Jazz House by D.V. Stone

Give a warm welcome to D.V. Stone, author of Jazz House, second book in the impact series. Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about D.V. Stone and Jazz House.  D.V. Stone take it away!

Standing The Gap

Several years ago, I took the NaNoWriMo challenge. November is National Novel Writing Month. Thirty days-fifty Thousand words. Long story short, I accomplished the task only because of writing what I knew. What did I know?

I’ve been surrounded by blue uniforms, okay, sometimes black, for forty years. Some with stripes, some without. Some have helmets, and some don’t. But all have one thing in common. They willingly give of themselves twenty-four hours a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year. Leave the family gatherings on holidays. Snow, ice, temperatures either too hot or too cold. They protect, rescue, and often pick up the pieces of someone’s life.

Early in the 1980s, I began my First Responder life as a professional and volunteer Emergency Medical Technician. One of my strongest memories is responding to a call in my coverage area. My partner and I were the only all-female crew at the time. The tones went off, and so did we. A short while later, a simple unconscious male became a potentially violent situation. The man woke, and people from all the housing around us came out and egged him on to strike out at us. My partner got rolled by him, but I was able to radio for help. Let me tell you, I was never so happy to see red lights and blue uniforms.

First Responders, from EMTs to Firefighters and Law Enforcement, have a special bond. When things go south as they often do, we count on each other to protect, minister, and save each other from tricky situations.

One of my long-term positions was as an EMT in an NJ State Prison. In 1994 I married a Correction Officer and volunteer Firefighter. Now we’re both retired.

My first book Rock House Grill was the fifty-thousand-word novel I alluded to above. It’s considered romantic suspense and has, you guessed it, EMTs, paramedics, and police. The second book now under contract, with a release date of August 21, 2022, is titled Jazz House. Police Officer Michael Machau is the main character.

Michael is a composite of so many officers in my life. He’s honorable, compassionate, and kind. He loves friends and family. He goes above and beyond to help his community. In today’s climate, so many believe the opposite. One evening, in a chat with other authors, another writer stated she was researching in a county jail. She said she was more afraid of the cops than the inmates. I called her out on it because if we don’t as a society hold people accountable for their reckless vernacular, they can influence others.

You know, not every cop is great. Neither is any EMT, Firefighter, or citizen. The fraction of a percent who are, unfortunately, are the ones we hear about. That’s what makes the news, news. Because the other ninety-nine percent are a Michael Machau. Honorable, compassionate, and kind.

Shh, I’m going to tell a secret. I know you. Most of you anyway. You love, care, and run to danger every day despite the world’s ugliness. You make a difference even when others don’t or refuse to see it. Through my writing, sorry but I’m going to out you, tell the world you all are big teddy bears. Many are grizzlies on the outside, but inside, where it counts? Koala bears.

Though I no longer respond to calls (I gave it up quite a few years ago), the blue uniform continues to be a constant in my life. My son is now a correction officer as well. Many of our friends still suit up every day. Hubby is a Life Member of the fire department and, until last year, still taught fire prevention in the local schools. Me? I tell stories about superheroes. Ones who don’t wear capes but uniforms. Who don’t leap tall buildings but rush into those buildings. Who when others are running from danger, run to it.

Thank you to all those who stand the gap. Protecting, serving, consoling, and keeping the rest of us from harm.

Wonderful D.V., I’m right there with you! Now tell us a little about Jazz House.

Jordan Vasilakis is on the run, living under an assumed name. After a disastrous marriage to a notorious Greek business tycoon, she flees to the States and starts rebuilding her life. But her ruthless husband is determined to destroy her…once he finds her.

Michael Machau is drawn to the new singer at Jazz House restaurant, but the guarded woman is harboring dangerous secrets. The dedicated police officer may have to risk more than just his heart to forge a connection with the woman he knows as Madeline Cielo, especially when he discovers she’s living a lie.

Worlds collide. Lies entangle. Survival, much less love, is in question. They must quickly distinguish friends from enemies or risk losing everything—including a future together.

Make good choices. Jordan Vasilakis’s mother’s voice rang through her mind. Though she tried, sometimes things went terribly wrong.

Jazz House is the second book in the Impact Series, due out August 31, 2022. The first book in the series is Rock House Grill. While Jazz House stands on its own, I believe you’d enjoy reading both books.

