A big burly man, pounced on the attacker, yanked his arms behind his back and pressed a knee to his ass as the attacker writhed in pain.

The burly man glanced up at Pepper. “You all right?”

Bent over at the waist, forearms resting on her thighs, palms together, she gulped in air and said haltingly, “I’m ok. Thanks.” As she battled to keep the magic furor at bay, her hands tingled, she shook them out and clasped them tight together. Can’t release magic among mortals.

Pepper’s scream brought Lathen bounding through the crowd, just as Pepper landed the final blow.

A Witch’s Journey Series – Tales of redemption, magic, wildlife rescue, true love and paying it forward will leave you breathless as you turn page after page.  While you’re here, don’t forget to  check out all my Paranormal Romances and Mysteries. Click here to be transported to my Magical Realm!

Thanks for stopping in to check out my Sunday Snippet. I hope you liked what you saw and will return next Sunday for a new snippet!  Enjoy the spring flowers and sunshine. Happy Reading!


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A Witch’s Holiday Wedding Sunday Snippet

Happy Holidays! The Sunday Snippet this week is A Witch’s Holiday Wedding . As you know, each week I’ll spotlight one of my books, tell you what’s unique about it, and highlight an excerpt. Join me for this #fun #adventure into the paranormal realm.  A Witch’s Holiday Wedding is the best-seller, and is part of the award-winning A WITCH’S JOURNEY SERIES.  A small town paranormal romance/mystery. 

 You can have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider, and coffee. Choose your pot; they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip, or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Let’s see what A WITCH’S HOLIDAY WEDDING has in store for us. An exciting, fun, holiday tale about a couple torn in too many directions, with a covert military mission thrown in, will Pepper and Lathen make it to the alter?

Lets see what A WITCH’S HOLIDAY WEDDING is all about?

Elemental witch, Pepper McKay and former Navy SEAL, Lathen Quartz have built Lobster Cove Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center on enchanted McKay land. During a romantic interlude on Halloween night, Pepper happily agrees to become Lathen’s wife. What better day than Winter Solstice for their wedding in a town that loves celebrations and Christmas. However, planning a wedding and operating their wildlife center takes a toll on both Pepper and Lathen.

When the couple takes a much-needed break for Thanksgiving with family in Colorado, a Maine snowstorm fills the center with injured wildlife. Lathen finds himself drawn into a covert military mission, while trying to deal with issues concerning friends and family. Pepper wants to cancel the wedding. Is she having second thoughts? Will the nosy McKay ghosts, Lathen’s werewolf pack, Pepper’s parents, and her best friend help or hinder the wedding and holiday plans?

Universal Buy Link books2read.com/u/4DE0jr

A sneak peek between the pages of A WITCH’S HOLIDAY WEDDING:

After she set her glass down, Lathen brushed a couple strands of hair out of her eyes and searched her face. “Are you all right?”

“I’m tired, my wedding is in a couple weeks, I have ghosts fighting over who is going to do what. Guests that have no idea the place is haunted and… Your family and pack, my parents, Gwen… To top it all off, the head of my clan, who is a ghost, is sitting in front of me wanting to know who is coming to the wedding and whether the ghosts will be outed. How could I possibly be all right?”

“When you put it that way.” Lathen chuckled. “It sounds just a bit… I don’t know…crazy?” His right eyebrow winged up. She saw mischief sparkle in his eyes. “We could still elope,” he offered.

“No sir. Not after all the trouble—Not on me watch.” Aidan shook his head so vehemently his upper torso blurred.

Pepper smiled, glanced at Lathen. “What do you think—about twenty-five to fifty close friends and family at the ceremony?”

“I doubt the pack will be there, they’ll be more interested in the food and tall-tale telling at the reception. Not to mention questioning why the dinner wasn’t before the ceremony. So you are close on that count.” He snatched the wine glass from the table and took a gulp.

