Interview C.B. Clark Author of Healing Hearts
Give a warm welcome to C.B. Clark, Author of Healing Hearts. Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about C.B. and her Healing Hearts!
Thanks so much for hosting me on Author’s Secrets, Tena. I always enjoy my visit.
Always a pleasure C.B.!
There’s nothing I like more than camping. Each year as soon as the snow melts, my husband and I head out on the back roads in our truck and camper. One of my favorite places to camp is the Chilcotin area of north central British Columbia. The Chilcotin plateau, with its rolling grassy range lands, stunning views of the snow-covered Coastal Mountains, and hundreds of clear, isolated lakes has everything we like and plenty of opportunities to hike, canoe, and fish. Visiting this rugged, wild area is like stepping back in time. That’s the reason I set Healing Hearts, my newest romantic suspense novel (with a Western flare), in the Chilcotin.
Love of camping is something we have in common. Maybe someday our paths with cross on the trails!
Speed Round (one word only answer): Yep, I know torture for a writer!<evil laugh>
Leather or Lace: Leather
Black or Red: Red
Satin sheets or Smooth cotton: Flannelette
Oceans or Mountains: Mountains
City life or Country life: Country life (I love small towns.)
Party life or Evening at home: At home reading a good book
Dogs or Cats: Dogs
What’s under your bed: Dust bunnies
Camping or hotel: Camping
Road trip or Staying at home: Road trip
Shopping or Not: Not, though I do have a weakness for shopping on line.
Picnic or Restaurant: Restaurant
Bath or Shower: Bath
Bicycle or Walk: Walk
Watch a movie in a theatre or Home TV: Home TV
Swimming Pool or Lake: Lake
Dance or Not: Dance
Sing or Not: Sing, though Lord help anyone who has to listen to my creaky, off-tune voice.
Tell is a little about Healing Hearts.
Reeling from loss and heartbreak, Stella King is desperate to escape painful memories. The position of nanny on an isolated ranch in British Columbia’s rugged Chilcotin Plateau seems the answer to her prayers.
Cattle rancher, Dawson Wheeler, has worked hard to overcome grief and build a predictable world for his young daughter. The last thing he needs is the all-too-attractive Stella disrupting the smooth running of his ranch, especially now that disturbing incidents are happening on his property.
Defending his land against those who want to gut it will be a challenge, but the biggest threat of all may be to his heart.
Nook (Barnes & Noble), Amazon, itunes, and Kobo
Also available at Walmart and Google Books.
A sneak peek between the pages of Healing Hearts!
Damn it! He should be home in bed instead of driving on this godforsaken, sorry excuse for a road in the middle of the night.
A dark shape darted out of the thick bank of pine trees and sprang onto the road. A pair of eyes glowed in the glare of his approaching headlights.
He cranked hard on the steering wheel, avoiding the deer by inches.
The animal, white tail flashing like a flag, bounded into the ditch and vanished into the forest.
Dawson Wheeler released a breath he hadn’t been aware he was holding and eased his foot off the accelerator. Crashing into a deer or moose wouldn’t make this day any better. He rolled down his window and inhaled the sweet-smelling, rain-washed air. The sky had cleared after the morning’s rain shower, and a thin sliver of moon cast a faint glow over the dark wilderness, the trees silhouetted against the velvety sky. In the distance, a dusting of fresh snow glimmered on the jagged peaks of the Coastal Mountains.
Why had he agreed to this crazy idea? He had enough to do at the ranch without having to babysit some pampered know-it-all, especially with that damn mine business hanging over his head.
He slowed as he approached Spirit Falls. The bus stop was nothing but a widening of the road with an old wooden bench set amidst weeds and wildflowers. Glancing at his wristwatch, he grimaced. Mack Hicken, the cantankerous old bus driver who’d driven the route between Hosten and Spirit Falls for what seemed like forever, prided himself on keeping to his schedule in spite of flat tires, knee-deep snowdrifts, and mud-filled ruts.
The bus would have dropped any passengers off an hour ago, but not a single man-made light broke the darkness. The rain and accompanying high winds had delayed Dawson, but the person he was there to pick up should still be waiting. Where would she go? It wasn’t as if a coffee shop was open down the road, or that she could catch a ride in a passing vehicle.
Traffic was sparse on the old logging road at this time of night. Spirit Falls’ heyday had fizzled with the bust in the lumber market, and most folk had moved on long ago. The town consisted of a few boarded-up buildings and a broken gas pump. Jim Svenson ran a small general store for locals, but Jim’s daughter had just had twins, and the proud grandpa had taken an extended vacation to Hosten to meet his new grandsons.
The woman Dawson had come more than a hundred kilometers to pick up must have taken one glance at the desolate emptiness of Spirit Falls and refused to get off the bus. She was probably on her way back to the bright lights of Hosten right now. If she’d bailed, that meant he was off the hook.