Jordan now living under an assumed name, is on the run after a disastrous marriage to a notorious Greek Business Tycoon. She flees to the United State and procures a job as a Jazz Singer that will change her life. (no spoilers here)

Michael falls for the beautiful singer, at first sight. Unfortunately, he has no idea her past could get them both killed.

I love to be drawn into a story, so you feel like you lived and experienced the tale. The characters in Jazz House do exactly that from page one to the end taking you with them every step of the story. The scene description is superb, so you feel, see, and smell everything. Hard book to put down, even in the wee hours of the morning.

If you enjoy Romantic Suspense, Jazz house is for you. You’ll also enjoy Rock House Grill. So what are you waiting for? Pick up both books! You’ll be glad you did.

Jazz House gets 5+stars from me.

A sneak peek between the pages of Jazz House.

Jordan scrambled to the other side of the limo.

“You sing good tonight.” He scrolled through his phone.

“Yes, Kyrios.”

Outside the window, massive cruise ships docked in the port. Happy older people made their way up the gangplanks toting bags filled with souvenirs, while the younger ones debarked dressed for the nightlife. Sparkly sequins flashed like diamonds as one young woman twirled on the pier.

God, how had she come to this life? She willed her hovering tears not to fall. Kyrios wouldn’t approve.

When she was offered a place in the touring group ten years ago, she thought it was the beginning of great things. Standing in the cabaret with the lights shining down was her dream come true. When she was the woman in the sparkly dress.

Until he showed up.

Each night, Kyrios Vasilakis, Greek business tycoon, sat at the front table watching her. Yes, he was older but so very handsome. Dark hair with silver at the temples, he cut a dashing figure in his black suits.

Jordan began to sing to him. It was the beginning of the end. After a whirlwind romance, she found herself a prisoner in marriage to a brute.

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About the Author:

  1. V. Stone is an award-winning, multi-genre, traditionally and independently published author. She writes books people want to read. Whether romance or fantasy, her stories are about the importance of friends and family. About overcoming obstacles while doing it with humor.

Around the Fire is a popular weekly blog where she introduces both established and new authors giving an insider’s look into their lives and books as well as tidbits about her own life.

After retiring, she is now a full-time author and incorporates her life experiences into her books.

A former Emergency Medical Technician, she volunteered in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania. At the same time, she worked as a professional EMT in a women’s state prison. She was the proprietor of a coffee shop and a small restaurant/ice cream stand in the years that followed. The years following were as a manager in an animal emergency hospital, while her last position was in a human medical office.

When not behind the wheel of 2Hoots—a 41 foot long 13.2 feet high 5th Wheel camper, she rambles around town in Northern New Jersey in a white Camaro. She also loves travel and history.

D.V. is wife to an amazing husband, mother to one son, and not your average grandma to three beautiful grands. A woman of faith, she believes and trusts in God.

“My greatest pleasures are spending time outside with friends and family, cooking over the open fire, sipping a glass of wine, and reading.”

Hali, her rescue dog, always reminds her to let readers know, “Woof, woof.” Which is loosely translated as support your local animal rescue.

You can find out more about D. V. by following her on Social Media.

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Around the Fire Blog with D.V. Stone


Other Books by D.V. Stone

Rainbow Sprinkles by The Wild Rose Press

After the storm come the rainbows.

Amazon  Barnes & Noble   iBooks

Rock House Grill by The Wild Rose Press

One man’s choices. One woman’s Impact

Amazon Barnes & Noble iBook’s  Google Books Kobo

Contributing Author

Australia Burns by The Wild Rose Press


Independently Published

Mid Grade

Agent Sam Carter

The Mystery at Branch Lake https://a.co/bb0HlkS

The Mystery at High Pointe Tower https://a.co/bb0HlkS

It’s been great having you with us today D.V.  Good luck with Jazz House and the Impact Series!



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Polly’s List by Kim Ligon

Give a warm welcome to Kim Ligon, author of Polly’s List!  Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Kim and her Polly’s List.

Kim, I have a few quick questions for you:

What makes you laugh out loud? Wile E Coyote. I can’t watch an entire Road Runner cartoon without at least one out loud laugh.

What secret do you use to blast through writer’s block? Do something else creative. Spin fiber, knit, crochet, play the piano, build buildings for the model railroad layout, start a different story.

How long have you been writing? I have been writing since I was nine years old—decades! Only just now getting published.

