Fortune’s Folly, by Author Cat Dubie an Interview

Give a warm welcome to Cat Dubie, author of Fortune’s Folly. Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Cat and Fortune’s Folly.

Who would you recommend this book to and what should readers be aware of before reading it?

 I’d recommend this book to those who enjoy historical fiction with a strong heroine, a strong conflict, and several spicy love scenes. Add a handful of supporting characters leading complicated lives whose stories intercept hers. There’s no HEA as that will occur in the sequel.

How long have you been writing?

I began writing in grade school, starting with poems, then short stories, longer stories, and novels. Set everything aside for a few years while I was raising a family, but as the kids got older and I had more time, the slumbering itch, the need returned.

What do you want your readers to take away from your books?

I’d love readers to close the book and think, “wow, what a story!” And if they aren’t wowed, I’d hope they connected somehow with the characters or the story essence, were entertained, or learned something new.

What’s your approach to writing? Are you a plotter or follow your characters flow (Pantser)?

Although not strict about it, I’m more of a plotter. My best plotting method is to create a timeline. This contains information on the characters—name, date of birth, place of birth, etc. Then the date on which the story starts, a brief line about events, and onto the next date/scene.


Favorite movie: A Christmas Carol [the 1951 one with Alastair Sim] — a staple at our place.
Favorite book: To Kill a Mockingbird
Last book read: Against the Storm by Kat Martin
Favorite color: blue
Stilettos or flipflops: flipflops
Coffee or tea: coffee
Ebook or audiobook or paperback: Ebook
Pencil or pen: pen

Favorite song: The Alluvial Plains by Colin Chin

Streak or not: not

Favorite dessert: Tiramisu

Favorite junk food: pretzels

Favorite thing to do to relax: read

Champagne or gin: champagne

Paranormal or Historical: historical

Wonder Woman or Top Model: Wonder Woman

Favorite TV show: Criminal Minds

Hot or cold: cold

POV: 3rd person

I’d die if I don’t have: Wi-Fi

Review or Not: yes

Tell us a little about Fortune’s Folly.

In 1867, Eden Fitzgerald marries, not for love or money, but to persuade her influential in-laws to obtain her father’s release from a contrived prison sentence. Cleverly evading those who believe she, like her father, is a smuggler and Fenian collaborator, Eden does what she can, what she must to achieve her goal. When legal methods are exhausted, she dons a mask, carries a pistol and, using her wiles, wits, even her seductive beauty, robs wealthy citizens to amass enough money to arrange her father’s escape.

Her life grows ever more complicated by the lustful attentions of several men who profess to love her, and the one man she loves but dares not trust. As her crimes worsen, culminating in what may be treason, and her enemies grow more dangerous and determined to apprehend her, she must run for her own freedom.

A peek between the pages of Fortune’s Folly.

Jack Carver’s bearded face appeared when he brought the flame to the stub of his cigar. Eden clenched her teeth. Was this her moment of truth? His gaze shifted and he stiffened, tossed the match, stomped it out. “Anyone following you?”

Muffled footfalls now sounded an irregular pace: three steps, pause, three steps, pause. She whispered, “Yes.”

“Meet me tomorrow at this address.” He gave her a scrap of paper. She crumpled it into her reticule, and when she looked up, he was gone.

Moment of truth averted. She released her breath and moved to the right as Flynn had instructed. With skirts bunched over one arm, she advanced until faint lights materialized at the end of the lane. She stepped into a puddle. Hopefully rain.

The footsteps began again, the stealthy gait of a hunter. Had she dodged one bad fate for another? She darted across the lane and flattened herself against the wall of a building, slid along its rough length and edged into a recessed doorway.

A hand covered her mouth, an arm pulled her backward through a door that had opened without sound and closed the same way. A key turned in the lock. Unable to see anything, her heart thundering, she dug her nails into her assailant’s hand and bit at his fingers.

“Behave yourself,” Alex Banning breathed in her ear. “Don’t make a sound or Cavendish will hear you.”

Her instant relief she wasn’t about to be attacked by a ghoulish murderer was tempered with dread. Alex was the last person she had expected—or wanted—to see. He released her and she took a shivery breath. Someone thumped on the door, shook the handle. Low mutters, then footsteps faded.

Alex moved to the door and listened. “He’s gone. Let’s go.”

He unlocked the door. Eden held back. “Wait. Why are you here? Why is he here?”

“No time to chat. Keep behind me, close to the shadows. Your gown is a damn beacon.”

