Pet Safety Tips for the Fourth Of July

Always keep you dogs and cats inside when fireworks are going off to avoid their nature to find a safe haven. Make certain your pets are walked prior to fireworks going off, close all windows and doors. Draw the curtains. Ensure your pets are wearing ID tags, even if in the house, as many animals are expert escape artists. Never leave your dog alone in a vehicle during the celebrations. You can also prepare a den for your pets inside the house with blankets and pillows in a location they will feel safe. There are thunder shirts you can buy for your dog that relieve the stress of thunderstorms and I’m told fireworks too. As far as our pet box turtle, Sammie, she 51 years old, but the fireworks don’t seem to bother her. Since a lot of what she feels come from vibrations though out her world, we make sure she has a den in her house with overhead logs to feel safe. She has lots of experience with this holiday, so she handles it just fine. From time to time we escape the city and take everyone with us for a nice quite mountain Fourth of July. Still we see all the fireworks from afar. But they can’t be heard or felt. a win win for all. Pet Safety Tips – Now let’s talk a bit about companion parrots who have to endure this noisy holiday too. Let me give you an example. Taco and I sit outside in the sunroom every evening after I’ve finished writing for the day during spring, summer, and fall. Over the past week (end of June first of July) the boom of fireworks are prevalent from early revelers. Taco is normally a fearless Eclectus. She’s learned the outside hawks can’t get to her through the glass of the sunroom. Thunder and lightning doesn’t bother her either, she’s been conditioned from an early age to understand there is nothing to fear. Now softball size hail falling is another story and a tale for another time. But, the sudden, unexplained noise from the fireworks has her flying off her perch and cowering on my shoulder. So we have to go inside during this time. Boo Hiss.
Alternatively, cover any windows with blankets, to block out those sudden burst of light. Covering the bird’s cage with a thick blanket can help muffle any loud noises, plus it helps make the bird feel more secure. The use of white noise machines or having the TV or radio on a little louder than normal can help drown out the sudden noise of fireworks.
After the celebrations are over, make sure to check your yard any pick up any debris from the spent fireworks or maybe those that didn’t go off. These are harmful to your pet should they chew or ingest these items! Most importantly in keeping pets safe: NEVER TAKE YOUR PET TO A FIREWORKS DISPLAY! The American Veterinary Medical Association and AKC have more safety tips. Check them out. Have a happy and safe Fourth of July!
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Halloween Pet Safety Tips and Spookalicious Peek
Welcome Readers! I have Halloween Safety Pet Tips & Spookalicious peek into my new release, HIDDEN GYPSY MAGIC, third book in the wildlife rescue adventure of A Witch’s Journey Series.Since I’m a big animal person, I’ve also added a bit about keeping your pets safe on Halloween! A win, win right? Let start with Keeping your Pets Safe on Halloween.
It’s almost time for another spooktacular sequel in the annual Halloween tradition. A holiday beloved in countries around the world, appealing to people looking for fun and thrills– But for their pets…not so much! Halloween festivities can be stressful to say the least and down right hazardous at times. A few tips to keep everyone safe and enjoying the holiday!
- Treats – Chocolate is poisonous to both cats, dogs and parrots. The darker it is the more toxic is its. One ounce of dark chocolate can poison a 50-pound dog. Keep these treats out of your pets’ reach. Make sure everyone in your household understands, especially children, how crucial it is that human treats not be given to pets.
- Alarming sounds and sights – The constant doorbell, ringing, unfamiliar guest and little monsters running around is a recipe for disaster for your pets. They could try to escape or display unexpected aggression. Keep your pet sequestered in a section of the home where they can avoid this anxiety-causing activities. Provide food, favorite toys and check on them often.
- Don’t leave pets outside! Pets have been know to be abused or killed on Halloween night by cruel people. I owned a black cat for twenty-two years, he was the best cat ever. But we made sure to keep him inside several days before Halloween and several days after.
- Never take your dog trick or treating for all of the above reasons. Dogs can easily be spooked by all the Halloween hubbub. If they run away or bite someone it will end your evening of fun.
- Dangerous Decorations – Electrical cords and batteries used to operate the exciting Halloween decorations can be hazardous to your pets. Chewing on cords can cause electrocution, chewing on batteries can cause chemical burns, if swallowed can cause intestinal blockage. Artificial cobwebs look cool as heck, but they can also present a choking or entanglement hazard to curious pets.
Nightmarish Pet Costumes – Most pets are happiest in the skin they were born in. LOL Yet
pet owners will dress their fur, scaled, or feathered babies up for Halloween. Don’t put your pet in a costume unless they are completely comfortable with it. I admit I dress up my dog and parrot for Halloween. I choose costumes they’re comfortable in, do not hinder movement, sight, hearing or ability to breathe, bark, scream, or meow.
- Eerie Glow Items – Glow necklaces and Glow sticks can help keep people safe on Halloween, but pets not so much. They can cause gastrointestinal distress and chewed fragments can pose a choking hazard.
- One last thought – Opening the door repeatedly for trick-or-treaters creates the possibility of pets to slip outside. Collars and tags work if someone locates and collects your wayward pet. Make sure the information on the tags is up-to-date. Microchips offer permanent identification. Just make sure your information is correct with the company who supports your pet microchips.
Let’s take a peek at new release HIDDEN GYPSY MAGIC, third book in A Witch’s Journey Series.
Discover the consequences of awakening hidden Gypsy magic!
The Salem Wildlife Sanctuary is Gwen Taylor’s life work. Her Irish Gypsy heritage provides a hidden talent she uses to help the creatures under her care. But even her magical skills can’t help new rescues in dire need of veterinary care.
The opportunity of signing on as the vet for Gwen’s sanctuary dropped into Brock Scutter’s lap after he expanded his practice to include wildlife. The personal attraction he and Gwen experience is undeniable the more their professional and personal lives collide.
Touring the only “non-haunted” house in Salem they both feel a spark of magic. A trip to his family’s cabin uncovers a heritage he didn’t know existed. If they want a future together, it means facing the consequences of awakening hidden Gypsy magic and a race against the clock to correct past wrongs.
Thanks for stopping by! Tell me what you think or if you have other pet tips in the comments. Pssst… I’m participating in a Halloween Facebook Party October 21, 2020. Fun, games, giveaways, and prizes all up for grabs. Please stop by for Spooktacular entertainment.
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Posted in My Say What Blog and tagged Halloween Pet Safety Tips, Hidden Gypsy Magic, Tena Stetler by Tena Stetler with 2 comments.