Did you tell friends and family that you were writing a book? Or did it take a while to come out and tell friends and family you were a writer? My family and friends knew I was writing and I set up my blog site www.spinningromance.com specifically to keep them in the loop on my writing adventure, as well as to share my observations of the world around me. Everyone has been helpful and encouraging on this journey. I am blessed.


Speed Round (one word only answer): Yep, I know torture for a writer!<evil laugh>

Favorite movie: Casablanca
Favorite book: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
Last book read: The Bee Keeper’s Ball by Susan Wiggs
Favorite color:  Purple
Stilettos or flipflops: Flipflops
Coffee or tea: Coffee
Ebook or audiobook or paperback: Paperback
Pencil or pen: Pencil

Favorite song: Brown Eyed Girl

Streak or not: Not

Favorite dessert: Chocolate anything

Favorite junk food: Popcorn

Favorite thing to do to relax: Spin

Champagne or gin: Champagne

Paranormal or Historical: Historical

Wonder Woman or Top Model:  Wonder Woman

Favorite TV show:  Toon in With ME

Hot or cold: Hot

POV:  Third

I’d die if I don’t have: Family

Review or Not: Review

Tell us a little about Polly’s List.

CJ Reynolds couldn’t wait to escape his hometown.  He’s loving his bachelor life as a software developer in California. So much so that he hasn’t been back in years to see the grandmother who raised him.

Mikal Benson believes her small town is perfect for raising her son, Will, alone.  When she finds her neighbor, Polly Rogers, sprawled on the floor- barely clinging to life – in a pool of blood, she calls Polly’s grandson—CJ Reynolds—and insists he must come home.  Now!

From her coma, Polly whispers three words that change everything.  Did she fall or was she pushed? CJ,  Mikal, and Will form an unlikely team coming together to discover the truth as danger engulfs them. …danger engulfs them and love transforms them into a family.


Sneak Peak Between the Pages: of Polly’s List

POLLY’S LIST By Kim Janine Ligon From Wild Rose Press 8/17/2022

Why is the Bassett baying? Mikal Benson hurried across the yard and pushed her neighbor’s unlocked back door open. It groaned loudly. The still howling dog rumbled into the kitchen – as quickly as his short legs would allow.

“What’s wrong Rhett? Polly, where are you?” she called as she crossed the worn linoleum-covered kitchen floor. “It’s me, Mikal.”

The dog loped into the front entryway. She followed. What happened? Was the purple-flowered heap with legs and arms akimbo Polly? Blood pooled beneath her head . The body was lying in front of the door. Was she still alive? Mikal knelt beside her neighbor’s crumpled body. She gently picked up her arm and felt for a pulse. It was faint. Polly took a ragged breath and moaned. Mikal pulled her cell phone out and called 911.

A blood stain circled Polly’s head like a dark, expanding halo – blotting out the muted colors of the antique rug and spreading into the cracks in the parquet floor. Something had to be done.




About the Author:

Kim Ligon has been writing stories for most of her life—some on paper and some only in her head. She has lots of source material growing up as the oldest child in a large family in a small town in Wisconsin. Her father was a veterinarian so there were not only lots of children around, but all manner of house pets and farm animals too. Her love of reading comes from her mother who was seldom seen sitting down without a book in her hand. After a demanding career in healthcare information technology, she is now getting to do all the creative things she loves which includes writing her stories to share with you. She lives with her chief encourager and personal romantic hero, her husband of almost forever, in Alabama. Please follow her further adventures at www.spinningromance.com

FOLLOW ME AT:   https://www.spinningromance.com

CONTACT ME AT: KimJanine@spinningromance.com




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Unlock My Heart by Jennifer Wilck

Give a Warm Welcome to Jennifer Wilck, author of Unlock My Heart, Book 2 of Scarred Hearts Series recently released. Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. Choose your pot, they’re labeled. Pick your choice of a Snicker-doodle, Chocolate Chip or Peanut butter cookie from the plate. Yep, I baked them myself. Lets find out a little about Jennifer and her Unlock My heart.

Thanks so much, Tena, for letting me be a guest on your blog. I’m so excited about my latest book, Unlock My Heart. Although it’s the second book in my Scarred Hearts series, it can be read as a standalone. If you like STEM heroines and wounded heroes, this book is for you!

The premise for the series is four college buddies who have reached the pinnacles of their careers and pool their extra money—they have billions—to do good. Each hero is wounded in some way, and each is looking for someone who will see past their money into their hearts (even if they don’t know it).