She crossed her arms. “I’ll not go anywhere with you.”

“You have no choice. You’re my prisoner.”

He opened the door, seized her wrist and charged toward the lighted street. She lifted her skirts again to keep from dragging them through filth. Without pause he hustled across the thoroughfare into another stinking alley. She was hot and out of breath when he stopped by a rickety wagon hitched to an ancient nag.

Their dash across the street revealed a man who looked nothing like the fastidious Captain she remembered. Unkempt hair, ragged beard, shapeless and threadbare clothes—a disguise? He tugged a cap over his head and lifted the wagon seat. “Get in there.”

Astonished and unnerved, she stared at the narrow box. “No. No, I won’t.”

Without a word, he hoisted her into the space. She banged elbows and shoulders, and scrambled to sweep up her voluminous skirts. He tucked in loose flounces and lowered the seat, leaving her in darkness. A tight confined darkness.

The wagon creaked and groaned when Alex settled on the seat. He rapped it with his fist. “Everything all right in there?”

“Of course not.” The words fell back at her from the wood, perhaps four inches from her face. Little cracks admitted glimmers of light, and the feeling of being in a coffin faded. But where was he taking her? Was she truly his prisoner? If so, what did he want?

Would she be locked away, imprisoned like Da? What would happen to her boys? Her innocent babies…

No. No panic. They were Fontaines and would be taken care of. And she meant to get free, no matter how many new lies she had to tell Alex.

The wagon jerked forward. “Keep still. This won’t be long.

Buy links:



About the Author:

Cat Dubie was the girl who always had her nose in a book, the one who read with a flashlight under the covers or, when the moon was full, sat by a window for hours laughing, crying, loving characters whose adventurous lives wouldn’t let her sleep.

She has traveled the world in books. She has traveled back to the dawn of time and far into the future in books. Her keen interest in history determined the nature of her books, and the first Historical romance novel she read, settled the genre.

After working for various levels of government, she retired and now lives in the beautiful province of British Columbia, where she indulges in her need for creating stories about romance, adventure, passion, mystery, love …

social media sites:








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It was wonderful having you with us today.  Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with Fortune’s Folly!

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Barbara Bettis Author of From This Knight Only

Give a warm welcome to Barbara Bettis, author of From This Knight Only. Love the title. Pssst… the ebook is on sale for only 99 cents. Be sure and grab your copy today! Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Barbara and From This Knight Only. 

Hi Tena,  I’m so glad to be here with you today. Thanks so much for hosting me. I’ve brought a bit of information on my latest medieval, FOR THIS KNIGHT ONLY. And—

It’s currently on sale for 99 cents!!

 Not only is my book on sale for 99 cents,  I’m offering the book and a $5 gift card for one commenter on this blog.

FTKO features my very first hero and heroine, Roark and Alyss. The two of them–and their story—have had a special place in my heart for a long time. But it wasn’t until this year I could finally get that story together and out. Granted, they’re both stubborn to begin with, but they grow over time and come to realize they are meant for each other.  Alyss’s sister, Evie;  brother, Henry; and friend, Emelin star in my other three medievals. And watch for other of Roark’s friends to have their own stories.

Second Speed Round <Only two words allowed>

1.What is your favorite book of all time?                  Impossible choice

  1. Where do you relax to read? Anywhere/Everywhere
  2. What sound drives you right up a wall? Whining
  3. What sound relaxes you? Favorite music
  4. Favorite drink? Tea/Coffee
  5. Walking in the sand, shoes or barefoot? Shoes
  6. Favorite pet Dog-Boomer
  7. Snow? Love or hate? Love (ice-hate)
  8. Doing ________ is like nailing Jello to the wall. Dieting
  9. Rock and Roll, Country, Jazz or Classical? Broadway
  10. What can’t you leave the house without? A Book
  11. Calender or not; Paper or electronic? Yes/Paper
  12. Favorite place to write. My office
  13. What is your decadent indulgent? Andee’s Ozark Sundae
  14. You’ve just won $1,000.00, you have only 24 hours to spend it, so what will you buy? Grandchildren gifts
  15. Plotter or panster? Plotser
  16. Introvert or extrovert? Introvert
  17. Flight or fight? Depends on Issue
  18. Favorite Monster? Beauty’s Beast
  19. Magic or Not? Not


Tell us a little about From This Knight Only.

