Welcome Author Marin McGinnis & Tempting Mr. Jordan
Happy New Year to all! Give a big welcome to Marin McGinnis, author of Tempting Mr. Jordan. Have a seat and grab an insulated mug. I’ve got hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee.
What secret do you use to blast through writer’s block?
If I had one, I’d be rich. J Seriously, though, I read something once which argued there is no such thing as writer’s block, and I believe it. When I get blocked, it’s usually because the story has taken a weird turn and I have to get it back on track but am not sure how, or because I just don’t feel like figuring out where I’m going. The only way to get through it is to sit the butt in the chair.
What inspired you to write?
I got an idea in my head a number of years ago, and it wouldn’t leave me alone until I wrote it down. That book is under the bed, but the ideas keep coming.
How long have you been writing?
I started a book in my 20s, but didn’t start writing in earnest until about 8 years ago, when I was a lot older than 20.
Do you see yourself in your characters?
I think there are bits of me in my characters, especially my heroines, but I don’t think any of them of my characters are patterned after any one person, including me.
Do you find it easier to write from a male or female point of view? Why?
Female, probably because I am one. But I like writing from a male point of view as well—it’s interesting to explore the male psyche, but I can’t say that I understand it!
What you do when you are not writing.
I like to cook, read, binge watch British TV on Netflix, and spend time with my husband and son.
A northeast Ohio native, Marin McGinnis has been a voracious reader ever since she could make sense of words on the page. She’s dabbled with writing for a long time, but didn’t start writing in earnest until she discovered historical romance about a decade ago. Marin has three historical romance titles published with The Wild Rose Press, and is a member of RWA and its Northeast Ohio, Hearts Through History, and Kiss of Death chapters. She will serve as President of the Northeast Ohio RWA chapter in 2017. Marin lives in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, in a drafty 100 year old house with her husband, son, and two standard poodles named Larry and Sneaky Pete.
Marin lurks on the following social media sites and loves to chat.
Website: http://marinmcginnis.com
Blog: http://marinmcginnis.com/blog
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarinMcG
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarinMcGinnis (@MarinMcGinnis)
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/12256384.Marin_McGinnis
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00S03YY60
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/marinmcginnis/
How about telling us a little about your new release Tempting Mr. Jordan?
After four unsuccessful London seasons, Lady Julia Tenwick despairs of ever making a love match. With spinsterhood looming on the horizon, she and a friend set sail for America on one last adventure. When her travels take her to northern Maine, Julia meets a reclusive but handsome artist, whose rudeness masks a broken heart Julia feels compelled to mend.
Still haunted by the betrayal and death of his pregnant wife two years before, Geoffrey Jordan is determined never to risk his heart again. Certainly not with the gorgeous and impetuous aristocrat who intrudes upon his small-town solitude, and is far too similar to his late wife to tempt him to take another chance on love.
But when Julia and Geoffrey find themselves united in a reckless plan to save Julia’s friend from ruin, they discover that temptation is impossible to resist.
Sounds interesting. Do you have a peek into Tempting Mr. Jordan?
Cranberry Cove reminded Julia of home, her family’s estate in Durham, where ton rules were abandoned in favor of lazy days riding, reading, caring for her pets, or playing the piano. It occurred to her that she had not played in weeks. Her fingers itched to touch a keyboard, and she flexed her hands inside her calfskin gloves. She vowed to play soon. She thought she had seen a harpsichord in the drawing room of Maria’s enormous house.
Reaching the end of the little lane on which Maria lived, she took a right onto Main Street. It consisted of several houses similar to the one in which she was staying, so she turned left onto Maple Street, which was much more interesting. There was a green grocer, a bookseller, a milliner, a tailor, a blacksmith—everything one could want in a village. The streets were clean—much cleaner than London—and the air was crisp and fresh, even if it smelled ever so slightly of fish.
Julia was staring into the newspaper office—a badly written but oddly gripping tale about missing lobster traps was plastered to the window—when she was nearly knocked off her feet.
