Arresting Alan by Amber Daulton
Give a warm welcome to Amber Daulton, author of Arresting Alan, released today April 9, 2024!Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Amber and Arresting Alan!
How about the Inspiration and Development of Arresting Alan?
Arresting Alan is one of the books I’ve longed to write for years. Some of my story ideas come from dreams, but this one, I did it the old-fashioned way. I created a few new characters, further developed older ones introduced in prior books, and plotted for days with pen and paper and my handy colored pencils and highlighters at the ready. I ripped out chunks, added new stuff, ripped out more, and fine-tuned the plot until it sang. Since Alan is a computer technician with secret hacking skills, my own techy husband, Greg, and I spent countless hours talking about hacking stuff to help me get the details right. All-in-all, that was a busy few weeks.
When I first came up with the idea for the Arresting Onyx series back in 2014-15, I knew I was going to save Alan Harding for the finale. He’s the quiet, reserved brother of the hotheaded hero from book one, Arresting Mason, and I wanted to bookend the series between the Harding brothers. Both men look a lot alike (tall, gorgeous, built brunets with piercing green eyes), but they’re as different as night and day. At least that’s what everyone thinks. Alan has a dark secret no one saw coming—not even me for the longest time—but I should’ve known he was going to give me trouble. Men are always trouble.
No spoilers here, but Alan did something very bad for a very good reason. He loves hard, and when the people he calls family are in trouble, he’s the guy with the rescue plan and follows through with it to the end—no matter how much it darkens his own soul.
Once I figured out how deep Alan was going to fall, I needed to plot his road to redemption. Luckily, his ladylove DEA Special Agent Hannah Adler helped with that.
I’m so relieved I chose Hannah for the role of heroine. A few other ladies were in the running (new characters that obviously didn’t make it into the final book), but Hannah first showed up in a minor role in book 2 and then again in book 3.5. Hannah had her own story to tell, so she was all gung ho about getting her own book. (FYI: Sometimes, my characters speak to me and refuse to shut up until I give them what they want. I’ve learned to live with it.) Anyway, Hannah was the perfect match for Alan and made my job easier.
Even though I always wanted Arresting Alan to be the last book in the series, I wrote another book featuring Alan’s friend, Bristol. Of all my heroes, Bristol is the most demanding, and he desperately wanted a HEA. I couldn’t deny him. So I finished that one, but it didn’t fit well with the rest of the series. I couldn’t keep it, but there was no way I was going to discard it. I was stuck with only one real option available—create a spin-off, the Lozano Cartel, with Bristol’s book as the first in the series. I’m super excited about it.
Back to Alan…this book means a great deal to me. At times, I thought I’d never get it published simply because it took so long to get the earlier books released. (The final manuscript has been gathering digital dust on my computer for a while.) I’m so happy to finally release it and bring my series to a close. It’s hard to say goodbye to beloved characters that I’ve been working with for about a decade, but I’m eager to move on with the spin-off.
I hope you enjoy Arresting Alan as much as I do. Well, Amber, I have to say, I did enjoy Arresting Alan very much! Which brings me to my review of the book:
Arresting Alan is the fourth and final installment in the Arresting Onyx series. I’ve read each book in the characters’ quest to take down the Onyx syndicate. Alan is Mason’s brother (a character from another book whom I enjoyed) But Alan has his own set of problems revolving around an impossible challenge, his adorable little boy, and Hannah, his sexy as sin undercover bodyguard. Which makes the situation even worse. It becomes a race against time after his son is kidnapped. He must save the boy while attempting to bring a criminal organization to its knees.
No spoilers here. However, the characters and the scenarios are so well described that you’ll feel like you are battling right beside them. I found myself holding my breath hoping Alan would not get caught in a certain scenario. Whew! <wipes brow> This book brought the series full circle in a extremely satisfying way. I highly recommend Arresting Alan. The book can be read as a standalone. I did read them out of order, but I recommend reading them in order if you have a chance.