The inspiration for Unlock My Heart came while I was writing the first book, A Reckless Heart. I knew Ted was one of the four men in the series, but until the four men had their first teleconference—and he needed captions on the screen because he’s hard of hearing—I didn’t know anything about him. And then suddenly, I did!

The funny part about writing this book was that I wrote it prior to the pandemic when captioning on video conferencing didn’t yet exist! I decided that since Ted is the CEO and founder of his cybersecurity company, he was fully capable of creating this for himself. And since then, it happened in real life, too!

I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Tell us a little about Unlock My heart:

Abby Marlow, computer security expert, lands a job at the best IT security firm in the country. Her sole focus is financial independence so she never has to rely on others again, especially a man. But why does her boss make her wires short circuit?

Ted Endicott, CEO and founder of the IT security firm, is hard of hearing. Although an expert in his field, he’s still uncomfortable admitting his difficulty hearing to his clients or employees. So why is he willing to accept Abby’s help?

As Ted and Abby work together, barriers fall away, and soon the lines blur between colleagues and lovers. But a security glitch in a client’s system indicates one of his employees is the hacker, and all signs point to Abby. Can they get past the suspicion and find a future together?

How about a sneak peek between the pages of Unlock My Heart?

“You always run alone?”

She pointed to a nearby jogger. “I’m not alone.”

“But you’re not with anyone.”

Standing this close to him, she wished for things she shouldn’t. “No, I’m not.”

“How far are you going?”

“The end of the trail and back.” Or however long it

took to get him out of her mind.

He put his helmet on. “Come on, I’ll keep you company.”

“It’s not necessary.” Clearing her mind would be impossible with him next to her.

“It’s safer this way.” He looked down the trail.

His desire to protect her sent warmth curling up and down her spine. It had been a long time since anyone was concerned about her. All of a sudden, the idea of company appealed to her. Touching his arm— and trying not to squeeze his bicep like you would if you tested the ripeness of a peach—she waited for him to turn. “You’re welcome to join me if you want. If you can keep up.” She winked and raced away, his bark of laughter a brief punch in the silence behind her.

She no longer kept an easy pace, easing into the morning. This time, she sprinted hard. The slight whir of his bike wheels warned her as he reached her a few moments later.

“You’re pretty fast, but I’d suggest you slow down.”

She turned toward him. “Out of pity for you?”

His lips twitched, and his nostrils flared, but he kept his humor reined tight. Instead, he cycled next to her, his head turned slightly toward her. “The only pity I ask for is please don’t make me carry you home when you’re too tired to continue.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it, sir.” She made sure he could read her lips.

He grinned, and the last of her tension disappeared. He accepted her teasing.

“Oh, you’ll pay,” he said.

He rode ahead, and she thought for sure he would leave her in the dust. But he turned around, a gleam in his eye, and returned to her side. When they reached a part of the trail farther on, he pulled ahead a little and skidded in a puddle, splashing her legs.

She gasped and looked at her mud-spattered shins and ignored the twinkle in his eye. “You play dirty—literally.”

Ted stopped while she paused to clean her legs off. Given the opportunity—two could play this game—she took her mud-streaked hands and wiped them on his chest. She drew in a breath and realized her mistake. Sure, she’d repaid him for splattering her with mud, but a sudden awareness of his body overrode her satisfaction. His muscles were hard, and she wondered what the rest of him felt like. Her pulse pounded in her ears, and her gaze shifted to his lips. What would it be like to kiss them?

She jerked and pulled her hand away. No. She jumped at the strangled sound from the mouth she’d considered kissing and raised her glance to his eyes. His surprise mirrored her own.

Mistake, mistake, mistake! An internal voice blared a warning. She’d intended for it to be like when she and Max, her best friend from childhood, challenged each other as kids. In fact, when he teased her, Ted reminded her of Max—something about the glint in his eye and the “need to win” coupled with concern. But she hadn’t counted on the sexual component.

She closed her eyes. She was not like her mother. She wasn’t.


She stilled. Maybe he couldn’t see her. Right, and maybe unicorns are real.


“Open your eyes.” She opened them.

“Let’s get breakfast.”

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Amazon, Barnes & Noble,  AppleKobo

About the Author:

Jennifer started telling herself stories as a little girl when she couldn’t fall asleep at night. Pretty soon, her head was filled with these stories and the characters that populated them. Even as an adult, she thinks about the characters and stories at night before she falls asleep or walking the dog. Eventually, she started writing them down. Her favorite stories to write are those with smart, sassy, independent heroines; handsome, strong and slightly vulnerable heroes; and her stories always end with happily ever after.

