PreOrder Blitz for An Angel’s Wylder Assignment

I’m so excited to announce my upcoming release March 9, 2022, AN ANGEL’S WYLDER ASSIGNMENT, part of the Wylder West series, a multi-author series from The Wild Rose Press. It’s a celebration preorder blitz.  Don’t forget to enter the rafflecopter at the end of the post for a chance to win a $20.00 Amazon gift card. 

Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let me tell you a little about writing AN ANGEL’S WYLDER ASSIGNMENT

Magic, the paranormal, and the unexplained have always been my wheelhouse. Even as far back as grade school, I wrote vampire tales for my friends. When I took the opportunity to write full-time, I polished one of my paranormal romances and submitted it. Lo and behold, I received a contract offer. Yippee! This was 2015, fifteen books, and six years later, I still write paranormal romance/mystery novels. But 2021, I strayed from my comfort zone and wrote An Angel’s Wylder Assignment for The Wild Rose Press multi-author Wylder West Series. While still paranormal, the book is also historical, western, time-travel, and a mystery. Whew, did I bite off more than I intended. since I am a seat of the pants writer, and my characters drive the story. They took off on a chosen path, including a spirit quest, visions, and there was no looking back regardless of what research was required. What a Wyld ride! But also fun!

Let’s see what An Angel’s Wylder Assignment is all about.

Warrior Angel Killian Dugan’s annual trip to the family castle in Scotland is shattered by the arrival of Legion Commander North. Killian’s skills are needed for an urgent time travel assignment. A rogue demon has escaped back in time. He must discover the why and where and stop the demon before it can damage the past and change the future.

Killian’s girlfriend Chinoah Grace, a Native American shapeshifter is included in the mission which takes them to the wild west town of Wylder, Wyoming in the year 1878. She will have her hands full fitting in and making friends.

Nothing is as it seems.  They encounter visions, spirit quests, and a mysterious shaman.  On top of it all, blending in as a blacksmith is more physically difficult than he imagined. But not as challenging as keeping his hands off his undercover wife. Will they complete their assignment or run out of time?

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A sneak peek betwen the pages of An Angel’s Wylder Assignment:

Killian and Chinoah waved goodbye to their friends and slipped out the back door. It was a bit of a walk to the Mists, but porting in broad daylight wouldn’t be wise. As they walked through the eerie Scottish Mists, the silence wrapped around them like a smothering blanket. A stand of druid stones emerged from the thick fog towering above them. Chinoah shivered against him. Magic rolled of the stones in warning. With the image of the 1878 blacksmith shop in his head and whispering spirits in his mind, their adventure began. His hands tightly wrapped around Chinoah, their duffels secured on their backs. He closed his eyes and focused his vision on Wylder, Wyoming Territory of 1878 inside Dugan’s Blacksmith shop. This was his first mistake. He was unsure of the blacksmith shop’s interior, as he’d never seen it. Instead, they are unceremoniously dumped, what he hoped was only several yards outside the shop, in the worst blizzard he’d ever seen. He tightened his grip on Chinoah. Guess I paid too much attention to the description of the building itself and let that disrupt my landing location. The wind-driven snow swirled around them, making visibility difficult if not impossible.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author: Yep, that’s me!

In my past lives I’ve been a savings and loan branch manager, a paralegal for a criminal law firm, IT Manager for an electrical contracting firm, and now a published writer.  After trying on many hats, I finally found the one that fits the best.  Or in other words, I love making things up to entertain others.  LOL

Thanks so much for stopping by my Pre-Order Blitz celebration of AN ANGEL’S WYLDER ASSIGNMENT!  Good luck in the rafflecopter!


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