You Didn’t Like the book – Why Broadcast It?
Okay, this space is usually used for my personal blog. I write full-time and have another blog entitled Authors’ Secrets for books and writing endeavors. But today, I’ve a tiny rant, okay maybe not so tiny, that I would love thoughts from readers, authors, and actually everyone.
I’ll start off by acknowledging that everyone tries a new book or author at times, that’s how we expand our literary horizons. Right? We all have our favorite genres and authors. What incites you to try a new genre or author? Are you looking for something different, bored with what you’ve been reading or did someone recommend a book that sounded good to you? Oh, one more thing. Do you like stand alone books or series?
Now, there are people that try something new, in this case a book, and didn’t like it. So — don’t buy or read that type of genre again. Right? Why leave a nasty comment/review to the author knowing that she/he has put her heart and soul into this book and been brave enough to share it with the world? I just can’t figure it out. Sure, I’ve bought and read books I didn’t particularly care for, a few I didn’t even finish. But I would never dream of leaving a review that would cut the author to the core of their being.
Writing is subjective. I know that. Not everyone will like what you write. I get that too. What I don’t get is the mean spirited actions of those few people that have to leave a troll review. Yes, this has happened to me on occasion, when it does, I yank up my big girl panties, read it once then ignore it forever. But recently there’s been a rash of this insensitive behavior to authors of all different genres and it bothered me. So I did what any author does, I wrote about it. LOL Yes, I feel much better now. Thank you for asking.
Okay, I’m putting my soap box back under the bed and promise never to use this as a forum for a… okay, almost never do this again. Next post, bright and cheery – oh, did you know there is only 21 weeks until Christmas? That’s 151 days, and finally only 3,616 hours until Christmas. Just thought you’d like to know. <grin> I heard that collective groan. Oh wait, maybe that was me. LOL
I’d love to hear from you! Please leave a comment. Thank you so much. Enjoy your summer!
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Posted in My Say What Blog and tagged Authors, Book Reviews, Christmas, IMHO, Readers, Trolls by Tena Stetler with 31 comments.