The first knight to come along could capture the lady and her castle. Sir Roark plans to be that knight. But Lady Alyss has other plans. It’s a marriage only love can save.

Give us a sneak peek between the page of From This Knight Only.

(Set up: Sir Roark has been injured in an attack against King Richard in which Roark’s lord proved to be a traitor. With his lord gone, so is Roark’s hope of his own land and home, something he’s worked toward all his adult life. But then the feverish Roark meets an old solider sent from England to bring back a young knight who Roark learns has died in the attack. No one is left at the castle in England but the young knight’s sister, holding out against all comers.)

“Don’t know how I’ll tell Lord Ulrich his boy’s dead. If the lord’s still alive, himself.”

The man downed a good bit of the fresh cup of ale. “There’s trouble at home. Maybe more since I left.”

He stared at the cup’s remaining contents, sighed, and his elbow slipped off the edge of the table. Ale sloshed on the floor. He carefully placed his elbow back onto the plank top. “Sir Henry’s needed ’t home. And the men. If there’s no help, the next siege’ll end us.”

Roark shook his head to clear the ringing in his ears. It didn’t. “Your lord is under a siege?”

“Not last I knew, but that’ll change. Devil’s spawn Jasper of Windom—went away, but he wants our land and our lady. He’ll be back.”

The old man slammed down his cup. “If he learns Lord Ulrich’s bad off again, he’ll come like before, and this time he won’t leave.

“Jasper of Windom plans a siege against your lord?” Roark couldn’t seem to get the story straight.

The knight nodded and leaned in, his voice becoming softer. “That Satan’s backside thinks he’ll take the castle and Lady Alyss. And her all worried about little Lady Evie.”

The old one’s voice sounded distant, but Roark was too tired to move closer. A little sword nick shouldn’t wear him out like this. The pain seemed less now. Another drink might help. Roark waved at the serving maid as the old man continued to mutter.

“What about your lord?” Roark managed.

“Healer says he won’t recover. Now our boy’s dead, Lady Alyss’ll be defenseless. The first knight to come along could marry her and take all. She deserves better.”

The ringing in Roark’s ears receded. A lady alone. A castle undefended.  “Who is your lord?”

Buy links.






About the author;

I’m a former college prof and before that, journalist for small town dailies. Small towns are microcosms of the world, so I covered murders, bank robberies, drug raids, political conventions, and the biggest tomatoes of the season. And hot air balloon rallies. I’m afraid of heights, so it figures that my one attempt at a balloon flight ended in a crash into a Green Hill of North Missouri. Le Sigh!

Please visit me here:

Bookbub        Facebook    Twitter    Blog/Website


It was wonderful having you with us today.  Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with your 99 cent sale on From This Knight Only 

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Interview Diane Scott Lewis Author of Beyond the Fall

Have I got a treat for you today.  Beyond the Fall by Diane Scott Lewis is on sale for 99 cents!  WOW!  Give a warm welcome to Diane.  Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Diane and Beyond the Fall!

Why should we read this book/series and what sets you apart from the rest and makes your book/series unique?

I write historical fiction, but I try to make my stories non-fluffy, more serious, but still with humor when necessary, of course. I research carefully to get the details right. Obviously, for BEYOND THE FALL I couldn’t research time-travel, I wish I could, but I tried to make it as realistic as possible in my heroine’s reaction to being thrown back two-hundred years. Such as, how would I react to such an unbelievable event and how would I cope. How would the people treat me when I’d be so different, much more outspoken and bold?

You’ve got a time machine, a cloak of invisibility, and one hour. Where would you go, and what eavesdropping would you do?

Since I usually write about the eighteenth century, I’d like to zip back to that era, in England, and live for a few days with the common people. What are their speech patterns, swear words, etc.? It’s fine to research but to really be there, dress like them, prepare food, shop, would be a boon. I’d listen to how they felt about their lot, the government, life in general. Then I’d want to come home, because as a modern person I love my clean, hot water, and electricity.

Do you see yourself in your characters?

Yes, my female characters are usually smart-mouthed and dry-witted, stubborn and bold, no matter what era they’re in. I do try to work within the limitations that women had in the eighteenth century. And contrary to popular belief, there were many strong women with feminist ideals in the past.

How long have you been writing?

I started telling stories at age five. I’d illustrate them and tell my mother what to write for a caption. I wrote my first novel at age ten, an historical novel set in ancient Egypt. It wasn’t until 1995 that I seriously began my first full-length novel set in eighteenth-century Cornwall, England. In those pre-internet days, I researched at the Library of Congress; a fantastic resource.


