Frozen Crimes by Chrys Fey

Give a warm welcome to Chrys Fey, author of The Disaster Crime Series and her newest release  Frozen Crimes! Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cauldron. Take your choice of a bat wing Chocolate Chip or Pumpkin, or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Chrys and Frozen Crimes!

Frozen Memories in Frozen Crimes – A Guest Post by Chrys Fey

Although I was born in Michigan, I don’t remember anything about it because my family moved to Florida when I was two years old, when my father was transferred to Patrick Air Force Base. What I do remember about Michigan comes from the one time I took a trip up there, alone, at the age of eighteen to visit my dad and brother.

During my stay, my dad drove me around so I could experience highlights of Michigan and get the full freezing experience, which included going to a frozen lake. Don’t ask me which one. For all I know, it might’ve been a really big pond. (I’m a Floridan now, forgive me.) My dad drove onto the ice, while I imagined sinking…the Titanic…drowning. He insisted it was okay. In fact, there was another truck on the ice close by, and much farther out. Luckily, my dad didn’t drive too far out on the ice.

I can still hear the sound of the tires on the ice as he eased the truck forward, and, once parked, the silence. I couldn’t believe how silent it was there. That simple memory, what I felt, and my thoughts are now a part of Frozen Crimes.


A peek between the pages of Frozen Crimes:

Donovan also showed Beth frozen lakes, but when he drove onto the ice a little ways, Beth nearly had a heart attack. He reassured her it was okay, that it wasn’t deep there and the ice was thick. Regardless of what he said, she gripped the door’s side handle. Eventually, she relaxed. They stayed in the truck and stared out at the expanse of ice. It was so calm. She got the chills from how serene the frozen lake appeared to be, but beneath it, water moved and fish thrived.

Life went on, even under a thick layer of ice.

When disasters strike around every corner, is it possible to have a happily-ever-after?

Tell us a little about Frozen Crimes:  Beth and Donovan are expecting their first child. Life couldn’t get any better…until a stalker makes his presence known. This person sends disturbing messages and unsettling items, but it isn’t long before his menacing goes too far.

Hoping for a peaceful Christmas, Donovan takes Beth to Michigan. Days into their trip, a winter storm named Nemesis moves in with the goal of burying the state. Snowdrifts surround their house, and the temperature drops below freezing.

Except, the storm isn’t the only nemesis they must face. Everyone’s lives are at stake—especially that of their unborn child. Will they survive, or will they become a frozen crime?

BUY LINKS: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iTunes



The crunch of the shovel pounding into the snow and ice filled his ears. It was all he could hear. The rest of the street was silent beneath its wintry blanket. Breathing was difficult with the icy air clogging his lungs. His nose burned. His throat was dry and on fire. But he ignored it, focusing on his task.

Crack, crack, crack.

He jabbed the shovel into a hunk of snow. On the third hit, it shattered into several pieces. He scooped them up and flung them to the side. He surveyed what remained. There was one big ball in the middle of the path that needed to be dealt with next. He moved over to it and struck it. That one impact had it severing in two. He was about to hit it again when something crashed into the back of his head.

Explosions of white light danced over his vision. Pain enveloped his skull. The shovel slipped from his fingers. Blackness cloaked his mind, coaxing him

into its depths.

Beth. Her name was a whisper in his head, as if his thoughts were being sucked into a wormhole.

His legs collapsed under his weight.

Cold. It seeped into him, consuming him. And then his consciousness fled down that same void that ate his thoughts.




Prizes: 4 eBooks (Disaster Crimes 1-4: Hurricane Crimes, Seismic Crimes, Tsunami Crimes, Flaming Crimes) + Girl Boss Magnets (4), Inflatable Cup Holder (1), Adventure Fuel To-Go Cups (2), Anchor Fashion Scarf (1), Mermaid Nail Clippers (2), Citrus and Sea Salt Scented Candle (1), Snowflake Handmade Bookmark (1), Insulated Cooler Bag (1)


Eligibility: International

Number of Winners: One

Giveaway Ends: October 30, 2020 12:00am Eastern Standard Time



a Rafflecopter giveaway

To get the exclusive prequel to the Disaster Crimes series, sign up for Chrys’ newsletter. By signing up, you agree to receive Chrys Fey’s newsletter. After you confirm subscription, you will receive an email (so check your inbox and spam folder) with directions on where to snag your eBook copy of THE CRIME BEFORE THE STORM.

Click here to sign up and get The Crime Before the Storm FREE!


Chrys Fey is author of the Disaster Crimes Series, a unique concept that blends disasters, crimes, and romance. She runs the Insecure Writer’s Support Group Book Club on Goodreads and edits for Dancing Lemur Press.

Author Links:

Website / Blog / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter / Amazon 



It’s been great having you with us today.  Good luck with Frozen Crimes!

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Flaming Crimes Blogfest: Christmas Cactus Saved From the Flames!

Well, I thought I start 2018 off in a blaze of glory!  Today I’m joining Chrys Fey’s Flaming Crimes Blogfest: Christmas Cactus Saved From the Flames!

Prompt: The whole idea is the list something ridiculous you would save if there was a fire? Colorado has had it’s share of wildfires in recent years. We posted a list of things to be saved in case of evacuation.  Keep in mind, This prompt is not meant to make light of how serious fires are. It’s meant to be different from the traditional question of If your house caught on fire, what’s the one thing you’d grab?

