#SundaySnippet – Christmas/Holiday Traditions Around the World
Fun things about Christmas/Holiday traditions Around the World. Take for instance, the Land Down Under, because, well, someday I want to visit there, just probably not at Christmas. The English and Irish predominately settled Australia so it stands to reason their traditions reflect those countries. Here’s a few of of their Christmas Traditions.

Carols by Candlelight is one of the popular events in Australia. People come together under the stars at night to light candles and sing Christmas carols. Seems to me, it’s not far from our own tradition of Christmas carolers. I just can’t imagine Christmas/holiday without snow, that’s why I live in Colorado. Hehe!

Because I am of Swedish descent, let’s take a peek at Christmas Traditions in Sweden where in December the days are quite short, the nights long and the ground is usually snow covered. The Christmas/holiday season begins at church on the first Sunday of Advent, which is the fourth Sunday before Christmas. Children use an Advent calendar to keep track of the first day of December until Christmas, just like some of ours do. Each morning, they open a flap in the calendar’s Christmas scene to see the charming picture behind it. This year, I have a Victorian Advent calendar on my computer and enjoy a surprise behind each door daily.
The festivities in Sweden really begin with St. Lucia’s Day, December 13th, a
celebration of the patron saint of light. A Christmas market held in the old medieval section of Stockholm is where you can find handmade toys, ornaments, and candy. Sounds fun, doesn’t it? Some people write a special verse to accompany the gift and even seal the package with colorful sealing wax. I have enough trouble with scotch tape and wrapping paper, I can’t imagine what would happen with hot sealing wax. Not a pretty sight, I’m sure. A Christmas tree is selected by the whole family just a day or two before Christmas and decorated, while the delightful aroma of gingerbread cookies in the shape of hearts, stars, or other festive shapes waft through to house. Christmas
Eve is when the main feast is eaten. Presents might be brought by Santa
(Jultomten) or by gnomes/elves named Tomte or Nissar. Many families set out a sheaf of grain on a pole for hungry birds. My hubby and I always put out special treats for the wild birds in our Aspen grove on Christmas.
As for my family, we put up the tree, Christmas decorations inside and out, the weekend after Thanksgiving. Or try to. No it’s not a real tree, only because I’m allergic. <sigh> We watch Christmas movies throughout December and make candy such as Divinity, Fantasy Fudge and Beaver Dams. What are
Beaver Dams, you ask. Well, take a package of butterscotch chips, melt them in a double boiler, stir in half-package of crispy Chow Mein Noodles and one half can of cocktail peanuts. Spoon the concoction onto foil in small mounds and let set. They look like beaver dams hence the name. YUMMY.
This year I’m going, to once again, try my hand at gingerbread cookies. Its become a Christmas Tradition of sorts, an make my family cringe. Why you ask? I haven’t had a lot of luck in previous years getting a good tasting cookie. But last year, thanks to a great recipe, not only did they turn out, but it’s become a beloved tradition now. Goes great with hot chocolate and marshmallows. LOL
Speaking of things that go good with hot chocolate. A heartwarming holiday tale, fits the bill! I’ve got just the one for you Meringue Snowflake Magic AND it’s on sale #99cents.
A Snippet of MERINGUE SNOWFLAKE MAGIC for your holiday enjoyment –
“What the hell?” burst from her mouth before she could stop it. She slapped a hand over her mouth and glanced around.
He took her hand. “Follow me. It’s not safe out in the open for you.”
“What the hell are you talking about? Where are we?” She stared at the surrounding area.
“I’ll explain all in good time. Right now, it’s imperative you follow me.” He started to tug her deeper into the woods.
Refusing to continue, she dug her heels in the damp ground covered with decaying leaves. “I’m not going any farther until you tell me what’s going on.”
He shrugged. “Suit yourself.” Whirling around, he slung her over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes, then sprinted into the woods.
She squealed. “Put me down this instant.”
Paying no mind to her, he set her feet on the path at the foot of a large oak tree. He pushed aside vines and plants to reveal a door in the ground. When he pressed his hand into the rough bark on the side of the tree, a keypad appeared. He punched in a number. The door sprang open to reveal steep winding steel stairs. Crouching over, he swept his arm toward the entrance. “You first.”
She stood hands on hips. “You expect me to—”
“Or I can haul your ass over my shoulder again. Unfortunately, the stairs are a bit tricky to navigate in that manner, but….” He jerked his head toward the stairs. “All will be explained once we are safe inside.”
“I’m not— ”
He took a step forward. “Your cover’s been blown. Handler is missing. Now move!”
What Christmas or holiday traditions do and your family observe during the month of December? I look forward to hearing from you. I’d love for you to tell me about your traditions in the comments!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged around the world, Christmas Traditions, Meringue Snowflake Magic, Paranormal Romance/Mystery, Tena Stetelr, Witches by Tena Stetler with comments disabled.
Christmas Traditions Make the Holidays!
One of the fun things about Christmas is traditions. Take for instance, the Land Down Under, because, well, someday I want to visit there, just probably not at Christmas. The English and Irish predominately settled Australia so it stands to reason their traditions reflect those countries. Here’s a few of of their Christmas Traditions.

Carols by Candlelight is one of the popular events in Australia. People come together under the stars at night to light candles and sing Christmas carols. Seems to me, it’s not far from our own tradition of Christmas carolers. I just can’t imagine Christmas without snow, that’s why I live in Colorado.

Because I am of Swedish descent, let’s take a peek at Christmas Traditions in Sweden where in December the days are quite short, the nights long and the ground is usually snow covered. The Christmas season begins at church on the first Sunday of Advent, which is the fourth Sunday before Christmas. Children use an Advent calendar to keep track of the first day of December until Christmas, just like some of ours do. Each morning, they open a flap in the calendar’s Christmas scene to see the charming picture behind it. This year, I have a Victorian Advent calendar on my computer and enjoy a surprise behind each door daily.

As for my family, we put up the tree, Christmas decorations inside and out, the weekend after Thanksgiving. Or try to. No it’s not a real tree, only because I’m allergic. <sigh> We watch Christmas movies throughout December and make candy such as Divinity, Fantasy Fudge and Beaver Dams. What are
Beaver Dams, you ask. Well, take a package of butterscotch chips, melt them in a double boiler, stir in half-package of crispy Chow Mein Noodles and one half can of cocktail peanuts. Spoon the concoction onto foil and let set. They look like beaver dams hence the name. YUMMY.
This year I’m going, to once again, try my hand at gingerbread cookies. Its become a Christmas Tradition of sorts, an make my family cringe. Why you ask? I haven’t had a lot of luck in previous years getting a good tasting cookie. Do any of you have a favorite recipe that I could try? Feel free to leave the recipe in the comments section.
In by new release CHARM ME AGAIN, Josie and Daylan have an unexpected Christmas experience! Magic of family & friends a through out the year and a Christmas tale of true love and paying it forward will leave you breathless.
Next week My Favorite Things About Christmas. What Christmas Traditions do and your family observe on Christmas Eve and Day? Or during the month of December? I look forward to hearing from you.
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Posted in My Say What Blog and tagged Australia, Charm Me Again, Christmas, Christmas Traditions, Gingerbread cookies, Ireland, Sweden, Tena Stetler by Tena Stetler with 2 comments.