Speed Round (one word only answer): Yep, I know torture for a writer!<evil laugh>

Favorite movie: Jane Eyre (1944)
Favorite book: All the Light We Cannot See
Last book read: The Handmaid’s Tale
Favorite color: burgundy
Stilettos or flipflops: flipflops
Coffee or tea: both
Ebook or audiobook or paperback: paperback
Pencil or pen: pen

Favorite song: Take on Me

Streak or not: not

Favorite dessert: ice cream

Favorite junk food: snickerdoodle

Favorite thing to do to relax: read

Champagne or gin: Champagne

Paranormal or Historical: historical

Wonder Woman or Top Model: Wonder Woman

Favorite TV show: Midsummer Murders

Hot or cold: hot

POV: third-person

I’d die if I don’t have: books

Review or Not: review


Click on cover to read more or purchase!

Tell us a little about Beyond the Fall!

In 2018, Tamara is dumped by her arrogant husband, travels to Cornwall, England and researches her ancestors. In a neglected cemetery, she scrapes two fallen headstones together trying to read the one beneath, faints, and wakes up in 1789, the year of The French Revolution, and grain riots in England. Young Farmer Colum Polwhele comes to her aid. Can a sassy San Francisco gal survive in this primitive time and fall for Colum, a man active in underhanded dealings or will she struggle to return to her own time?

A peek between the page of Beyond the Fall:

Had she fainted in the churchyard? Tamara strained to sit upright. Rolling her shoulders, she glanced around in embarrassment, relieved to see no one. She’d never fainted before.

The headstones beside her were no longer lying on the ground but standing straight up, the inscriptions clear. They both said Trembeth with death dates in the late-middle eighteenth century. The stones appeared in remarkably good condition. How was that possible? Maybe she’d crawled elsewhere in her daze, around a corner in the cemetery and these were replacements for other Trembeth headstones.

“Very, very weird.” Tamara groaned and staggered to her feet, then brushed off grass and leaves. Her head ached worse, but she wanted to write down the names and dates of what could be her ancestors. She fumbled in her coat pocket for the pencil and notepad. After scribbling the info, she weaved toward a low stone wall she didn’t recall from before and tried to blink away her fugue. She must have hit her head when she fainted.

As she glanced up, she nearly jumped. The church behind the man was no longer crumbling, or fallen in on one side, but looked neat and all in one piece. The now intact windows winked in the sunlight, the ivy not so abundant. She couldn’t have crawled in a funk all the way to another church.

Buy links: Beyond the Fall:  Amazon

About the Author:

Diane Parkinson (Diane Scott Lewis) grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, joined the Navy at nineteen, married in Greece and raised two sons all over the world, including Puerto Rico and Guam. A member of the Historical Novel Society, she wrote book reviews for the Historical Novels Review. Diane worked from 2007 to 2010 as an on-line historical editor. She had her debut novel published in 2010, and has had several historical and historical-romance novels published between 2010 and 2018.

Diane lives with her husband in western Pennsylvania.

Diane’s website:

It was wonderful having you with us today.  Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with Beyond the Fall!







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Guest Post Jean M. Grant Author of A Hundred Breaths

Give a warm welcome to Jean M. Grant, author of A Hundred Breaths. Jean and her book share the same birthday.  TODAY!  Yippee!! Wish her a happy birthday and pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Jean and A Hundred Breaths! Take it away Jean!

Exploring the Silver Veil

The Silver Veil is my primary paranormal element in the series. Loosely based on ancient Scottish culture and lore books, I delved into the world of The Silver Folk, or Ancients. I created a culture that could have very well existed, that utilized natural powers accessed across a veil between this world and the next. Healers harnessed their ability by their conduit of water. Feelers heightened their aura-sensing and emotion-feeling through fire. Seers experienced visions whispered on the wind. All three gifts found root in Mother Earth.

The Ancients of the isles are written as having been present in the isles for centuries. They pray at the circles of stones, but who or what built them is still a mystery. Heavily influenced by the Norse raiders, over time they have assigned Norse god names to their powers of Water, Fire, Wind, and Earth. Who has these abilities? Some, but not all. How strong are their powers? It depends on the person. The abilities are inherited, but who, what, and how intense the power is up to the gods.

In all three of the books of the soon-to-be trilogy, there is a clash and blend of cultures and religion: Christianity in the Scots (along with a hefty dose of superstition), the gods of the Norse culture, and lastly, the spirituality of the Ancients.