Now, when I say ridiculous, I mean something that is important to you (something worth grabbing), but other people might find odd. After your family, pets, and important items are safe and sound (that includes anything writing related), what is the one odd thing you’d want to grab from your home?

In my case, it would have to be my forty-five year old Christmas Cactus. It’s approximately three feet high, including it’s pot and four feet across.  I bought this Christmas Cactus when it was in a two inch pot.  It caught my eye because the plant itself blooms orange and red flowers from the day I bought it and still forty-five years later blooms both red and orange. The flowers are approximately four inches long.  That Christmas Cactus and I have been through three moves, various family trauma and it enjoys a place of honor in my bedroom in front of it’s own two large west-facing windows. It loves the afternoon sun. My Eclectus parrot enjoys it too.

It might seem strange but I am nearly as attached to the Christmas Cactus as I am to my dog, parrot and turtle. Yes, ridiculous, but still what I’d save! What would you save?

Series: Disaster Crimes #4
Page Count: 304
Digital Price: 4.99
Print Price: 16.99

Rating: Spicy (PG13)


A little about Flaming Crimes’-

 Beth and Donovan are now happily married, and what Beth wants more than anything is a baby. Her dream of starting a family is put on hold as fires burn dangerously close and Donovan becomes a victim of sabotage.

Donovan escapes what could’ve been a deadly wreck. Their past enemies have been eliminated, so who is cutting brake lines and leaving bloody messages? He vows to find out, for the sake of the woman he loves and the life they’re trying to build.

Amidst a criminal mind game, a fire ignites next to their home. They battle the flames and fight to keep their house safe from the blaze pressing in on all sides, but neither of them expects to confront a psychotic adversary in the middle of the inferno.

Their lives may just go up in flames…

A Peek Between the Pages of Flaming Crimes’

Beth’s heart clenched at the sight of the smoke stacks, as if a fist had driven through her chest and was squeezing the meaty human drum, paralyzing it. She gripped the door handle. The faster Donovan drove and the closer they got to home, to those tiers of billowing, dark smoke, the more anxious she became. Donovan’s words replayed in her head.

It looks like it’s right next to our house.

Her heart woke from its coma and punched her ribcage like a boxer attacking a speed bag. Perspiration dampened her underarms and slicked her palms. Please, God, no. I can’t lose my home again.

The smoke stack was soon right in front of them, right where their home was located. Donovan turned down their street, and the tower of smoke loomed above them. Fire consumed the empty lot next to their house. Flames ate their way up the bark spines of pine trees. Orange flickers slithered along the length of the branches, reaching toward the roof. The fire was descending upon their forever home as a raiding army would race toward a city with swords drawn.

Donovan floored it down the street and brought the truck to a jerking stop in the driveway. He jumped out of the truck without taking the key out of the ignition. Beth shoved the door open and stumbled out onto the driveway.

“Call the fire department, pack some clothes. I’m getting the hose.” Donovan raced toward the fire and slipped around the side of the house.

Beth dug her keys out of her purse and ran to the door. Her hand shook as she unlocked it. The heat of the fire beat against her. The rancid smell of burning nature clogged her nostrils. After two failed attempts, she grasped the key with both hands and managed to get it into the hole. She threw the door open, not even bothering to shut it again, and let the smoke roll in after her as she dashed up the stairs. In her bedroom, she grabbed the portable landline headset and jabbed 9-1-1. While she waited for the operator to answer, she hurried to the closet. She yanked down two duffle bags from the top shelf. They fell to the ground. Out the window, she could see red, orange, and yellow flickering sparks drifting in the breeze.

“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?”

“There’s a fire right next to my house,” Beth panted as she rattled off their address.

“We’ve received calls about it. Firetrucks were dispatched. They should be there soon.”

“Hurry,” Beth told her. “Tell them to hurry.” The fire was nearly at their doorstep. If they took too long, there wouldn’t be a house left to save. Their entire neighborhood would be gone.

“Try to stay calm, ma’am. Help is on the way.”

Beth hung up and dropped the phone on the carpet. She ripped clothes of the hangers and tossed them into the duffle bags. Now was not the time to worry about wrinkles. If they lost everything, at least they’d have clothing, wrinkled or not. She shoved in the contents from their drawers—underwear and socks—until she could barely zip the bags shut.

Donovan stood at the edge of their property, spraying the flames burning the pine trees and creeping along the grass, when she ran back outside to her car. The trunk was blanketed with soft dove-gray ashes. When she opened it, they slid back and fell through the crack into the trunk. She hefted the duffle bags inside and dashed back into the house. In a large white garbage bag, she stuffed in their bed comforter and two pillows. Then she snatched a backpack from the closet. Before she left the closet, she grabbed one last thing that hung at the very back—her wedding dress. She wasn’t an overly sentimental woman, but she didn’t want her dress to become ashes. After depositing the garment bag with the bedding, she hurried to the filing cabinet that contained all their important papers and family photos. She tucked the folders into the backpack.

Outside, she found Donovan had brought out their ladder. She craned her neck to look for him and found him standing on the roof, near the edge, attacking the fire with their garden hose.

BUY LINKS for Flaming Crimes: Amazon / Barnes & Noble    The Wild Rose Press

About the Author: Chrys Fey is the author of the Disaster Crimes Series, a unique concept blending romance, crimes, and disasters. She’s partnered with the Insecure Writer’s Support Group and runs their Goodreads book club. She’s also an editor for Dancing Lemur Press.

Author Links:

Website / Blog / Goodreads

Facebook / Twitter / Amazon

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