Security Force of Two – Sale – Sunday Snippet

Welcome back to Sunday Snippet!  This week we celebrate the one year anniversary of  Security Force of Two, a paranormal mystery with a touch of romance.  Take a peek, you’ll be glad you did! The book is on sale for $2.99 for a limited time. Join the #adventure,grab a copy today!

First, I’d like to share the inspiration for SECURITY FORCE OF TWO, the first book in my MOUNTAIN TOWN MYSTERY Series. All books in the series can be read as a standalone.

A few years ago, I attended a writing conference.  I had lunch with an individual from a publishing house.  She was a hoot and talked about her father who was the chief of police for a small town. Growing up in that small town she knew everybody’s business more than most, being the chief’s daughter. Nothing really bad ever happened in her town.

Our conversation got me to thinking, which is always a dangerous thing.  LOL What if the police chief of thirty-five years retired? What if his replacement succumbed to an untimely death in that tiny town that never saw much crime, let alone a violent murder?  What if the retired police chief’s daughter left the CIA for a quiet life only to become mixed up in the investigation? The what-ifs went on and on. I made notes and stored them on my computer.

As it turned out, when I arrived home from the conference, an email awaited me. The book, my debut novel, A Demon’s Witch, I was pitching at that conference was contracted by another house, The Wild Rose Press, which has since published eighteen of my books and counting. In my excitement, the file was completely forgotten.

Years later, I came across the file and reviewed it. SECURITY FORCE OF TWO was born. I keep thinking, someday I should drop the individual an email and let her know our conversation inspired my new release.  Then again, maybe not. LOL

Now let’s see what my new release, SECURITY FORCE OF TWO is all about.

Miacoh Zane, a Special Forces veteran, returns to Aspen Ridge, Colorado a small town nestled in the Rocky Mountains, to settle his beloved grandmother’s estate. But the town holds painful memories and family secrets he wants to leave behind for good.

Candle Bearclaw, a gifted computer analyst/programmer with talents she’s buried when recruited out of college by the CIA. After fifteen years, she abruptly resigns her position with the agency. She returns to her sleepy hometown only to discover her childhood crush has also returned and a violent crime has been committed.

Due to their covert operations experience, Candle and Miacoh are thrown together to assist Homeland Security, FBI, and her father, former chief of police, with a murder investigation. As they search for the perpetrators, will their secrets be revealed as the investigation takes an unusual twist that could blow the case wide open.

How about a sneak peek between the pages of  SECURITY FORCE OF TWO?

When she drove up the circle driveway, a chill shot up her spine, then a strange feeling came over her, almost like someone was watching. Reaching under the seat of her SUV, she pulled out her handgun, checked the weapon to make sure it was loaded, chambered a round, and tucked it in the back waistband of her jeans, covering it with her shirt and jacket. She backed out then drove the entire driveway more slowly, checking the perimeter. Nothing. The cell phone hadn’t chirped to alert her of a breach, but she checked her outside surveillance cameras, then the ones inside her home anyway. Again nothing. She shrugged off the feeling and stepped out of her SUV. Gun drawn, she flicked off the safety and turned on the laser. It didn’t hurt to be safe rather than sorry.

Peeking in the window, she saw the alarm keypad was still set and secure. Then she walked around the house, entered through the back door, closed and relocked it, deactivated the alarm. Nothing was out of place. Part of her wished she’d brought Terrabyte along. Though still young, the pups tracking ability was well-developed. Terra would know if someone were in or around the cabin since they left. Back to the wall, she moved carefully through each room, nothing. When she was sure the house was clear, she sat down at the computer, laying the gun next to it. Warning windows were popped up everywhere on the screen. Someone had tried to hack into her system but hadn’t gotten very far. Closing out the windows one at a time until she found a message planted just under the first layer of security. That is what must have set off the warnings. Her throat went dry as she read the message. “Poking around where you don’t belong is dangerous business. Carl’s death was unfortunate but an accident. Leave it be or pay the consequences.”

Fingers posed over the keyboard. She started to X out of the message but stopped. If this was a disintegrating message, she would have no proof it ever existed. Taking out her cell phone, she took a picture of the screen. The handle on the front door jiggled. She grabbed her gun and jumped up, making her way to the front bay window.

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I hope you enjoyed today’s Sunday Snippet.  Join me next Sunday for another exciting Sunday Snippet!