A little more about Arresting Alan.
A hacker, a federal agent, and a crime boss. The time has come to fight.
Computer technician Alan Harding is no saint, but his squeaky-clean image is unshakable in the eyes of his family and especially his young son. After he agrees to assist a drug lord-turned-snitch and hack into a criminal database, he’s faced with an impossible challenge—keeping his hands and heart away from his sexy as sin bodyguard, DEA Special Agent Hannah Adler.
Hannah would rather go hand-to-hand with an assailant than go undercover as Alan’s girlfriend, but she’s determined to keep him safe and his illegal activities on the down-low. The handsome man and his adorable child, however, are more than she bargained for.
Once their enemies learn the truth and retaliate by kidnapping Alan’s son, they’ll have to race against the clock to save the boy and bring a dangerous empire to its knees.
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A peek between the pages of Arresting Alan.
She flexed her hands, determined to take the high road. “I’m sorry about this morning, flipping out on you and all. What happened last night was a mistake. It won’t happen again.”
“Bullshit. I know your job is tough. Your bitchy façade is what you want the world to see, but I’m not the world. Keep your apology and tell me what’s in your heart. It’s not the chunk of frozen coal you pretend it is. You burned like liquid fire when I touched you and clung to me as we slept. Don’t deny it. You owe us both better than that.”
She pursed her lips and dropped her gaze. The heart in question ached from his astute assessment.
“Forget it.” He turned back around and jabbed his fingers at the keyboard.
A long string of letters, numbers, and symbols popped up in the black window.
She cursed and seized the steps between them to gently squeeze his shoulder. “My heart’s not frozen, but you’re a temptation I can’t afford. I won’t deny what happened or how it made me feel, but don’t expect a repeat.”
He halted his tirade on the keys and stared straight ahead at the computer with glassy, unfocused eyes behind his black-rimmed glasses.
“Are you okay?” She swished her hand in front of his face and snapped her fingers.
His Adam’s apple bobbed like he swallowed a marble.
He half turned and grasped her hand so quickly that she jumped. Her stomach clenched from his suddenly sharp gaze on her face. Oh yes, she was in trouble. Alan had breached her defenses, pierced her soul, and reached her vulnerable side. That ended now.
She straightened, taking full advantage of her superior height with him in the chair. “Grow up, Alan, and forget about your little crush on me. Whatever you have going on in your head where I’m concerned is ridiculous.”
“Crush?” He feathered his thumb over her knuckles and tightened his grip when she tried to pull back. “Go ahead, fight the draw between us all you want. You won’t win. I said yesterday I’d wait for you. Now I’ve tasted you and felt you shatter in my arms. If I have to wait a lifetime to hold you again, fine. You’re worth the wait.”
A sob burned in her throat. She’d waited so long for a man she cared about to claim her. Now that it happened, she itched to run away. “Believe what you like, but nothing will come from it.” Again, her stomach twisted.
“We’ll see.” He released her and commenced typing with a much lighter touch. As she retreated across the room, he cleared his throat with a cough. “But know this, Hannah baby—I’m not giving you up without a fight. If you don’t want me, you’ll have to prove it.”
About the author:
Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through Daulton Publishing, The Wild Rose Press, and Books to Go Now, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats.
She lives in North Carolina with her husband and demanding cats.
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Thank so much for stopping by I hope you enjoyed the sneak peek a Amber’s newest release, Arresting Alan.
Check back often for new releases or Sunday Snippets!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Amber Daulton, Arresting Alan, Arresting Onyx Series, romantic suspense by Tena Stetler with 2 comments.
Trevor’s Redemption – Interview & Review
Give a warm welcome to Amber Daulton, author of Trevor’s Redemption, book 3.5 in the Arresting Onyx Series! Soon to be released on August 22, 2023!Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Amber and Trecvor’s Redemption. First up Shea from Trevor’s Redemption, thanks for being here.
Tell us about the real you—Including a physical discription of yourself.