In the real world, she’s the mother of two amazing daughters and wife of one of the smartest men she knows. She believes humor is the only way to get through the day and does not believe in sharing her chocolate.

Jennifer Wilck is an award-winning contemporary romance author for readers who are passionate about love, laughter, and happily ever after. Known for writing both Jewish and non-Jewish romances, her books feature damaged heroes, sassy and independent heroines, witty banter and hot chemistry. Jennifer’s ability to transport the reader into the scene, create characters the reader will fall in love with, and evoke a roller coaster of emotions, will hook you from the first page. You can find her books at all major online retailers in a variety of formats.

Author Links:

Website: http://www.jenniferwilck.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/879114386079365

Newsletter: https://www.jenniferwilck.com/contact.html#newsletter

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JWilck

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorjenniferwilck/

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/jennifer-wilck

It’s been great having you with us today.  Good luck with Unlock My Heart.

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The Texas Cowboy Release Party by Linda Nightingale

Give a warm welcome to Linda Nightingale and her new release The Texas Cowboy, book One, Return to Folly Series.  Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Linda and The Texas Cowboy! 

Tena asked me about the inspiration for this story, Like my other books, I began with one character: Ash, the hero. The entire book is told from his point of view. In the Prologue, Ash is twelve years old and is leaving his home for an unknown and unwanted fate. His mother has divorced his father and is taking him to her native England. He’s leaving behind his horse as well as half his family.

When I started thinking about the story, I knew I wanted the hero to be Texan by birth but raised in England. The fact that he was British and Texan made a contrast that I wanted to explore and made for conflict, both internal and external. When he inherits Marathon Ranch, he must leave his mother and his horses in England and take a big step in relocating. His father has just died, and he feels guilty about staying away so long. Before he arrives, the ranch hands have already starting calling him the English Cowboy. He has to face the preconceived idea that he is a foreigner even though he was born on the ranch in Texas.

What would it be like to suddenly be thrust into managing a large cattle and horse breeding operation in the small Old West town of Folly, Texas? There’d be cultural adjustments for sure, and lots of getting up to speed on a totally different businesses. While Ash is adjusting to a whole new way of life, he meets the heroine—a pert, pretty, and sassy ranch hand with the preconceived idea that he is the enemy. Trish is fiercely devoted to her beloved Quarter horses, and she thinks Ash will jettison them and start breeding the thoroughbreds he raced in England. I don’t know if anyone other than another horse person will understand what a big conflict this is. It’s huge, very emotionally charged and a definite barrier against any affection between the two.

But I digress. The question was about inspiration. I suppose all those old western movies I watched with my dad when I was young resurfaced from memory and are the inspiration for this western series. I’m dating myself now, but I was very familiar with Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, but was much more interested in their horses the palomino Trigger and her buckskin Buttermilk. I’ve always loved horses, and they appear in some form in most of my books. Even in the android books in the Tomorrow’s Angels series, the escaped androids go riding in Jamaica.

So, maybe part of the inspiration for The Texas Cowboy is my love of horses. I appreciate almost all breeds, but my favorite is the magnificent Andalusian, the bull fighting horse of Spain. They are noble, kind, and gentle, and absolutely beautiful.  The colt in the picture with me is an Andalusian. Oops, I’m starting on a subject I adore and must say happy trails, cowgirls and cowboys.


So tell us a little about The Texas Cowboy:

When Ash Colter was twelve, his mother divorced his cattle baron father and whisked him away to raise in her native England. Sixteen years later, when his father dies, he inherits Marathon Ranch. Running a 1,000-acre spread famous for the best Black Angus cattle in the great state of Texas is the biggest challenge he’s ever faced…until he meets a pert, pretty, and sassy ranch hand who seems to have her own agenda for his ranch. Unfortunately, she makes his spurs go jingle-jangle-jingle like no one else ever has!

Trish Owens is a real cowgirl, a loner, and, though she’d never admit it, a little lonely. When the “English Cowboy” appears on the scene, her entire way of life is threatened, not only her job, but her beloved Quarter horses. She’s sure he plans to import his thoroughbreds from England. Worse of all is the chemistry sizzling between them. He makes feelings she thought long dead awaken.