“Oh, I beg your pardon!” She managed to right herself, wondering why she should be the one to apologize. She looked up into the hooded eyes of Geoffrey Jordan, who held a book in one hand. “Mr. Jordan!”
“Lady Julia.” He reached out to steady her, the touch of his hand on her arm causing a charge to shoot up her spine. “Please forgive me. Are you hurt?”
“Are you in the habit of running over tourists on your streets?” She freed her arm, flustered by her own reaction, and busied herself with adjusting her hat. When she regarded Mr. Jordan again, he was smirking.
“No, just the ones who stop in the middle of the street,” he said.
Julia opened her mouth to retort, but he held up a finger to silence her. “Nevertheless, I am sorry. I wasn’t paying attention. And the scintillating prose of our local newspaper could halt anyone in her tracks.”
She laughed. “It is not The Times, to be sure.”
His lips quirked up at the tips in something approaching a smile. Julia thought she hadn’t seen him do that before and found it oddly entrancing. “Where are you headed, Lady Julia?”
She forced herself to look away from his lips. “Um. Nowhere in particular. I was in need of a walk after luncheon, so I thought I would explore a bit.”
“The Universalist church, just around the corner, is particularly beautiful, and you will need to sample lobster from the establishment run by the Maclays, on the pier. It will melt in your mouth.”
The way he looked at her as he made the remark made her own mouth dry. Her cheeks burned.
“Um. Yes. That sounds lovely.” She gazed down at her feet until she collected herself. Raising her head, she found herself caught in his sights. She swallowed nervously. “Well, if you’ll excuse me, Mr. Jordan, I really must get back. Constance will be wondering where I’ve got to.” She brushed past him, her shoulder tingling at the contact with his arm.
“Lady Julia?” His tone was vaguely amused.
She stopped and turned to face him. “Yes, Mr. Jordan?”
His thin lips turned up at the corners again, and he pointed behind him. “I believe your house is that way.”
“Oh. Yes. Of course.” She willed herself not to stumble as she passed him, at least not until she’d cleared the corner.
Wondering where to find Tempting Mr. Jordan? The Wild Rose Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Kobo, and Bookstrand.
I just love your setting, Cranberry Cove. Marin thanks so much for stopping by. It was wonderful having you with us today. Please feel free to pop in anytime. Good Luck with Tempting Mr. Jordan. Best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Historical Romance by Tena Stetler with comments disabled.
Welcome Author Linda Nightingale

Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Linda and her tales of love in the moonlight from paranormal realms.
What do you want your readers to take away from your books?
A sense of enchantment. I want my reader to sink beneath the surface of reality, into the book and enjoy their time in my world, then surface as if they’re leaving reality behind. I am delighted if the reader feels he/she knows and loves the characters and is sorry to leave them.
Do you find it easier to write from a male or female point of view? Oddly enough, the male. Why? For some reason, the male character, usually the hero, is the first to take the stage and begin to tell me the story that becomes peopled by other characters as his tale unfolds. The hero of Sinners’ Opera—Morgan D’Arcy—is very talkative and my first draft of the novel galloped to a whopping 1,000 pages. Needless to say, I had to trim, trim, and finally hack and slash.
What do you like to do when you are not writing? I love sports cars and just treated myself to my second-childhood 2-seater roadster. Zoom-Zoom! He’s called Midnight Prowler—Midnight for short, and is a triple black Miata Club Miata. I also like to dress up and host formal dinner parties. Well, dress up, period.
I can understand the sports cars, but dressing up, not my style. LOL
You’ve got a time machine, a cloak of invisibility, and one hour. Where would you go, and what eavesdropping would you do?
It’s a toss-up between Charles II’s merry court of the mid-sixteen hundreds or Edward VIII during the trying times before and after he abdicated to marry Wallis Simpson, an American divorcee. I’d love to hear their conversations just before he surrendered the English throne. Yet, I’d have a lot of fun listening to the King romance the Orange Seller Nell Gywn. I could go on and on about either subject, but I’d better turn the mike back over to Tena.