A lady never tells her age, so lets say around 30. I was born in southern Colorado. I work as a graphics designer for KIKA TV
Hmm…let’s see. Dark-blonde hair, blue eyes, normal height, a little round in the hips. On the whole, I’m pretty average looking. Trevor, though, would disagree. He says I’m gorgeous, and I think he’s partially blind.
Tell us three things we’d find if we looked under your bed?
Uh, nothing. Maybe some dust bunnies if I haven’t vacuumed in a while. I’m a bit of a neat freak, so clutter is a no-no. Everything has its own place.
What makes you laugh out loud?
My friends. Chanel, Mia, and Belle are my besties, and I love hanging out with them. Chanel, especially, is like the sister I never had. I don’t know what I would do without my girls.
What makes you angry?
Injustice. I work at a TV news station, and it frustrates me when the male anchors tell me I’d be prettier if I smiled more. When I wear a skirt, the technicians whistle at me and make catcalls. Sexism is rampant in my workplace, and it’s high time for a change.
What event in your past has left the most indelible impression on you?
I nearly lost my mom a few times. She has severe asthma, so I learned early on to call 911 when her inhaler didn’t do the trick. Mom struggled for years to make ends meet because she couldn’t hold a steady job. Her social security checks helped, and Dad sometimes sent her money, but she quit accepting the latter after she married Terrence—my stepfather.
Anyway, my worst memory is when I was nine years old. I came home from school to find Mom passed out in the living room. After a few days in the hospital and a change in her medication, she was well enough to come home, but it traumatized me. I’d never been so scared.
What is the type of man you want to spend the rest of your life with?
My dream man is someone who’s honest, caring, and compassionate. Full disclosure—I have a trust issues, so I need someone who’s patient and willing to put in the time and effort to help me overcome my past mistakes and hurt.
What do you consider most important in life?
Honesty. Without it, friendships or relationships won’t last.
What is your biggest secret?
It’s no secret, not really, but I don’t like to talk about my father. He was never a big part of my life, and according to my mom, he was a criminal. Who knows if he was, but it’s something I usually keep to myself.
What do you fear the most?
Being alone. I don’t need a man to complete me, but with all my friends falling in love and getting married, I’m worried we’ll drift apart. You know what I mean, right? Couples like to associate with other couples. Even though none of my friends or their guys treat me like a spinster aunt, I still feel like an outsider sometimes.
How well does your name fit your personality?
Not well at all! Shea means “fairy palace” in Irish, and I definitely don’t belong in a palace, fairy or otherwise. I have some Irish ancestry, as you can tell by my last name of O’Bannon, but it’s so far removed that I don’t identify as Irish or Irish American. I do have a bit of a temper when riled up, but basically, I’m just a girl from Colorado.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
No, but it’s a nice thought. Love takes a lot of work, and sometimes it just doesn’t work out no matter how hard you try.
Do you believe in magic?
Sorry! Nope. I love reading paranormal romance books—my mom is a big fan of the classics, anything from Jane Austen—but I don’t think vampires, witches, or faeries are real. It’s too bad because witches, in particular, are fascinating.
Do you enjoy dressing up or prefer to dress casually?
Both. I have to dress up in pantsuits or modest blouses and skirts for work, but I love summery dresses and high heels. I’m most comfortable in T-shirts and plaid pajama bottoms for home-wear.
How good are you with technology?
Very good! I studied graphic design in college. A lot of people don’t think computers and art mix well together, but I disagree. Art created on a computer through algorithms or various functions can be just as beautiful as something drawn or sewn. It’s just a different medium.
If you could choose a theme song to play when you entered a scene, which one of the following would fit best:
Gentle melody. I’m a laid-back, easy-going kind of person. Perhaps a bit invisible, but I don’t like to make a fuss and have people stare at me. I’m much more suited for behind-the-scenes work than up-in-your-face personal stuff.
What color best describes you?
Pale blue. It’s light, breezy, open, and soft.
