Early Holiday Shopping Guide!

Need a little help with Holiday shopping this year?  I have just the thing for you N.N. LIGHT’S BOOK HEAVEN HOLIDAY SHOPPING GUIDE!

I’ve teamed up with over forty-five award-winning/bestselling authors to bring you the ultimate Holiday gift guide for any booklover. The best part: It’s an online store. Scroll away and do all your Holiday shopping in one place. Who knows? You might even find a few books you’d enjoy for yourself.

Five  of my own books listed there:

Where Warrior Angel, Caden goes, trouble follows until he discovers a badly beaten woman barely clinging to life. Unprepared for the entanglement she brings to his doorstep, will he move heaven and earth to save her?

Not what you’ve come to expect from a Vampire Tale! Join Stefan and Brandy for an exciting romantic fantasy where magic may save the day. But will it be too late?


Even with magic, finding your place in the world proves more difficult than imagined especially when someone is out for revenge.

Journey begins with building a wildlie rescue & rehab center. Along the way, they discover the healing power of love and family.


Magic of family & Friends, a Christmas tale of adventure & true love.



Just click N.N. LIGHT’S BOOK HEAVEN HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE  and you’ll be whisked directly to the gift guide. Look around. You may find another one of your favorite authors. What are you waiting for? Times a wasting less than 46  Christmas shopping days left. Tick Tock. Tick Tock!

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Elusive Holiday Joy – Found!


Joy of the Season Blog Hop is in full swing with rafflecopter giveaway (below), games, prizes and holiday tales. Please stop by, leave a comment then pop on over to the next participating blog (pssst.. just click on the link at the bottom of the page).

As your remember, before the trip to the North Pole, my faith in people was restored by an entertaining sales clerk encounter. We went home and put up the LED lights around the outside tree and planter, hung725a0454-small lights in the windows, and set timers. Who wants to run all over the house and yard turning on lights each night? Not me! Afterwards, we loaded the CD player with favorite Christmas carols by several well-known artists and decorated the tree. More holiday joy surfaced. As darkness fell, we sprinted outside to see our bright holiday lights shining in the otherwise dark neighborhood.  Holiday cheer ratcheted up another notch or two.

Whistling Christmas carols, we scooted inside, flipped on the TV and turned to the channel that shows heartwarming holiday tales from Thanksgiving through Christmas. A mug of hot cocoa in hand, we cozy up on the sofa as the fire in the hearth crackles. The holiday cheer meter soared. I am looking forward to gathering and reading new holiday tales from favorite and new authors to add to the Christmas Spirit. I believe I will dive into the holiday cookie baking with sugar cookies, shortbread cookies, and gingerbread cookies from recipes I found on the holiday hops I’ve participated in. Did you check those out as you popped from blog to blog?

So tell me how is your holiday cheer meter going?Book Magic

awitchsholidaywedding_w11070_300My offering,  A Witch’s Holiday Wedding.  It’s a feel good story about friends, family, and wildlife rescue with Christmas surprises and cheer!

Here’s a little sneak peek.

After she set her glass down, Lathen brushed a couple strands of hair out of her eyes and searched her face. “Are you all right?”

“I’m tired, my wedding is in a couple weeks, I have ghosts fighting over who is going to do what. Guests that have no idea the place is haunted and… Your family and pack, my parents, Gwen… To top it all off, the head of my clan, who is a ghost, is sitting in front of me wanting to know who is coming to the wedding and whether the ghosts will be outed. How could I possibly be all right?”

“When you put it that way.” Lathen chuckled. “It sounds just a bit… I don’t know…crazy?” His right eyebrow winged up. She saw mischief sparkle in his eyes. “We could still elope,” he offered.

“No sir. Not after all the trouble—Not on me watch.” Aidan shook his head so vehemently his ghostly upper torso blurred.

Available atAmazon, KoboThe Wild Rose Press,  All Romance, and Barnes & Noble


Merry Christmas Tree 2

Holiday joy found. My advice. This holiday season, take a step back from the craziness, put a smile on your face and Merry Christmas  or Happy Holidays on your lips. Ignore the commercialism.  Set out to make someone laugh each day, and celebrate the reason for the season.  Merry Christmas! Oh, don’t forget to visit Joy of the Season Blog Hop, giveaways and free entertainment are good things!

We are giving away prizes to two randomly selected winners: 1) an ebook bundle, including books in various genres by various authors participating in the hop (see the list of books at the bottom of this page); or 2) a $50 Amazon gift card. Please visit the main hop page here to see a list of books included in the bundle.

Enter now for your chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Next week with my holiday joy found, we’ll take a look at holiday traditions.  I’d love for you to share some of your family’s holiday traditions. Look forward to hearing from you. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!   

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Welcome Author Dee Gatrell

Happy Holidays to all!  Looking for Holiday/Christmas reads?  Give a big welcome to Dee Gatrell, author of Sweet Sunset releasing December 16, 2016! It’sdee available for pre-order at Amazon.  So get settled in, grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot coco, hot cider and coffee choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick a Snicker-doodle and gingerbread cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Let’s find out a little about Dee and what she refers to as her dysfunctional family book. But up first, Zack the hero in Sweet Sunset.  Thanks for joining us Zack?

