A Magic Redemption by Tena Stetler #MFRWhooks
Award winning A MAGIC REDEMPTION is the fifth book in the award winning A DEMON’S WITCH SERIES! The book takes place in Ireland after a deal is brokered but revenge is afoot.
A little about A MAGIC REDEMPTION – Even with magic, finding your place in the world proves more difficult than imagined especially when someone is out for revenge.
Synn, a demon, carries extraordinary magic and power, but there is more within her than she dreams. Kidnapped as a child, her captors murdered her family and forced her into training as a warrior assassin. When an assignment goes horribly wrong, she finds herself at the mercy of the friends and family of her intended target. Offering valuable information in exchange for protection, she gains her freedom, but it is not without its challenges.
Gavin Shaughnessy is the publican at his family’s Irish pub. He is certain Synn is meant to be his and isn’t bothered by her past. He must find a way to convince her, their future together is stronger than the dark memories that haunt her dreams.
When her past comes calling for revenge, will their love survive the raging inferno she brings down upon them? Or will the searing path of destruction destroy all they hold dear?
A peek between the pages of A Magic Redemption:
Time seemed to go on forever as she slowed and walked backward for a while, her foot steps in the sand filling with water as she traveled along the shoreline, as if nature erased her intrusion. She turned around and continued her trek. Unaware of how long or how far she’d walked, the sudden outline of a figure, cloaked in the fog, jogging toward her caused panic to set in. Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest, she swallowed hard, adrenalin pumping through her veins as flight or fight response kicked in. Digging her good foot into the sand she prepared to attempt a sprint…to where. Where the hell am I? A quick glance around, she spied a light from a familiar building far off on the bluffs as the figure burst from the fog. A tall, wide-shouldered male with long muscular legs came closer. She froze.
Once lithe, strong and agile in her former life, a boss’s retaliation had taken a toll on her body. Now tired her gait was uneven and unsteady, even a slow sprint would likely end with her face planted in the sand.
Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click here.
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Magic Redemption, Book Hooks, Demons, Paranormal Romance/Mystery, Shapshifters, Tena Stetler, Witches by Tena Stetler with 11 comments.
Making of A Demon’s Witch, Now on Sale for 99¢!

Hey Everyone! I’m starting the weekend with a fantastic .99¢ SALE (For a limited time) on my best-selling, award-winning novel A DEMON’S WITCH. This is the first book of A DEMON’S WITCH SERIES a five book series (so far) which as been nominated and won several best series awards from Paranormal Romance Guild’s Reviewers, The Romance Reviews and A.R.E.
A Demon’s Witch, was born in a hair salon from a song. I was talking with my hairdresser, Jen, one Saturday about the things she sees and hears in her line of work and my imagination took off. She laughed as I bounced ideas off her. I remembered a 1960’s era song about a hairdresser named Bruce. A little more brainstorming with Jen and my hubby then A Demon’s Witch was born. After that the what if’s began.
What if the hairdresser is really a ruggedly handsome demon overlord. Now tell me if that isn’t different. LOL
What if a powerful witch breezed into his salon and the attraction was undeniable?
What if the witch’s brother just happens to be the demons overlord’s hired enforcer? Will they survive discovery and make a life together?
What if the salon is multi-species catering to mortals and paranormal creatures alike is located in Washington DC? Flaming manicure bowls, Fried hairdryers, a magic portal in the basement make it a bit different.
Adds a new dimension to our concept of DC, doesn’t it? Or maybe you just thought DC was full of demon’s and creatures that go bump in the night to begin with. LOL
What’s A Demon’s Witch about: Well…I’ll tell you.
It’s about family, blood or otherwise. It’s about doing the right thing for maybe the wrong reasons. Keeping secrets is not always the best action, especially when preternatural powers are involved. A Demon’s Witch takes you into the realm of magic & paranormal, with surprising & suspenseful twists & turns.
The adventures of Bruce and Angie are an entertaining escape from the ordinary world. Be swept away into a magical romantic fantasy adventure, you’ll never want to leave. This spicy tale has it all intrigue, humor, thrills, danger and a splash of magic to keep you on the edge of your seat.
What did the 5-star reviews have to say about A Demon’s Witch?
“I thoroughly enjoyed this sexy paranormal story with excellent world building and well developed characters. The author has created a clever setting by making the headquarters of the demon a trendy hair salon in Washington DC. It makes for some entertaining situations. Enter a feisty witch who knocks the demon off his feet and turns his carefully ordered world upside down.” L. Williams – 5 Stars
“This debut novel by Tena Stetler is phenomenal! She created a unique paranormal world filled with witches, wizards, demons, fairies, and a few other surprises. Absolutely loved the chemistry between Bruce and Angelique!I was swooning the moment Bruce entered the scene.”
‘A Demon’s Witch spicy romance has it all intrigue, humor, thrills, danger and a splash of magic to keep you on the edge of your seat.”
A peek between the pages of A Demon’s Witch!