With any special ability, there are those who wish to do harm, though all the Ancients I’ve written (so far) use their gifts for good. However, there are drawbacks to these abilities…curses and “side effects.” You’ll need to read on in each of the books to see how our protagonists overcome these deficits and harness the inner power within them…

Speed Round Just for Fun and learn a bit about Jean.

 1.What is your favorite book of all time? Outlander

  1. Where do you relax to read? Bed, couch
  2. What sound drives you right up a wall? Arguing children
  3. What sound relaxes you? Old-time crooners
  4. Favorite drink? Coffee & Coffee
  5. Walking in the sand, shoes or barefoot? Barefoot
  6. Favorite pet: My cats!
  7. Snow? Love or hate? Dislike
  8. Doing ________ is like nailing jello to the wall. Herding children
  9. Rock and Roll, Country, Jazz or Classical? Rock & Roll
  10. What can’t you leave the house without? Lip balm
  11. Calendar or not; Paper or electronic? Yes, paper!
  12. Favorite place to write. Desk, coffee shop
  13. What is your decadent indulgent? Anything sweet
  14. You’ve just won $1,000.00, you have only 24 hours to spend it, so what will you buy? Ticket to New Zealand
  15. Plotter or panster? Plotter first
  16. Introvert or extrovert? Extroverted Introvert
  17. Flight or fight? Situation dependent
  18. Favorite Monster? Loch Ness Monster
  19. Magic or Not? Definitely

A little about A Hundred Breaths:

Healing his heart…with her last breath.

1263, Scotland

Simon MacCoinneach’s vengeance runs deep. The blade is the only way to end the blood-thirsty Nordmen’s reign upon Scottish soil. His soul might be lost, but the mystical Healer he kidnaps from the isles could be the answer for his ailing mother…and his heart.

Isles-born Gwyn reluctantly agrees to a marriage alliance with this heathen Scot in return for the sanctuary of her younger brother from her abusive Norse father. Her brother’s condition is beyond the scope of her Ancient power, for larger healings steal breaths of life from her own body.

As Simon and Gwyn fight to outwit her madman father and a resentful Norse betrothed, Gwyn softens Simon’s heart with each merciful touch. Gwyn’s Seer sister foresees a bloody battle—and an end to the Nordmen—but Simon will also die. Will Gwyn save Simon on the battlefield even if it means losing her last breath?

A peek between the pages of A Hundred Breaths!

She breathed two deep life-giving breaths.

Pull breath from my body.

Heal this man with my own breath.

A thermal life filled her fingertips as she clasped the Healer’s stone in her pocket. For something small, water was not necessary. However, if left unattended, it

could and would kill.

The man faltered but didn’t move from her light grasp. Wind rustled her hair as Eir surrounded her. Unlike her mother, she never plaited it for healing. She liked to feel Eir’s fingers upon her and the fiery rush of healing as it flowed through her arms to the injured person, as the wind lifted her hair, announcing its presence.

“What the—?” He drew in a sharp breath.

She mouthed the rest of the chant, invoking the goddess’s power. She moved closer to him, their bodies an intimate—and stirring—distance apart. His nearness captured her breath, and not just from the healing.

“What are you doing?” His words said one thing while his body said another. He didn’t step away. His breathing hitched and then steadied.

“It’s not the devil’s works,” she clipped.

“Then what in the devil are you saying? That’s not Norse.”

She ignored him. He placed a gentle, nearly sedated hand on her free arm in protest, but he did nothing. Her healing had a way of stunning and spellbinding her charges. It was working.

A long moment passed. She opened her eyes and stepped back, releasing her hold. He let go of her other arm and immediately reached to touch the wound. Her stomach twisted as she broke from the enchantment. This was her father’s enemy, a murderer. Finished with her prayer, she stepped away, hit with coldness.

Buy Links:

Amazon,   Barnes&Noble   Kobo   and Google Play 

About the Author:

I write historical and contemporary romance, women’s fiction, and travel magazine articles. I love sharks and microbes, and have degrees in Marine Science, Biology, Microbiology, and Immunology…but now…I write. 😊. I love flowers so much, and have multiple gardens, that I baby-talk to them in the spring and summer to encourage growth.

Social Media links:






Amazon Author Page

 It was wonderful having you with us today. Thank you for celebrating your birthdays with us!  Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with A Hundred Breaths!

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