Wow, in RMNP Mother Nature Continues to Thwart our Plans

Mueller State Park as the fog lifts
Don’t get me wrong, our camping trips this year were still wonderful. A time to unplug and relax, but sometimes it was harder than others. Trips to Mueller State Park and Cheyenne Mountain State Parks were fantastic. However…

RMNP camping site view from behind our fifth wheel
For Labor Day Weekend, we packed up the new fifth wheel and hit the road for Rocky Mountain National Park. Usually one of our favorite camping trips. It’s a dry camping destination, in other words no power, sewer, and water is only available at several locations within the park but not at each campsite. Which is normally just fine with us. We have solar panels on the fifth wheel which meets our needs. The only thing not available by solar is air conditioning. Now who would have thought you’d need air conditioning in RMNP in September at over 9,000 feet? We sure didn’t. However, we would be wrong. The weather forecasters predicted 70 for the highs. Wrong. It was 88 to 90 degrees at our camp site during the day. We arrived Friday evening at dusk. The day time temp was cooling down, so we opened the windows in the fifth wheel, started a campfire, and relaxed toasting marshmallows and making s’mores.

Mystic, Wow would you look at this view!
We spent the following days of the holiday weekend driving the roads in RMNP in the comfort of our air conditioned truck. Why you ask? Because the sweltering heat inside the fifth wheel (no AC) was just to dang hot until evening. Hiking early, early morning was okay, but once the sun was up for a few hours, too hot for humans, dog, parrot and turtle. Yep, we became nocturnal campers. LOL
The drive up Trail Ridge Road was interesting, not nearly as many sightings of elk and other wild life as previous years. Too dang hot. They were bedded down somewhere in the shade below timberline. Even at the top of Trail Ridge Road, around 12,200 feet in altitude it was still warm enough to be comfortable in shorts, flip flops and tank tops. Weird. Usually coats, jeans, and shoes are required up there in September. Not this year.
The evenings were cool and the elk, deer, and other wild life wandered the meadows and crossed the creek in the moonlight.

Mystic checking out our picnic site
Even though we were inconvenienced by the heat, RMNP is still spectacular. But next year, we’ll try scheduling our RMNP camping trip for later in September. A bit of snow and cold, we can handle—heat, not so much.
Just one more camping trip left this season, then heartbreak of winterizing the fifth wheel and putting it in storage until next year’s camping adventures.

Taco napping in her carrier/backpack as we stop for lunch off Trail Ridge Road
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Posted in My Say What Blog and tagged camping, Cheyenne Mountain State Park, Colorado, Fifth wheel, Hot weather, Lake Tahoe, Mueller State Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, snow by Tena Stetler with 2 comments.
Not Quite the Road Trip From Hell, But…

