A Few of My Favorite Things #L&SR’s Weekly Blog Challenge

Welcome to #L&SR’s Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge for January 26, 2021. Today’s topic is a few of my favorite things.  So many to choose from, but I ‘ll try to narrow it down! Pull up a chair, grab a drink. Take your choice of a Chocolate Chip, Snickerdoodle, or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate and let me share a few of my favorite things!

Big thundershower with ray and rainbow in the mountains

Thunderstorms (without hail).  I love how the lightning streaks across the sky, rain falls on the windows, thunder rattles the house and windows.  Night time storms are the best for watching.  In Colorado those things are frequent, unfortunately they sometimes come with golf or softball size hail. The fact those happen, have somewhat tempered my enthusiasm. But not entirely.

Camping and hiking in state and national parks – Nothing more relaxing than camping in the middle of a mountain forest with wildlife all around. But not too close. A eight point buck elk at the front door of our fifth wheel trailer was a bit unnerving. LOL

An afternoon spent sitting soaking up the sun in our sunroom with my parrot playing on her play stands conversing with me and the birds outside.

Long walks around the neighborhood with my dog. Its fun to see what the neighbors have been up to. In the Spring it’s delightful to see new plant sprouts poking out of the earth preparing for summer.

Curled up in front of a roaring fire with a good book, bowl of popcorn, and a mug of hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows.

There you have a few of my favorite things. How about you? What are a few of your favorite things?

Alas, I must return to my writing cave. Stay tuned! Chocolate Raspberry Magic release date been extended until April 2021. As I indicated, I’ve turned in the sixth book in A Demon’s Witch Series to my editor at The Wild Rose Press and I have a Contract!!  Now the edits to begin. Yippee! AND A new project’s first draat is DONE  Wylder West Assignment. Keep an eye out for more information.  Now  let’s see what the other authors list as few of their favorite things. LOL  L&SR

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.

So this happened. Squeal!! HIDDEN GYPSY MAGIC is nominated for 2020 PARANORMAL ROMANCE GUILD REVIEWER’S CHOICE AWARD! Mark your calendars, Please!   VOTING WILL GO LIVE Saturday, February 6th THROUGH February 12th, 2021.  Discover the consequences of awakening hidden Gypsy magic! #timetravel #fantasy #love #Magic #witches #wildliferescue #wrpbks https://buff.ly/35NLe7A

The Salem Wildlife Sanctuary is Gwen Taylor’s life work.  Her Irish Gypsy heritage provides a hidden talent she uses to help the creatures under her care.  But even her magical skills can’t help new rescues in dire need of veterinary care.

The opportunity of signing on as the vet for Gwen’s sanctuary dropped into Brock Scutter’s lap after he expanded his practice to include wildlife. The personal attraction he and Gwen experience is undeniable the more their professional and personal lives collide.

Touring the only “non-haunted” house in Salem they both feel a spark of magic.  A trip to his family’s cabin uncovers a heritage he didn’t know existed.  If they want a future together, it means facing the consequences of awakening hidden Gypsy magic and a race against the clock to correct past wrongs.



Hope to see you next week when we’ll explore the most romantic book or movie ever.  How about you? What’s your most romantic book or movie ever?

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Hidden Gypsy Magic by Tena Stetler #MFRWHooks

So this happened. HIDDEN GYPSY MAGIC is nominated for 2020 PARANORMAL ROMANCE GUILD REVIEWER’S CHOICE AWARD! Mark your calendars, Please!   VOTING WILL GO LIVE Saturday, February 6th THROUGH February 12th, 2021.  Naturally #MFRWHooks this week is the award winning Hidden Gypsy Magic, Book three of A Witch’s Journey Series.  The consequences of awakening hidden gypsy magic could forever alter life as they know it!

So pull up a chair and get comfy, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Hidden Gypsy Magic!


A little more about Hidden Gypsy Magic

The Salem Wildlife Sanctuary is Gwen Taylor’s life work. Her Irish Gypsy heritage provides a hidden talent she uses to help the creatures under her care. But even her magical skills can’t help new rescues in dire need of veterinary care.

The opportunity of signing on as the vet for Gwen’s sanctuary dropped into Brock Scutter’s lap after he expanded his practice to include wildlife. The personal attraction he and Gwen experience is undeniable the more their professional and personal lives collide.

