Jean Grant – Why Audio Books – A Hundred Kisses
Give a warm welcome to Jean Grant, author of A Hundred Kisses. Today she is celebrating the release of her audio book. Don’t you just love audio books. I sure do!
Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Jean and the audio book process.
A bit about the audio book process…
I am an avid fan of listening to audio books. When I worked out of the home, they were my pleasant company on the commute. When we take long road trips, the lyrical voices sweep us away and help the hours pass (btw, the Harry Potter series on audio – divine! Same goes with Outlander.). So, when I heard that my book’s publisher, The Wild Rose Press, added this opportunity, I jumped at it! After a few months and no bites from narrators, I took the next step: I researched several voice actors available with ACX, emailed them, and hoped for the best. If I learned anything in the past year of my first book’s release, it’s that the author must take initiative in marketing and promotion (and I am still learning and have a massive list of “to-do’s” to attack this fall for two more upcoming books). I was elated that Rosalind Ashford agreed to narrate the book. It was like Christmas each week for me when I received the audio book chapters to listen to and review. She was pleasant to work with and I hope you enjoy her work with A Hundred Kisses as much as I do! Happy reading, err, listening!
p.s. Rosalind stopped by on my blog to tell me more about her background and the recording process.
My Top 5 reasons why I love audio books:
- The commute to work/road trips/travel
- I can multitask during exercise, cleaning…
- The lyrical and magical voices of the narrators
- My eyes get tired writing and editing all day
- To get lost in another world and daydream
p.s. and no, I’ve never crashed my car or gotten distracted while listening. In fact, I used to get to work, park, and not want to leave my car mid-scene!
Tell us a little about A HUNDRED KISSES.
Two wedding nights. Two dead husbands.
Deirdre MacCoinneach wishes to understand her unusual ability to sense others’ lifeblood energies…and vows to discover if her gift killed the men she married. Her father’s search for a new and unsuspecting suitor for Deirdre becomes complicated when rumors of witchcraft abound.
Under the façade of a trader, Alasdair Montgomerie travels to Uist with pivotal information for a Claimant seeking the Scottish throne. A ruthless baron hunts him and a dark past haunts him, leaving little room for alliances with a Highland laird or his tempting daughter.
Awestruck when she realizes that her unlikely travel companion is the man from her visions, a man whose thickly veiled emotions are buried beneath his burning lifeblood, Deirdre wonders if he, too, will die in her bed if she follows her father’s orders. Amidst magic, superstition, and ghosts of the past, Alasdair and Deirdre find themselves falling together in a web of secrets and the curse of a hundred kisses…
A peek between the pages of A HUNDRED KISSES:
She sensed no colors in the murky, lifeless water, and it was freeing. All breath escaped her. Muted visions passed before her eyes—her mother, her father, Gordon, and Cortland. Just a moment longer, she thought…
Suddenly, a burst of warm light invaded her thoughts as air filled her lungs. Red-hot hands burned her shoulders and ripped her from her icy grave. She breathed life into her body. She coughed, gagging on the change.
Muffled words yelled at her.
Oh, God, so hot. His fingers were like hot pokers. Her head pounded as she slowly returned to the present. Heat radiated from her rescuer. Somebody had pulled her from the water.
“Hush, lass. You nearly drowned.”
His voice was as soothing as a warm cup of goat’s milk on a winter’s day. A red-hot glow emanated from his body. Never before had she felt such a strong lifeblood, and it nearly burned her. She struggled in his arms to get free. She blinked, only seeing a blurry form before her. “Release me!”
She splashed and wriggled, and he did as told. She clambered to the shoreline. Numb and shaken, she began to dress. It wasn’t easy as she fumbled with slick fingers to put dry clothes over wet skin. She instantly regretted her naked swim. She pulled on her long-sleeved white chemise first.
She faced the forest, away from her rescuer. He quietly splashed to shore. His lifeblood burned into her back. He wasn’t far behind, but he stopped. She refused to look at him until she was fully clothed, not out of embarrassment of her nudity, but for what had just happened. He released a groan and mumbled under his breath about wet boots. His voice was not one of her father’s soldiers.