We crossed Wyoming in a blizzard leaving several inches of snow in its wake. Spent the night in Rock Springs waking up to more of the fluffy white stuff on the ground. Okay, its Wyoming, we kinda expected that. The state is synonymous with wind and spring snow. But rain and snow showers, including hail across Nevada and Utah was not a pleasant experience. Then lo and behold the sun peeked through momentarily in Zepher Cove at Lake Tahoe. Wind whipped the white capped waves crashing onto the beach. Braving the cold wind off the lake, we donned our coats and walked along the beach. Then we stared slacked-jawed at the twenty something males standing on the beach shirtless, shoe-less, and in shorts attempting to impress their group of friends. I guess we should add clueless to that description! LOL We shook our heads.
Returning to the roomy new fifth wheel, we watched a movie, ate popcorn, and went to bed. The next morning, yep, you guessed it big, white, storybook snowflakes floated through the air, but didn’t stick. Still our friends from Las Vegas, Nevada, who joined us, enjoyed the snow as did their two dogs. By afternoon the sun was back and we strolled along the beach with our dog as wildlife scampered on the shore and ducks paddled across the water. A few gulls screamed as they dove for dinner on the lake.
Family commitments required we leave Lake Tahoe after only a few days and head to northern California where we encountered a bit of rain but otherwise pleasant temperatures. Met up with a friend and fellow author in Elk Grove, CA for lunch and had a wonderful chat. On the trip back to Colorado we encountered windy conditions in Utah and Wyoming, Gee imagine that! LOL But other than that the trip was pleasant. The vibrant colors of the Wind River Valley in Wyoming are amazing. We stopped in Riverton, Wyoming to visit with friends. My award winning book AN ANGELS UNINTENTIONAL ENTANGLEMENT was set in Riverton. Where Warrior Angel, Caden goes,
trouble follows until he discovers a badly beaten woman barely clinging to life. Unprepared for the entanglement she brings to his doorstep, will he move heaven and earth to save her?Yep, that was a blatant plug for my book. LOL I couldn’t help it. You owe it to yourself to take a peek.
The moral of this story is don’t plan a road trip before Memorial Day, with a new fifth wheel and a strict schedule. Mother Nature will mess with you every time.
FYI, now that warmer weather has arrived. I am participating in Beach Blanket Book Giveaway! Summertime is here and before you head out to the pool or beach to catch some sunshine, check out this a-m-a-z-i-n-g giveaway hosted by N. N. Light’s Book Heaven. Win bestselling and award-winning books both in digital and print. The list is long If there’s a particular book or prize you’d like to win, be sure to say which prize you want when you enter via Rafflecopter. Enter below and good luck! Beach Blanket Book Giveaway:
Literary Giveaway Portal:
Have a wonderful weekend!
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Posted in My Say What Blog and tagged An Angel's Unintentional Entanglement, Beach Blanket Book Giveaway, Colorado, Fifth wheel, hail, Lake Tahoe, Rain, Reno, Riverton Wyoming, Road Trip, snow, Utah, WInd by Tena Stetler with 3 comments.
Camping- Colorado’s Mueller State Park

After promoting the spectacularly-fun and successful release of my fifth book, A Warlock’s Secrets, second in the Demon’s Witch Series, which culminated on June 14, 2017, it was time for Mueller State Park, and a camping trip to reset my circadian timing, it was off just a skoosh! Spending quality time with family, friends and pets (yep took our parrot, Taco, Chow dog, Mystic, and Sammie the box turtle) can recharge your mental and physical batteries. Besides you sleep better in the great outdoors. It’s a proven scientific fact, you know.
Our absolutely excellent camp site was toward the back of Mueller State Park up on a hill with lots of room to roam! The sunset was fantastic, setting the azure sky ablaze in orange, red and yellow fading to purple and blue fringing the few scattered high clouds. We didn’t get any sunset pictures because hubby and I were at the star-gazer program in Mueller park’s visitor center’s parking lot!
Dang it! Knowledgeable individuals set up several telescopes for us to see the stars. Saturn and its moons were breath-taking. The speaker told us to follow the arc to Arcturus, the fourth brightest star in the night sky, and drive a spike to Spica. It’s a star mnemonic to remember the stars locations. LOL And of course we located the popular Ursa Major and Ursa Minor better known as Big and Little Dipper and several other constellations. Astronomy is one of several interests my hubby and I share.
The next morning, after letting Sammie out for a bit, we hiked the newly opened to dogs trail starting at Grouse Mountain Trailhead. We were pleased to discover nearly a month into the
trial of dogs on the trail at Mueller, the path was pristine, no trash, and no uh…mmm… deposits left by canines. The sign-in sheets at the trailhead were overflowing with signatures of people from all over the country enjoying the beautiful scenery with their dogs.
After a fun day of hiking, we cooked hot dogs and brats, plus baked beans over the campfire. No
the beans didn’t fall through the grates; we put them in a pan. LOL Then we sat back and listened to the chirping crickets, scurry of possible foxes or deer in the underbrush, and the far off yips of coyotes, as we roasted marshmallows for s’mores. In the star strewn sky, the Milky Way along with several of the constellations was clearly visible. We even spotted a few satellites zipping across the sky and one falling star. Star bright, star light, first star we see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight. Made a wish. No wonder camping is good for you!
Sunday was Father’s Day, Mystic and Taco attempted to assist hubby in preparing breakfast of fried eggs, cinnamon rolls, hash browns and orange juice. Yup, he likes to cook while we’re camping, so I let him. Then it was time to pack up and return to the cement jungle. Sigh.
Upon arriving home, we discovered a baby wren stuck in our backyard porch light. Hubby got out the ladder, dismantled the light fixture to release the little bird to its noisily awaiting flock and parents. So glad we got home when we did, poor little guy was scared to death.
Well, there you have it… our adventures of Father’s Day weekend. I hope you all had a great Father’s Day. Check back next week for more adventures! LOL Have a great week!
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Posted in My Say What Blog and tagged A Warlock's Secrets, astronomy, box turtle, camping, chow, constellations, Demon's Witch Series, Dogs allowed, Eclectus, Father's Day, Fifth wheel, Mueller State Park, parrot by Tena Stetler with 3 comments.
Camping Season – The Perils of Getting a Late Start