Touring the only “non-haunted” house in Salem they both feel a spark of magic. A trip to his family’s cabin uncovers a heritage he didn’t know existed. If they want a future together, it means facing the consequences of awakening hidden Gypsy magic and a race against the clock to correct past wrongs.

A peek between the pages of Hidden Gypsy Magic: The hook.

She slipped into the seat, just as she tossed her bag on the passenger seat a familiar tune about the devil in Georgia began. She frowned and dumped her bag out and grabbed her phone. “Gwen here.”

A man’s strained voice echoed over the phone. “There is a man snooping around the sanctuary. Guess he’s from the MSPCA. He’s chasing the mutt you’ve been feeding and coaxing to trust you. Stopped his truck on the road, the dog bolted onto sanctuary property and headed for the barn. The guy is still after it. What do you want me to do?”


“Yeah. It’s me.”

Can you go out, close the barn door effectively capturing the poor thing? It’s got to be scared out of its mind.” She shook her head. “It will undo all the progress we’ve made, but better than going to the pound. “Do you know the guy?”

“Nope. Never seen him before. Must be new.”

“I’m on my way. If you get the dog in the barn, don’t open it for anyone. Including the dog catcher. If you have a conversation with the guy, inform him he is on private property. Ask him nicely to leave. My ETA fifteen minutes, give or take.” She tossed the phone on the seat, grabbed her keys and started the engine.

Brock reached through the window and closed his hand over hers on the steering wheel. “Want me to come with you?”

She started to shake her head no, then reconsidered. “Yeah.” Gunning the SUV, she took off, spewing gravel in her wake. A quick glance in the rearview mirror, she saw Brock sprint to his truck then pull into the street behind her. “This is the last thing I need.”

Stopping beside the unfamiliar truck, she shoved her vehicle in park, turned the engine off, and ran toward the barn where Sam appeared to be having a heated argument with a man she didn’t recognize.


Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.

This is a blog hop! Visit all the Book Hooks from #MFRWHooks – Your next GREAT read is waiting!

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Yellowstone National Park Travel Tuesday Destination

Glad you stopped in grab a peanut butter cookie and a mug of hot chocolate. Then take a peek at our Travel Tuesday featuring Yellowstone National Park another of our very favorite camping spots.

Yellowstone National Park is a nearly 3,500-sq.-mile wilderness recreation area atop a volcanic hot spot. Mostly in Wyoming, the park spreads into parts of Montana and Idaho too. Yellowstone features dramatic canyons, alpine rivers, lush forests, hot springs and gushing geysers, including its most famous, Old Faithful. It’s also home to hundreds of animal species, including bears, wolves, bison, elk and antelope.

The first time we visited over twenty-five years ago, we stayed in Fishing Bridge campground inside the park. It was built for tiny RV’s and you could touch your neighbor’s RV by reaching out your window.  Too tight for my liking. But the wolf song in the evenings were fantastic.  This is the trip that we drove our brand new mini-van.

Subsequent trips we stayed in several KOA’s in the area that were great. On in West Yellowstone, Montana was outstanding. The last time we were there (2017), the asphalt was actually melting on one of the roads to a geyser. Not Old Faithful, but a smaller one just down the road. We couldn’t figure out why everyone was parking on the side of the road and walking up to the smaller geyser.  Upon closer inspection, the middle of the road was melted into a large hole.  In addition there were smaller melted areas all over the road. The park had increased its bubbling pots in the ground three fold since we’d visited three years before. Kinda scary.

I have to tell you about an experience we had at a gift shop in Yellowstone.  I swear this is a true story.  My friend and I went into the shop to get the national park Christmas Tree decorations we collect.  There was this lady standing in front of us, obviously from one of the tour busses. As we waited, it was finally her turn at the checkout.  She asked the lady behind the counter, “What time do they let the animals out?” She was completely serious.  The lady behind the counter, didn’t even crack a smile or blink an eye. She simply said, “We don’t control the animals. They roam the entire park of their own free will.” By this time, we had to turn our backs to the women and trying to keep from busting a gut laughing. Finally the lady took her purchases and left.  It was out turn.  We asked the counter person how she kept a straight face.  She glanced at us over her spectacles, smiled, and said, “We get that question more often than you’d believe.”  We were dumbfounded to say the least.

Next week we’ll explore Glacier National Park in Montana. The scenery there is spectacular! You don’t want to miss it. 