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Skeleton Squad tracked down the Halloween Spirit

It has been a long, exhaustive, search, winding through New Mexico, and several towns in Colorado, but the Skeleton Squad tracked down the Halloween Spirit right here in their own front yard. Can you believe it four days before Halloween? It’s a record! Yep, if you remember Octiva, the octopus was searching in this area earlier this month.  The Squad is sure that the Spirit wasn’t always in their front yard, but hiding behind the tombstone on October 27th, the Halloween Spirit was found dancing and singing with another couple of spirits. The Spirit saw no reason to stay hidden so the Squad caught the Spirit on camera in its disguise.

So Happy Early Halloween to all of you who have followed the third annual adventures of the Squad’s search for the Halloween Spirit. We appreciate your interest and comments. The Skeleton Squad promises to be back next year for another fun filled Halloween Spirit Search and adventure! We hope you’ll join us!

Speaking of Halloween Party.  Check out Hidden Gypsy Magic, one of the A Witch’s Journey Series.  You aren’t going to believe what happens at the Halloween party.

So lets take a peek into Hidden Gypsy Magic

Gwen a wildlife rehabilitor, and Brock a veterinarian, discover the consequences of awakening hidden gypsy magic.

The Salem Wildlife Sanctuary is Gwen Taylor’s life work. Her Irish Gypsy heritage provides a hidden talent she uses to help the creatures under her care. But even her magical skills can’t help new rescues in dire need of veterinary care.

The opportunity of signing on as the vet for Gwen’s sanctuary dropped into Brock Scutter’s lap after he expanded his practice to include wildlife. The personal attraction he and Gwen experience is undeniable the more their professional and personal lives collide.

Touring the only “non-haunted” house in Salem they both feel a spark of magic. A trip to his family’s cabin uncovers a heritage he didn’t know existed. If they want a future together, it means facing the consequences of awakening hidden Gypsy magic and a race against the clock to correct past wrongs.





A peek between the pages of Hidden Gypsy Magic:

Seven minutes until midnight. Brock opened his mouth to speak, but Pepper beat him to it.

Isn’t there some way to banish him forever while he walks among the mortals? I don’t have my spell book with me. Guess I should travel with it after all the recent experiences with you gypsies.” A slight giggle slipped out between her lips.

The somber tone in the room eased for a minute. “I mean, in your painting don’t you…”

“You’re on the right path. That’s why I’m here.” Beth smiled wide. “You can’t battle him outside this house. But with the protections afforded us inside the abode, with our combined magic and grandmother’s grimoire we would be able to do exactly as you suggest. Do we have your full support?”

“Of course.” The group chorused with the exception of Jeremiah, still shell shocked leaning against the wall. But Morgan was all in pumping her fist in the air.

Lance stuck his head out of the upstairs room. “Need us to help?”

“No,” Dylan called up to him. “Protect the children. We got this.”

“Good enough.” Lance slammed the door shut.

A trail of mist floated out of the picture, around the room, and settled beside Beth taking the shape of an older woman holding a thick book spread open. “Granddaughter. Are we ready then? We’ve located the…um….” The elderly ghost switched her gaze from the pages of the book to outside the window. “…proper page.” Then the ghost jerked her chin toward the painting where previously all the Colson family had been but now they gathered in the center of the room inside the painting.

“Let’s do it.” Gwen shared a glance at the clock with him. “Only—”

Beth again put her finger to her ghostly lips and shook her head.

The elderly ghost began to read from the book.

“We are witches, this is our creed. We will help where there is need. Days of old, wrongs to right. Let the truth be known this night. Forever banish from all realms Judge John Hathorne’s spirit and soul are bound. So mote it be.”

I hope you enjoyed the sneak peek into Hidden Gypsy Magic. A great Halloween read!

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Samhain or Halloween?

Give a Spooktacular welcome to Mary Morgan, author of  several  Celtic medieval and paranormal stories – Order of the Dragon Knights. 

Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cauldron. Take your choice of a bat wing Chocolate Chip or Pumpkin, or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Mary and her Dragon Knights.

My love for this time of year has always held a deep fascination. I begin to feel the tug of the Halloween season in early September. The wind begins to whisper in my ear of the change. Not only do I enjoy the vibrant, colorful, and mystical season, but also the Celtic festival that falls on Halloween. Samhain, the festival celebrated by the ancient Celts marked the dark half of the year between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice.