Interesting, I’ve recently read a few historical romances and find royals are an interesting lot.
Born in South Carolina, Linda has lived in England, Canada, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Atlanta and Houston. Linda’s seen a lot of this country from the windshield of a truck pulling a horse trailer, having bred, trained and showed Andalusian horses for many years.
Linda won several writing awards, including the Georgia Romance Writers Magnolia Award and the SARA. She has two wonderful sons, is a retired legal assistant, member of the Houston Symphony League, and enjoys events with her car club (in her snazzy convertible). She owns a piano she can’t play without the remote(it has a player system).
You can find more information about Linda here:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LNightingale – @Lnightingale
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindaNightingaleAuthor
Web Site: http://www.lindanightingale.com – Visit and look around. There’s a free continuing vampire story.
Blog: https://lindanightingale.wordpress.com/ – Lots of interesting guests & prizes
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4839311.Linda_Nightingale
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/lbnightingale1/
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Linda-Nightingale/e/B005OSOJ0U
Tell us a little about Four By Moonlight
An anthology of love in the moonlight…in the paranormal realms…
Gypsy Ribbons – A moonlight ride on the moors and meeting a notorious highwayman will forever change Lady Virginia Darby’s life.
Star Angel – Lucy was stuck in a rut and in an Idaho potato patch. She’d seen him in the corner of her eye—a fleeting glimpse of beauty—now he stood before her in the flesh.
The Night Before Doomsday – All his brothers had succumbed to lust, but Azazel resisted temptation until the wrong woman came along.
The Gatekeeper’s Cottage – Newlywed Meggie Richelieu’s mysterious, phantom lover may be more than anyone, except the plantation housekeeper, suspects.
Do you have an excerpt for us?
Red eyes watched from the grate as she slipped into the cold, empty bed. Simon should have been there to warm her rather than the dying fire. Not pursuing a dangerous dream. Too angry, too miserable to weep, she tossed and turned. The relief of sleep eluded her.
An icy breath whispered through the room. Tory snuggled deeper beneath the goose down covers. Had the weather made up its mind? Was Simon riding in ice and snow? She imagined white flakes in Goliath’s long black mane and on the highwayman’s plush velvet cloak. Poor darling, he would be cold. Tory slowly drifted to sleep unrelated thoughts scrolling in her mind. A soft sound snapped her wide awake. She sat bolt upright, tugging the covers over the breasts. The room was iceberg cold. The ghost.
“Not Simon.” She held her breath, ears stained for the horrifying, otherworldly whisper, a warning of imminent death. The sound came again, closer. A slow footstep creeping over the old oaken floor. Tonight, the ghost of Darby Manor wandered its dim corridors.
“No. No.” Tory squeezed her eyes closed and prayed, forgetting she didn’t believe in ghosts.
The footsteps halted. Tory’s heart stopped. She started to cover her ears, refusing to hear. The ghost breathed that heartbreaking sigh at her door.
Shuddering, she slid back under the layers of down. The warmth had no effect on her shivers. She folded into a fetal position. I’m no longer alone. Fear chilled her anew. Though she couldn’t see clearly in the dim light, she knew her breath puffed white clouds in the frigid air. Dread sank its wicked claws into her racing heart.
Ooohhh, the stories sound like great Halloween tales! I love Halloween. Don’t you?
Buy Links: Amazon eBook
Print – ClassActBooks
It was wonderful having you with us today. Please feel free to stop by anytime. Good Luck with Four By Midnight.
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Historical Romance, Paranormal, Romance by Tena Stetler with 4 comments.
Author’s Secrets Welcomes Linda Nightingale

Pull up a chair, grab a drink of your choice from the blue cooler, a Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter cookie from the plate, and let’s find out a little about Linda and Morgan D’Arcy. I believe Isabeau will be by later.
Born in South Carolina, Linda has lived in England, Canada, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Atlanta and Houston. She’s seen a lot of this country from the windshield of a truck pulling a horse trailer, having bred, trained and showed Andalusian horses for many years.