When she put the last garment on, her brown wool work kirtle, she squeezed out her sopping hair and swept her hands through the knotty mess. She fastened her belt and tied the lacings up the front of the kirtle. Blood returned to her fingertips, and she regained her composure. Belated awareness struck her, and she leaned down and searched through her bag for her dagger. She spun around.
She gasped as she saw the man sitting on the stone-covered shoreline, his wet boots off. Confusion and the hint of a scowl filled his strong-featured face. She staggered back, caught her heel on a stone, and fell, dropping the dagger. Dirt and pebbles stuck to her wet hands and feet, and she instinctively scrambled away from him.
His glower, iridescent dark blue eyes, and disheveled black hair were not unfamiliar. Staring at her was the man she had seen in her dream—it was the man from the wood.
Also available on iTunes. Link (if you have the iTunes app): A Hundred Kisses (Unabridged)
Also available as e-book from The Wild Rose Press, Google Play, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo.
If you enjoyed A Hundred Kisses in audio, print, or e-book format, be on the lookout for its prequel, A Hundred Breaths, to be released in the upcoming months! I also have a contemporary Women’s Fiction releasing early next year.
Jean is a scientist and a mom. She currently resides in Massachusetts and draws from her interests in history, science, the outdoors, and her family for inspiration. She writes historical and contemporary romances and women’s fiction. She enjoys writing non-fiction articles for family-oriented travel magazines and aspires to write children’s books while continuing to write novels. When she finally got to visit Scotland, it was nothing short of breathtaking. Jean enjoys working in her flower gardens, tackling the biggest mountains in New England with her husband, and playing with her sons, while daydreaming about the next hero and heroine to write about…
Find her at the social media sites below.
Twitter: @JeanGrant05
It was wonderful having you with us today. Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with A HUNDRED KISSES audio book!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Hundred Kisses, Historical Romance, Jean Grant, Paranormal by Tena Stetler with 8 comments.
Interview Anna Taylor Sweringen author of One Breath Away
Give a warm welcome to Anna Taylor Sweringen, Author of One Breath Away.
Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Anna and One Breath Away.
Why did you choose the cover concept you did?
I had a fabulous cover artist named Angela Anderson. I wanted something to capture the erotic tone of the story and I think she did a great job by focusing on the heroine. I loved the look so much that I asked my publisher if they could come up with something similar for my next novella – although a stand alone – could have a look to tie them all together
Why should we read this book/series and what sets you apart from the rest and makes your book/series unique?
There’s African-American historical romance out there (Beverly Jenkins is my queen) and African-American Christian historical romance (the fantastic Piper Hugley), but mine may be the first African-American historical romances that are also a Christian erotic romance, i.e. is an erotic romance written from a liberal Christian worldview of sexuality.
Tell us something about yourself and allow us to get to know you
I’m a retired United Church of Christ and Presbyterian Church USA minister (hence the liberal Christian worldview) whose interest in romance and social justice have combined in the second chance romances I write. I grew up in the 60’s, shaped by Black is beautiful and a love for Black history.
What secret do you use to blast through writer’s block?
Listening to music. Sometimes classical provides the relaxation I need to start the muse flowing. Other times it’s the words of Gershwin or Cole Porter that stoke my imagination.
Why do you write what you write? Contemporary, paranormal, suspense, etc.
I’ve always loved history in general, but Black history in particular. As a minister I’ve witnessed the power of love and forgiveness. So when I started writing romance I wanted to write stories that shined a light on the history that has shaped me as an African-American while also emphasizing what I believe to be the power that has enabled African-Americans to survive and thrive.