Can these two unwilling allies set aside their differences to put Marathon Ranch in the Winner’s Circle…and to fall in love?

A sneak peek between the pages of The Texas Cowboy:

Rejoneador mounting a horse in a bullring

Squinting in the sudden sunlight, Ash sized up a woman about his age. In jeans with a burgundy Marathon tee, she was slender but curvy.  Her blonde hair looked as if it had been hurriedly ponytailed. Wayward strands dangling everywhere framed her face. On closer examination, he decided she wasn’t hard on the eyes. In a non-fancy way. But then he was accustomed to Dorothy—High maintenance with a capital High Maintenance.

The girl tilted an odd look at him.  Then she suffered a wardrobe malfunction. The band holding her ponytail broke. Blonde silk gushed over her big, chocolate brown eyes. A graceful hand, stained black by hoof polish, swiped the thick mess back from a pretty face. Her unsmiling mouth was generous and wide. Feed her and clean her up, and she’d be a presentable…opponent. The chill in what should have been melting brown eyes was as unwelcoming as Deanne’s steely green gaze.

He snapped a smart salute, imitating her stance. “I’ll do that, ma’am. I’m Ash Colter. You are?”

“Trish.”  One word. No introduction. More or less bugger off.

He stuck out his hand. “My pleasure, Trish. I assume you work with the horses.”

“Right assumption.” Gazing intently into his eyes, she accepted his handshake. “How could you tell?” she asked, her voice dripping sarcasm.

“The hoof polish was a big clue.”

She glanced down at her stained hand. Her handshake was firm, confident, another person he felt he could trust. The color of her eyes was quite rare with her blonde hair. Very striking, but at the moment, they challenged him to measure up to her standards. Oh but no, he refused to have two bitches to contend with. This one was no problem. Employees could be towed into line. Or dismissed.

“Maybe I’ll see you around the stables.” He popped the trunk, dismissing her as curtly as was polite but smiling inside. What a feisty filly.

“The funeral is day after tomorrow,” Trish said, loud enough to carry. Her native Texan accent was music to his ears, but he could scarcely believe what she’d said. “Mrs. Colter waited to give you time to get here.”

He froze with his hand on the hot trunk. Without turning, in a voice like ice, he spat, “Thank you for telling me, Deanne.”

“You didn’t know?” The amazed question burst from the gutsy Trish.

As a sharp pang of grief broke through his carefully erected walls, he visibly winced.  He’d lost his father, and his stepmother had planned the funeral without consulting him. What else had she planned to cut him out of? Knowing her for what she was, still her cruelty shocked him. What if he’d been delayed? He’d have missed his final farewell to his father. Sick at heart, he swiped a hand across his burning eyes. He couldn’t trust himself to speak around the sudden lump in his throat. Gritting his teeth, he slammed the trunk. Shouldering his duffle, he faced a sea of surprised expressions. He could scarcely see them for the sheen of emotion clouding his vision.

Angry now, he tried but failed to modulate his voice. Dark emotion crept into his gruff tone. “No one saw fit to tell me.”

“Oh?” Trish’s eyebrows darted up, her wide eyes shifting to Deanne. “You’re kidding.” In unconcealed shock, and perhaps reproach, she gaped at her employer

Links to Linda’s books:

Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09QP4C5NZ/

Book Bub:  https://www.bookbub.com/profile/linda-nightingale

Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4839311.Linda_Nightingale


After 14 years in Texas, Linda returned home to her roots in the South Carolina red clay. She has eight published novels, four of which are available in audio from Audible.com. For many years, she bred, trained, and showed the magnificent Andalusian horses. So, she’s seen a lot of this country from the windshield of a truck pulling a horse trailer. She won The Georgia Romance Writers’ Magnolia Award for Excellence, the Raven Award, and the SARA Merritt. In real life, she was a legal assistant. She loves to dress up, use the good china and crystal, and host formal dinner parties. She has a fondness for sports cars like her current ride, Zippy Z.


Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Linda-Nightingale/e/B005OSOJ0U

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/LNightingale

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/LindaNightingaleAuthor

Web Site:  http://www.lindanightingale.com

Blog:  https://lindanightingale.wordpress.com/ – Lots of interesting guests & prizes

Pinterest:  https://www.pinterest.com/lbnightingale1/

It’s been great having you with us today.  Good luck with A Texas Cowboy, book One, Return to Folly Series !



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