Who is the one person who can convince you to do something you know you shouldn’t?
My best friend, Chanel. We click like real sisters, and I love her to death.
Now Amber, I’ve questions for you:
What was your biggest challenge in writing this book?
Getting started. As I was revising the final novel in my Arresting Onyx series, a frustrating little voice in the back of my head kept telling me to go back and write this novella. I’d introduced Shea as a secondary character in the first book, Arresting Mason, and developed her further as the series continued. Before long, I was having daydreams about Shea and what kind of man she would go for, but my writing schedule was already mapped out for the foreseeable future. I just didn’t have time to write her story. Well, Shea wasn’t happy with that. She kept nagging me, and soon I couldn’t sleep because I needed to write this story. Eventually, I gave up and jotted down the plot, and slept like a baby that night. I had a wonderful time bringing Shea’s romance to life, so I’m grateful I let her have her way.
Why did you choose this character for the interview today?
As I was reading through all the questions, Shea’s voice came forward in my head louder and stronger than Trevor’s. So she took over the interview.
Any sequels planned for this book?
No, Shea and Trevor’s story is done, but the Arresting Onyx series continues with reader-favorite Alan Harding and his new bodyguard, DEA Special Agent Hannah Adler. Read their romance in Arresting Alan, book 4. It’ll be released next year, in April 2024.
Is there anything you’d like to say to your readers?
Trevor’s Redemption is now available for preorder and can be read as a standalone, so if you haven’t read the previous books in the series, you can jump right in with this one and follow along without any problems. However, the couples from the other books return as secondary characters, so you might get a few spoilers. For the sake of enjoyment and fully immersing yourself in my fictional world, I do suggest you start at the beginning with Arresting Mason, but it’s not necessary.
Tell us a little about Trevor’s Redemption.
The danger and lies are more than she can handle. Will the truth send her running, or will she fight for the man she loves?
Shea O’Bannon feels like a fifth wheel around her romantically paired-off friends, but there’s too much slime in the dating pool for her to bother with it. Then she sees her two-timing ex, Trevor Madero, serenading the mostly female crowd at a live-music bar. God knows trouble follows him around, but her desire for him rushes back in anyway. After he rescues her from a handsy drunk, temptation takes over.
Determined to prove he never stepped out on Shea, Trevor slides back into her life—and her heart—with forever in mind. Even with the wall he keeps up to protect her, his secret criminal life weighs heavy on his soul and drives a wedge between them.
When the truth comes out and his enemies target them both, they’ll have to fight for their love, or kiss it goodbye.
Sneak peek between the pages of Trevor’s Redemption.
He rolled his stiff shoulders and pushed aside pasta bags, crackers, and vegetable cans in the cabinets. Where were the croutons? After he checked the fridge, he pulled the cracker box off the shelf. “I usually top the casserole with croutons, but this will have to do.” He dumped the square bits of wheat into a bowl to crush.
“No worries. I’m already impressed you’re not feeding me a TV dinner. A man who can cook gets top notches in my book.”
He winked at her. After he drained the water, he layered the pasta-and-vegetable mixture with the chicken in a large casserole dish, topped it with crumbs and cheese, and popped it into the oven. “Come here.” He pulled her close and kissed her warm, welcoming lips. Her sweet taste rocketed through him. She twisted her fingers into his damp hair and tugged hard enough to sting his scalp. He groaned. This was real. Normal. The skanky women who flocked to him at clubs and after his gigs no longer thrilled him. Did he have a shot for something real with Shea?
She moaned into his mouth and nibbled on his lip.
Tingles shot through his jaw. “Let me take care of you. I want to give you candles, music, the works.”
“You mean to seduce me?”
“I’ll only go as far as you’ll let me.”
A soft noncommittal noise rumbled from her mouth. He drew her hand up and kissed her knuckles. Was she weighing the pros and cons? Would she let him treasure her as she deserved? He licked the underside of her wrist.