Samhain begins at dusk around October 31st, usually lasting three days. This signified the transition between the year’s lighter and darker halves and was celebrated throughout the ancient Celtic communities of Europe, including Ireland, Wales, and Scotland. These ancient tribes believed the veil between the human and spirit realms was lifted. During this sacred time, many assembled to settle important business matters. Debts were repaid and trials for the more flagrant crimes were held, with justice served out accordingly. Samhain was also considered a favorable time for the druids—a stronger way to connect with the spirit world than usual.

As an author of Celtic medieval and paranormal stories, I’ve woven the season of Samhain heavily in the Order of the Dragon Knights series, beginning with Dragon Knight’s Sword. My love for the season of Samhain encouraged me to incorporate this magical time of year, and the Dragon Knights gave a rousing cheer of approval.

Dragon Knight’s Sword, Order of the Dragon Knights, Book 1

What’s it about your ask:

Duncan Mackay will do anything to lift the curse from his family—even forfeit his own life. Yet his plans change when he encounters the woman from his dreams. She is from the future, somehow has his lost sword, and can talk to the Great Dragon who is able to lift his family’s curse.

Brigid O’Neill has spent her life listening to the mythological legends from Ireland and Scotland. When an ancient sword lands at her doorstep and she starts dreaming of a rugged Highlander, Brigid drops everything and takes on a quest that will alter everything she believes.

Before their journey ends, not only will Duncan and Brigid battle an ancient curse, but they must also find the courage to believe in the destiny that brought them together.

Sneak preview from Dragon Knight’s Sword

As he stood next to the waterfall, beads of water glistened from his dark locks. Brigid watched as they trailed down his chiseled torso, traveling down to where his tartan was wrapped low around his waist. The power coiling within and about him as mystical as the land he stood upon.

“Ancient warrior,” she uttered softly.

When she gazed into his eyes, they smoldered with desire, and it startled her. A delightful shiver of yearning ran through her body. The raw desire to be in this man’s arms, touching and tasting him was so potent that she could feel her heart hammering inside her chest.

He tilted his head to the side as if studying his prey.

Brigid didn’t know if she should run, or step into his massive arms.

He took a step towards her, and her pulse quickened. The very air around her seemed electrified. He then took another…and another until he stood merely inches in front of her.

Her breathing became labored as he bent his head leaning close to her ear. She was engulfed in a sensual haze wanting his lips to touch her anywhere and put an end to her torture. His mouth was so close that she could feel a dark lock of his hair against her cheek, and she shuddered.

“Bring me back my sword,” he growled into her ear.

Brigid’s eyes flew open, her hands clutching the sheets while the last fragments of her dream faded.

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About the Author:

Mary Morgan is an international best-selling author of award-winning historical fantasy and paranormal romance novels. During her research travels with her knight in shining armor to England, Ireland, and Scotland, she left a part of her soul in one of these countries and vows to return.

Her passion for books started at an early age along with an overactive imagination. Inspired by her love for history and ancient Celtic and Norse mythology, Mary’s tales are filled with powerful warriors, brave women, magic, and romance.

If you enjoy history, tortured heroes, and a wee bit of fantasy, then journey back in time within the pages of her books.

Connect with Mary here ~


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It’s been great having you with us today.  Good luck with your handsome Dragon Knights!

Happy Halloween!


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Charmed Cocktail Cozies by Maureen Bonatch

Give a Spooktacular welcome to Maureen Bonatch, author of Charmed Cocktail Cozies.  

Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cauldron. Take your choice of a bat wing Chocolate Chip or Pumpkin, or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Maureen and her Charmed Cocktail Cozies.

Who loves Halloween more than witches? While writing my Charmed Cocktail Cozy books I thought about how Willow Hill’s retirement community of witches might embrace this time of the year by going all out for Halloween. But there is one problem with wearing costumes and disguises — it’s the perfect cover for a crime. 
Spells, Spirits & Stiffs is a short paranormal Halloween cozy mystery featuring Marissa and many of the fun characters from the Charmed Cocktail Cozies. 
 Spells, Spirits & Stiffs is free when you sign up for my newsletter right here: 

What’s worse than a bunch of elderly witches in provocative Halloween costumes? One dead one.

I can’t wait to hear about Charmed Cocktail Cozies!