Smiling for the first time that day, he pressed down on the gas pedal and sped away from the bus stop. A flicker of white on the shoulder ahead caught his eye, and he slammed on the brakes. The truck skidded to a stop, his seatbelt digging into his shoulder. Catching his breath, he peered through the mud-spattered windshield.
A woman sat perched atop an oversized suitcase. Long, wavy strands of golden hair glowed in the sweep of light cast by his headlights and formed a halo around a face that wouldn’t be out of place on the cover of a fashion magazine. Her full lips lifted in a tentative smile, and she waved.
He frowned and tugged the photograph of the woman he was supposed to meet from his coat pocket and squinted in the glow of the dash lights. The lined, grandmotherly face beamed at him. He glanced at the gorgeous blonde watching him from the roadside. A sinking feeling settled deep in his gut. He removed his cowboy hat, ran his fingers through his hair, and tossed the hat onto the passenger seat. Maybe she was waiting for someone else.
About the Author:
Award-winning author, C.B. Clark, has written six romantic suspense novels published by The Wild Rose Press. She has worked as an archaeologist and an educator, and enjoys hiking, canoeing, and snowshoeing with her husband and dog near her home in the wilderness of central British Columbia.
Social Media Links:
Instagram: Blog: Twitter: Facebook: Goodreads: Amazon Author Page:
It was wonderful having you with us today. Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with Healing Hearts!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged C.B. Clark, Contemporary Romance, Healing Hearts by Tena Stetler with 13 comments.
C.B.Clark Author of Bitter Legacy, A Romantic Suspense

Well, C.B. you’ve been here before, so this time tell us Something no one knows about you:
As a child, I devoured all 56 volumes of Nancy Drew Mystery Stories. I even read some twice. My dream was to be just like Nancy and her friends. I’m not a detective, but I do write mysteries. Bitter Legacy is my third romantic suspense novel published by The Wild Rose Press. A fourth book will be out in early 2018.
Oh wow, Ioved Nancy Drew too and Trixie Beldon. I still have all those well-worn, beloved books sitting on the top shelve of my book cases. They were wonderful books.
Where can we find you on line C.B.?
Social media links:
Now the Speed Round: Yep, I know torture for a writer!<evil laugh>
Favorite movie: Gone with the Wind
Favorite book: Last one I read
Last book read: The Lying Game by Ruth Ware
Favorite color: orange
Stilettos or flip flops: flip flops
Coffee or tea: Tea
Ebook or audiobook or paperback: paperback
Pencil or pen: pencil
Favorite Song: With You by Charly McLean
Streak or not: Not
Favorite dessert: chocolate cake
Favorite junk food: sunflower seeds
Favorite thing to do to relax: walk my dog
Champagne or gin: gin
Paranormal or Historical: Both
Wonder Woman or Top Model: Wonder Woman
Favorite TV show: Star Trek
Hot or cold: cold
POV: third person
I’d die if I don’t have: red wine
Review or not: review
What is Bitter Legacy about?
Nothing’s more frightening than a woman out for revenge. After a seventeen-year absence, Sharla-Jean Bromley returns to her old hometown determined to spit on her father’s grave and the townspeople who betrayed her. Instead, she ends up in a contest of wills with the all-too-attractive Josh Morgan. When a mad man threatens their very lives, Sharla-Jean and Josh must put aside their distrust for one another and work together to save her father’s legacy and find the passion of a lifetime.
A Peek Between the Pages of Bitter Legacy:
Sharla-Jean Bromley had wanted only two things in life—a red dress and her father’s death. She’d waited years. Hell, she’d prayed for this moment. Why then, wasn’t this a celebration? Why was a ball of acid churning through her stomach? Taking a deep breath, she climbed out of the taxi and smoothed the skirt of her figure-hugging, red, silk dress over her hips.
The crowd of somber mourners stood in clusters on the sweeping steps outside the old stone church under the late-October, overcast sky. The damp air was ripe with the familiar sweet-sour smell of freshly cut Douglas fir. Over the hill behind the church, steam trailed in white plumes from the two lumber-drying kilns at the mill. A wind gusted, marshaling scattered piles of gold and red leaves into the gutter.
Goose bumps riddled her arms, and she fought back a shiver as she strode forward, knees quaking, jostling through the crowd on the wide sidewalk.
A collective gasp filled the air, and her name swept over the mourners in a rising crescendo. “It’s her! Sharla-Jean. Big Jim’s daughter.”
Buy Links:
Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo , The Wild Rose Press , iTunes
It was wonderful having you with us today. Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with Bitter Legacy!
Views: 0
Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Bitter Legacy, C.B. Clark, Mystery, romantic suspense by Tena Stetler with 12 comments.