Speed Round (one word only answer): Yep, I know torture for a writer!<evil laugh>
Favorite movie: Casablanca
Favorite book: Topaz
Last book read: Midnight
Favorite color: Purple
Stilettos or flipflops: Flipflops
Coffee or tea: Tea – Earl Gray
Ebook or audiobook or paperback: Paperback
Pencil or pen: Pencil
Favorite song: Always
Streak or not: Not
Favorite dessert: Pie
Favorite junk food: Smashmallows
Favorite thing to do to relax: Sleep
Champagne or gin: Champagne
Paranormal or Historical: Historical
Wonder Woman or Top Model: Wonder Woman
Favorite TV show: X-Files
Hot or cold: Hot
POV: Third
I’d die if I don’t have: Fun
Review or Not: Review
Tell us a little more about One Breath Away.
Sentenced to hang for a crime she didn’t commit, former slave Mary Hamilton was exonerated at literally the last gasp. She returns to Safe Haven, broken and resigned to live alone. She’s never been courted, cuddled or spooned, and now no man could want her, not when sexual satisfaction comes only with the thought of asphyxiation. But then the handsome stranger who saved her shows up, stealing her breath from across the room and promising so much more.
Wealthy, freeborn-Black, Eban Thurman followed Mary to Safe Haven, believing the mysteriously exotic woman was foretold by the stars. He must marry her to reclaim his family farm. But first he must help her heal, and to do that means revealing his own predilection for edgier sex.
A peak between the page of One Breath Away:
“Why not you, Mary?”
“Because someone like you only looks at someone like me out of pity.”
Of course. His aunt put him up to this. Anger warmed Mary’s ears.
“Let me go.” She made to pull away. “I want to sit.”
“Please. Not before the music stops.” He timed his plea to the rhythm of the waltz. “I’ve waited all week for this moment.”
Mary gritted her teeth. Heart hurt joined her injured pride. She needed no one’s charity.
“That was cruel of you, sir. No one counts the days until they can ask me for a dance.” Tears pooled behind her closed eyelids. “Anyone in town could tell you that.”
The grip on her hand tightened, forcing her eyes open. The light in his gaze darkened. “Anyone who’d lie to me like that would be taking their life in their hands.” He leaned in so his mouth nuzzled her ear again. “And if you use that I’m-not-worthy tone of voice again, I’ll be forced to prove you wrong with a kiss.”
Alarm shuddered up Mary’s back. “Is—is that a threat?”
“A certainty.” He winked.
A chilly thrill replaced the alarm. She blew out a breath to steady herself. Threat or certainty, both treated her to a delicious revelation—she wanted that kiss. She eyed his lips, imagined their soft yet demanding press against hers. Once more the voice of caution repeated its warning.
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Oh, to be forced to flee from such a devil as he. She sighed. What a wonderful problem to have.
“May I visit you at Harvest Home?”
Eban’s voice overpowered her thoughts. She frowned out of her musing. “You know where I live?”
“I have an authoritative source.”
She glanced toward Widow Hawthorne who gave a favoring nod. That kiss no longer seemed a flight of fancy. Her belly quivered. Her lips pursed in a thoughtful pout.
“Why would I let you visit me at Harvest Home?”
“You know better than I.” He stroked the back of her hand as he eyed her throat. She swallowed hard as excitement and fear rippled across the flesh his thumb caressed. Her head swirled, whether from the dance or the danger posed by her partner she couldn’t tell. “It—it would cost too much to say.”
He bent his elbow, pulled her forward again. “Am I not worth the price?”
This time his chest crushed hers. The pressure imitated the closeness of that threatened kiss. A closeness she could no longer deny she desired. Would she let him? Should she let him? Her throat tightened.
“You’re worth the price, but I can’t afford you.”
He smiled that nether-lip-tickling smile again. “I accept gifts in kind.”
Buy links: The Wild Rose Press Amazon
About the Author:
Rev. Anna Taylor Sweringen writes erotic romance under the penname Michal Scott. History has been an old passion of hers. Romance a recent one. The opportunity to combine the two came in the publication of One Breath Away. Michal has been writing professionally since 2008 and belongs to the inspirational, gothic and erotic romance chapters of Romance Writers of America. An unexpected, but intriguing combination of genres for a retired minister.