So this happened. Squeal!! HIDDEN GYPSY MAGIC is nominated for 2020 PARANORMAL ROMANCE GUILD REVIEWER’S CHOICE AWARD! Mark your calendars, Please!   VOTING WILL GO LIVE Saturday, February 6th THROUGH February 12th, 2021.  Discover the consequences of awakening hidden Gypsy magic! #timetravel #fantasy #love #Magic #witches #wildliferescue #wrpbks https://buff.ly/35NLe7A

The Salem Wildlife Sanctuary is Gwen Taylor’s life work.  Her Irish Gypsy heritage provides a hidden talent she uses to help the creatures under her care.  But even her magical skills can’t help new rescues in dire need of veterinary care.

The opportunity of signing on as the vet for Gwen’s sanctuary dropped into Brock Scutter’s lap after he expanded his practice to include wildlife. The personal attraction he and Gwen experience is undeniable the more their professional and personal lives collide.

Touring the only “non-haunted” house in Salem they both feel a spark of magic.  A trip to his family’s cabin uncovers a heritage he didn’t know existed.  If they want a future together, it means facing the consequences of awakening hidden Gypsy magic and a race against the clock to correct past wrongs.

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My Goals for 2021 #L&SR’s Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge

Happy New Year! Welcome to #L&SR’s Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge January 6, 2021. Today’s topic is My Goals for 2021. That I can do! Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice. Take your choice of a Chocolate Chip, Snickerdoodle, or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate.


A Look forward to my 2021 goals. Sketched out a few new book ideas. Hopefully, I finally get to my cozy mystery series, first book is done and in the polishing stages with two more books waiting in the wings.  Sequel to Mystic Maples is on the agenda joined by a fun Christmas Cookie Novella involving a witch and dragon shifter, along with many more story ideas swirling in my unconventional brain.  Word count goal will again be 6000 words per week, an attainable goal but not easy. Make more quality time for family, friends, parrot Taco, pup Mystic, and Sammy turtle. Last but least more travel and CAMPING!

Now that I’ve shared my goals for 2021. What kinds of things are planned in your 2021? Please share in the comments! Wishing you a VERY Happy New Year!

Alas, I must return to my writing cave preparing promo on HIDDEN GYPSY MAGIC, New audio book HIDDEN GYPSY MAGIC is now available. So excited. Stay tuned! Chocolate Raspberry Magic release date been extended until April 2021. And I’ve turned in the sixth book in A Demon’s Witch Series to my editor at The WIld Rose Press. She likes it!  Waiting for contract. Yippee! AND A new project is well underway  Wylder West Assignment. Keep an eye out for more information.  Now  let’s see what the other author’s Goals for 2021. LOL  L&SR

Oh, one mote thing.  my book HIDDEN GYPSY MAGIC is nominated in the Annual Critters Readers Pole this year. I would greatly appreciate your VOTE in the category #Magical Realism Novel Here is the link! https://buff.ly/34Nb8se Thank you so much! 

Pssst… While you’re here, don’t forget to check out my paranormal romance/mysteries click  here.


A bit more about my 2020 award winner Hidden Gypsy Magic, available in digital, print or audiobook

The Salem Wildlife Sanctuary is Gwen Taylor’s life work. Her Irish Gypsy heritage provides a hidden talent she uses to help the creatures under her care. But even her magical skills can’t help new rescues in dire need of veterinary care.

The opportunity of signing on as the vet for Gwen’s sanctuary dropped into Brock Scutter’s lap after he expanded his practice to include wildlife. The personal attraction he and Gwen experience is undeniable the more their professional and personal lives collide.

Touring the only “non-haunted” house in Salem they both feel a spark of magic. A trip to his family’s cabin uncovers a heritage he didn’t know existed. If they want a future together, it means facing the consequences of awakening hidden Gypsy magic and a race against the clock to correct past wrongs.

A peek between the pages of Hidden Gypsy Magic:

In the soft light he’d left on, he could just make out both pupils were the same size. He breathed a sigh of relief. I can rule out head injury, so far anyway. The bird toppled over hitting its injured side against the enclosure and screeched.

“Its okay girl,” he cooed. “No one is going to hurt you.”

Gwen sucked in a breath behind him. “What a beautiful bird. And huge.”

Only Gwen could see the beauty in the blood matted feathers of an injured owl. He shook his head. It was the reason he was drawn to her. There was no way he was going to let her get away.

“Never saw one up close before.” Her gaze was full of compassion and understanding as she turned to him. “You’re going to need a bigger enclosure. That one’s not even big enough for her to spread one good wing. She does have one good wing. Right?”

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