Snow and winter weather made us late de-winterizing (is that even a word?) our fifth wheel trailer and truck. Uncovering the trailer in the wind was an experience in itself. Imagine a thirty-foot long, thirteen foot high cover billowing in twenty-five mph wind as you try to fold it up. Nearly took me off my feet (Dorthy from OZ swirls through my mine) as my hubby shouts, “Fold it the other way. ”Yeah, right, I could if I could get it on the ground,” I retorted, my words swallowed up by the wind. What’s the use of a good retort when no one hears. Kinda like that question, if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it still make a sound?
Any way I digress. While parking the fifth wheel in the driveway, a strong odor of fuel permeated my nostrils, I looked under the truck and saw a steady stream of liquid puddling below the vehicle. Peering at my husband I said, “Is that supposed to be happening?” I point under the truck to the leaking fuel. “#*#? no,” he said.
After a tirade of not nice words from under the truck, my hubby ascertained the fuel pump was leaking. Okay, so you think, no big deal, just get it fixed. Right?” No way! Because my hubby trusts no one to work on his vehicles, especially brakes and fuel system, he spent Memorial Day Weekend draining a thirty six gallon gas tank. Of course we’d just filled it. He pulled the tank out and replaced the fuel pump. That done, the tank back in place, we took truck and trailer to a tire store for 8 new tires all around. Bank account drained, we brought the vehicles back and parked them in the driveway, much to the chagrin of our homeowners association (that’s a whole different story). People who don’t own an RV should never decide how long it takes to get ready. Still had to de-winterize the trailer, and get it ready for camping.
Hubby crawls under the trailer only to find a bolt holding the slide-out mechanism sheared off. What a disaster if we’d been going down the highway. Thank goodness we weren’t. Hubby sprinted downstairs to his ton of important stuff that fills the basement and found exactly the bolt he needed. Then proceeded to remind me that’s why he keeps all the junk I bitch about. Okay… enough said. Further inspection and the trailer ground brace is loose, another trip in the basement and taa daa a can of screws and the brace is repaired.
Kayaks loaded, truck full of fuel (not leaking), trailer packed with human, dog, parrot and turtle necessities

Steamboat Lake
we’re ready. Let the camping adventures begin. On our agenda this year, Steamboat Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park, Lake Vallecito, Twin Lakes in San Isabell National Forest, and Cheyenne Mountain State Park. Note to self: Next year regardless of what Mother Nature throws at us, the fifth wheel comes out of storage in April.
Oh, by the way, I figured you’d rather look at pictures of places we’ve camped, rather than repairs in our driveway made this year. Was I right?
Where are you going? Did you have as much trouble getting ready as we did? I’d love to hear from you! Next week, we’ll check out favorite camping spots.
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Posted in Camping, For Fun, My Say What Blog and tagged Adventures, camping, Fifth wheel, repairs, Rocky Moutian National Park, Steamboat Lake, Twin Lakes by Tena Stetler with comments disabled.