“Oh, God.” Her breathing sharpened, her chest rising and falling faster. She clutched his biceps as he planted light kisses along her nose and brow. “Don’t stop kissing me, Trevor. I want to forget about everything, except you.”
“As you wish.”
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Two things Shea O’Bannon can’t stand are danger and lies. Her girlfriends are all married or pair off with great guys. But she isn’t about to try dating again especially after she sees her two-timing ex Trevor Madero singing in a bar to a mostly female audience.
She discovers that things are not always as they seem. Against the advice of her best friends, she gives Trevor a second chance.
Trevor never stopped trying to figure out how to woo Shea back to him. When he sees her at the nightclub, he tracks her down and eventually explains what really happened the night they broke up. But he can’t reveal his secret life without losing her. So the lies pile up until the unthinkable happens.
The characters are well-written and the scenes are so descriptive you feel like you’re there with the characters. I was sucked into the story’s drama, fear, and hope. The twists and turns keep you guessing and turning pages. When all hope is about gone… well, you’ll need to read the book to find out what happens. No spoilers here. I highly recommend this romantic suspense.
Release Day – August 22, 2023
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About the Author
Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through Daulton Publishing, The Wild Rose Press, and Books to Go Now, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats.
She lives in North Carolina with her husband and demanding cats.
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It’s been great having you with us today. Good luck with Trever’s Redemption!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Amber Daulton, Arresting Onyx Series, romantic suspense, Trevor's Redemption by Tena Stetler with 2 comments.
A Hero’s Heart by Amber Daulton

“Oh how about ladies first? Jarrett offered.
“No way” Amber and Marissa chorused.
“Well, looks like it’s two again one Jarrett. You’re first?” I snickered. “Lets get started.”
Tells us about the real you—
Since I’m an undercover DEA agent, I’m used to playing different types of people while on assignment. Beneath all the bluster and the horrible things I sometimes have to do, I never forget who I am inside the person I’m pretending to be. I’m a gruff, strong-willed, flawed man who wants to make up for his mistakes. And boy, do I have a ton! I’m all about righting my wrongs, but it’s damn hard to take that first step, especially when it comes to my family. I finally take it in my story, oddly titled A Hero’s Heart. I’m no hero, but my ladylove Marissa and my author Amber disagree. After all the crap I’ve been through, I know better than to argue with a woman—let alone two.
Tell us three things we’d find if we looked under your bed?
Dust bunnies, dirty laundry, and some magazines—use your imagination. *wink wink*
What makes you laugh out loud?
My seven-year-old nephew, Jason. He’s the sweetest kid and says the damnedest things.
What makes you angry?
Anyone who wants to hurt Marissa and Jason.
What event in your past has left the most indelible impression on you?
I was arrested seven years ago for burglary and the intent to possess. That wake-up call changed everything for me. After I did a job for the feds to avoid prison time, I figured out what I wanted to do with my life, so I stayed on with the agency.
What do you sleep in at night?
Boxers, or I go commando.
What is the type of woman you want to spend the rest of your life with?
I want a take-no-bull kind of woman. She needs to be strong, self-assured, and stubborn enough to handle me. Marissa fits that to a T.
What do you consider most important in life?
Second chances. Everyone makes mistakes, but it shouldn’t define a person for the rest of his or her life. Redemption should always be an option.
What is your biggest secret?
Well, damn, Tena. I’m not gonna tell you that. It’s a secret.
Aww come on you’re no fun.
“That’s not what I hear.” He smirked.
Moving on before I get in trouble.
Marissa who are you really?
I’m an assistant chef at an Italian restaurant, and I’m doing my best to make it as a single mom. My husband died five years ago, and who knows where my son and I would be if not for my in-laws. The last thing I needed was for Jarrett to come back home. You see, Jarrett and I were high school sweethearts, but after he left town, I married his brother. Talk about awkward.
Tell us three things we’d find if we looked under your bed?