What’s worse than a bunch of elderly witches in provocative Halloween costumes? One dead one. Hi, I’m Marissa Hale. I should’ve known that mixing cocktails, costumes, and meddling would end with a corpse.

One of the best things about living at the Willow Hill retirement condos with Gran is that Halloween is a month-long celebration. One of the worst things is that the elderly witches gorge on more gossip than treats. These magic mavens love to get the scoop, as long as they aren’t the headline.

When the informant for the condo newsletter ends up dead at the Halloween party, there are more suspects than skeletons in these closets. While I’m trying to figure out whodunit to the hostess most likely to be stabbed, the thirsty rambunctious residents raid my charmed cocktail station.

My furry sleuthing side-kicks and I might need a few tricks to ensure that things don’t get even more deadly…

Buy Links: Amazon  Series Amazon 

 Sneak peek between the pages of the Charmed Cocktail Cozies.
 A sexy nurse, a sleazy flight attendant, and a naughty schoolgirl paraded by. The witches and warlocks at the Florida Willow Hill Retirement community used any and every chance to let their freak flag fly, but the annual Halloween party took this to a whole new level.

“I didn’t realize they were going to clear the shelves of the cheap, provocative costumes from the discount store.” I turned and got my first look at Gran crammed into my cocktail waitress uniform. Her abundant bust was straining the seams. “You could have at least taken off my name tag.”

She put her hands on her hips and shimmied to and fro. “You don’t think people will think I’m Marissa?” She winked and then gave me a once-over. “What are you supposed to be?”

I pulled the hard white hockey mask over my face. My pink hair made it hard to fool anyone since, well that, and being the youngest resident by multiple decades since I’d temporarily moved in with Gran. “I’m a Halloween horror character.”

Gran shook her head. “Why didn’t you wear a sexier costume than those coveralls and boots?”

“Wait, my costume isn’t complete.” I scanned the table where I’d gathered a variety of glasses, alcohol, mixers, and spelling ingredients. “Where’s my machete?”

Gran waved me off. “Let’s hit the dance floor.”

“I’ll stick with mixing drinks.” Not much could keep me from shaking my groove thing, but I was in my element mixing my charmed cocktails. Sometimes the unexpected side effects could be good, like the magical mishap that enabled me to communicate with my cat, Jasper. Other times, well, I was still learning.

“I’m ready for more shots.” Fran Stokes filled her tray as if she were actually delivering medicine with her nurse costume. She didn’t fool me. That prescription pad was nothing more than a place to compile gossip for her next edition of the Willow Words newsletter.

Gran rushed back from the makeshift dance floor and gripped the edge of the table. “Marissa, did you bring a real machete?”

I set the tequila bottle down. “Yes. I wanted my costume to be authentic, plus I needed something to cut the lemons and limes. Why?”

Gran peered over her shoulder and then worried her lower lip between her teeth. “I think I found it.”

I followed Gran’s gaze and gasped. Martha was face down in what looked to be a plate of rum cake. This was an early-to-bed, early-to-rise group, although Martha hadn’t even made it to bed. “Maybe she’s sleeping it off?”

I abandoned my post to follow Gran. When she bent to shake Martha I thanked the goddess she wasn’t wearing a thong today or we’d all be subjected to a full moon.

Martha slumped over, spilling her drink. The ruler she’d been clutching to accent her teacher costume fell from her grip.

It appeared Martha had her last Murderous Marissa Martini. I now regretted using my name for the cocktail, even though it didn’t appear to be the cause of death—not with my machete protruding from her back.

“Maybe this is someone’s idea of a joke,” I said with a tremble in my voice. I’d been fooled by spells before when one of the witches started with the shenanigans. Halloween was one of the biggest holidays for pranks and especially for paranormals. “Are you sure that Martha isn’t trying to combine the sexy and scary look as a bloody teacher?”

“Nope. That’s real blood.”

 About the Author:
Maureen writes cozy paranormal mysteries and paranormal romance as M.L. Bonatch and urban fantasy as Maureen Bonatch. While she’s not busy writing or doing nurse things, she’s a mom to her twin daughters, bicycling in the beautiful woods of PA with her hubby, doing the bidding of a feisty Shih Tzu, and dancing as much as possible. She believes music can be paired with every mood, laughter is contagious, and caffeine and wine are essential for survival.
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Maureen L. Bonatch



It’s been great having you with us today.  Good luck with Charmed Cocktail Cozies!

Happy Halloween!

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