Well, I wouldn’t call me a hero, just an average guy looking for someone special.

Zack, tell us about the real you.

What event in your past has left the most indelible impression on you?

Two of my college buddies were robbed and murdered by two thugs.

 Wow, that would make an impression.   Did that event change your outlook on life, or your values?

“Change, I wouldn’t say that, but it made me realize how important my family is to me.”

  What is the type of woman you want to spend the rest of your life with?

“I was married to one who liked to rule me. She passed away. Since meeting Myrtle Sue, I realized how much I enjoy her company. She’s zany, sharp witted, and loves deeply.”

 What do you consider most important in life?

Helping others. That is why I became a pschcologist.

 What is your biggest secret?

I’m not as brave as I pretend.

So you put on a brave front for Myrtle.  Good for you.  I know you are short on time, so thanks so much for stopping by Zack.

He waves and hurries out the door as Myrtle Sue ambles in the side door.

You just missed Zack.  I guess that’s a good think, since I have a few questions for you while we wait for Dee.  Tell me a little about yourself.

      Who were the biggest role models growing up?

My role models were my mother and my fifth grade teacher.

What kind of man do you want to spend the rest of your life with?  

I was married to a man who liked to control me. Now I want to be with someone who is  my equal and doesn’t want to control me.

Boy is that totally understandable.  So now what is most important to you in life?

My family.

 You and Zack have a lot in common. What is your biggest fear?

Not being the best person and not being able to help others.

Thank you for giving us a little insight into your character.  Hi Dee, have a seat next to Myrtle.

Dee is married with four children, 12 grandchildren and three dogs, and having many aunts, uncles and cousins, writing about dysfunctional families is a natural for her.
Born in Akron, Ohio, and growing up in Central Ohio, she and her cousins used to entertain themselves by writing plays and charging a few pennies to the neighbor kids to watch them. Once she married and had her own children, she moved to several states with her Air Force husband. To keep her sanity when the children were running wild, she wrote to all her family and friends back in Ohio. She didn’t know she kept them entertained until years later.
When they moved to Florida, she decided it was time to attend college. In her creative writing class she was often told her writing reminded them of Erma Bombeck. When she worked as a reporter for the Galion Inquirer in Ohio, she proofed stories that were sent in. The day she proofed Bombeck’s story and learned the story was about making shell frames from seashells gathered at the beach, she realized Erma was talking about the story she sold to a craft magazine. How wonderful to know her idol actually read “her” story in the craft magazine. She also wrote for the confession magazines and Chicken Soup for the Soul.
In addition to writing, Dee worked for many years as an educational advisor at Seminole State College in FL. Since retiring, she finally fulfilled her dream of writing a novel. She hopes you will read Sweet Sunset and enjoy spending time with Myrtle Sue and her family.

Dee won’t you tell us a little about writing this story.  Was it fun or difficult?

It was difficult to write. I tried not to put too much of my real family into it, but some slipped in. I took a class from Mary Buckham and she helped a lot.

Do your characters always act as you expect? Are you a plotter, or fly (write) by the seat of your pants?

No, my characters do not always act like I expect. I write by the seat of my pants, but wish I could be a plotter.

Oh, I hear you! I’m a panster myself. I tried plotting once, it like to drove me crazy!  

dee-gatrell-51sjdhqnujlDee, tell us a little about Sweet Sunset. 

Myrtle Sue Henderson, widowed, didn’t count on her mother-in-law moving in with her when her husband passed over. But Myrtle Sue’s loopy in-law troubles aren’t her only family baggage—she’s ailed with three adult children who use her like she’s a pair of Depends. With a daughter and two grandchildren attempting to escape an abusive husband, a second unmarried daughter who is pregnant with twins, and a son who refuses to grow up, she’s at her wits end.

Myrtle Sue didn’t figure she’d ever meet another man she’d care for, until she went to church to get away from her troubles, only to find more when her mother-in-law causes chaos and hits an elderly man with her cane and helps herself to money out of the collection plate. That’s how she meets Zack. She figures once he meets her dysfunctional family, he’ll run as fast as he can—away from them.

To learn more about Dee’s adventures, you can find her at –  http://deesnews.blogspot.com/ and http://dgatrell.wixsite.com/author

 Sounds entertaining. How about a sneak peek into Sweet Sunset?

  • Sonja’s eyes widened, and she grinned.I thanked God Adam was blind to Hazel’s faults. “Thank you, Adam. You have no idea how happy I am that you’ll be here for Hazel.” And I really meant what I said.Hazel walked into the kitchen and glanced around. “Who’s here? Oh my goodness! It’s my son Harold. How are you, honey?” She bent over and kissed Adam’s cheek. “And why don’t you ever visit your mommy, you naughty boy?”I rolled my eyes and waved toward Adam. “Hazel, Harold’s been dead for twenty years. This is Adam, Sonja’s friend from the hospital. Remember? He’s a nurse, and he stays with you while I work.” I should’ve added whatever we paid him was worth every penny. He really was good to her.“Oh, yes, Adam, dear.” She frowned at me. “Why can’t you be kind like Adam, Myrtle Sue? You’ve always been so mean to me.”Sonja grinned. “Hi, Nana. How are you?”“I’m fine.” She took a seat and grabbed a muffin. “Who are you? Are you Violet’s daughter?”Sonja narrowed her eyes at her grandmother. “Nana! I’m Sonja, your granddaughter. Myrtle Sue and Don’s daughter.”“Of course.” She laughed and pointed at her head. “You know how it is when you get old. Someday your mother will be just like me.”