*Marissa blushes profusely* I shouldn’t say this, but I have an old suitcase under the bed with a combo lock on it. I keep some toys in there. You know what I mean—for-her-pleasure toys.
*Jarrett grins at that*
What makes you angry?
Lies and secrets. *She levels a glare at Jarrett* But I’ve gotten all of his out of him.
What do you sleep in at night?
It depends. If Jarrett and I are in the mood for sexy time, I’ll wear lingerie and perfume. If not, T-shirts and pajama bottoms work.
Who was the biggest role model in your life?
My aunt Carol. I didn’t have a good relationship with my mom, but my aunt and I were tight. She loved me more than anything and always tried to protect and take care of me. She died when I was eighteen after battling leukemia for a couple years. I lost her a few months after Jarrett left town, and losing both of them so close together nearly broke me.
What kind of man do you want to spend the rest of your life with?
I want someone who will appreciate me, never leave, and will put me and my son first. Though my relationship with Jarrett crashed and burned years ago, we’re trying again. He’s no longer an irresponsible teen—I’ve grown up too—and I believe with all my heart that our second chance is going to work out.
What is most important to you in life?
My son, and mutual respect and kindness with the man I love.
What is your biggest fear?
I’ve lost one husband already, and Jarrett has a dangerous job. I’m worried sick about him, but I trust him to do the right thing and not take any unnecessary risks.
Okay Amber, you’re up, Tell us a little about writing this story. Was it fun or difficult? Do your characters always act as you expect? Are you a plotter, or fly (write) by the seat of your pants?
I wrote A Hero’s Heart back in 2013 and revised it a few months ago after the rights reverted to me. I’ve always enjoyed this story and the characters. They’re strong, stubborn, and determined to have their way more often than not. I prefer to plot each scene, but sometimes it’s easier to let the hero and heroine do as they want.
Rekindling the flames of love has never burned so hot.
After an undercover mission goes awry, DEA agent Jarrett Brandt hides out in the last place he wants to be—his hometown. Now he’s stuck with his judgmental parents and the memory of his perfect brother hanging over his head. His one bright light? Marissa Reinn Brandt—his high school sweetheart and former sister-in-law.
Marissa lost Jarrett once before. No way will she let him back in; then her son offers him their guestroom. His wicked charm and smoldering stares are hard to resist, but she’ll make him work to reclaim his spot in her bed.
When his enemies close in, how will Jarrett keep Marissa and her son safe, or will he lose his shot at redemption?
– Triggers: drug use (discussed) and a brief assault of the heroine
– A Hero’s Heart is a smoking hot second chance, romantic suspense novella. No cheating. HEA guaranteed.
How about a peek between the pages of A Hero’s Heart:
“You can trust me, Jarrett. I won’t tell your parents anything you don’t want me to.” She sighed and stood as well. “You used to tell me everything. We never kept secrets.”
Jarrett paced between the coffee table and fireplace. “My parents’ opinion doesn’t matter. Dad would still throw up my juvie record or the fact that I’m not a cop, even if I was a model citizen. I’m not that lost, angry kid anymore. I know who I am now, and it’s not someone you’d want to know.”
“I disagree.”
“God, you don’t understand. Marissa, I’ve missed you so damn much. I’ve laid awake so many nights wondering what my life would’ve been like if I’d stayed here.” When he made love to other women, he imagined Marissa beneath him or above him, panting his name. When the nightmares of blood and gore faded, he dreamed of her. Those bittersweet memories and what if scenarios were almost worse than the nightmares. “I’ve done things I’m not proud of.”
“I hated you after you left, but I’ve gotten over it. Everyone feels regret and guilt over something. It’s all about being human.” She dashed away her tears. “I told you mine last night. Will you please show me the same courtesy?”
“I can’t.”
“At least tell me what you did last Christmas. Jason made it crystal clear that he didn’t want you alone. He wants you to have a tree.” She pointed at the Douglas fir. “Well, there you go. What did you do last year?”