“The seating area should be at the end of the pond by the benches. Ashling mentioned purple rose bushes around the pond. Lathen and I are going to get the arbor first thing in the morning, weather permitting.”

Lathen’s stomach gurgled. “You know the timer for the meat pies went off a while ago.” He glanced toward the kitchen. “Want me to go get them?”

“Oh crap, I forgot. They’ll be ruined, all dried out.” She thought for a moment then waved her hand toward the kitchen. “They’ll be fine.”

“I’ve got what’s needed.” Aidan rose from the chair, lifted his hand in a wave and faded away, the mist crawling along the floor disappeared entirely.

“Never a dull moment around here.” Lathen took the tray of pies from Pepper and set it on the coffee table. The silverware clattered as he slipped the napkins out from under them, inhaling deeply. “I’m starved.”

“Marrying a McKay witch may be more than you bargained for,” she teased. “Too late to change your mind.”

“Don’t intend to.” He forked up a bite of meat pie, blew on it for a minute as the steam rose, and popped it in his mouth. “Mmmmm. Delicious! Life with a witch can be quite satisfying. If you know what I mean.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

Thank you for stopping by next week we will return to Sunday Snippets. Please check back next week for another exciting adventure!

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Skeleton Squad and Bone Jet

Only Fifty-Three days to Halloween!  Can you believe it? Toil and Trouble and the rest of the Skeleton Squad continue their search for the Halloween Spirit. This week, found a ghost, a carved pumpkin, AND member of the Skeleton Squad, Octavia Octopus parked on top. But no spirit, darn it. I guess that’s progress. LOL! Toil and Trouble’s quest for the Halloween Spirit continues.

Toil, Trouble, and the Skeleton Squad discovered Bone Jet, working out in the Sunroom, and holding a jam session. They of course had to join in. Didn’t move the search forward, but they all sure had a good time.

Well, its the end of September, the yellow, red and brown leaves are falling. Autumn has arrived. Still nice enough to work out in the sun room, if Bone Jet, would share the equipment!

This week the Skeleton Squad hitched a ride with us to Pleaseant Valley RV Park in Howard, Colorado.  They scared the campsite owner into giving us our own deck next to the fifth wheel.  Immediately, the Skeleton Squad  convened a meeting on the deck table overlooking the Arkansas River.

The next day the search began in earnest with the entire group lining up Next to the hummingbird feeder, a group of birds gathered. They frightened all the hummingbirds away, including a particular member of their squad who tried to use the feeder. However, later that evening, a single courageous hummingbird appeared and fearlessly ate from the feeder, daring anyone to come close.  Hope you can see the little fellow is just above Octavita’s head.

Penélope Piranha  dove into the river under the guise of hunting for the Halloween Spirit, but we suspect she was just having a blast swimming the stream and scarying the boaters.

Great fun was had by all.  On our way back, I heard the Skeleton Squad whispering about aliens and Roswel, New Mexico.  I sure hope they aren’t planning to pull a stunt like that. I’ll keep you updated! Never a dull moment with this squad.

Speaking of journeys, or possible ones, you may want to check out A Witch’s Journey.  What’s it about you ask. Well….

Pepper McKay comes from a long line of powerful witches. Unfortunately, magic brings her nothing but trouble. She learned the love of wildlife rescue and rehab from her Aunt Ashling. After graduating from college, Pepper works for Salem Wildlife Sanctuary and lives from paycheck to paycheck until she inherits the McKay property in Lobster Cove. With the family land and resources, she dares to dream of starting her own wildlife rescue and rehabilitation center.

Lathen Quartz, a former Navy SEAL turned handyman maintains the enchanted McKay property for the McKay estate. But someone is trying to steal the McKay magic. Lathen offers to help Pepper achieve her life-long dream of building a wildlife center. During the long hours spent together on the project, their mutual attraction can’t be denied. But each harbors a deep, dark secret. Will they overcome their demons and give love a chance?