    Shuddering, I mumbled, “God forbid.”

    “I hope you made roast beef for Father,” Hazel said.

    “Yes, of course, and I made garlic rolls,” I lied, and then whispered, “Sonja, want some garlic tied around your neck?”


    Hazel pointed at the stove. “Good. And remember, he likes carrots and noodles around his roast beef.”

    Adam stood and smiled. “Well, I’ve got to go now. I’ll see you on Monday, Nana.”

    “Okay, honey.” She reached into her pocket. “Here’s a dollar. Get yourself something to eat. You’re rather skinny, you know.”

    “Thanks,” he said, kissing her cheek.

    I walked him to the door.

    He handed me the money. “I’ve tried giving her the money back, but she gets mad. You take it.”

    I brushed away his hand. “No, Adam. You keep the money. Whatever you get, you deserve. You’re very good with Hazel. Good luck with your new friend.”

    Five minutes after Adam left, my son, Terry, arrived.

    Terry kissed my cheek. “What’s to eat, Ma?”

    I hugged him. “Muffins.” Terry wasn’t pretty like Adam. Instead, he had a rugged look, more like a cowboy. He had those fabulous blue eyes but not the long lashes. His nose showed signs of his youthful fist fights, and his dimples added to his charm. I can’t tell you how many girls called the house for him in his teen years. And yet at the age of twenty-three, he still hadn’t found a special woman.

    He grabbed a chair and sat. “Muffins? Don’t you have any real food?”

    Sweet Sunset is available for pre-order right now at: Amazon.

Dee, it was wonderful learning a little about Zack and Myrtle, thanks for sharing them with us.  And thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to be here.  Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with Sweet Sunset. 

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Three Talented Authors For Your Holiday Reading Pleasure!

Author’s Secrets welcomes three talented author friends of mine and their exciting Holiday books.  
Take a peek!  There is something for everyone. 


Pull up a chair, grab a drink out of the cooler, enjoy a chocolate chip, peanut butter or snicker doodle cookie from the plate and see what tickles your fancy.



A Kiss Under The Christmas Lights by Peggy Jaeger
“Love can happen anywhere, even under the Christmas lights!”

With Christmas just a few weeks away, Gia San Valentino, the baby in her large, loud, and loving Italian family, yearns for a life and home of her own with a husband and bambini she can love and spoil. The single scene doesn’t interest her, and the men her well-meaning family introduce her to aren’t exactly the happily-ever-after kind. Tim Santini believes he’s finally found the woman for him, but Gia will take some convincing she’s that girl. A misunderstanding has her thinking he’s something he’s not. Can a kiss stolen under the Christmas lights persuade her to spend the rest of her life with him?


The Wild Rose Press

Learn more from Peggy Jaeger at  https://peggyjaeger.com/


Better To Give by K.K Weil
Happy Holidays has a different meaning for Jenna until James and his twins crash into her life. 
For most people, the holidays are a time of warmth, happiness and celebration. But to Jenna Samuels, they mean only one thing. Mounting debt.
A single mother, Jenna struggles to make ends meet and to her, it’s a season of excess and distress
James Garrison is in over his head, too. His ex-wife said he wasn’t equipped to take care of his twins, and now that he’s got joint custody,
he fears she was right. They’re wild, spoiled, and always fighting. When they knock Jenna’s daughter into the “Gifting Tree,”—a part of
     their town’s charity collection—the parents are immediately attracted to each other. But James has had his fill of cold women and Jenna
won’t make the mistake of falling for another man who disappears when life gets too heavy. As their paths cross, James and Jenna must decide
whether first impressions are accurate, or if sometimes, people are not what you assume at all.


Learn more about K.K. Weil  http://www.kkweil.com/  
Match Made in the Highlands by Pam Binder
Tour of an enchanted castle transports Logan & Irene to the thirteenth century.  Can they meet the conditions to return to their own time? 



Logan Mackinnon, confirmed bachelor, has put his life on hold to help his father care for his mother and honor her dying wish to tour Stirling Castle. Sparks fly when Logan meets Irene Redmond on the tour, and they are both transported back in time to the thirteenth century. But their budding romance is tested when they learn the conditions needed for their return to the twenty-first century. The castle is enchanted and only a marriage between two people who truly love each other will break the spell.


The Wild Rose Press

Learn more about Pam Binder  http://www.pambinder.com



Well, did you find something that rolled your socks down?

Thanks for stopping by and check back often, never know who will be stopping by for a chat!


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