Linda has won several writing awards, including the Georgia Romance Writers Magnolia Award. She is the mother of two wonderful sons, a retired legal assistant, member of the Houston Symphony League, and enjoys events with her car club. Among her favorite things are her two marvelous sons, a snazzy black convertible, and her parlor grand piano. She loves to dress up and host formal dinner parties.
Contact Linda at:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LNightingale – @Lnightingale
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindaNightingaleAuthor
Web Site: http://www.lindanightingale.com – Visit and look around. There’s a free continuing vampire story.
Blog: https://lindanightingale.wordpress.com/ – Lots of interesting guests & prizes
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4839311.Linda_Nightingale
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/lbnightingale1/
Now Mr. D’Arcy a few questions for you. Thank you for patiently waiting. Did you get a bottled blood from the red cooler?
I did. Thank you.
Tells us about the real you— My name is Morgan Gabriel D’Arcy. I was born in Devon, England, in 1632. I am an Earl, a concert pianist, and have been a vampire since 1659, the year before Charles II returned to the throne of England.
What event in your past has left the most indelible impression on you? The years I spent wandering the continent with then Prince Charles after he escaped Crowell. As a Royalist, I accompanied my King first to France, but thereafter, we were at the mercy of different European Courts. I wouldn’t say we were paupers, but we were, in essence, beggars.
What do you most value? These are difficult questions. I value many things, but I suppose at the heart of them all is my desire to find one woman to love, who loves me as I am, and sire an heir to my title. I have found that woman.
What is the type of woman you want to spend the rest of your life with? Isabeau is beautiful, intelligent, and kind. I appeared to her as the Angel Gabriel when she was a child, influencing her career choice. She is a talented geneticist. She will need more than intelligence and talent to save our child, but I am here to guide her every step of the way to solving a genetic fault with the offspring of mortals and vampires.
What do you consider most important in life? Love.
What is your biggest secret? Isabeau. What I plan flies in the face of Vampyre Law. Isabeau, the child, and I could easily stand before a Tribunal, our lives forfeit for my sins…and dream of a race of immortals with human morals and vampire powers.
Thank you Morgan. I know you have places to be, so we won’t hold you up anymore. Morgan stands and exits through the rear door, as Isabeau is waiting at the front.
Isabeau, thanks so much for stopping by, have a seat. You just missed Morgan.
I like to start an interview with the question, who are you really? I’m a geneticist, an avid reader. I know what you want. (She smiles) To peel back my skin and see the woman inside. I’m not sure I know her, but I’ll try to answer your question. I am, and have always been, in love with Morgan D’Arcy, even though he manipulated my entire life. I am a woman in love.
Who were the biggest role models in your life? My mother and father. And I guess Morgan.
What kind of man do you want to spend the rest of your life with? A vampire, but only one of them…Morgan.
What kind of man would you never choose? Almost anyone. I am already in love, but I could never live with a man who wasn’t affectionate and kind.
What is most important to you in life? To love wholeheartedly—the kind of love that comes only once in a lifetime because no one is strong enough to bear it twice.
What is your biggest fear? To end up never finding that kind of love.
Linda, a couple of questions for you.
Tell us a little about writing this story. These stories simply told themselves. It is always like that when it is a Morgan story. He isn’t shy about telling me the tale. Was it fun or difficult? They were fun and not difficult. A Vampyre Rhapsody is a collection of short stories detailing Morgan’s earlier affections. Do your characters always act as you expect? Absolutely not, particularly Isabeau and Morgan. Are you a plotter, or fly (write) by the seat of your pants? I’m a pantster all the way.
Me too, I can’t plot my way out of a paper bag. When I’ve tried, the characters merely thumbed their noses at me and went there own way. So I gave up. LOL
Tell us a little about A Vampyre Rhapsody .