A feeling of dark foreboding, like storm clouds forming on the horizon before a violent storm, washed over Bruce as he maneuvered the SUV into the parking lot behind The Krystal Unicorn.
Tristian was already there and it wasn’t to give his report. Bruce could feel the fury in Tristian’s magic signature hanging in the air. A silver tipped arrow penetrated the windshield, split the arm securing the rearview mirror, and stuck in the headrest a quarter inch from Bruce’s neck. Blue liquid oozed from the tip and a stream of red mist escaped from the other end of the arrow.
“Hold your breath and don’t open the door or windows. The influx of fresh air will spread the poison.” He hissed though his teeth not daring to take a breath.
Air pressure inside the vehicle changed, Angie’s head felt like it was going to explode. Bruce. She whispered into his mind, a benefit of being mated.
I know, just a few seconds more, I’ve got it handled. His deep smooth voice floated reassuringly in her mind, as he reached over caressing her shoulder.
The pressure eased and the red mist sucked in on itself disappearing along with the oozing liquid. He pulled the arrow from the headrest, fingering the hole in the upholstery.
Through gritted teeth, Bruce growled. “His first mistake was that he missed me. His second deadly mistake was he risked your life. That is unforgivable.” Those two things also told Bruce that Tristian wasn’t thinking clearly, fury was coloring his judgment. That gave Bruce an edge, though the attack caught him off guard. He hadn’t expected Tristian’s attack to put his sister at risk.
The console between them lowered to seat level. He hoped to add fuel to the fury burning inside Tristian. Bruce put his arm around Angie’s waist and pulled her against him, his lips pressed against hers then gently covered her mouth as his tongue traced the soft fullness of her lips. He drew back, touched his lips to hers again trailing them down to the pulsing hollow of her neck and whispered, “You’re going into the shop now, Willow is waiting just on the other side of the door. Please stay there, you’ll be able to remain in my mind just don’t interfere. I need your presence there as a calming one. Willow can help you.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I know. There wasn’t time to explain how everything works and I’m not exactly sure myself. Only that I can feel you in my mind and I assume you can feel me in yours.”
“Yes, it’s a weird sensation,” Angie said a tremor in her voice.
“We’ll learn together to use it to our benefit, now is as good a time as any to practice.”
She snorted, “Sure, our lives are on the line. No big deal.” She threw up her hands.
“That’s the spirit.” He grinned raising his head and cupping her trembling chin in his steady hand, not taking his eyes off hers. “Believe me when I tell you, I won’t kill your brother. Although he is making it damn difficult. Nor do I believe he will kill me. Though that is his intention, right now. So put those thoughts out of your mind, they won’t help either of us.”
Available at:
Amazon.com, Amazon UK Amazon AU Amazon CA Kobo, The Wild Rose Press. Walmart.com and Barnes & Noble.
About the Author:
Often I’ve been asked why I write paranormal romance. Since I was old enough to read, I loved being swept away into a fantasy. Whether is was a trip to Mars, pretending I could wield magic with the characters in a book, or chasing a unicorn across the backyard only to find myself face to face with a vampire, my imagination ran wild with the written word. As I got older, if I didn’t like a part of the book or the way a story ended, I’d rewrite it. Oh what adventures Trixie Beldon and Nancy Drew had under my rewritten sections. LOL
Now I hope to encourage readers to leave your ordinary world behind for a few hours… be swept away into a magical romantic fantasy with a touch of mystery and suspense. It’s good for the soul and stress relieving to suspend reality for a while, whether you are reading or writing novels. <grin>
I love to meet new readers and chat with them or other authors. So please check out my social media links below. Talk with you soon!
Website: https://www.tenastetler.com
Authors’ Secret’s Blog – https://www.tenastetler.com/category/authors-secrets-blog/
My Say What Blog – https://www.tenastetler.com/category/my-say-what-blog/
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/tenastetler.author
Twitter Page: www.twitter.com/TenaStetler
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14187532.Tena_Stetler
The Wild Rose Press: http://catalog.thewildrosepress.com/1264_tena-stetler
Amazon: www.amazon.com/author/tenastetler
Newsletter Signup: https://www.tenastetler.com/newsletter-signup/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/tenastetler
Tribber – http://triberr.com/TenaStetler
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/tena-stetler
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tenastetler/
Thank you for joining me for a little peek into A DEMON’S WITCH and my inspiration to write it. I’d love you to join the magical, romantic fantasy, adventure. Download your copy today!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged 99¢ Sale, A Demon's Witch, Demons, Hair Salon, Paranormal Romance, Tena Stetler, Witches by Tena Stetler with comments disabled.
A Magic Redemption- Scorching Sale 99 cents
Make your summer sizzle with a scorching 99 cent sale on digital copy of A Magic Redemption a spectacular summer beach read! Also part of the fifth book in the award winning A Demon’s Witch Series!
A little about A Magic Redemption.
Synn, a demon, carries extraordinary magic and power, but there is more within her than she dreams. Kidnapped as a child, her captors murdered her family and forced her into training as a warrior assassin. When an assignment goes horribly wrong, she finds herself at the mercy of the friends and family of her intended target. Offering valuable information in exchange for protection, she gains her freedom, but it is not without its challenges.