Jarrett licked his dry lips, heat swelling in his cheeks.
He’d joined the Consuelo gang last December and spent the holiday in a slummy apartment with five thugs who sold cocaine on the streets of Albuquerque. Living around his drug of choice had nearly destroyed him.
“What about your last birthday?” Marissa blocked his path and braced her hands on her hips. “Did you have cake or go out with a bunch of buddies and get drunk? Did something horrible happen? Why won’t you tell me anything?”
He shoved a hand through his hair. “Damn it, Marissa. Yeah, I got drunk. A few of us went to a strip club where I fucked two dancers in a backroom. Is that what you wanted to hear?”
Her eyes widened as she stepped back.
Way to go, you fucking idiot. He brushed his shaky hands on his button-down shirt to steady them. “Marissa—”
She strode past him with a high head and left the room.
Her cold shoulder skewered him, but he didn’t deserve better.
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Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through Daulton Publishing, The Wild Rose Press, and Books to Go Now, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats.
She lives in North Carolina with her husband and demanding cats.
You can catchup with Amber at
It’s been great having you with us today. Good luck with A Hero’s Heart!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Hearo's Heart, Amber Daulton, Chef, DEA Agent, romantic suspense, Second chances by Tena Stetler with 4 comments.
Forever Winter by Amber Daulton
Give a warm autumn welcome to Amber Daulton, author of Forever Winter. Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Amber and her Forever Winter.Tell us a little about Forever Winter. Will their love withstand the storm to come?
A perfect Christmas wedding, a snowstorm, and a shocking secret. What could go wrong?
Susanna Lorican must marry the man she loves before the truth is discovered, or face the gossip of the ton. With an unexpected snowstorm injuring the minister, her future hangs in the balance.
Viscount Camden Beckinworth vows to keep his bride safe, even if he must betray her confidence. When their love is put to the test, how will he uphold her honor without jeopardizing his own?
– Warning: this sweet, complete Regency romance novella features a brief scene where the heroine is assaulted.
– Second edition. Newly revised and edited.
A sneak peek between the pages of Forever Winter.
Oh, my. The air in her lungs froze as he teased and tasted her lips in a decadent, feather-soft kiss. She moaned into his mouth and closed her eyes.
“You are so beautiful.” He trailed his lips down her neck.
“Camden.” She gasped and gripped his broad shoulders for an anchor in the storm of bliss threatening to sweep her under. Spots dotted her vision like twinkling stars peeking through dark clouds. She blinked several times and nodded to the entryway. “We must control ourselves. Anyone could see.” The smirk crawling up his cheeks clenched something deep and primal inside her. She breathed harder and inched closer to his heaving chest.
“Let them. We are betrothed. Two people in love who are about to wed are expected to kiss.”
“Kiss, yes,” she whispered. “You, my lord, make love with your lips.” Heat flamed in her cheeks and surely reddened her face.
Camden laughed and trailed his fingers up her bare arm to the puffed sleeve. “Do I? You have never admitted that before.”
“There are some things you should not be privy to.”
“Really? I’m honored that my bride appreciates the way I kiss. If she didn’t, what kind of man would that make me?”
She stepped away and smacked his biceps. “There are eyes and ears everywhere, Camden. Especially today. I’m positive the servants are already gossiping that we are spending time together on the one day we should keep our distance. It is bad luck.” And since their chaperone had left them unaccompanied, she expected another servant to arrive any minute, courtesy of her mother.
Camden drew her back into his arms and brushed his lips across her hairline. “I make my own luck. We control our destiny, Susanna; no one else. Besides, you have nothing to worry about. The one activity we shared truly worth gossiping about will never reach the light of day.”
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Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through Daulton Publishing, The Wild Rose Press, and Books to Go Now, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats.
She lives in North Carolina with her husband and demanding cats.
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Amber Daulton, Contemporary Romance, Forever Winter, Sweet Romance by Tena Stetler with 4 comments.