How about a sneak peak between the pages of A Witch’s Journey and some of their Halloween escapades?

Klaren threw her coffee in his face, cup and all, then bolted out of his arms and down the stairs as a huge reddish wolf advanced snarling and leaped over the railing knocking Ben down the stairs. He hit the ground and tumbled down the path, he scrambled to get to his feet. But the wolf was too fast, one leap and animal landed on the Ben’s back, knocking him forward before he finally landed face down on the ground out cold. In a blink of an eye, the wolf was gone and witches closed in on all sides.

Pepper ran to her mother and helped her to her feet. “You ok?”

“I’m fine, just sorry I didn’t have time to get more information out of the son of a bitch. Did you see what he did? I wasn’t about to let him transport me to who knows where.” Klaren brushed at the knees of her jeans viciously.

The witches formed a circle around Ben. Wisps of fog trailed along the ground and took shape as spirits floating in the meadow. Duncan stepped forward and cast a spell ensnaring the man in vines of shimmering light.

“Don’t make the vines too tight around his neck, we need him to be able to speak,” Ravyn said in a calm lilting voice.

“Done,” Duncan replied.

Ravyn flicked her fingers, a bucket of water appeared over Ben’s head, it tipped and the liquid splashed over him.

Ben sputtered and cursed, his eyes wild.

“Mr. Bochard. It’s come to our attention that you are misusing magic for personal gain. You’ve called on dark magic to curse an innocent to do harm to your own kind. How do you plead?” Ravyn asked in a commanding tone.

“Bitch.” Ben bit out. “I only acted to get back what was mine.” He narrowed his eyes at Pepper.

She cast a blindfold on him. “Don’t want to take any chances. Not sure what he’s capable of.” Pepper said when Ravyn glared at her.

Ravyn nodded. “I’ll take that as a guilty plea, Mr. Bochard . Therefore, you are to be spellbound immediately.” She paused. “But first, Pepper do you have the candle?”

“Yes.” Pepper produced a tall, thick twisted black candle with beautifully carved moon phases on all sides.

“Step into the circle, face the full moon depiction north.” Raven closed her eyes and murmured several words. The candle ignited in a black flame flickered then faded to pure white.

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A Witch’s Journey Series – Sunday Snippet

Yippee! Sunday Snippet is showcasing A Witch’s Journey Series.Former Navy Seal, Lathen Quartz helps Pepper McKay, a powerful witch, achieve her life-long dream of a wild life rescue, but can they save the McKay magic? 


Got a deal for you! Looking for feel-good books to fill your kindle or ipad for those cool Autumn days or nights curled up in front of a cozy fire sipping on hot chocolate and popcorn?

A WITCH’S JOURNEY SERIES is just the ticket. Pssst….Also all available in audio books!

A Witch’s Journey – Former Navy Seal, Lathen Quartz helps Pepper, a powerful witch, achieve her life-long dream of wildlife rescue, but can they save the McKay magic & find love?

A Witch’s Holiday Wedding A small-town paranormal romance/mystery. Lathen’s covert military mission threatens life as he knows it. Torn in too many directions, will Pepper and Lathen make it to the altar?

Hidden Gypsy Magic – Gwen a wildlife rehabilitator, and Brock a veterinarian, discover the consequences of awakening hidden gypsy magic.

Chocolate Raspberry Magic– Fund-raising, Ice cream social, furry and feathered babies, romance, mystery, and magic what more could you ask for in a paranormal romance/mystery?

A Witch’s Journey Series – Tales of redemption, magic, wildlife rescue, true love and paying it forward will leave you breathless as you turn page after page.  While you’re here, don’t forget to  check out all my Paranormal Romances and Mysteries. Click here to be transported to my Magical Realm!

Thanks for stopping in to check out my Sunday Snippet. I hope you liked what you saw and will return next Sunday for a new snippet! Happy Reading!


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