Author Contact:
Twitter: @mscottauthor1
It was wonderful having you with us today. Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with One Breath Away!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged African-American, Anna Taylor Sweringen, Historical Romance, One Breath Away by Tena Stetler with 8 comments.
Ilona Fridl Author of A Balancing Act
Give a warm welcome to Ilona , author of A Balancing Act!
Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Ilona and A Balancing Act.
Thank you, Tena, for inviting me to visit you today. I’ve brought along my two main characters, Dr. John Mallory and Lenora La Rue, with me. Hope you don’t mind.
Oh, not at all! The more the merrier! Welcome John and Lenora! Lets start with John.
Tells us about the real you—
I’m a surgeon, who was inspired by my father. He was a surgeon in the War between the States, and I worked under him at a hospital in Milwaukee when I finished medical college. Now I have a practice in Waukesha.
What event in your past has left the most indelible impression on you?
Seeing pain and suffering in others. I always was rescuing injured animals as a boy, and trying to nurse them back to health.
What do you most value?
Treating all people with dignity. I’ve seen too many doctors look down on the sick and injured as not really human.
What is the type of woman you want to spend the rest of your life with?
John glances at Lenora and takes her hand. The woman I had pictured was a quiet, unassuming girl who grew up in the domestic arts. I guess you never know.
What do you consider most important in life?
To live your dreams to their fullest.
What is your biggest secret?
John reddens a bit. I loved watching Nora at the circus in her skimpy costume. Lenora hits him on the arm.
All right Ms. La Rue, it your turn.
All my friends call me Nora.
Who are you really?
Pauses. I was a circus bareback rider traveling with my family’s show until a cyclone caused me to lose my leg. My family abandoned me, and made me learn how to live on the outside with ordinary people.
Who were the biggest role models in your life?
The horses I worked with. Growing up they were my only friends.
What kind of man do you want to spend the rest of your life with?
I thought it was Rico, who I was engaged to before my accident. He was our tight-rope walker. The cad broke our promise when I lost my leg. John is patient and kind. He won me over, because he was the first person who really cared for me.
What kind of man would you never choose?
Anyone like my family or Rico who only cares for themselves.
What is most important to you in life?
Support of family and friends.
What is your biggest fear?
I believe I lived through that already. Being abandoned when I needed help the most. That’s why I love John so much. If he wasn’t there, I don’t know what I would have done.
Ilona, Tell us a little about writing this story.
I lost my ability to stand a few years ago, and I’m now in a wheelchair. It was healing to write about a heroine who lost her leg in an accident, and learned to deal with it. Through her, I could see the disabled aren’t hopeless, and there are still ways you could function.
Was it fun or difficult?
It was difficult, because I could understand the frustration my heroine was going through dealing with the loss of her leg. To keep it from being too depressing, I gave some of my characters a sense of fun.
Do your characters always act as you expect?
No. That’s why I love writing.
Are you a plotter, or fly (write) by the seat of your pants?
A little of both. I write down ideas for scenes, then try to incorporate them into the story
Tell us a little about A Balancing Act.
Lenora LaRue, Bareback Rider Extraordinaire, is the star of her family’s circus—until a cyclone hits. A main tent pole falls on her during the storm, and when her injuries require the loss of her leg, her family abandons her, believing she is of no further use to them.
John Mallory, the young surgeon who does the necessary operation, decides to help her readjust to the real world, against his father’s advice. John takes her to his aunt’s sanitarium in the resort city of Waukesha, Wisconsin, where the two of them undertake to teach Lenora how to live outside the harsh circus culture that has been her whole life. He sets up a practice in the town to be near her, positive that rehabilitation is possible. As a woman doubly cursed by society as both a cripple and a former circus performer, Lenora is not so sure. She struggles to learn social skills…but can she learn what love is, too?
How about a peek between the pages?
The train was already at the depot when they hurried in after bidding Robert thanks and goodbye. John quickly purchased their tickets, and they entered the cozy steam-heated car for their trip. Nora sat by the window and watched the villages and farms on an endless march. She turned to John. “Do you think this could be dangerous, what Will is asking us to do?”