The greatest enemy of a vampire is boredom. Four centuries of existence have taught Lord Morgan Gabriel D’Arcy to fear nothing and no one. Humans and their weapons have little chance against his preternatural speed and arcane powers. Vampires are viral mutations of human DNA. Still, the Vampyre code requires secrecy, and he has learned to hide his nature from the world. The lure of mortality, of a life in the sun, puts Morgan again and again at the mercy of calculating human women though they fail to consider his charm and determination into the equation. However, even grooming a future bride from infancy proves to be fraught with heartbreak. And second chances are not always what they seem unless… you are Morgan. Immortality and beauty, aren’t they grand?
Wonderful how about an excerpt from the book?
Never Goodbye
Isabeau, my Isabeau.
Isabeau with blonde-streaked brown hair and the most beautiful purple eyes. How could she forget me so quickly and return to that bastard? Dark-haired, dark-eyed John Payne—my complete opposite—was my sworn enemy. One day soon, he’d die.
The Grim Reaper—with fangs—would teach him that Isabeau was mine.
I’d been present at her birth, had chosen her to be my wife in that moment, and had watched over her as her guardian angel. She’d been the most exquisite blonde child.
I’d influenced her career choice and financed her education by grants through anonymous foundations. I’d even bought her a white Andalusian horse. These things I’d given her. She’d given me more than I’d ever dreamed. To this unknown bargain, Isabeau had brought beauty, grace, and a vast intelligence. As a geneticist, she could find a cure for the fatal gene of madness that all progeny of vampires and mortals suffered. She had the required vampire DNA, mine in fact, but she didn’t know about the flawed chromosome. It was tragedy that she’d driven me away before I could confess.
Isabeau had been born in Beaufort, South Carolina. Her parents were friends that I’d chosen carefully to breed my future bride. She’d attended the College of Charleston, one of the finest Ivy League universities, and returned to Charleston when LifeGen, a genetics firm, offered her a position.
I’d given her my heart, unconditionally, and she’d broken it. After she banished me from her life, she returned my letters, deleted my emails, and refused my phone calls. Why? She’d discovered how I shaped her life and accused me of manipulating her.
For the thousandth time, I lifted a phone to my ear to make a hopeless call. This time, I was in Charleston. She wouldn’t recognize the number as I was ringing her from my hotel room.
“Hello.” Her voice! Music to my ears.
For a moment, I couldn’t speak, then I took a deep breath, and plunged. “Isabeau, you must talk with me.”
“Morgan, I’ve made it perfectly clear that I never want to hear from you again.” Anger stained her voice a shade deeper.
I imagined her in her sunshine yellow kitchen, leaning against the granite counter, coffee brewing and filling the room with its rich scent. Isabeau was tall and beautiful with a captivating smile. At the moment, unfortunately, she’d be frowning.
God, how I missed her! She was my light—I her dark—two pieces of a soul.
“Please, don’t ring off.” I paced the confines of my hotel room. “I’m in Charleston. I want to see you.”
“I have a date,” she said coolly.
A vision of Isabeau dressed for a night out on the town blinded me. Was she wearing one of the lovely dresses I’d given her while we lived our idyll in my house on the Battery? The Rover House overlooked the ocean. She’d left her Orange Street home to come to me. For five short months, we’d lived in a dreamlike state of bliss…together at last.
“A date with that bastard John Payne.” My hand fisted at my side. I wanted to strike something or someone. Tonight, the Royal Pain would join his ancestors.
“It’s none of your business.”
“You’re carrying my child, Isabeau. That makes it my business.” I washed to a halt by the bed. “You love me.”
You can get your own copy of Vampyre Rhapsody by clicking on the link below.
Morgan D’Arcy: A Vampyre Rhapsody
Wow, I can wait to read Vampyre Rhapsody. It’s on my ipad as we speak. Thanks so much for arranging for Isabeau and Morgan to meet with me. And for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit with me. Please feel free to stop by anytime.
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Posted in Authors' Secrets Blog and tagged Historical Romance, Paranormal, Romance, Vampire by Tena Stetler with 11 comments.