Gavin Shaughnessy is the publican at his family’s Irish pub. He is certain Synn is meant to be his and isn’t bothered by her past. He must find a way to convince her, their future together is stronger than the dark memories that haunt her dreams.
When her past comes calling for revenge, will their love survive the raging inferno she brings down upon them? Or will the searing path of destruction destroy all they hold dear?
A peek between the pages of A Magic Redemption
The road to her cottage took them by the pub. He didn’t want to spoil a great day by stopping by Shaughnessy’s. But he had a nagging feeling that was exactly what he was supposed to do. Prior experience taught him nothing but trouble would come if he ignored his gut. “Mind if we stop by the pub on the way home. Storm can stay in the truck for a few minutes. I want to make sure—”
“Everything is all right?”
“Of course it’s all right. I’ve taken time off before.” Gavin bristled. “I had a life before—” He stopped mid-sentence. No way was he going to spoil this day.
She shifted in her seat to face him. “Before what? Me? Before your sister married an assassin? Or Brandy became engaged to a vampire? Before your world came crashing down amid demons, vampires, witches, and world ending shit?” She paused, closed her eyes, and leaned her head against the seat again. “I didn’t mean that. I’ve been on edge since the dream—nightmare—premonition. Call it what you want. Today was a nice reprieve. But when we hit the edge of town—what’d you call ’em—” she tapped her temple. “My spidey senses went off.” She shivered.
Book Trailer – A Demon’s Witch Series –https://youtu.be/lELj0amtkk8
About the Author:
Tena Stetler is a best-selling author of award winning paranormal romance novels. She has an over-active imagination, which led to writing her first vampire romance as a tween to the chagrin of her mother and delight of her friends. After many years as a paralegal, then an IT Manager, she decided to live out her dream of pursuing a publishing career.
With the Rocky Mountains outside her window, she sits at her computer surrounded by a wide array of paranormal creatures, with a Navy SEAL or two mixed in telling their tales. Her books tell stories of magical kick-ass women and strong mystical males that dare to love them. Travel, adventure, a bit of mystery and suspense flourish in her books along with a few companion animals to round out the tales.
Thank you for taking a moment to check out the sizzling summer sale of A MAGIC REDEMPTION. A great addition to your Summer Beach Reads!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Demon's Witch Series, A Magic Redemption, Angels, Demons, Ireland, magic, shifters, Witches by Tena Stetler with comments disabled.
A Magic Redemption
A Magic Redemption (fifth book in A Demon’s Witch Series).
A Magic Redemption has been in the process for quite some time. Synn the Heroine of the book has wandered in and out of most of the books in A Demon’s Witch Series. I always knew I’d have to tell Synn’s story, but had to wait until all the pieces fell into place from the other books in the series. I’m super excited to share her incredible adventure and heart-warming story with you now. I certainly hope you enjoy reading A Magic Redemption as much as I did writing Synn’s tale.
Synn, a demon, carries extraordinary magic and power, but there is more within her than she dreams. Kidnapped as a child, her captors murdered her family and forced her into training as a warrior assassin. When an assignment goes horribly wrong, she finds herself at the mercy of the friends and family of her intended target. Offering valuable information in exchange for protection, she gains her freedom, but it is not without its challenges.
Gavin Shaughnessy is the publican at his family’s Irish pub. He is certain Synn is meant to be his and isn’t bothered by her past. He must find a way to convince her, their future together is stronger than the dark memories that haunt her dreams.
When her past comes calling for revenge, will their love survive the raging inferno she brings down upon them? Or will the searing path of destruction destroy all they hold dear?
A peek between the pages:
The road to her cottage took them by the pub. He didn’t want to spoil a great day by stopping by Shaughnessy’s. But he had a nagging feeling that was exactly what he was supposed to do. Prior experience taught him nothing but trouble would come if he ignored his gut. “Mind if we stop by the pub on the way home. Storm can stay in the truck for a few minutes. I want to make sure—”
“Everything is all right?”
“Of course it’s all right. I’ve taken time off before.” Gavin bristled. “I had a life before—” He stopped mid-sentence. No way was he going to spoil this day.
She shifted in her seat to face him. “Before what? Me? Before your sister married an assassin? Or Brandy became engaged to a vampire? Before your world came crashing down amid demons, vampires, witches, and world ending shit?” She paused, closed her eyes, and leaned her head against the seat again. “I didn’t mean that. I’ve been on edge since the dream—nightmare—premonition. Call it what you want. Today was a nice reprieve. But when we hit the edge of town—what’d you call ’em—” she tapped her temple. “My spidey senses went off.” She shivered.
Available from Amazon, Amazon UK, Amazon AU, Amazon CA, Kobo , itunes, Barnes and Noble Wal-mart.com
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Magic Redemption, Demons, Paranormal Romance, Shapeshifters, Tena Stetler, Witches by Tena Stetler with comments disabled.