He shook his head. “I think if we just look at the horses, all we have to do is report to Will if we find Chance. Like detective work.”
“When should we do it?”
“I have Thursdays off. I’ll let Will know, and he can talk to his uncle about letting you go.”
“Maybe I should quit at the store and help you set up your practice. The thing is, I still owe on the leg.”
John laughed and kissed her forehead. “Since things are the way they are, I’ll forgive the rest of the debt. You’ve worked very hard, and I’m proud of you.”
Tears welled in her eyes. “Nobody close to me has ever praised me before.”
John pulled her into a discreet hug. “It’s about time. You deserve it.” He hesitated. “Nora, I do love you.”
Oh, she wanted to believe him, truly she did. “John, I want to trust your feelings for me. I have been hurt so much in the past, but I want you to know I’m trying.”
He rocked her gently. “That’s all I ask for now.”
“I’ll tell Mr. Canton I’ll stay on until he can find someone else. By then, you should have the house.”
He pulled back and smiled. “You’re doing it again.”
“Changing the subject when we talk about us.” There was a bit of a sparkle in his brown eyes.
She opened her mouth to say something, then closed it again. He returned his arm around her shoulders, and she leaned against him. The southern-slanted sun cut in through the windows of the car, and the passing trees and buildings threw shadows over them.
Back in Waukesha, John rented a carriage from the livery and took Nora to her apartment. He helped her up the steps and set her bag by the door. The reflection of the late afternoon sun from the building windows bounced into the shelter. Nora gazed at the strikingly boyish but handsome face and her breath caught. Deep down, her love for him was overwhelming. Still, she couldn’t quite say the words yet.
John gathered her into his arms. “I’ll be in touch with you about the trip to Kenosha. Good evening, sweetheart.”
She placed her hands on either side of his face and kissed him. “Good evening, John.” She felt like melting into his warm embrace and remaining there forever.
Buy Links:
The Wild Rose Press Amazon Barnes & Noble
About the Author:
Ilona Fridl was born in the Los Angeles area of Southern California, where she lived the first twenty-one years of her life. In high school and college, she took Journalism and Creative Writing. She moved with her family to Milwaukee, Wisconsin where she met her husband, Mark. They started a locksmithing business and raised a daughter to adulthood. All the while, she dreamed about being a writer, but she hated typewriters. In the nineties, they purchased their first computer, and she never looked back. With some articles and short stories under her belt, she started her first novel. The eighth book is just being released by The Wild Rose Press.
Web site:
It was wonderful having you with us today. Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with A Balancing Act.
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged A Balancing Act, Contemporary Romance, Historical Romance, Ilona Fridl by Tena Stetler with 21 comments.
Interview Marisa Dillon & The Golden Rose of Scotland

Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Marisa Dillon and The Golden Rose of Scotland, Book Two of Lore Series! Pssst… Don’t forget to enter the Rafflecopter for your chance to win! Lets get started with a few questions for Marisa!
What defines you as an author? Thanks for hosting me on your blog today. With so many romance books available, I appreciate platforms like yours that allow me to share directly with readers what makes my books desirable. I often describe myself as the Dan Brown of the Romance Genre. Those who are familiar with “The Da Vinci Code” know that it’s a page turner and almost impossible to put down. That’s one of the goals of my stories. I frame this as writing “Romantic Adventures Not for the Faint of Heart.” As a person? I’d have to admit I love adventure and traveling the world. I recently took a trip to India for a pilgrimage. Readers of my books will also find references to fortune telling and a little bits of magic. The esoteric sciences fascinate me and I’ve always been drawn to ways to look at the future through rune stones, tarot cards, and physic readings. In many ways what defines me as an author also defines me as a person.
What do you like to do when you are not writing? My life is unconventional in many ways. I often joke that I would never be elected for public office. I’m a professional marketing consultant by day, but outside of being a romance author, I’m also a performer. On weekends I can often be found entertaining audiences with belly Dance, Bollywood or classic Indian dance at local cultural fairs and festivals.
You’ve got a time machine, a cloak of invisibility, and one hour. Where would you go, and what eavesdropping would you do? Wow, what fun that would be. For me King Arthur’s Round Table and Gwenivere’s bedroom. Just imagine the stories I could tell from that eavesdropping. However, I would never reveal what was fact or fiction. Their secrets would be safe with me.
closed her eyes, trying not to panic, and took in a long, calming breath, until
Lachlan squeezed the air right out of her and she started gasping.
a little lower, my love. With this kind doctoring . . .”
me go,” she demanded, interrupting whatever suggestive words he had for her.
She squirmed against his hold. “You don’t understand.”
I know is that one moment I’m winning a horse race against the bishop, and the
next you are in my arms.” He gave her a kiss on the top of her head. “You are a
gift from God. The bishop knew what I needed to be right again.”
teeth, you are not right in the head,” she said, her tone more irritated than
she meant. “God would not punish me to make you whole.”
wasn’t sure if it was her words or her wiggling that had the desired result,
but after a few moments of pushing against him, she broke free.
up from Lachlan’s chest, Rosalyn smoothed her tousled hair away from her eyes,
then with a tsk, she adjusted her bodice back in place.
she gazed down, wondering why he’d given up so easily, Rosalyn was greeted by a
placid Lachlan, looking very much like he was asleep.
wanted to slap him and tell him to quit pretending. But then she noticed his
heavy breathing and relaxed, almost angelic, face.
angelic? A hero? No wonder Ursula had looked at her as if she’d joined the
ranks of the jesters. Where had her sensibilities gone? Was it that disarming
then, the wagon jolted forward and began to move, rocking her onto his chest
again. As much as it flustered her, this time he did not grab her. Instead, he
lay still, her body rising and falling rhythmically with his breathing. This
time she was able to move away at will.
No doubt it was giving him some lucid moments between bouts of delirium. As she
gazed down at the peaceful, sleeping aristocrat, she was reminded of her
dislike of everything English. Could she make an exception for Lachlan? Was she
going all soft on him because of his one kind gesture? But she sobered when she
considered the consequences of her actions without his intervention.
now, she would try to like him until he did something to change her mind. At
least until she saved him.
back on her heels, Rosalyn touched his forehead to check for fever. She was
grateful to find him cool now, but she was still concerned. Ursula had said
she’d made the poison strong enough to make him sick, not kill him. Could she
trust her?
Rosalyn headed to the low altar and busied herself preparing the herbs,
thankful that she was able to do this alone and not under the eagle-eyed
scrutiny of Ursula.
the herbs, it didn’t take her long to find the other items she needed stored
neatly under the altar’s skirting: a pestle and mortar, and a flask of water.
She unwrapped the bishop’s herbs from the fuchsia silk and laid them out.
pinches of valerian, horehound, and sage, she placed them in the mortar, then
added a few drops of water. Using the pestle, she formed a sticky paste. Once
satisfied with the concoction, she headed back to Lachlan’s side, on a mission
to save him.
she whispered, “wake up.”
groaned and flipped over on his side facing her.
She tried the nickname he’d asked her to use, hoping it might illicit a better
she lied. “It’s Ursula. I want you to eat something.”
No!” He almost shouted the response.
he refused the antidote?
was her enemy now, and she couldn’t wait until his constitution changed. She
glanced about the tidy wagon trying to figure out how to feed him the herbs.
Nothing. No bread or fruit to use as a serving tool. Stumped for a moment, she
relaxed her breathing and began to sort through what might make Lachlan open
his mouth.
deciding saving his life was more important that her squeamishness, Rosalyn
scooped up some of the paste on to her middle finger, then she lay down on the
floor facing him.
his arm was draped under his head, she was able to scoot right next to his
chest and get close enough to suit her needs. Once situated, she said a little
prayer, asking God to let the herb and his power save Lachlan.

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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Historical Romance, Marisa Dillon, Philosophers Stone, Poisonings, The Golden Rose of Scotland by Tena Stetler with comments disabled.